39 research outputs found

    Integrated Bidding and Operating Strategies for Wind-Storage Systems

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    Improving offering strategies for wind farms enhanced with storage capability

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    Anion-induced robust ferroelectricity in sulfurized pseudo-rhombohedral epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films via polarization rotation

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    Polarization rotation caused by various strains, such as substrate and/or chemical strain, is essential to control the electronic structure and properties of ferroelectric materials. This study proposes anion-induced polarization rotation with chemical strain, which effectively improves ferroelectricity. A method for the sulfurization of BiFeO3 thin films by introducing sulfur anions is presented. The sulfurized films exhibited substantial enhancement in room-temperature ferroelectric polarization through polarization rotation and distortion, with a 170% increase in the remnant polarization from 58 to 100.7 μC cm−2. According to first-principles calculations and the results of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, this enhancement arose from the introduction of S atoms driving the re-distribution of the lone-pair electrons of Bi, resulting in the rotation of the polarization state from the [001] direction to the [110] or [111] one. The presented method of anion-driven polarization rotation might enable the improvement of the properties of oxide materials.This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFA0703700, 2017YFE0119700, 2021YFA1400300 and 2018YFA0305700), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21801013, 51774034, 22271309, 11721404, 11934017, 12261131499, and 51961135107), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (FRF-IDRY-19-007 and FRF-TP-19-055A2Z), the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2019-2021QNRC), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Z200007), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB33000000). This research used the resources of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (1W1A and 4B9B beamlines) of the Chinese Academy of Science.Peer reviewe

    Metallic Cobalt-Carbon Composite as Recyclable and Robust Magnetic Photocatalyst for Efficient CO2 Reduction

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    CO2 conversion into value-added chemical fuels driven by solar energy is an intriguing approach to address the current and future demand of energy supply. Currently, most reported surface-sensitized heterogeneous photocatalysts present poor activity and selectivity under visible light irradiation. Here, photosensitized porous metallic and magnetic 1200 CoC composites (PMMCoCC-1200) are coupled with a [Ru(bpy)(3)]Cl-2 photosensitizer to efficiently reduce CO2 under visible-light irradiation in a selective and sustainable way. As a result, the CO production reaches a high yield of 1258.30 mu L with selectivity of 64.21% in 6 h, superior to most reported heterogeneous photocatalysts. Systematic investigation demonstrates that the central metal cobalt is the active site for activating the adsorbed CO2 molecules and the surficial graphite carbon coating on cobalt metal is crucial for transferring the electrons from the triplet metal-to-ligand charge transfer of the photosensitizer Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), which gives rise to significant enhancement for CO2 reduction efficiency. The fast electron injection from the excited Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) to PMMCoCC-1200 and the slow backward charge recombination result in a long-lived, charge-separated state for CO2 reduction. More impressively, the long-time stability and easy magnetic recycling ability of this metallic photocatalyst offer more benefits to the photocatalytic field