4,614 research outputs found

    Photosensitive filler minimizes internal stresses in epoxy resins

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    Photosensitive filler is added to curable epoxy resins to minimize stress from internal shrinkage during curing or polymerization. Cinnamic acid resins and cinnamal ketones may be added in the amount of 1 to 3 percent by weight of the resin mixture

    The impacts of future climate change and sulphur emission reductions on acidification recovery at Plastic Lake, Ontario

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    International audienceClimate-induced drought events have a significant influence on sulphate export from forested catchments in central Ontario, subsequently delaying the recovery of surface waters from acidification. In the current study, a model chain that employed a statistical downscaling model, a hydrological model and two hydrochemical models was used to forecast the chemical recovery of Plastic Lake sub-catchment 1 (PC1) from acidification under proposed deposition reductions and the A2 emission scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Any predicted recovery in stream acid neutralising capacity and pH owing to deposition reductions were clearly offset by large acid effluxes from climate-induced drought events. By 2100, ANC is predicted to show large variations ranging between 10 and ?30 ?molc L?1. Similarly, predicted pH in 2100 is lower (>0.05 of a pH unit) than the value simulated for 2000 (pH 4.35). Despite emission reductions, the future scenario paints a bleak picture of reacidification at PC1 to levels commensurate with those of the late 1970s. The principal process behind this reacidification is the oxidation of previously stored (reduced) sulphur compounds in wetlands during periods of low-flow (or drought), with subsequent efflux of sulphate upon re-wetting. Simulated catchment runoff under the A2 emissions scenario predictes increased intensity and frequency of low-flow events from approximately 2030 onwards. The Integrated Catchments model for Carbon indicated that stream DOC concentrations at PC1 will also increase under the future climate scenario, with temperature being the principal driver. Despite the predicted (significant) increase in DOC, pH is not predicted to further decline (beyond the climate-induced oxidation scenario), instead pH shows greater variability throughout the simulation. As echoed by many recent studies, hydrochemical models and model frameworks need to incorporate the drivers and mechanisms (at appropriate time-scales) that affect the key biogeochemical processes to reliably predict the impacts of climate change

    Shape-dependent Depinning of a Domain Wall by a Magnetic Field and a Spin-Polarized Current

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    The effect of sample shape on the depinning of the domain wall (DW) driven by an applied magnetic field or a spin-polarized current is studied theoretically. The shape effect resulting from the modulation of the sample width (geometric pinning) can essentially affect the DW depinning. We found a good agreement between the ratios of the critical values of the magnetic field and the spin-polarized current predicted by the theory and measured in the experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature-dependent rate coefficients for the reactions of the hydroxyl radical with the atmospheric biogenics isoprene, alpha-pinene and delta-3-carene

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    Pulsed laser methods for OH generation and detection were used to study atmospheric degradation reactions for three important biogenic gases: OHCisoprene (Reaction R1), OH+α-pinene (Reaction R2) and OH+Δ- 3-carene (Reaction R3). Gas-phase rate coefficients were characterized by non-Arrhenius kinetics for all three reactions. For (R1), k1 (241-356 K)= (1:93±0:08)× 10-11 exp{(466±12)/T} cm3 molecule-1 s-1 was determined, with a room temperature value of k1 (297 K)= (9:3± 0:4)×10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, independent of bath-gas pressure (5-200 Torr) and composition (MDN2 or air). Accuracy and precision were enhanced by online optical monitoring of isoprene, with absolute concentrations obtained via an absorption cross section, αisoprene = (1:28±0:06)× 10-17 cm2 molecule-1 at λ = 184:95 nm, determined in this work. These results indicate that significant discrepancies between previous absolute and relative-rate determinations of k1 result in part from σ values used to derive the isoprene concentration in high-precision absolute determinations. Similar methods were used to determine rate coefficients (in 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1/ for (R2)-(R3): k2 (238-357 K)= (1:83±0:04) ×exp{(330±6)/T } and k3 (235-357 K)= (2:48±0:14) ×exp{(357±17)/T }. This is the first temperature-dependent dataset for (R3) and enables the calculation of reliable atmospheric lifetimes with respect to OH removal for e.g. boreal forest springtime conditions. Room temperature values of k2 (296 K)= (5:4±0:2) ×10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and k3 (297 K)= (8:1±0:3)×10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 were independent of bathgas pressure (7-200 Torr, N2 or air) and in good agreement with previously reported values. In the course of this work, 184.95 nm absorption cross sections were determined: σ = (1:54±0:08) ×10-17 cm2 molecule-1 for α-pinene and (2:40±0:12)×10-17 cm2 molecule-1 for 1-3-carene

    Temperature-(208-318 K) and pressure-(18-696Torr) dependent rate coefficients for the reaction between OH and HNO3

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    Abstract. Rate coefficients (k5) for the title reaction were ob- tained using pulsed laser photolytic generation of OH cou- pled to its detection by laser-induced fluorescence (PLP– LIF). More than 80 determinations of k5 were carried out in nitrogen or air bath gas at various temperatures and pres- sures. The accuracy of the rate coefficients obtained was en- hanced by in situ measurement of the concentrations of both HNO3 reactant and NO2 impurity. The rate coefficients show both temperature and pressure dependence with a rapid in- crease in k5 at low temperatures. The pressure dependence was weak at room temperature but increased significantly at low temperatures. The entire data set was combined with se- lected literature values of k5 and parameterised using a com- bination of pressure-dependent and -independent terms to give an expression that covers the relevant pressure and tem- perature range for the atmosphere. A global model, using the new parameterisation for k 5 rather than those presently ac- cepted, indicated small but significant latitude- and altitude- dependent changes in the HNO 3 / NO x ratio of between − 6 and + 6 %. Effective HNO 3 absorption cross sections (184.95 and 213.86 nm, units of cm 2 molecule − 1 ) were ob- tained as part of this work: σ 213 . 86 = 4.52 + 0 . 23 − 0 . 12 × 10 − 19 and σ 184 . 95 = 1.61 + 0 . 08 − 0 . 04 × 10 − 17

    Reactive quenching of electronically excited NO2∗ and NO3∗ by H2O as potential sources of atmospheric HOx radicals

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    Pulsed laser excitation of NO2 (532-647 nm) or NO3 (623-662 nm) in the presence of H2O was used to initiate the gas-phase reaction NO2 ∗-+ H2O → products (Reaction R5) and NO3 ∗-+ H2O → products (Reaction R12). No evidence for OH production in Reactions (R5) or (R12) was observed and upper limits for OH production of k5b∗•k5 < 1×10∗'5 and k12b∗•k12 < 0.03 were assigned. The upper limit for k5b∗•k5 renders this reaction insignificant as a source of OH in the atmosphere and extends the studies (Crowley and Carl, 1997; Carr et al., 2009; Amedro et al., 2011) which demonstrate that the previously reported large OH yield by Li et al. (2008) was erroneous. The upper limit obtained for k12b∗•k12 indicates that non-reactive energy transfer is the dominant mechanism for Reaction (R12), though generation of small but significant amounts of atmospheric HOx and HONO cannot be ruled out. In the course of this work, rate coefficients for overall removal of NO3 ∗-by N2 (Reaction R10) and by H2O (Reaction R12) were determined: k10 Combining double low line (2.1±0.1) × 10∗'11 cm3 molecule∗'1 s∗'1 and k12 Combining double low line (1.6±0.3) × 10∗'10 cm3 molecule∗'1 s∗'1. Our value of k12 is more than a factor of 4 smaller than the single previously reported value

    CFD Fuel Slosh Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Spacecraft Propellant Tanks with Diaphragms

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    Liquid sloshing within spacecraft propellant tanks causes rapid energy dissipation at resonant modes, which can result in attitude destabilization of the vehicle. Identifying resonant slosh modes currently requires experimental testing and mechanical pendulum analogs to characterize the slosh dynamics. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques have recently been validated as an effective tool for simulating fuel slosh within free-surface propellant tanks. Propellant tanks often incorporate an internal flexible diaphragm to separate ullage and propellant which increases modeling complexity. A coupled fluid-structure CFD model is required to capture the damping effects of a flexible diaphragm on the propellant. ANSYS multidisciplinary engineering software employs a coupled solver for analyzing two-way Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) cases such as the diaphragm propellant tank system. Slosh models generated by ANSYS software are validated by experimental lateral slosh test results. Accurate data correlation would produce an innovative technique for modeling fuel slosh within diaphragm tanks and provide an accurate and efficient tool for identifying resonant modes and the slosh dynamic response

    Regulation of succinate-fuelled mitochondrial respiration in liver and skeletal muscle of hibernating thirteen-lined ground squirrels.

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    Hibernating ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) alternate between two distinct metabolic states throughout winter: torpor, during which metabolic rate (MR) and body temperature (Tb) are considerably suppressed, and interbout euthermia (IBE), during which MR and Tb briefly return to euthermic levels. Previous studies showed suppression of succinate-fuelled respiration during torpor in liver and skeletal muscle mitochondria; however, these studies used only a single, saturating succinate concentration. Therefore, they could not address whether mitochondrial metabolic suppression occurs under physiological substrate concentrations or whether differences in the kinetics of mitochondrial responses to changing substrate concentration might also contribute to mitochondrial metabolic regulation during torpor. The present study confirmed that succinate oxidation is reduced during torpor in liver and skeletal muscle at 37 and 10°C over a 100-fold range of succinate concentrations. At 37°C, this suppression resulted from inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which had a greater affinity for oxaloacetate (an SDH inhibitor) during torpor. At 10°C, SDH was not inhibited, suggesting that SDH inhibition initiates but does not maintain mitochondrial suppression during torpor. Moreover, in both liver and skeletal muscle, mitochondria from torpid animals maintained relatively higher respiration rates at low succinate concentrations, which reduces the extent of energy savings that can be achieved during torpor, but may also maintain mitochondrial oxidative capacity above some lower critical threshold, thereby preventing cellular and/or mitochondrial injury during torpor and facilitating rapid recruitment of oxidative capacity during arousal

    Handling uncertainties in modelling manufacturing processes with hybrid swarm intelligence

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    Seldom has research regarding manufacturing process modelling considered the two common types ofuncertainties which are caused by randomness as in material properties and by fuzziness as in the inexact knowledge in manufacturing processes. Accuracies of process models can be downgraded if these uncertainties are ignored in the development of process models. In this paper, a hybrid swarm intelligence algorithm for developing process models which intends to achieve significant accuracies for manufacturing process modelling by addressing these two uncertainties is proposed. The hybrid swarm intelligence algorithm first applies the mechanism of particle swarm optimisation to generate structures of process models in polynomial forms, and then it applies the mechanism of fuzzy least square regression algorithm to determine fuzzy coefficients on polynomials so as to address the two uncertainties, fuzziness and randomness. Apart from addressing the two uncertainties, the common feature in manufacturing processes, nonlinearities between process parameters, which are not inevitable in manufacturing processes, can also be addressed. The effectiveness of the hybrid swarm algorithm is demonstrated by modelling of the solder paste dispensing process