42 research outputs found

    Epidemiologia e Avaliação de Métodos Diagnósticos em Micoses Superficiais em Serviço de Dermatologia de Hospital Público em Santos, Brasil

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    Introduction: Superficial mycoses are fungal infections caused mainly by dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophyte filamentous fungi, which affect the most superficial layers of the skin and its appendages. They have a high prevalence worldwide.The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiology of superficial mycoses, as well as the index of agreement between direct mycological exa- mination and fungal culture. Methods: This is a retrospective study carried out at the Dermatology clinic of a tertiary hospital, during 6 years. For diagnostic elucidation, ma- terial was collected by scraping or curettage, for further analysis by direct mycological examination and culture for fungi. Results: Four hundred thirty nine samples of suspicious lesions of superficial mycoses from 420 patients were included, 268 female (63.8% pa- tients) with a mean age of 45.7 years (3 months to 95 years), with most cases from the nails (43.4%) and glabrous skin (24.1%). In general, the most common fungus found in the culture was Trichophyton rubrum, however, not in all studied skin sites. Direct mycological examination showed a statistically significant association with culture (K=0.955), if cases with contamination on culture were eliminated. Conclusion: Direct mycological examination and culture, as diagnostic methods in Dermatology, provide satisfactory and low-cost results, favo- ring patients and the health system. This study allowed us to describe the epidemiological profile of patients at a reference dermatology center, with relevant data in relation to our objective. Agreement between direct mycological examination and culture showed the reliability of the me- thods.Introdução: Micoses superficiais são infecções fúngicas causadas principalmente por dermatófitos, leveduras e fungos filamentosos não dermatófitos, que acometem as camadas mais superficiais da pele e seus anexos. Apresentam alta prevalência em todo o mundo.O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar a epidemiologia das micoses superficiais, assim como o índice de concordância entre o exame micológico direto e a cultura para fungos. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo realizado no ambulatório de Dermatologia de hospital terciário, num intervalo de 6 anos. Para a elu- cidação diagnóstica, foi realizada colheita de material através de raspagem ou curetagem, para posterior análise por exame micológico direto e cultura para fungos. Resultados: Foram incluídas 439 amostras de lesões suspeitas de micoses superficiais de 420 pacientes, 268 do sexo feminino (63,8% doentes) com a média de idade de 45,7 anos (dos 3 meses aos 95 anos), com o maior número de casos das unhas (43,4%) e pele glabra (24,1%). Em geral, o fungo mais encontrado na cultura foi o Trichophyton rubrum; no entanto, não houve esta concordância em todos os locais da pele estudados. O exame micológico direto apresentou associação significativamente estatística com a cultura (K=0,955), se eliminadas os casos em que houve contaminação da cultura. Conclusão: O uso do exame micológico direto e da cultura, como métodos diagnósticos na Dermatologia, é uma opção que fornece resultados satisfatórios e de baixo custo, favorecendo doentes e sistema de saúde. Este estudo permitiu descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes de um centro de Dermatologia de referência, com dados relevantes em relação ao nosso objetivo. A concordância entre o exame micológico direto e a cultura mostrou a confiabilidade dos métodos

    Transference of multiple resistance to peanut through the development of cross-compatible complex hybrids of wild Arachis.

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    Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a tetraploid species with an A and B genome, while the majority of wild Arachis species are diploid with distinct genomes. In pre-breeding programs, one way to introgress interesting wild genes into peanut is by producing amphidiploids. This study aimed at the hybridization between distinct amphidiploids and their characterization, to combine high crossability with peanut, observed in some amphidiploids, with high pest and disease resistances observed in others. These new hybrids were called complex hybrids. Four amphidiploids previously obtained were crossed at four different combinations, and the derived complex hybrids were crossed with four peanut cultivars. Morphological, reproductive, chromosome complement, molecular markers for hybrid identification, phytopatological, and entomological characterizations were performed on the complex hybrids. All cross combinations resulted in complex hybrids. One complete complement of each diploid progenitor was confirmed in each hybrid. Plants of six distinct hybrid combinations were obtained between the complex hybrids and peanut. Based on morphological characterization, differences among progenies from distinct cross combinations were observed. Complex hybrids were considered more resistant to all diseases and pests than peanut cultivars. The simultaneous introgression of genes from four wild Arachis species into peanut was possible through the development of complex hybrids

    Cruzamentos interespecíficos de Paspalum utilizando grãos de pólen criopreservados.

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    O gênero Paspalum é um dos mais importantes gênero da família Poaceae, com cerca de 330 espécies. O grupo Plicatula é um dos mais promissores pela qualidade forrageira das espécies. A maioria dos acessos de Paspalum é tetraploide e apomítico e são raros os citotipos sexuais no grupo Plicatula

    Quantifying Killing of Orangutans and Human-Orangutan Conflict in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Human-orangutan conflict and hunting are thought to pose a serious threat to orangutan existence in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. No data existed prior to the present study to substantiate these threats. We investigated the rates, spatial distribution and causes of conflict and hunting through an interview-based survey in the orangutan's range in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Between April 2008 and September 2009, we interviewed 6983 respondents in 687 villages to obtain socio-economic information, assess knowledge of local wildlife in general and orangutan encounters specifically, and to query respondents about their knowledge on orangutan conflicts and killing, and relevant laws. This survey revealed estimated killing rates of between 750 and 1800 animals killed in the last year, and between 1950 and 3100 animals killed per year on average within the lifetime of the survey respondents. These killing rates are higher than previously thought and are high enough to pose a serious threat to the continued existence of orangutans in Kalimantan. Importantly, the study contributes to our understanding of the spatial variation in threats, and the underlying causes of those threats, which can be used to facilitate the development of targeted conservation management

    Safety and efficacy of fenproporex for obesity treatment: a systematic review

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate clinical evidence on the safety and efficacy of fenproporex for treating obesity. METHODS MEDLINE, LILACS and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register were searched as well as references cited by articles and relevant documents. Two authors independently assessed the studies for inclusion and regarding risk of bias, collected data, and accuracy. Eligible studies were all those placebo-controlled that provided data on the efficacy and safety of Fenproporex to treat obesity. RESULTS Only four controlled studies met the inclusion criteria. One randomized, placebo-controlled trial on Fenproporex was found on electronic databases. Three placebo-controlled studies (in non-indexed journals) were identified by hand-searching. Patients with cardiovascular and other comorbidities were excluded in all studies. Trials lasted from 40 to 364 days and doses ranged from 20 to 33.6 mg/d. All controlled studies found that weight loss among Fenproporex-treated patients was greater than that produced by the placebo, but drug effect was modest. Fenproporex produced additional weight reductions of 4.7 kg (one year), 3.8 kg (six months) and 1.55 kg (two months) in average, in relation to diet and exercise only (three trials). Insomnia, irritability, and anxiety were the most frequently reported side effects in the four studies. CONCLUSIONS There is a paucity of randomized, placebo-controlled trials on Fenproporex and those identified here present major methodological flaws. These studies suggest that Fenproporex is modestly effective in promoting weight loss. Nonetheless, they failed to provide evidence that it reduces obesity-associated morbidity and mortality. Data from these studies are insufficient to determine the risk-benefit profile of Fenproporex. Abuse potential and amphetamine-like adverse effects are causes for concern

    Age-related difference on weight transfer during unconstrained standing

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    The ability to transfer weight from one lower limb to the other is essential for the execution of daily life activities and little is known about how weight transfer during unconstrained natural standing is affected by age. This study examined the weight transfer ability of elderly individuals during unconstrained standing (for 30 mill) in comparison to young adults. The subjects (19 healthy elderly adults, range 65-80 years, and 19 healthy young adults, range 18-30 years) stood with each foot on a separate force plate and were allowed to change their posture freely at any time. The limits of stability and base of support width during standing, measures of mobility (using the timed up and go and the preferred walking speed tests), and fear of falling were also measured. In comparison to the young adults, during unconstrained standing the elderly adults produced four times fewer weight transfers of large amplitude (greater than,half of their body weight). The limits of stability and base of support width were significantly smaller for the elderly adults but there were no significant differences in the measures of mobility and in the fear of falling score compared to young adults. The observed significant age-related decrease in the use of weight transfer during unconstrained standing, despite any difference in the measured mobility of the subjects, suggests that this task reveals unnoticed and subtle differences in postural control, which may help to better understand age related impairments in balance that the elderly population experiences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP/Brazil)[08/10461-7