257 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals of public health concern. An overview of the current situation and options for control

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    Since the detection of Livestock Associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) in pigs and other food-producing animals, the levels of concern about the consequences of antimicrobial resistant organisms in animals and foods thereof for public health have substantially increased. As a result, the topic of antimicrobial resistance in animal bacteria currently has a prominent position on the agenda of policy makers of national authorities and the EU. Moreover, EFSA has installed expert working groups to advise the European Commission on the risk associated with these organisms

    Understanding the genetic basis of the incompatibility of IncK1 and IncK2 plasmids

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a persistent challenge in human and veterinary medicine, which is often encoded on plasmids which are transmissible between bacterial cells. Incompatibility is the inability of two plasmids to be stably maintained in one cell which is caused by the presence of identical or closely related shared determinants between two plasmids originating from partition or replication mechanisms. For I-complex plasmids in Enterobacteriacae, replication- based incompatibility is caused by the small antisense RNA stem-loop structure called RNAI. The I-complex plasmid group IncK consists of two compatible subgroups, IncK1 and IncK2, for which the RNAI differs only by five nucleotides. In this study we focussed on the interaction of the IncK1 and IncK2 RNAI structures by constructing minireplicons containing the replication region of IncK1 or IncK2 plasmids coupled with a kanamycin resistance marker. Using minireplicons excludes involvement of incompatibility mechanisms other than RNAI. Additionally, we performed single nucleotide mutagenesis targeting the five nucleotides that differ between the IncK1 and IncK2 RNAI sequences of these minireplicons. The obtained results show that a single nucleotide change in the RNAI structure is responsible for the compatible phenotype of IncK1 with IncK2 plasmids. Only nucleotides in the RNAI top loop and interior loop have an effect on minireplicon incompatibility with wild type plasmids, while mutations in the stem of the RNAI structure had no significant effect on incompatibility. Understanding the molecular basis of incompatibility is relevant for future in silico predictions of plasmid incompatibility

    Characterization of multidrug-resistant, qnrB2-positive and extended-spectrum-b-lactamase-producing Salmonella Concord and Salmonella Senftenberg isolates

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    Objectives: To characterize plasmids and resistance genes of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella Senftenberg and Salmonella Concord isolated from patients in the Netherlands. Methods: The resistance genes of four MDR Salmonella isolates (three Salmonella Concord and one Salmonella Senftenberg) were identified by miniaturized microarray, PCR and sequencing. Plasmids were characterized by S1 nuclease-PFGE and PCR-based replicon typing (PBRT). Linkage between plasmids and genes was determined by conjugation experiments and microarray analysis. The genetic relationship between the three Salmonella Concord isolates was determined by XbaI-PFGE. Results: A large variety of resistance genes was detected, including qnrB2 and the b-lactamase genes bla TEM-1 and bla SHV-12 in all isolates; moreover all Salmonella Concord isolates also harboured bla CTX-M-15 . Salmonella Senftenberg harboured a large IncHI2 plasmid. The three Salmonella Concord isolates harboured two large plasmids typed as IncHI2 and IncA/C. Conclusions: We detected the first plasmid-mediated MDR Salmonella isolates in the Netherlands harbouring both qnr and extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) genes. In Salmonella Senftenberg one large plasmid (IncHI2) and in Salmonella Concord two large plasmids (IncHI2 and IncA/C) were responsible for the multidrug resistance

    Longitudinal Study of Dynamic Epidemiology of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli in Pigs and Humans Living and/or Working on Pig Farms

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    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacterales have been increasingly isolated from pigs, highlighting their potential for transmission to humans living and/or working within pig farms. As longitudinal data on the prevalence and the molecular characteristics of such isolates from the high-risk farming population remain scarce, we performed a long-term study on 39 Dutch pig farms. Fecal samples from pigs, farmers, family members, and employees were collected during four sampling occasions with a 6-month period. The presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacterales and their molecular characteristics (ESBL gene, plasmid, and sequence types) were determined by standard methods. Data on personal and farm characteristics were collected using questionnaires. ESBL-producing Escherichia coli was present in pigs at least once for 18 of 39 farms and in 17 of 146 farmers, family members, and/or employees. Among these 417 E. coli isolates, bla CTX-M-1 was the most frequently observed ESBL gene in pigs ( n  = 261) and humans ( n  = 25). Despite the great variety in plasmid (sub)types and E. coli sequence types (STs), we observed genetic similarity between human- and pig-derived isolates in (i) ESBL gene, plasmid (sub)type, and ST, suggesting potential clonal transmission in seven farms, and (ii) only ESBL gene and plasmid (sub)type, highlighting the possibility of horizontal transfer in four farms. Five pig farmers carried ESBL producers repeatedly, of whom two carried an identical combination of gene, plasmid (sub)type, and ST over time. Human ESBL carriage was associated with both presence of ESBL producers in pigs and average number of hours working on the pig farm per week, while prolonged human carriage was observed only incidentally. IMPORTANCE Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli represents a public health hazard due to reduced therapeutic options for the treatment of infections. Although direct contact with pigs is considered a risk factor for human ESBL-producing E. coli carriage through occupational exposure, nationwide data regarding the occurrence of such isolates among pigs and humans living and/or working on farms remain scarce. Therefore, we determined (i) the longitudinal dynamics in prevalence and molecular characteristics of ESBL-producing E. coli in Dutch pig farmers and their pigs over time and (ii) the potential transmission events between these reservoirs based on genetic relatedness and epidemiological associations in longitudinal data. Our data suggesting the possibility of clonal and horizontal dissemination of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli between pigs and pig farmers can be used to inform targeted intervention strategies to decrease the within-farm human exposure to ESBL-producing E. coli

    Antimicrobial usage and resistance in companion animals: A cross-sectional study in three european countries

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    Companion animals have been described as potential reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), however data remain scarce. Therefore, the objectives were to describe antimicrobial usage (AMU) in dogs and cats in three European countries (Belgium, Italy, and The Netherlands) and to investigate phenotypic AMR. A questionnaire and one fecal sample per animal (n = 303) were collected over one year and AMU was quantified using treatment incidence (TI). Phenotypic resistance profiles of 282 Escherichia coli isolates were determined. Nineteen percent of the animals received at least one antimicrobial treatment six months preceding sampling. On average, cats and dogs were treated with a standard daily dose of antimicrobials for 1.8 and 3.3 days over one year, respectively. The most frequently used antimicrobial was amoxicillin-clavulanate (27%). Broad-spectrum antimicrobials and critically important antimicrobials for human medicine represented 83% and 71% of the total number of treatments, respectively. Resistance of E. coli to at least one antimicrobial agent was found in 27% of the isolates. The most common resistance was to ampicillin (18%). Thirteen percent was identified as multidrug resistant isolates. No association between AMU and AMR was found in the investigated samples. The issue to address, regarding AMU in companion animal, lies within the quality of use, not the quantity. Especially from a One-Health perspective, companion animals might be a source of transmission of resistance genes and/or resistant bacteria to humans.</p

    The shufflon of IncI1 plasmids is rearranged constantly during different growth conditions

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    One of the factors that can affect conjugation of IncI1 plasmids, amongst others, is the genetic region known as the shufflon. This multiple inversion system modifies the pilus tip proteins used during conjugation, thus affecting the affinity for different recipient cells. Although recombination is known to occur in in vitro conditions, little is known about the regulation and the extent of recombination that occurs. To measure the recombination of the shufflon, we have amplified the entire shufflon region and sequenced the amplicons using nanopore long-read sequencing. This method was effective to determine the order of the segments of the shufflon and allow for the analysis of the shufflon variants that are present in a heterogeneous pool of templates. Analysis was performed over different growth phases and after addition of cefotaxime. Furthermore, analysis was performed in different E. coli host cells to determine if recombination is likely to be influenced. Recombination of the shufflon was constantly ongoing in all conditions that were measured, although no differences in the amount of different shufflon variants or the rate at which novel variants were formed could be found. As previously reported, some variants were abundant in the population while others were scarce. This leads to the conclusion that the shufflon is continuously recombining at a constant rate, or that the method used here was not sensitive enough to detect differences in this rate. For one of the plasmids, the host cell appeared to have an effect on the specific shufflon variants that were formed which were not predominant in another host, indicating that host factors may be involved. As previously reported, the pilV-A and pilV-A' ORFs are formed at higher frequencies than other pilV ORFs. These results demonstrate that the recombination that occurs within the shufflon is not random. While any regulation of the shufflon affected by these in vitro conditions could not be revealed, the method of amplifying large regions for long-read sequencing for the analysis of multiple inversion systems proved effective.</p

    Genomic Characterization of Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Salmonella enterica in the Colombian Poultry Chain

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    Salmonella enterica serovars have been isolated from Colombian broilers and broiler meat. The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of ESBL/pAmpC genes in extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistant Salmonella enterica and the phylogeny of ESBL/pAmpC-carrying Salmonella using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). A total of 260 cefotaxime resistant Salmonella isolates, obtained between 2008 and 2013 from broiler farms, slaughterhouses and retail, were included. Isolates were screened by PCR for ESBL/pAmpC genes. Gene and plasmid subtyping and strain Multi Locus Sequence Typing was performed in silico for a selection of fully sequenced isolates. Core-genome-based analyses were performed per ST encountered. blaCMY−2−like was carried in 168 isolates, 52 carried blaCTX−M−2 group, 7 blaSHV, 5 a combination of blaCMY−2−like-blaSHV and 3 a combination of blaCMY−2−like-blaCTX−M−2 group. In 25 isolates no ESBL/pAmpC genes that were screened for were found. WGS characterization of 36 selected strains showed plasmid-encoded blaCMY−2 in 21, blaCTX−M−165 in 11 and blaSHV−12 in 7 strains. These genes were mostly carried on IncI1/ST12, IncQ1, and IncI1/ST231 plasmids, respectively. Finally, 17 strains belonged to S. Heidelberg ST15, 16 to S. Paratyphi B variant Java ST28, 1 to S. Enteritidis ST11, 1 to S. Kentucky ST152 and 1 to S. Albany ST292. Phylogenetic comparisons with publicly available genomes showed separate clustering of Colombian S. Heidelberg and S. Paratyphi B var. Java. In conclusion, resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins in Salmonella from Colombian poultry is mainly encoded by blaCMY−2 and blaCTX−M−165 genes. These genes are mostly associated with IncI1/ST12 and IncQ1 plasmids, respectively. Evolutionary divergence is observed between Colombian S. Heidelberg and S. Paratyphi B var. Java and those from other countries

    Public Health Risks of Enterobacterial Isolates Producing Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases or AmpC β-Lactamases in Food and Food-Producing Animals: An EU Perspective of Epidemiology, Analytical Methods, Risk Factors, and Control Options

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    The blaESBL and blaAmpC genes are spread by plasmid-mediated integrons, insertion sequences, and transposons, some of which are homologous in food animals and humans. Cephalosporin usage in animal production is an important risk factor; restricting such use would be an effective control optio

    Occurrence and Molecular Characteristics of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacterales Recovered From Chicken, Chicken Meat, and Human Infections in Sao Paulo State, Brazil

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    This study aimed to investigate the phylogenetic diversity and epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae from chicken, chicken meat, and human clinical isolates in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and characterize their respective ESBL-encoding plasmids. Three hundred samples from chicken cloaca, chicken meat, and clinical isolates were phenotypically and genotypically assessed for ESBL resistance. Isolates were identified by MALDI TOF-MS and further characterized by MLST analysis and phylogenetic grouping. ESBL genes were characterized and their location was determined by I-Ceu-I-PFGE and Southern blot, conjugation, transformation, and PCR-based replicon typing experiments. Thirty-seven ESBL-producing isolates (28 E. coli and 9 K. pneumoniae) that were positive for the blaCTX–M–1 or blaCTX–M–2 gene groups were obtained. Two isolates were negative in the transformation assay, and the chromosomal location of the genes was deduced by Southern blot. The blaCTX–M genes identified were carried on plasmid replicon-types X1, HI2, N, FII-variants, I1 and R. The E. coli isolates belonged to nine sequence types, while the K. pneumoniae isolates belonged to four sequence types. The E. coli isolates belonged to phylotype classification groups A, B1, D, and F. This study demonstrated that isolates from cloacal swabs, chicken meat, and human feces had genetic diversity, with a high frequency of blaCTX–M–15 among chickens, chicken meat, and human feces. Thus, this reinforces the hypothesis that chickens, as well as their by-products, could be an important source of transmission for ESBL-producing pathogens to humans in South America

    Occurrence of antimicrobial resistance among bacterial pathogens and indicator bacteria in pigs in different European countries from year 2002 – 2004 : the ARBAO-II study

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    Background: The project "Antibiotic resistance in bacteria of animal origin – II" (ARBAO-II) was funded by the European Union (FAIR5-QLK2-2002-01146) for the period 2003–05. The aim of this project was to establish a program for the continuous monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic and indicator bacteria from food animals using validated and harmonised methodologies. In this report the first data on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance among bacteria causing infections in pigs are reported. Methods: Susceptibility data from 17,642 isolates of pathogens and indicator bacteria including Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus suis and Escherichia coli isolated from pigs were collected from fifteen European countries in 2002–2004.Results: Data for A. pleuropneumoniae from infected pigs were submitted from five countries. Most of the isolates from Denmark were susceptible to all drugs tested with the exceptions of a low frequency of resistance to tetracycline and trimethoprim – sulphonamide. Data for S. suis were obtained from six countries. In general, a high level of resistance to tetracycline (48.0 – 92.0%) and erythromycin (29.1 – 75.0%) was observed in all countries whereas the level of resistance to ciprofloxacin and penicillin differed between the reporting countries. Isolates from England (and Wales), France and The Netherlands were all susceptible to penicillin. In contrast the proportion of strains resistant to ciprofloxacin ranged from 12.6 to 79.0% (2004) and to penicillin from 8.1 – 13.0% (2004) in Poland and Portugal. Data for E. coli from infected and healthy pigs were obtained from eleven countries. The data reveal a high level of resistance to tetracyclines, streptomycin and ampicillin among infected pigs whereas in healthy pigs the frequency of resistance was lower. Conclusion: Bacterial resistance to some antimicrobials was frequent with different levels of resistance being observed to several antimicrobial agents in different countries. The occurrence of resistance varied distinctly between isolates from healthy and diseased pigs, with the isolates from healthy pigs generally showing a lower level of resistance than those from diseased pigs. The study suggests that the choice of antimicrobials used for the treatment of diseased animals should preferably be based on knowledge of the local pattern of resistance