660 research outputs found

    Single-step preparation of inverse opal titania films by the doctor blade technique

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    The difficulty to infiltrate solid-state hole semiconductors within micron-thick porous titania films is one of the major limiting factors for the achievement of efficient solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. It was already shown that through the ordered interconnected pores of an inverse opal, the large surface area of several microns thick titania film can be easily decorated with a dye and filled with a solid-state hole semiconductor. In this paper, we show that ordered inverse opal mesoporous thick films of TiO2 with these characteristics can be obtained by using a slurry of monodispersed polystyrene spheres and a titania-lactate precursor deposited by the doctor blade technique. The mechanism of formation of the inverse opal is also discussed

    The Random Discrete Action for 2-Dimensional Spacetime

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    A one-parameter family of random variables, called the Discrete Action, is defined for a 2-dimensional Lorentzian spacetime of finite volume. The single parameter is a discreteness scale. The expectation value of this Discrete Action is calculated for various regions of 2D Minkowski spacetime. When a causally convex region of 2D Minkowski spacetime is divided into subregions using null lines the mean of the Discrete Action is equal to the alternating sum of the numbers of vertices, edges and faces of the null tiling, up to corrections that tend to zero as the discreteness scale is taken to zero. This result is used to predict that the mean of the Discrete Action of the flat Lorentzian cylinder is zero up to corrections, which is verified. The ``topological'' character of the Discrete Action breaks down for causally convex regions of the flat trousers spacetime that contain the singularity and for non-causally convex rectangles.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, Typos correcte

    Endovascular retreatment of a splenic artery aneurysm refilled by collateral branches of the left gastric artery : a case report

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    Introduction: A rare case of a splenic artery aneurysm refilled by a hypertrophic branch originating from the left gastric artery retreated with an endovascular approach is reported. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such case reported in the literature. Case presentation: A hilum splenic artery aneurysm of a 43-year-old Caucasian woman was treated with endovascular ligature. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography performed after 1 month revealed reperfusion of the aneurysm and a new angiogram demonstrated a hypertrophic vessel from her left gastric artery supplying the sac of the aneurysm. It was catheterized by splenic hilum branches and it was embolized with coil and glue. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography performed after 3 months confirmed complete exclusion of the sac of the aneurysm. Conclusions: Our patient represents the first rare case of a splenic artery aneurysm refilled from a branch of her left gastric artery not visible at first at angiography or at contrast-enhanced computed tomography performed after1 month; it was revealed at the second angiography and it was definitively embolized. These eventualities and possibilities of treatment, although rare, should be kept in mind for each patient with similar presentation

    Protective Mechanical Ventilation during General Anesthesia for Open Abdominal Surgery Improves Postoperative Pulmonary Function

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    BACKGROUND:: The impact of intraoperative ventilation on postoperative pulmonary complications is not defined. The authors aimed at determining the effectiveness of protective mechanical ventilation during open abdominal surgery on a modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score as primary outcome and postoperative pulmonary function. METHODS:: Prospective randomized, open-label, clinical trial performed in 56 patients scheduled to undergo elective open abdominal surgery lasting more than 2 h. Patients were assigned by envelopes to mechanical ventilation with tidal volume of 9 ml/kg ideal body weight and zero-positive end-expiratory pressure (standard ventilation strategy) or tidal volumes of 7 ml/kg ideal body weight, 10 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure, and recruitment maneuvers (protective ventilation strategy). Modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score, gas exchange, and pulmonary functional tests were measured preoperatively, as well as at days 1, 3, and 5 after surgery. RESULTS:: Patients ventilated protectively showed better pulmonary functional tests up to day 5, fewer alterations on chest x-ray up to day 3 and higher arterial oxygenation in air at days 1, 3, and 5 (mmHg; mean \ub1 SD): 77.1 \ub1 13.0 versus 64.9 \ub1 11.3 (P = 0.0006), 80.5 \ub1 10.1 versus 69.7 \ub1 9.3 (P = 0.0002), and 82.1 \ub1 10.7 versus 78.5 \ub1 21.7 (P = 0.44) respectively. The modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score was lower in the protective ventilation strategy at days 1 and 3. The percentage of patients in hospital at day 28 after surgery was not different between groups (7 vs. 15% respectively, P = 0.42). CONCLUSION:: A protective ventilation strategy during abdominal surgery lasting more than 2 h improved respiratory function and reduced the modified Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score without affecting length of hospital stay

    Exploring drivers of liking of low-phenylalanine products in subjects with phenyilketonuria using check-all-that-apply method

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    The aim of the present study was to apply the Check-all-that-apply (CATA) method in an ambulatory context involving subjects with phenylketonuria (PKU) to obtain a sensory description and to find the drivers of liking of low-phenylalanine products (Glycomacropeptide vs. L-amino acids formulas). 86 subjects with PKU (age range: 8-55 years) evaluated 8 samples: 4 L-amino acid formulas and 4 Glycomacropeptide (GMP) formulas, flavored with neutral, chocolate, strawberry and tomato aromas. Participants were asked to indicate which sensory attributes characterized each formulations and to score the overall liking. Significant differences were found regarding liking scores (F = 65.29; p < 0.001). GMP samples flavored with chocolate and strawberry, described as sweets, with a mild and natural taste and odor, were the most appreciated. Overall, GMP formulas obtained higher liking scores compared to L-amino acid formulas. Tomato flavored samples, described as bitter, salty, with artificial color, with strong taste and odor, obtained the lowest scores. In conclusion, CATA questionnaire seems to be a suitable method also in ambulatory context since this approach suggested that different foods and beverages with GMP could be developed to improve dietary treatment compliance of subjects with PKU from school age onwards

    Nuclear Physics meets Medicine and Biology: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

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    BNCT is a tumour treatment based on thermal-neutron irradiation of tissues enriched with 10B, which according to the 10B(n, )7Li reaction produces particles with high Linear Energy Transfer and short range. Since this treatment can deliver a therapeutic tumour dose sparing normal tissues, BNCT represents an alternative for diffuse tumours and metastases, which show poor response to surgery and photontherapy. In 2001 and 2003, in Pavia BNCT was applied to an isolated liver, which was infused with boron, explanted, irradiated and re-implanted. A new project was then initiated for lung tumours, developing a protocol for Boron concentration measurements and performing organ-dose Monte Carlo calculations; in parallel, radiobiology studies are ongoing to characterize the BNCT effects down to cellular level. After a brief introduction, herein we will present the main activities ongoing in Pavia including the radiobiological ones, which are under investigation not only experimentally but also theoretically, basing on a Monte Carlo code recently extended to simulate cell killing

    MCI a verosimile fenotipo FTD: un caso clinico ad esordio tardivo

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    Una paziente di 75 anni, giungeva in visita geriatrica nel settembre 2013, lamentando sintomatologia ansiosa ingravescente, perdita d\u2019interessi e paure per situazioni non conosciute, esordite dal 2011. In anamnesi si rilevavano una familiarit\ue0 per demenza (ad esordio tardivo) e un episodio di depressione reattiva alla morte del padre. Le scale di valutazione funzionale mostravano una completa preservazione dell\u2019autonomia (ADL 6/6, IADL 8/8), i test cognitivi di screening erano nella norma (MMSE 30/30, CDT 4/5), mentre si obiettivava una deflessione del tono dell'umore (GDS 14/30). Venivano effettuati: test neuropsicologici conclusivi per MCI non amnesico a dominio singolo dis-esecutivo, TC encefalo (lieve ampliamento dei corni frontali dei ventricoli laterali e lieve vasculopatia), RMN encefalo (iniziale atrofia corticale, lieve vasculopatia), PET cerebri (moderato ipometabolismo glucidico corticale bilaterale pre-frontale), genotipizzazione dell\u2019ApoE (e3/e3) e del gene C9ORF72 (assenza di ripetizioni), dosaggio della progranulina (nella norma). Si poneva diagnosi preliminare di MCI in sospetta FTD. La sintomatologia ansioso-depressiva della paziente, risultata resistente a numerose terapie (bromazepam, alprazolam, sertralina, escitalopram, levosulpiride), migliorava con l\u2019introduzione di paroxetina. \ua0 La diagnosi clinica di MCI FTD \ue8 molto complessa, in quanto i sintomi d\u2019esordio sono spesso sovrapponibili a quelli riscontrati in varie patologie psichiatriche. I test neuropsicologici sono fondamentali per una diagnosi precoce, le prove che valutano le funzioni esecutive frontali e/o il linguaggio, possono essere infatti alterate sin dagli stadi precoci. La RMN encefalo permette di escludere patologie organiche che potrebbero essere la causa dei disturbi lamentati dai pazienti (es. tumori o esiti ischemici in sede frontale) e avvalora la diagnosi di FTD nel caso in cui si evidenzi un\u2019atrofia focale dei lobi frontali e/o temporali. Tuttavia, negli stadi iniziali della malattia tale reperto non \ue8 sempre rilevabile, pertanto per supportare la diagnosi si utilizza la PET che pu\uf2 evidenziare un ipometabolismo glucidico in sede fronto-temporale anche quando il parenchima cerebrale \ue8 ancora volumetricamente integro. Ad oggi non esiste un trattamento farmacologico in grado di impedire o di rallentare la progressione di questa patologia neurodegenerativa. La terapia \ue8 pertanto volta al controllo dei disturbi comportamentali e si avvale principalmente degli inibitori selettivi del reuptake della serotonina (SSRI), in quanto nella FTD vi \ue8 una riduzione della concentrazione di serotonina a livello dei circuiti frontali sottocorticali. La diagnosi precoce di FTD \ue8 di fondamentale importanza perch\ue9 consente un approccio terapeutico in grado di migliorare la qualit\ue0 di vita dei pazienti e dei familiari
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