725 research outputs found

    Lesson Plan, U.S. History, 8th Grade

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    TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): 8.8C: Explain significant events of civil war. 8.10: Understand location and characteristics of places in U.S past/present. 8.12: Understand various sections of U.S developed different patterns of economic activity through 1877. 8.29C: Organize /interpret information from outlines, reports, visuals etc. Lesson objective(s): SW = Students will 1. SW understand and explain history behind La Sal del Rey by creating a brochure. 2. SW understand and explain the use of the salt economically. 3. SW understand and explain importance of La Sal del Rey during the civil war/effects it had on Civil War. Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: 1- Internet search 2- Interviewing other students/guides from Sal del Rey 3- Journal writing to draft

    Analysis on Analytical Exposition Text Written by Eleventh Graders of SMA Hang Tuah 4 Surabaya

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    Abstrak Bahasa Inggris merupakan satu dari beberapa subjek penting yang harus dikuasai dalam pendidikan di Indonesia, baik terucap maupun tertulis. Analytical exposition text adalah salah satu tipe teks yang dipelajari di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Analytical exposition text seringkali salah dianggap sebagai hortatory exposition text. Berdasarkan ini, penulis memutuskan untuk mengadakan penelitian ini, yang mana memiliki dua pertanyaan ilmiah, yaitu, bagaimana siswa kelas 11 SMA Hang Tuah 4 membuat analytical exposition text berdasarkan generic structure, dan bagaimana siswa kelas 11 SMA Hang Tuah 4 membuat analytical exposition text berdasarkan language features dari teks tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada komposisi teks analytical exposition yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas XI IPS 2 dari SMA Hang Tuah 4 Surabaya. Peneliti menganalisa data yang sudah diperoleh dalam bentuk kata-kata dan kalimat. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan dari para siswa memiliki pemahaman yang tidak konsisten terhadap generic structure dan language features dari teks analytical exposition. Kata Kunci: Teks Analytical Exposition, Generic Structure, Language Features.   Abstract English is one of the important subjects in Indonesian education system that has to be mastered in either spoken or written. Analytical exposition text is one of several text types that are introduced to the second year of Senior High School. Analytical exposition text is often misinterpreted as hortatory exposition text. Considering this, the writer decided to conduct this analysis study, which has two research questions, how do the eleventh graders of SMA Hang Tuah 4 organize their analytical exposition writing text in terms of its generic structure and how do the eleventh graders of SMA Hang Tuah 4 organize their analytical exposition writing text in terms of its language features?. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative research as the research design. This study concerns on analytical exposition text compositions, which are written by XI IPS 2 class of Sekolah Menengah Atas ( SMA ) Hang Tuah 4 Surabaya. The researcher analyzes the data in the form of words or sentences. The result of data analysis showed that most of the students are having inconsistent understanding about generic structure and language features of analytical exposition. Keywords: Analytical Exposition Text, Generic Structure, Language Features. &nbsp

    Respon Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Gueneensis Jacq.) Pada Berbagai Umur Terhadap Lama Genangan Air

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    This research conducted to find out how palm oil seedlingsstage to response length waterloggingstress, to aims the best stage of palm oil seedlings that can resist waterlogging stress.This research was conducted at the Green House of Agriculture Faculty, RiauUniversity, sub-districsSimpang Baru,Tampan Districs, Pekanbaru from July to November 2015. The design of this research was Factorial Completely Randomized Design for 2 factors and 3 replication.The first factor was palm seedlings age:u0 = 3th month, u1 = 5th month, and u2 = 7th month, and the second factor was the length of waterlogging stress:g0 = without waterlogging stress, g1 = 20 days waterlogging stress and g0 = 40 days waterlogging stress.The parameter observed are: seedling height, number of leaf, stemdiameter, primary root length, number of primary root, root-shootratio, qualityseedlingindex and dry weight matter. The results showed that no interaction between seedling stageswithwaterlogging length stressor length of waterlogging stress toall of growth components palm oil seedling except seedling height. The growth palm oil seedling determined of palm oil seedling stages except primary root length. The height of 5th month palm oil seedlings reduced against 20 days of waterlogging stress, but increase againts to 40 daysof waterlogging stress

    Dielectric properties of thin insulating layers measured by Electrostatic Force Microscopy

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    In order to measure the dielectric permittivity of thin insulting layers, we developed a method based on electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) experiments coupled with numerical simulations. This method allows to characterize the dielectric properties of materials without any restrictions of film thickness, tip radius and tip-sample distance. The EFM experiments consist in the detection of the electric force gradient by means of a double pass method. The numerical simulations, based on the equivalent charge method (ECM), model the electric force gradient between an EFM tip and a sample, and thus, determine from the EFM experiments the relative dielectric permittivity by an inverse approach. This method was validated on a thin SiO2 sample and was used to characterize the dielectric permittivity of ultrathin poly(vinyl acetate) and polystyrene films at two temperatures

    Transferring Axial Molecular Chirality Through a Sequence of On-Surface Reactions

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    Fine management of chiral processes on solid surfaces has progressed over the years, yet still faces the need for the controlled and selective production of advanced chiral materials. Here, we report on the use of enantiomerically enriched molecular building blocks to demonstrate the transmission of their intrinsic chirality along a sequence of on-surface reactions. Triggered by thermal annealing, the on-surface reac-tions induced in this experiment involve firstly the coupling of the chiral reactants into chiral polymers and subsequently their transformation into planar prochiral graphene nanoribbons. Our study reveals that the axial chirality of the reactant is not only transferred to the polymers, but also to the planar chirality of the graphene nanoribbon end products. Such chirality transfer consequently allows, starting from ad-equate enantioenriched reactants, for the controlled production of chiral and prochiral organic nanoarchi-tectures with pre-defined handedness

    Sintesis Slow Release Fertilizer Berbasis Polimer Superabsorben Pengemban Pupuk Phonska

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui teknik pembuatan superabsorben berbasis selulosa dari Serbuk gergaji tercangkok sama akrilat pengemban pupuk Phonska. Mengetahui kualitas produk material superabsorben berbasis selulosa dari limbah serbuk gergaji tercangkok sama akrilat dalam mengemban pupuk Phonska . mengetahui kemampuan superabsorben dalam melepas pupuk phonska didalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengikat silang N,N Metilen Bisacrilamida dan selulosa yang digununakan berasal dari serbuk gergaji. Pupuk yang di masukan kedalam superabsorben adalah pupuk Phonska. pupuk yang digunakan di impreg kedalam superabsorben pada 4 keadaan yaitu sebelum saat dan sesudah penambahan MBA. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa pupuk dapat terimpreg masuk kedalam superabsorben, tanpa mengganggu proses polimerisasi dan kualitas dari superabsorben. Hasil dari analisis menggunakan spektrofotometri inframerah menunjukan adanya –OH dan ikatan C=C pada semua superabsorben. Pada pupuk superabsorbent Phonska teridentifikasi adanya gugus gugus nitrogen . Superabsorben memiliki daya serap terhadap air yang tinggi berkisar 28 %b/b sampai 32 %b/b. Superabsorben pada penambahan pupuk sebelum penambahan MBA memiliki daya serap air paling tinggi. Pada uji biodigrebilitas superabsorben akan terdegradasi 82% selama 15 hari. Serta dapat melepas 73% kandungan pupuk didalamnya dalam 48 jam

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Independensi, Pengalaman, dan Etika Auditor terhadap Kualitas Audit

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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH KOMPETENSI, INDEPENDENSI, PENGALAMAN DAN ETIKA AUDITOR TERHADAP KUALITAS AUDIT Muhammad Dimas Gustiawan F1313063 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi, independensi, pengalaman dan etika auditor terhadap kualitas audit. Penentuan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan kriteria auditor yang memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden pada 16 KAP di kota Surakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Semarang. Untuk analisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan melihat goodness of fit-nya dengan bantuan SPSS versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi, independensi, pengalaman dan etika auditor berpengaruh signifikan positif secara simultan terhadap kualitas audit. Sedangkan secara parsial kompetensi, independensi, pengalaman dan etika auditor tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit. Kata Kunci: kualitas audit, kompetensi, independensi, pengalaman, etika audito
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