5 research outputs found

    Pre-Service Teachers’ Views Toward Mathematics Anxiety

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    This paper examines the views of pre-service teachers with regard to the dominaned factors of mathematics anxiety. There were a total of 50 pre-service teachers consisting of; 25 pre-service elementary school teachers, and 25 pre-service secondary mathematics teachersinvolved in this study. Questionnaires are used as data collection tools to see what the participants think about the dominaned factors of mathematics anxiety. The notion of “obstacles to teaching” is used as a framework to analyze the collected data. The analysis is carried out on the basis of three main categories to which teachers attribute views of mathematics anxiety; epistemological causes, psychological causes, and pedagogical causes. The data analysis reveals that pre-serviceteachers’ views toward mathematics anxiety tend to related factor, namely psychological causes. Keywords: mathematics anxiety, pre-service teachers, teachers’ view

    The Implementation Of Geogebra : The Capability Of Students In Mathematical Communication For Primary Student

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    The result of  international research  as  Program  for International Students Assessment (PISA) in 2006  and The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2007 give the same result.  Indonesia students  in a row get rank 52 from 57 country, and  36 from 48 country that follow the competation. From the result, should be innovation in teaching to enhance the competence of  students. One of  alternative is using sofware Geogebra, it caused as an hypotesis of me. There are three reasons, that’s why choos MatLab (1) Geogebra is powerful , that can give the best visual that can  enhance mathematical communication. (2) Geogebra can related with the real word (3) Geogebra is famous software. As we know that there are five indicators for mathematical communication. For this article, work sheet that writer  explore  just  the capability conjecture, and generalatation of students.   In reality, all of indicator of mathematical communication can be explored using geogebra because the characteristic of geogebra that can be  representated all of indicators of mathematical communication

    The Implementation Of Geogebra : The Capability Of Students In Mathematical Communication For Primary Student

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    The result of  international research  as  Program  for International Students Assessment (PISA) in 2006  and The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2007 give the same result.  Indonesia students  in a row get rank 52 from 57 country, and  36 from 48 country that follow the competation. From the result, should be innovation in teaching to enhance the competence of  students. One of  alternative is using sofware Geogebra, it caused as an hypotesis of me. There are three reasons, that’s why choos MatLab (1) Geogebra is powerful , that can give the best visual that can  enhance mathematical communication. (2) Geogebra can related with the real word (3) Geogebra is famous software. As we know that there are five indicators for mathematical communication. For this article, work sheet that writer  explore  just  the capability conjecture, and generalatation of students.   In reality, all of indicator of mathematical communication can be explored using geogebra because the characteristic of geogebra that can be  representated all of indicators of mathematical communication

    Edumat: jurnal edukasi matematika vol. 4 no. 7 tahun 2013

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    Pada nomor jurnal kali ini menampilkan berbagai topik khususnya hasil penelitian tindakan dan penelitian pengembangan. Salah satu artikel berjudul Pembelajaran Nilai Tempat Menggunakan Kegiatan Bertukar Biota Laut di Kelas II SD. Nilai tempat merupakan konsep matematika yang fundamental bagi siswa dalam belajar matematika. Pemahaman nilai tempat memerlukan integrasi dari konsep pengelompokan sepuluh dengan pengetahuan prosedural mengenai bagaimana suatu himpunan dicatat dalam skema nilai tempat, bagaimana bilangan ditulis dan bagaimana bilangan tersebut diucapkan (Van de Walle: 2008). Selain itu, pemahaman nilai tempat sangat penting bagi siswa sekolah dasar karena dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami dan melakukan operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian bilangan