79 research outputs found

    Hacia un modelo teórico explicativo de la innovación en los distritos de turismo cultural

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    This paper presents a theoretical model that analyses the direct effect of social capital on innovation, as well as the mediating effect of acquisition of knowledge between both variables in firms in a cultural tourist district. We analyse the bidimensional nature of social capital —bonded capital and bridging capital—. It is an approach to the context and characteristics of cultural tourist districts. We point out several future investigation lines related to the differentiation between types of knowledge and innovation. We propose recommendations about the orientation of relations between companies and institutions of cultural tourist districts.En este trabajo se plantea un modelo teórico que analiza el efecto directo, y mediado por la adquisición de conocimiento, del capital social sobre la innovación desarrollada por las empresas pertenecientes a un distrito turístico cultural. Se analiza el carácter bidimensional del capital social —bonded capital y bridging capital—. Se realiza una aproximación al contexto y las caracteristicas de los distritos turísticos culturales. Se establecen diversas líneas futuras de trabajo vinculadas a la diferenciación entre tipos de conocimiento y de innovación. Se proponen recomendaciones sobre la orientación de las relaciones entre las empresas y con las instituciones de los distritos turísticos culturales

    Sulfate and Phosphate Speleothems at Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia

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    Sulfate and phosphate deposits at Jenolan Caves occur in a variety of forms and compositions including crusts, ‘flowers’ and fibrous masses of gypsum (selenite), and clusters of boss-like speleothems (potatoes) of ardealite (calcium sulphate, phosphate hydrate) with associated gypsum. This boss-like morphology of ardealite does not appear to have been previously described in the literature and this is the first report of ardealite in New South Wales. Gypsum var. selenite occurs in close association with pyrite-bearing palaeokarst, while the ardealite gypsum association appears to relate to deposits of mineralised bat guano. Isotope studies confirm that the two gypsum suites have separate sources of sulfur, one from the weathering of pyrite (-1.4 to +4.9 δ34S) for gypsum (selenite) and the other from alteration of bat guano (+11.4 to +12.9 δ34S) for the ardealite and gypsum crusts

    Association between leukocyte telomere shortening and exposure to traffic pollution: a cross-sectional study on traffic officers and indoor office workers

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    BACKGROUND: Telomere shortening in blood leukocytes has been associated with increased morbidity and death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, but determinants of shortened telomeres, a molecular feature of biological aging, are still largely unidentified. Traffic pollution has been linked with both cardiovascular and cancer risks, particularly in older subjects. Whether exposure to traffic pollution is associated with telomere shortening has never been evaluated. METHODS: We measured leukocyte telomere length (LTL) by real-time PCR in blood DNA from 77 traffic officers exposed to high levels of traffic pollutants and 57 office workers (referents). Airborne benzene and toluene, as tracers for traffic exposure, were measured using personal passive samplers and gas-chromatography/flame-ionization detector analysis. We used covariate-adjusted multivariable models to test the effects of the exposure on LTL and obtain adjusted LTL means and 95\% Confidence Intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Adjusted mean LTL was 1.10 (95\%CI 1.04-1.16) in traffic officers and 1.27 in referents (95\%CI 1.20-1.35) [p < 0.001]. LTL decreased in association with age in both traffic officers (p = 0.01) and referents (p = 0.001), but traffic officers had shorter LTL within each age category. Among traffic officers, adjusted mean relative LTL was shorter in individuals working in high (n = 45, LTL = 1.02, 95\%CI 0.96-1.09) compared to low traffic intensity (n = 32, LTL = 1.22, 95\%CI 1.13-1.31) [p < 0.001]. In the entire study population, LTL decreased with increasing levels of personal exposure to benzene (p = 0.004) and toluene (p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that leukocyte telomere length is shortened in subjects exposed to traffic pollution, suggesting evidence of early biological aging and disease risk

    Heterogeneity in the longitudinal courses of global functioning in children at familial risk of major psychiatric disorders: Association with trauma and familial characteristics

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    Abstract Objectives The extent to which heterogeneity in childhood risk trajectories may underlie later heterogeneity in schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BP), and major depressive disorder (MDD) remains a chief question. Answers may optimally be found by studying the longitudinal trajectories of children born to an affected parent. We aimed to differentiate trajectories of global functioning and their sensitive periods from the age of 6 to 17 years in children at familial risk (FHRs). Methods First, a latent class mixed model analysis (LCMM) was applied to yearly ratings of the Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) from the age of 6 to 17 years in 170 FHRs born to a parent affected by DSM-IV SZ (N = 37), BP (N = 82) or MDD (N = 51). Then, we compared the obtained Classes or trajectories of FHRs in terms of sex, parental diagnosis, IQ, child clinical status, childhood trauma, polygenic risk score (PRS), and outcome in transition to illness. Results The LCMM on yearly CGAS trajectories identified a 4-class solution showing markedly different childhood and adolescence dynamic courses and temporal vulnerability windows marked by a functioning decline and a degree of specificity in parental diagnosis. Moreover, IQ, trauma exposure, PRS level, and timing of later transition to illness differentiated the trajectories. Almost half (46%) of the FHRs exhibited a good and stable global functioning trajectory. Conclusions FHRs of major psychiatric disorders show heterogeneous functional decline during development associated with parental diagnosis, polygenic risk loading, and childhood trauma

    Night Shift Work, DNA Methylation and Telomere Length: An Investigation on Hospital Female Nurses

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    Increased breast cancer risk has been reported in some night shift (NS) workers but underlying biological mechanisms are still unclear. We assessed the association between NS work and DNA methylation of tumor suppressor (TP53, CDKN2A, BRCA1, BRCA2) and estrogen receptor (ESR1, ESR2) genes, methylation of repetitive elements (LINE-1, Alu), and telomere length (TL). Forty six female nurses employed in NS for at least two years were matched by age (30-45 years) and length of service ( 651 year) with 51 female colleagues not working in NS. Each subject underwent a semi-structured interview and gave a blood sample. We applied linear regression and spline models adjusted for age, BMI, smoking habit, oral contraceptive use, parity and marital status/age at marriage. Currently working in NS was associated with ESR1 hypomethylation (\u3b2: -1.85 (95%CI: -3.03; -0.67), p = 0.003). In current and former NS workers we observed TP53 (-0.93 (-1.73; -0.12), p = 0.03) and BRCA1 (-1.14 (-1.71; -0.58), p &lt;0.001) hypomethylation. We found an increase between TL and number of years in NS in subjects employed in NS &lt;12 years (0.06 (0.03; 0.09), p &lt;0.001), while a decrease if employed in NS 6512 years (-0.07 -0.10; -0.04), p &lt;0.001). Our findings show NS-associated markers potentially involved in cellular aging, genomic instability, and cancer development

    MicroRNA expression analysis identifies a subset of downregulated miRNAs in ALS motor neuron progenitors

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurological disorder that is characterized by a progressive degeneration of motor neurons (MNs). The pathomechanism underlying the disease is largely unknown, even though increasing evidence suggests that RNA metabolism, including microRNAs (miRNAs) may play an important role. In this study, human ALS induced pluripotent stem cells were differentiated into MN progenitors and their miRNA expression profiles were compared to those of healthy control cells. We identified 15 downregulated miRNAs in patients' cells. Gene ontology and molecular pathway enrichment analysis indicated that the predicted target genes of the differentially expressed miRNAs were involved in neurodegeneration-related pathways. Among the 15 examined miRNAs, miR-34a and miR504 appeared particularly relevant due to their involvement in the p53 pathway, synaptic vesicle regulation and general involvement in neurodegenerative diseases. Taken together our results demonstrate that the neurodegenerative phenotype in ALS can be associated with a dysregulation of miRNAs involved in the control of disease-relevant genetic pathways, suggesting that targeting entire gene networks can be a potential strategy to treat complex diseases such as ALS

    Association between leukocyte telomere shortening and exposure to traffic pollution : a cross-sectional study on traffic officers and indoor office workers

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    BACKGROUND: Telomere shortening in blood leukocytes has been associated with increased morbidity and death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, but determinants of shortened telomeres, a molecular feature of biological aging, are still largely unidentified. Traffic pollution has been linked with both cardiovascular and cancer risks, particularly in older subjects. Whether exposure to traffic pollution is associated with telomere shortening has never been evaluated. METHODS: We measured leukocyte telomere length (LTL) by real-time PCR in blood DNA from 77 traffic officers exposed to high levels of traffic pollutants and 57 office workers (referents). Airborne benzene and toluene, as tracers for traffic exposure, were measured using personal passive samplers and gas-chromatography/flame-ionization detector analysis. We used covariate-adjusted multivariable models to test the effects of the exposure on LTL and obtain adjusted LTL means and 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Adjusted mean LTL was 1.10 (95%CI 1.04-1.16) in traffic officers and 1.27 in referents (95%CI 1.20-1.35) [p < 0.001]. LTL decreased in association with age in both traffic officers (p = 0.01) and referents (p = 0.001), but traffic officers had shorter LTL within each age category. Among traffic officers, adjusted mean relative LTL was shorter in individuals working in high (n = 45, LTL = 1.02, 95%CI 0.96-1.09) compared to low traffic intensity (n = 32, LTL = 1.22, 95%CI 1.13-1.31) [p < 0.001]. In the entire study population, LTL decreased with increasing levels of personal exposure to benzene (p = 0.004) and toluene (p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that leukocyte telomere length is shortened in subjects exposed to traffic pollution, suggesting evidence of early biological aging and disease risk

    A Randomised Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria in Peru

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    Background. Multi-drug resistant falciparum malaria is an important health problem in the Peruvian Amazon region. We carried out a randomised open label clinical trial comparing mefloquine-artesunate, the current first line treatment in this region, with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine. Methods and Findings. Between July 2003 and July 2005, 522 patients with P. falciparum uncomplicated malaria were recruited, randomized (260 with mefloquine-artesunate and 262 with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine), treated and followed up for 63 days. PCR-adjusted adequate clinical and parasitological response, estimated by Kaplan Meier survival and Per Protocol analysis, was extremely high for both drugs (99.6% for mefloquine-artesunate and 98.4% and for dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine) (RR: 0.99, 95%CI [0.97-1.01], Fisher Exact p=0.21). All recrudescences were late parasitological failures. Overall, gametocytes were cleared faster in the mefloquine-artesunate group (28 vs 35 days) and new gametocytes tended to appear more frequently in patients treated with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (day 7: 8 ( 3.6%) vs 2 (0.9%), RR: 3.84, 95%CI [0.82-17.87]). Adverse events such as anxiety and insomnia were significantly more frequent in the mefloquine-artesunate group, both in adults and children. Conclusion. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine is as effective as mefloquine-artesunate in treating uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria but it is better tolerated and more affordable than mefloquine-artesunate (US1.0versusUS1.0 versus US18.65 on the local market). Therefore, it should be considered as a potential candidate for the first line treatment of P. falciparum malaria in Peru. Trial Registration. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00373607 [http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00373607]

    True versus Apparent Malaria Infection Prevalence: The Contribution of a Bayesian Approach

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    AIMS: To present a new approach for estimating the "true prevalence" of malaria and apply it to datasets from Peru, Vietnam, and Cambodia. METHODS: Bayesian models were developed for estimating both the malaria prevalence using different diagnostic tests (microscopy, PCR & ELISA), without the need of a gold standard, and the tests' characteristics. Several sources of information, i.e. data, expert opinions and other sources of knowledge can be integrated into the model. This approach resulting in an optimal and harmonized estimate of malaria infection prevalence, with no conflict between the different sources of information, was tested on data from Peru, Vietnam and Cambodia. RESULTS: Malaria sero-prevalence was relatively low in all sites, with ELISA showing the highest estimates. The sensitivity of microscopy and ELISA were statistically lower in Vietnam than in the other sites. Similarly, the specificities of microscopy, ELISA and PCR were significantly lower in Vietnam than in the other sites. In Vietnam and Peru, microscopy was closer to the "true" estimate than the other 2 tests while as expected ELISA, with its lower specificity, usually overestimated the prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: Bayesian methods are useful for analyzing prevalence results when no gold standard diagnostic test is available. Though some results are expected, e.g. PCR more sensitive than microscopy, a standardized and context-independent quantification of the diagnostic tests' characteristics (sensitivity and specificity) and the underlying malaria prevalence may be useful for comparing different sites. Indeed, the use of a single diagnostic technique could strongly bias the prevalence estimation. This limitation can be circumvented by using a Bayesian framework taking into account the imperfect characteristics of the currently available diagnostic tests. As discussed in the paper, this approach may further support global malaria burden estimation initiatives

    Airborne particulate matter and mitochondrial damage: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxidative stress generation is a primary mechanism mediating the effects of Particulate Matter (PM) on human health. Although mitochondria are both the major intracellular source and target of oxidative stress, the effect of PM on mitochondria has never been evaluated in exposed individuals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 63 male healthy steel workers from Brescia, Italy, studied between April and May 2006, we evaluated whether exposure to PM was associated with increased mitochondrial DNA copy number (MtDNAcn), an established marker of mitochondria damage and malfunctioning. Relative MtDNAcn (RMtDNAcn) was determined by real-time PCR in blood DNA obtained on the 1<sup>st </sup>(time 1) and 4<sup>th </sup>day (time 2) of the same work week. Individual exposures to PM<sub>10</sub>, PM<sub>1</sub>, coarse particles (PM<sub>10</sub>-PM<sub>1</sub>) and airborne metal components of PM<sub>10 </sub>(chromium, lead, arsenic, nickel, manganese) were estimated based on measurements in the 11 work areas and time spent by the study subjects in each area.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RMtDNAcn was higher on the 4<sup>th </sup>day (mean = 1.31; 95%CI = 1.22 to 1.40) than on the 1<sup>st </sup>day of the work week (mean = 1.09; 95%CI = 1.00 to 1.17). PM exposure was positively associated with RMtDNAcn on either the 4<sup>th </sup>(PM<sub>10</sub>: β = 0.06, 95%CI = -0.06 to 0.17; PM<sub>1</sub>: β = 0.08, 95%CI = -0.08 to 0.23; coarse: β = 0.06, 95%CI = -0.06 to 0.17) or the 1<sup>st </sup>day (PM<sub>10</sub>: β = 0.18, 95%CI = 0.09 to 0.26; PM<sub>1</sub>: β = 0.23, 95%CI = 0.11 to 0.35; coarse: β = 0.17, 95%CI = 0.09 to 0.26). Metal concentrations were not associated with RMtDNAcn.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PM exposure is associated with damaged mitochondria, as reflected in increased MtDNAcn. Damaged mitochondria may intensify oxidative-stress production and effects.</p