8 research outputs found

    Tuning the Band Gap of Graphene Nanoribbons Synthesized from Molecular Precursors

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    A prerequisite for future graphene nanoribbon (GNR) applications is the ability to fine-tune the electronic band gap of GNRs. Such control requires the development of fabrication tools capable of precisely controlling width and edge geometry of GNRs at the atomic scale. Here we report a technique for modifying GNR band gaps <i>via</i> covalent self-assembly of a new species of molecular precursors that yields <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs, a wider GNR than those previously synthesized using bottom-up molecular techniques. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy reveal that these <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs have a band gap of 1.4 eV, 1.2 eV smaller than the gap determined previously for <i>n</i> = 7 armchair GNRs. Furthermore, we observe a localized electronic state near the end of <i>n</i> = 13 armchair GNRs that is associated with hydrogen-terminated sp<sup>2</sup>-hybridized carbon atoms at the zigzag termini

    Step-doubling at Vicinal Ni(111) Surfaces Investigated with a Curved Crystal

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    Vicinal surfaces may undergo structural transformations as a function of temperature or in the presence of adsorbates. Step-doubling in which monatomic steps pair up forming double-atom high staircases is the simplest example. Here we investigate the case of Ni(111) using a curved crystal surface, which allows us to explore the occurrence of step-doubling as a function of temperature and vicinal plane (miscut α and step type). We find a striking A-type ({100}-like microfacets) versus B-type ({111}-like) asymmetry toward step-doubling. The terrace-width distribution analysis performed from scanning tunneling microscopy data points to elastic step interactions overcoming entropic effects at very small miscut α in A-type vicinals, as compared to B-type steps. For A-type vicinals, we elaborate the temperature/miscut phase diagram, on which we establish a critical miscut α<sub>c</sub> = 9.3° for step-doubling to take place

    Symmetry, Shape, and Energy Variations in Frontier Molecular Orbitals at Organic/Metal Interfaces: The Case of F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ

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    Near edge X-ray absorption, valence and core-level photoemission, and density functional theory calculations are used to study molecular levels of tetracyano-2,3,5,6-tetrafluoroquinodimethane (F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ) deposited on Ag(111) and BiAg<sub>2</sub>/Ag­(111). The high electron affinity of F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ triggers a large static charge transfer from the substrate, and, more interestingly, hybridization with the substrate leads to a radical change of symmetry, shape, and energy of frontier molecular orbitals. The lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) shifts below the Fermi energy, becoming the new highest occupied molecular orbital (<i>n</i>-HOMO), whereas the <i>n</i>-LUMO is defined by a hybrid band with mixed π* and σ* symmetries, localized at quinone rings and cyano groups, respectively. The presence of Bi influences the way the molecule contacts the substrate with the cyano group. The molecule/surface distance is closer and the bond more extended over substrate atoms in F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ/Ag­(111), whereas in F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ/BiAg<sub>2</sub>/Ag­(111) the distance is larger and the contact more localized on top of Bi. This does not significantly alter molecular levels, but it causes the respective absence or presence of optical excitations in F<sub>4</sub>TCNQ core-level spectra

    Noncovalent Dimerization after Enediyne Cyclization on Au(111)

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    We investigate the thermally induced cyclization of 1,2-bis­(2-phenylethynyl)­benzene on Au(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy and computer simulations. Cyclization of sterically hindered enediynes is known to proceed via two competing mechanisms in solution: a classic C<sup>1</sup>–C<sup>6</sup> (Bergman) or a C<sup>1</sup>–C<sup>5</sup> cyclization pathway. On Au(111), we find that the C<sup>1</sup>–C<sup>5</sup> cyclization is suppressed and that the C<sup>1</sup>–C<sup>6</sup> cyclization yields a highly strained bicyclic olefin whose surface chemistry was hitherto unknown. The C<sup>1</sup>–C<sup>6</sup> product self-assembles into discrete noncovalently bound dimers on the surface. The reaction mechanism and driving forces behind noncovalent association are discussed in light of density functional theory calculations

    Width-Dependent Band Gap in Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Reveals Fermi Level Pinning on Au(111)

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    We report the energy level alignment evolution of valence and conduction bands of armchair-oriented graphene nanoribbons (aGNR) as their band gap shrinks with increasing width. We use 4,4″-dibromo-<i>para</i>-terphenyl as the molecular precursor on Au(111) to form extended poly-<i>para</i>-phenylene nanowires, which can subsequently be fused sideways to form atomically precise aGNRs of varying widths. We measure the frontier bands by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy, corroborating that the nanoribbon’s band gap is inversely proportional to their width. Interestingly, valence bands are found to show Fermi level pinning as the band gap decreases below a threshold value around 1.7 eV. Such behavior is of critical importance to understand the properties of potential contacts in GNR-based devices. Our measurements further reveal a particularly interesting system for studying Fermi level pinning by modifying an adsorbate’s band gap while maintaining an almost unchanged interface chemistry defined by substrate and adsorbate

    Understanding Energy-Level Alignment in Donor–Acceptor/Metal Interfaces from Core-Level Shifts

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    The molecule/metal interface is the key element in charge injection devices. It can be generally defined by a monolayer-thick blend of donor and/or acceptor molecules in contact with a metal surface. Energy barriers for electron and hole injection are determined by the offset from HOMO (highest occupied) and LUMO (lowest unoccupied) molecular levels of this contact layer with respect to the Fermi level of the metal electrode. However, the HOMO and LUMO alignment is not easy to elucidate in complex multicomponent, molecule/metal systems. We demonstrate that core-level photoemission from donor–acceptor/metal interfaces can be used to straightforwardly and transparently assess molecular-level alignment. Systematic experiments in a variety of systems show characteristic binding energy shifts in core levels as a function of molecular donor/acceptor ratio, irrespective of the molecule or the metal. Such shifts reveal how the level alignment at the molecule/metal interface varies as a function of the donor–acceptor stoichiometry in the contact blend

    Substrate-Independent Growth of Atomically Precise Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons

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    Contributing to the need for new graphene nanoribbon (GNR) structures that can be synthesized with atomic precision, we have designed a reactant that renders chiral (3,1)-GNRs after a multistep reaction including Ullmann coupling and cyclodehydrogenation. The nanoribbon synthesis has been successfully proven on different coinage metals, and the formation process, together with the fingerprints associated with each reaction step, has been studied by combining scanning tunneling microscopy, core-level spectroscopy, and density functional calculations. In addition to the GNR’s chiral edge structure, the substantial GNR lengths achieved and the low processing temperature required to complete the reaction grant this reactant extremely interesting properties for potential applications

    Switching from Reactant to Substrate Engineering in the Selective Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons

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    The challenge of synthesizing graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with atomic precision is currently being pursued along a one-way road, based on the synthesis of adequate molecular precursors that react in predefined ways through self-assembly processes. The synthetic options for GNR generation would multiply by adding a new direction to this readily successful approach, especially if both of them can be combined. We show here how GNR synthesis can be guided by an adequately nanotemplated substrate instead of by the traditionally designed reactants. The structural atomic precision, unachievable to date through top-down methods, is preserved by the self-assembly process. This new strategy’s proof-of-concept compares experiments using 4,4â€Čâ€Č-dibromo-para-terphenyl as a molecular precursor on flat Au(111) and stepped Au(322) substrates. As opposed to the former, the periodic steps of the latter drive the selective synthesis of 6 atom-wide armchair GNRs, whose electronic properties have been further characterized in detail by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, angle resolved photoemission, and density functional theory calculations