15 research outputs found

    Adult learning in a non-western context: The influence of culture in a Senegalese farming village

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    In Senegal, as in many other developing countries, adult education programs still have very limited effectiveness. One of the reasons for this limited effectiveness is that few studies have been conducted to explore adults\u27 own approaches to learning. Educators generally refer to learning models that have been developed from research with Western populations living in non African different cultural contexts. There is, therefore, a need to understand adults\u27 ways of learning in other contexts, in particular, in African contexts such as rural Senegal.^ Major Western studies on adult learning are based on the humanistic assumption that there a natural tendency for adults to learn if an appropriate environment is provided (Maslow, 1970; Rogers, 1983). From this assumption, theories have been developed on adult learners\u27 characteristics (Cross, 1981; Knowles, 1970), on adults\u27 life situations (Jarvis, 1987; Knox, 1980; McClusky, 1963), and the learning process and learning behaviors (Freire, 1970a; Mezirow, 1981; Tough, 1979). Although these theories help define the adult learning domain in a Western cultural context, there is a little evidence that they generalize to different cultural contexts such as Senegal.^ The study was conducted in Senegal to explore adult farmers\u27 traditional learning practices. The general research question was to know who are the adult learners, and what, how and when do they learn? Ethnographic study was used as the instrument to conduct the study directly in a village (Hammersley, 1990) with characteristics like those of the average rural, Senegalese village. Data analysis was performed by using open and axial coding techniques.^ The study showed that the social environment, embedded in traditional culture has a strong impact on learners\u27 characteristics and learning behaviors. Learners\u27 characteristics are those ensuring conformity to the community\u27s social norms. What to learn is most determined by the learner\u27s social functions in the community. How and when to learn are among the established social norms.

    La governance della lotta contro l'ebola nella Repubblica di Guinea e la produzione di cittadinanza

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    Diese Arbeit analysiert die Reaktionen und Mobilisierungen der Gemeinschaft im Angesicht von Ebola und deren Managementtechnologien in der Republik Guinea zwischen Dezember 2013 und Juni 2016. Sie geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass es trotz der Pluralität der beteiligten Akteure, der mobilisierten Technologien und der vielgestaltigen Investitionen zu einem Anstieg der gewaltsamen Manifestationen und der Widerstandshaltungen in den Gemeinden kam, mit einem entsprechenden Anstieg der Fälle von Infektionen und Todesfällen.Um das Verständnis dieser Reaktionen und Mobilisierungen, die wir unter dem Begriff des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements verstehen, zu beleuchten, mobilisieren wir einen symmetrischen Anthropologie-Ansatz (Lavigne Delville, 2011; Latour, 1991), um sowohl die historischen, soziopolitischen und ethno-kulturellen Kontexte Guineas als auch die Governance-Modi der Epidemie in der Republik Guinea zu hinterfragen. Indem wir unsere Überlegungen in einen post-epidemischen Kontext ausdehnen, in dem bestimmte Initiativen zur Erprobung von Impfstoffen gegen Ebola stattgefunden haben, versucht diese Arbeit auch herauszufinden, inwieweit die Konstruktionen und Dynamiken der Staatsbürgerschaft während der Epidemie die Governance-Modi des öffentlichen Handelns in der Republik Guinea am Beispiel der PREVAC-Impfstoffstudie beeinflusst haben.Diese Arbeit basiert auf dem theoretischen Rahmen der Anthropologie der öffentlichen Gesundheitspolitik und des Epidemiemanagements. Genauer gesagt leihen wir uns Ebokos (2005) dissonantes Modell der Public Policy-Analyse, das sich auf die Tradition des sequenziellen Ansatzes von Jones (1970) stützt, um eine Analyse der Governance des Kampfes gegen Ebola in Guinea durchzuführen, die als eine Form des öffentlichen Handelns betrachtet wird (Fred Eboko, 2015).This thesis analyses community reactions and mobilizations in the face of Ebola and its management technologies in the Republic of Guinea between December 2013 and June 2016. It starts from the observation that, despite the plurality of actors involved, the technologies mobilized and the multiform investments, there was an increase in violent demonstrations and attitudes of community resistance, with a consequent increase in cases of infection and death.In order to shed light on the understanding of these reactions and mobilizations, which we apprehend from the concept of citizen engagement, we mobilize a symmetrical anthropological approach (Lavigne Delville, 2011; Latour, 1991) in order to interrogate both the historical, socio-political, and ethno-cultural contexts of Guinea and the modes of governance of the epidemic in the Republic of Guinea. Extending our reflections into a post-epidemic context where certain vaccine trial initiatives against Ebola have taken place, this thesis also seeks to know to what extent the constructions and dynamics of citizenship during the epidemic have influenced the modes of governance of public action in the Republic of Guinea through the example of the PREVAC vaccine trial.This thesis falls within the theoretical framework of the anthropology of public health policies and epidemic management. More specifically, we borrow Eboko's (2005) dissonant model of public policy analysis, which draws on the tradition of Jones' (1970) sequential approach, in order to carry out an analysis of the governance of the fight against Ebola in Guinea, considered as a form of public action (Fred Eboko, 2015).Cette thèse analyse les réactions et mobilisations communautaires face à Ebola et aux technologies de sa gestion en République de Guinée entre décembre 2013 et juin 2016. Elle part du constat selon lequel, malgré la pluralité des acteurs engagés, des technologies mobilisées et des investissements multiformes, il y a eu une amplification des manifestations violentes et des attitudes de résistance communautaire avec comme corolaire une augmentation des cas d’infection et de décès.Afin d’éclairer la compréhension de ces réactions et mobilisations que nous appréhendons à partir du concept d’engagement citoyen, nous mobilisons une approche d’anthropologie symétrique (Lavigne Delville, 2011 ; Latour, 1991) afin d’interroger autant les contextes historiques, sociopolitiques et ethnico-culturels de la Guinée mais également les modes de gouvernance de l’épidémie en République de Guinée. Prolongeant notre réflexion dans un contexte post-épidémique ou certaines initiatives d’essais vaccinaux contre Ébola ont eu lieu, cette thèse cherche aussi à savoir dans quelle mesure les constructions et dynamiques de citoyenneté pendant l’épidémie ont pu influencer les modes de gouvernance l’action publique en République de Guinée à travers l’exemple de l’essai vaccinal PREVAC.Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de l’anthropologie des politiques publiques de santé et de gestion des épidémies. Plus spécifiquement, nous empruntons le modèle dissonant de l’analyse des politiques publiques de Eboko (2005) qui s’inspire de la tradition de l’approche séquentielle de Jones (1970) afin de réaliser une analyse de la gouvernance de la lutte contre Ebola en Guinée, considérée comme une forme d’action publique (Fred Eboko, 2015)

    Taux et déterminants de l’adoption de variétés améliorées de riz au Sénégal

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    En Afrique, le riz joue un rôle majeur dans l’alimentation des ménages ruraux et urbains. C’est une source et une composante fondamentale dans le régime alimentaire des ménages (Kebbeh et Miezan, 2003 ; Krupnik et al., 2012). En effet, il représente 20 % de la consommation céréalière et c’est la quatrième culture la plus importante en termes de production après le sorgho, le maïs, et le mil, dans le monde (FAOSTAT, 2016). Selon Del Villar et al. (2011), la sécurité alimentaire des ménages vulnérables de la Guinée, du Sénégal, de la Guinée-Bissau, du Liberia et de la Sierra Leone dépend étroitement de la disponibilité et de l’accès au riz. Le Sénégal, en particulier, dépense annuellement plus de 200 milliards de Franc CFA (Franc de la Communauté Financière Africaine) pour satisfaire une demande sans cesse croissante. Son importation entraîne un déficit de 16 % de la balance commerciale (ANSD, 2011). Il est clair que le manque à gagner pour les producteurs et l’économie nationale est considérable. Ainsi, pour inverser cette tendance il est indispensable que l’État du Sénégal améliore la productivité rizicole. Toutefois, accroître la productivité agricole est une tâche ardue et dépend de plus en plus de l’adoption de technologies à haut rendement (Zeller et al., 1998). Plusieurs études montrent que l’adoption de technologies améliorées permet d’accroître la productivité agricole, de surmonter la pauvreté et d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire

    Growth, mortality, exploitation rate and recruitment patterns of Gerres nigri Günther, 1859 from Saloum estuary, Senegal

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    The population parameters of Gerres nigri Günther, 1859 from the Saloum estuary in Senegal were studied from September 2017 to January 2018. A total of 591 individuals were collected monthly by experimental beach seine. The monthly length-frequency data (total length in cm) were obtained and analysed using the FiSAT II software and its sub-program ELEFAN for the evaluation of population parameters. Asymptotic length (L?) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated at 22.1 cm and 1.5 yr-1, respectively. The growth performance index (?’), longevity (tmax), and the theoretical age at birth (t0) were calculated as 2.86; 2.827 yr, and -0.11 yr-1, respectively. Total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M), and fishing mortality (F) were calculated at 3.57 yr-1, 2.48 yr-1, and 1.09 yr-1, respectively. The probability of capture was calculated as L25 = 13.45, Lc = 14.34 and L75 = 15.08 cm. The recruitment pattern is a continuous two-peak model, with the minor peak occurring in May and the major peak occurring in August. The current exploitation rate (Ecurrent) and maximum exploitation rate (Emax) were calculated as 0.31 and 0.421, respectively. Further, the current rate of exploitation of G. nigri was slightly lower than the maximum exploitation rate. The results showed that the G. nigri stock was not overexploited

    Evolution of catches and variability in the life history traits of the bonga shad, Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825), a highly targeted small pelagic fish in West African coastal waters

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    International audienceAn updated study of the main life history traits of the bonga shad, Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825), was undertaken in Senegalese coastal waters, together with an evaluation of the captures and fishing effort over the past 33 years. Captures varied considerably over the years, with a peak in 2001. The condition factor varied irregularly between the years. The reproductive period mainly occurred from January to July, the size at first sexual maturity was similar for both sexes (≈180 mm), and the absolute fecundity was very variable (133,000 ± 70,000 eggs, mean ± SD). Growth was rapid and variable with longevity of 6-7 years. These updated biological parameters indicated that the bonga shad is fullexploited in the area and that the fishing effort should be reduced and the permitted mesh size reviewed for conservation management measures

    Crystal structure of cyclohexylammonium hydrogen maleate salt hemi-hydrated

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    International audienceThe compound CyNH3[HOOC(CH)2COO]•H2O has been obtained using one pot-synthesis process by mixing, in methanol, HOOC(CH)2COOH, CyNH2 and SnPh3Cl in a 1:1:1 molar ratio. X-ray diffraction analysis of the compound reveals that in the crystal structure, hydrogen maleate [HOOC(CH)2COO]-in cis configuration interacts with [CyNH3] + cations and water molecules to generate an R6 6 (22) ring. The interconnections of the rings via simple (N-H••O and O-H••O) and bifurcated (N-H•••(O, O)) hydrogen bonds give rise to a 2D supramolecular structure