3,871 research outputs found

    Tau Polarizations in the Three-body Slepton Decays with Stau as the NLSP

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    In the gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking models with scalar tau as the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, a scalar lepton may decay dominantly into its superpartner, tau lepton, and the lightest scalar tau particle. We give detailed formulas for the three-body decay amplitudes and the polarization asymmetry of the outgoing tau lepton . We find that the tau polarizations are sensitive to the model parameters such as the stau mixing angle, the neutralino to slepton mass ratio and the neutralino mixing effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    Symmetries at ultrahigh energies and searches for neutrino oscillations

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    Motivated by the possibility that new (gauge) symmetries which are broken at the grand- (string-) unification scale give rise to texture zeros in the fermion mass matrices which are at the origin of the hierarchy of masses and mixings we explore the effect of such zeros on the neutrino spectrum of SUSY-GUT models. We find that the quadratic-seesaw spectrum on which most expectations are focused is neither the only nor the most interesting possibility. Cases of strong νμντ\nu_{\mu} - \nu_{\tau} or νeντ\nu_e - \nu_{\tau} mixing are present for a specific texture structure of the Yukawa matrices and experimental evidence can thus throw some light on the latter. In contrast if the quadratic-seesaw scenario should be confirmed very little could be said about the symmetries of the Yukawa sector.Comment: 13 pages of LATE

    Discovering New Physics in the Decays of Black Holes

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    If the scale of quantum gravity is near a TeV, the LHC will be producing one black hole (BH) about every second, thus qualifying as a BH factory. With the Hawking temperature of a few hundred GeV, these rapidly evaporating BHs may produce new, undiscovered particles with masses ~100 GeV. The probability of producing a heavy particle in the decay depends on its mass only weakly, in contrast with the exponentially suppressed direct production. Furthemore, BH decays with at least one prompt charged lepton or photon correspond to the final states with low background. Using the Higgs boson as an example, we show that it may be found at the LHC on the first day of its operation, even with incomplete detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Is There a Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition?

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    The nature of axion cosmology is usually said to depend on whether the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaks before or after inflation. The PQ symmetry itself is believed to be an accident, so there is not necessarily a symmetry during inflation at all. We explore these issues in some simple models, which provide examples of symmetry breaking before and after inflation, or in which there is no symmetry during inflation and no phase transition at all. One effect of these observations is to relax the constraints from isocurvature fluctuations due to the axion during inflation. We also observe new possibilities for evading the constraints due to cosmic strings and domain walls, but they seem less generic.Comment: 14 pages. Several references adde

    Gauge Unification in Higher Dimensions

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    A complete 5-dimensional SU(5) unified theory is constructed which, on compactification on the orbifold with two different Z_2's (Z_2 and Z_2'), yields the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The orbifold accomplishes SU(5) gauge symmetry breaking, doublet-triplet splitting, and a vanishing of proton decay from operators of dimension 5. Until 4d supersymmetry is broken, all proton decay from dimension 4 and dimension 5 operators is forced to vanish by an exact U(1)_R symmetry. Quarks and leptons and their Yukawa interactions are located at the Z_2 orbifold fixed points, where SU(5) is unbroken. A new mechanism for introducing SU(5) breaking into the quark and lepton masses is introduced, which originates from the SU(5) violation in the zero-mode structure of bulk multiplets. Even though SU(5) is absent at the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, the brane threshold corrections to gauge coupling unification are argued to be negligibly small, while the logarithmic corrections are small and in a direction which improves the agreement with the experimental measurements of the gauge couplings. Furthermore, the X gauge boson mass is lowered, so that proton decay to e^+ \pi^0 is expected with a rate within about one order of magnitude of the current limit. Supersymmetry breaking occurs on the Z_2' orbifold fixed point, and is felt directly by the gauge and Higgs sectors, while squarks and sleptons acquire mass via gaugino mediation, solving the supersymmetric flavor problem.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, references added, final versio

    Phenomenology, Astrophysics and Cosmology of Theories with Sub-Millimeter Dimensions and TeV Scale Quantum Gravity

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    We recently proposed a solution to the hierarchy problem not relying on low-energy supersymmetry or technicolor. Instead, the problem is nullified by bringing quantum gravity down to the TeV scale. This is accomplished by the presence of n2n \geq 2 new dimensions of sub-millimeter size, with the SM fields localised on a 3-brane in the higher dimensional space. In this paper we systematically study the experimental viability of this scenario. Constraints arise both from strong quantum gravitational effects at the TeV scale, and more importantly from the production of massless higher dimensional gravitons with TeV suppressed couplings. Theories with n>2n>2 are safe due mainly to the infrared softness of higher dimensional gravity. For n=2n=2, the six dimensional Planck scale must be pushed above 30\sim 30 TeV to avoid cooling SN1987A and distortions of the diffuse photon background. Nevertheless, the particular implementation of our framework within type I string theory can evade all constraints, for any n2n \geq 2, with string scale ms1m_s \sim 1 TeV. We also explore novel phenomena resulting from the existence of new states propagating in the higher dimensional space. The Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem is revived with a weak scale axion in the bulk. Gauge fields in the bulk can mediate repulsive forces 106108\sim 10^6 - 10^8 times stronger than gravity at sub-mm distances, and may help stabilize the proton. Higher-dimensional gravitons produced on our brane and captured on a different "fat" brane can provide a natural dark matter candidate.Comment: 51 pages, late

    Resonant sneutrino production at Tevatron Run II

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    We consider the single chargino production at Tevatron ppˉν~iχ~1±lip \bar p \to \tilde \nu_i \to \tilde \chi^{\pm}_1 l_i^{\mp} as induced by the resonant sneutrino production via a dominant \RPV coupling of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. Within a supergravity model, we study the three leptons final state. The comparison with the expected background demonstrate that this signature allows to extend the sensitivity on the \susyq mass spectrum beyond the present LEP limits and to probe the relevant \RPV coupling down to values one order of magnitude smaller than the most stringent low energy indirect bounds. The trilepton signal offers also the opportunity to reconstruct the neutralino mass in a model independent way with good accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    The Status of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and Beyond

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    The minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) is reviewed. In the most general framework with minimal field content and R-parity conservation, the MSSM is a 124-parameter model (henceforth called MSSM-124). An acceptable phenomenology occurs only at exceptional points (and small perturbations around these points) of MSSM-124 parameter space. Among the topics addressed in this review are: gauge coupling unification, precision electroweak data, phenomenology of the MSSM Higgs sector, and supersymmetry searches at present and future colliders. The implications of approaches beyond the MSSM are briefly addressed.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, with espcrc2.sty style file, to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Supersymmetries in Physics (SUSY 97

    Sneutrino Mixing Phenomena

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    In any model with nonzero Majorana neutrino masses, the sneutrino and antisneutrino of the supersymmetric extended theory mix. We outline the conditions under which sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing is experimentally observable. The mass-splitting of the sneutrino mass eigenstates and sneutrino oscillation phenomena are considered.Comment: 12 pages, revtex + axodraw, 1 figure included. Minor change

    The 4-D Layer Phase as a Gauge Field Localization: Extensive Study of the 5-D Anisotropic U(1) Gauge Model on the Lattice

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    We study a 4+1 dimensional pure Abelian Gauge model on the lattice with two anisotropic couplings independent of each other and of the coordinates. A first exploration of the phase diagram using mean field approximation and monte carlo techniques has demonstrated the existence of a new phase, the so called Layer phase, in which the forces in the 4-D subspace are Coulomb-like while in the transverse direction (fifth dimension) the force is confining. This allows the possibility of a gauge field localization scheme. In this work the use of bigger lattice volumes and higher statistics confirms the existence of the Layer phase and furthermore clarifies the issue of the phase transitions' order. We show that the Layer phase is separated from the strongly coupled phase by a weak first order phase transition. Also we provide evidence that the Layer phase is separated by the five-dimensional Coulomb phase with a second order phase transition and we give a first estimation of the critical exponents.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figure