1,544 research outputs found

    Corrections of high-order nonlinearities in the LHC and High-Luminosity LHC beam optics

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    Der Einfluss von Nichtlinearitäten höherer Ordnung der Magnetfelder auf die Leistung des Large Hadron Collider (LHC) und dessen geplante High-Luminosity-Aufrüstung, dem HL-LHC, wurde umfangreich untersucht. Insbesondere hat sich gezeigt, dass das Vorhandensein solcher Fehler in den Insertion Regions (IR) erhebliche Auswirkungen hat, bedingt durch hohe Beta-Funktionen und Feed-Down auf niedrigere Ordnungen aufgrund der Kreuzungsschemata. Augenmerk dieser Arbeit ist auf die Erforschung diverser Methoden zur effektiven Behandlung dieser Nichtlinearitäten höherer Ordnung gerichtet, mit dem Ziel, sie zu identifizieren und korrigieren, um die Strahloptik zu optimieren und die Maschinenleistung zu verbessern. Simulationsstudien werden eingesetzt, in denen mit verschiedenen Fehlerquellen assoziierte Resonanzantreibende Terme (RDTs) gezielt angegangen werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt Dekapol- und Dodekapolfehlern, die in früheren Messungen im LHC schädliche Auswirkungen durch Feed-Down auf Amplituden-Detuning gezeigt haben. Die erwartete Erhöhung der Sensitivität der Optik gegenüber Fehlern in den IRs des HL-LHC unterstreicht weiter die Bedeutung der Behandlung dieser Fehler. Des Weitern werden Korrekturoptionen mit Hilfe der nichtlinearen Korrektorpaketen entwickelt. Experimentelle Studien werden durchgeführt, um die Ergebnisse zu validieren. Erhebliche Anstrengungen wurden unternommen, um die Feed-Down Effekte von Dekapol- und Dodekapol-Feldfehlern zu mindern. Um diese Herausforderung anzugehen, wurden neuartige Korrekturalgorithmen eingeführt, die erstmals die Dodekapol-Korrektoren in den IRs im operationellen Betrieb ansteuern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente liefern wertvolle Erkenntnisse zur Minderung von Fehlern höherer Ordnung und tragen zum besseren Verständnis der Strahldynamik in modernen und zukünftigen Teilchenbeschleunigern bei.The impact of high-order nonlinear magnetic field errors on the performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its planned High-Luminosity upgrade, the HL-LHC, has been extensively studied. Particularly, the presence of such errors in the Insertion Regions (IR) has shown significant repercussions due to the high beta-functions and feed-down to lower orders caused by crossing schemes. This thesis aims to explore different methods for effectively addressing these high-order errors, with the ultimate goal of identifying and correcting them to optimize beam optics and enhance machine performance. Simulation studies are employed, using a novel and flexible correction algorithm developed during the course of this PhD research. Various strategies are investigated to improve corrections by targeting Resonance Driving Terms (RDTs) associated with diverse error sources. Special attention is devoted to decapole and dodecapole errors, which have demonstrated detrimental effects on amplitude detuning due to feed-down based on previous measurements in the LHC. The anticipated increase in optics sensitivity to errors in the IRs of the HL-LHC further underscores the importance of addressing these errors. Correction options are evaluated, focusing on the utilization of the nonlinear corrector packages to address errors in the new separation and recombination dipoles in the HL-LHC, where increased decapole errors had been expected. Experimental studies are conducted to validate the findings. Significant efforts are dedicated to mitigating the feed-down effects arising from decapole and dodecapole field errors. To address this challenge, novel corrections involving the operational implementation of dodecapole correctors in the IRs have been introduced for the first time. The results of these experiments provide valuable insights into the mitigation of high-order errors and contribute to the overall understanding of beam dynamics in advanced particle accelerators

    A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education

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    Is it possible to bring university research and student education into a more connected, more symbiotic relationship? If so, can we develop programmes of study that enable faculty, students and ‘real world’ communities to connect in new ways? In this accessible book, Dilly Fung argues that it is not only possible but also potentially transformational to develop new forms of research-based education. Presenting the Connected Curriculum framework already adopted by UCL, she opens windows onto new initiatives related to, for example, research-based education, internationalisation, the global classroom, interdisciplinarity and public engagement

    Submitting to MedEdPORTAL: Do it right the first time

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    Presented as a Small Group/Roundtable Discussion at 2020 IUSM Education Day.Medical educators at Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) are encouraged to publish in MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources. Published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), MedEdPORTAL is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal for medical education scholarship. These publications contain complete curricula, including objectives, instructor guides, slides, and assessments, ready to be implemented in the classroom. When faculty members apply for promotion, MedEdPORTAL can demonstrate the quality of their work through peer-review, citation counts, and other usage reports. Despite submitting high quality learning modules, medical educators receive rejections from the MedEdPORTAL 62% of time. Reasons for rejection include insufficient educational context and assessment, mismatch of educational objectives and instructional content, and failure to build on existing curricula. Of immediately rejected submissions, 90% also have copyright issues. MedEdPORTAL is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and therefore has strict requirements for copyright and licensing images in the education materials. These requirements are difficult to navigate. For faculty who are not familiar with copyright and licensing, these barriers can be frustrating enough to deter them from submitting curricula. This workshop introduced MedEdPORTAL, described the submission process, and shared our strategies for putting together a successful submission. By the end of the workshop, participants were able to: • Identify curricula they have developed that would fit with the goals of MedEdPORTAL’s publishers • Use template to complete the Educational Summary Report (ESR) • Classify content as that which requires copyright permission, is in the public domain, or has a Creative Commons license • Navigate the process of manuscript submission and revisio

    American Organic: A Cultural History of Farming, Gardening, Shopping, and Eating

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    Review of: "American Organic: A Cultural History of Farming, Gardening, Shopping, and Eating," by Robin O’Sullivan

    Test Review: Standford Diagnostic

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    Water and What We Know: Following the Roots of a Northern Life

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    Review of: Water and What We Know: Following the Roots of a Northern Life, by Karen Babine

    The Furrow and Us: Essays on Soil and Sentiment

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    Review of: The Furrow and Us: Essays on Soil and Sentiment, by Walter Thomas Jack, edited by Zachary Michael Jack