6 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Characterization and Risk Assessment Associated with the Presence of Diptera Order in Laying Poultry Farms

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    Background: Health aspects of flocks of laying chickens, such as the occurrence of infestations by parasites and poultry pests, influence significantly the productivity indicators. In recent years, Brazilian poultry has gone through a scientific and technological evolution which resulted in high density poultry hens in the laying sheds and an increase of the occurrence of ectoparasites such as Diptera. The presence of these flies have caused negative impacts for poultry farming, since these may be responsible for the increase of stress and disease emergence and, in addition, reduction of productivity. In this context, the control of synanthropic Diptera is one of the challenges of the poultry farmers and professionals of this area. This study was carried to assess and characterize the risks for the presence of flies in chicken houses of laying farms in the state of Minas Gerais.Materials, Methods & Results: Was used a secondary database and adapted for this study, with information from 402 chicken houses of 42 laying hens commercial properties. The variables used to compose the correspondence model were selected through chi-square tests (P ≤ 0.05). A risk index was built to the presence of flies from variables considered as risk factors for these ectoparasites. In addition, a study of the spatial analysis was carried to evaluate the intensity of chicken houses of poultry farms with the presence of flies. For this, a Kernel map was produced using the QGIZ 2.18.1 software, georreferencing the regions of state of Minas Gerais that have these ectoparasites. It was observed the presence of flies in 253 chicken houses evaluated, which corresponds to a frequency of 62.9%, with the most present flies were Chrysomya spp. 37.3%, M. domestica 34.3%, Fannia spp. 16% and Stomoxys spp. 14%. The graph of the correspondence analysis produced for the epidemiological characterization of the presence of flies presented an accumulated chi-square value of 56.05%. There was an association of the risk index with removal interval and the humidity of the manure and with the type of installation of chicken houses. Farms with chicken houses that create their birds on the ground present a lower risk for the presence of Diptera. In addition, when the removal of the manure is performed manually and is not done periodically, the presence of flies in the chicken houses is observed. It was verified that clusters located in the messoregion south/southwest of Minas Gerais and between the west and metropolitan mesoregion of Belo Horizonte with chicken houses that have the presence of flies.Discussion: The accumulation and permanence of manure can occur in less technical farms that have laying hens kept in confinement with high densities. In the case of Diptera, the greater the interval of removal of the manure below cages, the greater the risk for their presence, combined with the high densities of the birds that contribute to a faster accumulation of manure. The humidity of the manure is another important factor for the development of flies. The risk is high when chicken feces are liquefied, due to the fact that larvaes of flies need a moist substrate for survival. These results provide knowledge about the epidemiology of flies, in addition to demonstrate the profile of laying farms in the state of Minas Gerais. The implementation of certain management measures and the investment in technification of the chicken houses could reduce the risks of possible infestations in the flocks, besides the negative effects resulting from this ectoparasitism

    Evaluation and comparison between methods of measurement of systolic blood pressure in healthy conscious cats

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    Após validação de dois diferentes métodos de mensuração de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) não invasivos ou indiretos (oscilométrico e Doppler vascular) com o invasivo ou direto (cateterização arterial padrão ouro) em 12 gatos hígidos anestesiados de mesma faixa etária, os métodos não invasivos foram avaliados e comparados em 24 gatos hígidos e conscientes, divididos em quatro grupos de idade. Em cada animal, procedeu-se à mensuração da pressão pelos métodos Doppler e oscilométrico. O método oscilométrico foi o primeiro a ser realizado, e, logo em seguida, o método Doppler. Os valores considerados foram obtidos das médias de sete medidas consecutivas para cada método, com intervalo de 30 segundos entre elas. A primeira medida e as medidas discrepantes (variação ˃ 20% PAS), obtidas com sinais óbvios de estresse e/ou com movimentação do animal, foram descartadas. Os métodos de mensuração oscilométrico e Doppler, embora tenham apresentado médias estatisticamente diferentes em todos os grupos, quando comparados em cada grupo, apresentaram uma correlação significativa, alta e positiva. Ou seja, sempre que for obtido um valor elevado por um método, o mesmo fato ocorrerá com o outro método e vice-versa. Clinicamente, a diferença observada não é relevante, uma vez que a diferença média dos valores obtida pelos dois métodos, em cada grupo, foi menor que 1,1%.After two different validation systolic blood pressure measurement methods (PAS), not invasive or indirect (oscillometric and doppler vascular) with invasive or direct (arterial catheterization - Gold Standard) in 12 anesthetized healthy cats of the same age group, not invasive methods were evaluated and compared in 24 healthy conscious cats, divided into four age groups. In each animal, we proceeded to measure the pressure by Doppler and oscillometric methods. The oscillometric method was the first to be performed, and, shortly thereafter, the doppler method. The values considered were obtained from averages from seven consecutive measurements for each method with an interval of thirty seconds between them. The first measurement and disparate measurements (range ˃ 20% PAS) obtained with obvious signs of stress and / or animal movement were discarded. Methods of oscillometric and doppler measurement, although statistically different averages were shown in all groups when compared, each group showed a significant high positive correlation, meaning that when a high value is obtained by a method, the same occurs with the other method, and vice versa. Clinically, the observed difference is not relevant since the mean difference values obtained by the two methods, in each group was lower than 1.1%

    Multidisciplinary approach in breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm among women. Worldwide, there will be about 2.1 million newly diagnosed female breast cancer cases in 2018, accounting for almost 1 in 4 cancer cases among women. The disease is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the vast majority of the countries. The purpose of this article is to report the positive experience of a multidisciplinary team in the care of women with breast cancer and their family members. Our approach that is part of the Cancer Patient Support Center (CPSC) at the public health (IPSEMG) in Brazil has been developed taking into account a broader concept of health care. We value not only individual dimensions in patient care, but also common ones, we recognize the importance of dealing with non-biological aspects of the disease, such as socioeconomic, political and cultural facets and our service is focused on health promotion rather than merely on curative treatment. Among the advantages of our approach, we highlight the facilitated accessibility to health services, the patient-centered communication and shared decision making, and the strong bonds between health professionals, patients, and family members. As part of CPSC`s activities, we emphasize the services provided by ?Aconchego? (?Warmth?), that is our breast cancer support group at public health in Brazil

    Avaliação de risco à presença de resíduos de avermectinas na carne bovina sob Inspeção Federal associada às práticas de produção pecuária no Brasil entre 2002-2013

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-13T15:02:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_vers_o_final_soraia.pdf: 1898403 bytes, checksum: 11c1655170955784414828fc55c3dbee (MD5) Previous issue date: 27O Brasil possui grande importância na produção animal sendo a bovinocultura um dos principais destaques no cenário mundial atendendo a várias exigências dos mercados externos. Com o segundo maior rebanho efetivo comercial do mundo o Brasil é líder nas exportações de carne bovina. Para oferecer um produto seguro ao seu consumidor, o país vem aumentando seus esforços para mitigar o risco da presença de resíduos de drogas de uso veterinário em produtos de origem animal, entre esses resíduos a avermectina tem papel importante, visto que sua presença acima dos limites permitidos internacionalmente impede que o país exporte sua carne principalmente para países com mercado consumidor mais exigente, causando embargos econômicos importantes. A avaliação de risco é uma ferramenta que ajuda na identificação e quantificação do risco da presença de resíduos, mitigando o risco para a saúde do consumidor. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram identificar e caracterizar o risco de presença de resíduos de avermectinas na carne bovina de forma descritiva e geoespacial a partir das informações do banco de dados do Programa Nacional de Controle de Resíduos e Contaminantes (PNCRC) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Propor um modelo preditivo associado às características das propriedades produtoras de carne para o risco da presença de avermectina de dois questionários fornecidos por uma indústria produtora de carne. Podemos observar pelos resultados que a ivermectina foi a base que mais apresentou detecções e violações quando comparada com as outras bases analisadas, o maior número de detecções e violações se concentrou no ano de 2006 e nos períodos de maio a junho coincidindo com os calendários de vacinação para Febre Aftosa e de aplicação de antiparasitários. A análise espacial demonstrou que o risco de encontrar resíduos de avermectinas na carne é de 4,4 vezes maior para detecções e o de violação é 6,5 vezes maior. Os aglomerados de risco se concentrou nos estados São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais, respectivamente. Esses estados estão associados a um maior número de propriedades produtoras de carne pertencentes ao sistema intensivo o que implica em um maior adensamento populacional de animais e provavelmente de parasitas, demandando maior utilização de antiparasitários. Os modelos criados para associar as práticas agropecuárias ao risco de violação de avermectinas na carne demonstraram que propriedades que compram mais de 10 % de animais associados à utilização de antiparasitários longa ação com período de carência superior a 28 dias são as que têm a maior chance de apresentar violação e aquelas que possuem identificação individual e manejo adequado foram as que estavam mais associadas a fazendas sem problemas com avermectinas. Podemos concluir que as boas práticas agropecuárias e o uso das ferramentas de análise espacial e modelos multivariados podem auxiliar na identificação de propriedades com maior risco de apresentar problemas com resíduos.Brazil has great importance in animal production and cattle raising one of the highlights on the world stage serving various requirements of foreign markets. With the second world's largest commercial herd effective Brazil is a leader in beef exports. To provide a safe product to its consumers, the country has increased its efforts to mitigate the risk of residues of veterinary drugs in animal products between the waste avermectin plays an important role, since its presence above the limits internationally allowed prevents the country to export their meat mainly to countries with more demanding consumer market, causing important economic embargoes Risk assessment is a tool that helps in identifying and quantifying the risk of residues, mitigating the risk to consumer health. The objectives of this study were to identify and characterize the risk of presence of avermectin residues in beef descriptive and geospatial form the National Program database information Waste Control and Contaminants (PNCRC) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).In addition to proposing a predictive model associated with the characteristics of the meat producing properties for the risk of the presence of avermectin two questionnaires provided by a producer of meat industry. We can see the results that ivermectin was the basis that showed detections and violations compared to other analyzed, the highest number of detections and violations concentrated in 2006 and during the periods May-June coinciding with the vaccination schedules to FMD and application of antiparasitic drugs. Spatial analysis showed that the risk of detection and observe violation of avermectins in the flesh concentrated in the states São Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul and Minas Gerais, respectively. These states are associated with a greater number of meat-producing farms belonging to the intensive system which implies a higher population density and probably animal parasites, demanding greater use of antiparasitic drugs. Models created to associate the agricultural practices of the risk of violation of avermectins in the flesh showed that properties they buy more than 10% of animals with the use of long-acting antiparasitic with a grace period exceeding 28 days are those with the greatest chance of submit violation and those with individual identification and appropriate management were the ones that were more associated with farms smoothly with avermectins. We can conclude that good agricultural practices and the use of spatial analysis tools and multivariate models can help identify higher risk properties to have problems with waste

    Human rabies post-exposure prophylaxis: a review of the treatment of accidents involving domestic cats

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    Rabies is an anthropozoonosis that presents approximately 100% lethality and expensive preventive assistance. Many human post-exposure anti-rabies treatments indicated for people at risk of exposure to rabies virus, usually due to some aggression by a mammalian animal, are instituted annually. This study aimed to evaluate the initial care of post-exposure prophylaxis of human rabies in Belo Horizonte between 2007 and 2016, involving accidents with domestic cats. It was found 71.1% agreement between the treatments instituted by health services and the protocol of the Ministry of Health. Treatments classified as insufficient totaled 18.3% and excessive, 10.6%. The animals were healthy in 68% and observable in 68.4% of the cases. Treatments involving the use of anti-rabies vaccine totaled 87.7%. The most frequent treatment adopted by the health services was observing the animals associated with the human anti-rabies vaccination in 56.7% of the cases. Imperfections in the filling of the notifications must be revised to enable improvements for future analyses. As for human prophylactic anti-rabies care, forming a multidisciplinary health team including veterinarians would be well on the way to improving the service offered

    Evaluation and comparison between methods of measurement of systolic blood pressure in healthy conscious cats

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    Após validação de dois diferentes métodos de mensuração de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) não invasivos ou indiretos (oscilométrico e Doppler vascular) com o invasivo ou direto (cateterização arterial padrão ouro) em 12 gatos hígidos anestesiados de mesma faixa etária, os métodos não invasivos foram avaliados e comparados em 24 gatos hígidos e conscientes, divididos em quatro grupos de idade. Em cada animal, procedeu-se à mensuração da pressão pelos métodos Doppler e oscilométrico. O método oscilométrico foi o primeiro a ser realizado, e, logo em seguida, o método Doppler. Os valores considerados foram obtidos das médias de sete medidas consecutivas para cada método, com intervalo de 30 segundos entre elas. A primeira medida e as medidas discrepantes (variação ˃ 20% PAS), obtidas com sinais óbvios de estresse e/ou com movimentação do animal, foram descartadas. Os métodos de mensuração oscilométrico e Doppler, embora tenham apresentado médias estatisticamente diferentes em todos os grupos, quando comparados em cada grupo, apresentaram uma correlação significativa, alta e positiva. Ou seja, sempre que for obtido um valor elevado por um método, o mesmo fato ocorrerá com o outro método e vice-versa. Clinicamente, a diferença observada não é relevante, uma vez que a diferença média dos valores obtida pelos dois métodos, em cada grupo, foi menor que 1,1%.After two different validation systolic blood pressure measurement methods (PAS), not invasive or indirect (oscillometric and doppler vascular) with invasive or direct (arterial catheterization - Gold Standard) in 12 anesthetized healthy cats of the same age group, not invasive methods were evaluated and compared in 24 healthy conscious cats, divided into four age groups. In each animal, we proceeded to measure the pressure by Doppler and oscillometric methods. The oscillometric method was the first to be performed, and, shortly thereafter, the doppler method. The values considered were obtained from averages from seven consecutive measurements for each method with an interval of thirty seconds between them. The first measurement and disparate measurements (range ˃ 20% PAS) obtained with obvious signs of stress and / or animal movement were discarded. Methods of oscillometric and doppler measurement, although statistically different averages were shown in all groups when compared, each group showed a significant high positive correlation, meaning that when a high value is obtained by a method, the same occurs with the other method, and vice versa. Clinically, the observed difference is not relevant since the mean difference values obtained by the two methods, in each group was lower than 1.1%