3,263 research outputs found

    William Augustus Bowles on the Gulf Coast, 1787-1803: Unraveling a Labyrinthine Conumdrum

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    Colorful William Augustus Bowles has presented problems to historians for as long as they have written about him. He purposely promoted confusion about himself to inflate his personality and achievements, and historians unacquainted with his devious machinations made them worse by repeating them. One egregious error mixed him up with Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco), a nineteenth-century Seminole chief, and he sometimes was called Billy Bowles, a moniker absent in the multitude of contemporary documents written by and about him.1 The most common mistake describes him as the director general of the Creeks. Though Bowles gained military sway over a group of Indians enticed by promises of arms and goods, he neither ruled formally over the Creeks, Seminoles, and other Indians of the American Southeast, nor achieved his cherished ambition of becoming their director general. Despite his failures, his boastful claims wrongly manipulated later credulous investigators into believing that he had succeeded. In opposition to his assertions, however, the Spaniards generated a plethora of records that accurately detailed Bowles\u27s escapades on the Florida Gulf Coast during his sojourns there between 1787-1792 and 1799-1803, when he attempted and failed to build the indigenous nation of Muskogee under his direction.2 The Spaniards became his most ardent adversaries because he trampled on their lands trying to achieve his ends. They stoutly denied his pretentions and disparagingly labeled him an adventurer. Of the primary sources that discuss Bowles\u27s activities, theirs are the most reliable since they distinguished their reality from his fantasy. As long ago as 1954, R. S. Cotterill acknowledged the value of Spanish records when he wrote, Any account of Bowles not based on the Spanish archives is of little value.

    In defense of Capt. Tomás Portell : an episode in the history of Spanish West Florida

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    En 1800, el capitán Tomás Portell, comandante del fuerte de San Marcos de Apalache en la Florida Occidental española, rindió el fuerte al aventurero americano y lealista británico William Augustus Bowles. Este pequeño incidente en la historia de la colonia española ha recibido poca atención. Arthur Preston Whitaker lo narró hace unos setenta años, pero hasta ahora nadie ha investigado la exactitud de los duros comentarios de Whitaker sobre la rendición española y el papel de Portell en ella. Este artículo, sin embargo, demuestra que Whitaker malinterpretó los documentos de los archivos españoles y cubanos para sostener su opinión tendenciosa de los españoles en la Florida Occidental. Más importante aun, el artículo contradice la versión dada por Whitaker de la rendición y revela información que explica de modo más comprensivo los acontecimientos en el fuerte, los motivos razonables de la rendición, y lo que ocurrió a Tomás Portell

    Experimental and analytical investigation of the fracture processes of boron/aluminum laminates containing notches

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    Experimental results for five laminate orientations of boron/aluminum composites containing either circular holes or crack-like slits are presented. Specimen stress-strain behavior, stress at first fiber failure, and ultimate strength were determined. Radiographs were used to monitor the fracture process. The specimens were analyzed with a three-dimensional elastic-elastic finite-element model. The first fiber failures in notched specimens with laminate orientation occurred at or very near the specimen ultimate strength. For notched unidirectional specimens, the first fiber failure occurred at approximately one-half of the specimen ultimate strength. Acoustic emission events correlated with fiber breaks in unidirectional composites, but did not for other laminates. Circular holes and crack-like slits of the same characteristic length were found to produce approximately the same strength reduction. The predicted stress-strain responses and stress at first fiber failure compared very well with test data for laminates containing 0 deg fibers

    Comparison of normal incident sound absorption coefficient of direct piercing carved wood panel for circular, geometry and floral design

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    Direct Piercing Carved Wood Panel (DPCWP) is among the famous Malay wood carving art in the Malay culture. It is the best example of Malay people’s creativity and masterpiece. In this paper, the comparison of normal incidence sound absorption coefficient, αn (SAC) for three major types of design for the DPCWP is discussed. The simplest form of DPCWP, the circular type, then the geometry and floral types were investigated based on simulation and measurement works using sound intensity method to determine the normal incidence SAC, for 30% and 40% perforation ratios. The simulation work was carried out by using BEASY Acoustic software based on Boundary Element Method (BEM). From the results, there is an identical trend for DPCWP with geometry and floral design from 250 Hz to 4 kHz. At high frequencies (1 kHz to 4 kHz), both design show the tendency of decrement, suggesting that the complexity of the design does affect the average SAC value. However, for circular design, SAC is higher than other design at 1 kHz and shows a similar trend with other design at 2 kHz and 4 kHz for both simulation and measurement result

    Computing the Real Isolated Points of an Algebraic Hypersurface

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    Let R\mathbb{R} be the field of real numbers. We consider the problem of computing the real isolated points of a real algebraic set in Rn\mathbb{R}^n given as the vanishing set of a polynomial system. This problem plays an important role for studying rigidity properties of mechanism in material designs. In this paper, we design an algorithm which solves this problem. It is based on the computations of critical points as well as roadmaps for answering connectivity queries in real algebraic sets. This leads to a probabilistic algorithm of complexity (nd)O(nlog(n))(nd)^{O(n\log(n))} for computing the real isolated points of real algebraic hypersurfaces of degree dd. It allows us to solve in practice instances which are out of reach of the state-of-the-art.Comment: Conference paper ISSAC 202

    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    During the winter 1980 reindeer herds in the Tornedalen area, along the Finnish border, were hit by grazing difficulties. Thus minor parts of the reindeer her*ds in this area were given supplementary feed in pens. Some of the supplementary fed animals were taken ill and some deaths occurred. According to the owners sick animals showed loss of appetite and signs of fever. A total of 8 carcasses were necropsied at The National Veterinary Institute. In 5 of these cases oral lesions were observed. The histological investigation of the oral mucosa revealed intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. An electron-microscopical study of 2 of the cases confirmed the histological findings. At the bacteriological investigations Coli, ß-haemolyzing streptococci, Conrynebacterium pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum could be indentified. The found bacteria were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from four affected reindeer flocks were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13 and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. A few samples showed low positive titres for agents tested but for BVDV. The result of the investigation indicates that a still unidentified virus could be the primary cause of this enzootically appearing disease of the oral mucosa in reindeer.Misstanke om virusinfektion i munnslemhinnan på svensk ren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Under vintern 1980 drabbades renhjordar i Tornedalsområdet av betessvårigheter. Av denna anledning fördes mindre flockar, ur hjordarna, till inhägnader och tillskottsutfodrades. En del av de tillskottsutfodrade djuren insjuknade och dödsfall inträffade. Enligt djurägarna förlorade de sjuka djuren aptiten och uppvisade tecken på feber. Av de döda renarna erhölls åtta fôr obduktion vid Statens Veterinärmedicinska anstalt. Hos fem av de obducerade renarna forelåg skador i munhålan. Vid histologisk undersokning av munslemhinnan påvisades intracytoplasmatiska inklusionskroppar, inter- och intracellulärt ödem och vesikelbildningar. Elektronmikroskopisk undersokning av två av fallen konfirmerade de histologiska undersökningarna. Vid de bakteriologiska undersökningarna påvisades våxt av kolibakterier, ß-hemolyserande streptokocker, Corynebacterium pyogenes och Fusobacterium necrophorum. I samtliga fall betraktades dessa som sekundårinfektio-ner. Serologiska undersökningar företogs, i fyra flockar dår dödsfall förekommit, avseende forekomst av antikroppar emot BVD-virus, Pi3 och IBR-virus samt Chlamydia. Ett mindre antal prover uppvisade positiva titrar fôr de undersökta agens utom vad avser BVD. Resultaten av undersökningarna indikerar att ett annu ej identifierat virus kan vara primärorsak till de enzootiskt upptrådande utbrotten av sjukliga förändringar i munhålen hos ren

    Grass and Roses : MEZ. SOP. or TENOR in A

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    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    In 1980 a rather high frequency of reindeer, supplementarily fed in pens, were taken ill and deaths occurred as well. In five out of eight carcasses necrophsied oral lesions were observed. Histologically the mucosa, surrounding these lesions, was charasterized by the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. Fusobacterium necrophorum, Coll, betahaemolizing streptococci, and Cory neb acterium pyogenes found in the lesions were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from disease stricken herds were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13-, and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. Low positive titres were observed but for BVDV. The result indicates that a thus far unidentified virus might be the primary cause of this enzootically occurring disease

    Innovation in the time of SARS-CoV-2: A collaborative journey between NHS clinicians, engineers, academics and industry.

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    During the pandemic healthcare faced great pressure on the availability of protective equipment. This paper describes the entire novel innovative process of design optimisation, production and deployment of face-visors to NHS frontline workers during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The described innovative journey spans collaboration between clinicians and academic colleagues for design to the implementation with industry partners of a face-visor for use in a healthcare setting. It identifies the enablers and barriers to development along with the strategies employed to produce a certified reusable, adjustable, high volume and locally produced face-visor. The article also explores aspects of value, scalability, spread and sustainability all of which are essential features of innovation