15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Pemberdayaan Karyawan Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Melalui Kepuasan Kerja di Dinas Sosial Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    The research was purposed to find out whether there was any significant of emotional intelligence and employee empowerment to organizational commitment through job satisfaction on Social Service in Special Region of Yogyakarta. The participants of this research are the employees of Social Service in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Quantitative approach was used during data collection which 107 employees had been participated. This study was using SmartPLS 3.0 version to test the hypothesis.The results of this study found that there are significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment, significant positive effect of employee’s empowerment on organizational commitment, significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction, and significant positive effect of organizational commitment on job satisfaction, also there is significant positive effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment. In addition, this study found the direct influence of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment is greater than indirect influence of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment through job satisfaction, and the direct influence of employee empowerment on organizational commitment is greater than indirect influence of employee empowerment on organizational commitment through job satisfaction.


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    This research is related to how the effect of reward and performance on employee performance with work discipline as an intervening variable at outlets of Waroeng Special Sambal in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of reward to work discipline, the effect of punishment to work discipline, the effect of work discipline to employee performance, the effect of reward to employee performance, the effect of punishment to employee performance, the effect of reward to employee performance with work discipline as an intervening variable, and the effect of punishment to employee performance with work discipline as an intervening variable at outlets of Waroeng Special Sambal in Yogyakarta. Respondents of this research were 117 outlet employees of Waroeng Special Sambal Yogyakarta. The data collecting method used is using a questionnaire then analyzed by regression analysis and path analysis. The results of this research show that reward has a positive and significant effect on work discipline and employee performance, then punishment also has a positive and significant effect to work discipline and employee performance. Besides, there is the indirect effect of reward on employee performance through work discipline, and also the indirect effect of punishment on employee performance through work discipline


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    An analysis of a small industry is a wide variety and refers to developing and empowering; therefore, in along term, it can be autonomous in a strict competition. The study aims to examine a small industry performance ofchips in Banguntapan District, Bantul Regency, Jogjakarta. The study is useful for describing the characteristics ofindustry specifically. It was a qualitative approach with data gathering through depth-interview with key person.The findings of the study indicate that UKM (middle-small sized industry) in a variety of forms has differentcharacteristics. However, there are a number of serious problems for sustainability. Some problems are a license,location and capital since a majority of UKM is not bankable, a lack of human resources including regeneration andsuccession for sustainability, dualistic leadership as owner as well as manager, serious management problem –incredible accounting, pay standard, raw-material assurance, additional product, marketing aspect and waste ofproduction.A further research needs to design all problems referring to the findings of the UKM cases in industrycenter for chips. Although the generalization of the findings is not broad, it shows a classical problem of UKM toneed analyzing more intensively for answering the problem. For a further research, thus, it is necessary to includeall of the parties to find a solution for the continuity of UKM that can positively contribute to labor marketrecruitment and micro and macro economy improvement. However, the study is limited to the case so that thegeneralization can not be reached. The conclusion, but, can concretely describe a variety of problems

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Dan Budaya Organisasional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Survey Pada Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia Di Pt. Madubaru Pg/Ps Madukismo)

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    This study discusses the effect of training and organizational culture on performance with job satisfaction as intervening variable. Respondents in this study were 73 employees in the human resources department at PT. MADUBARU PG / PS MADUKISMO. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of training on employee performance partially, the influence of organizational culture on employee performance partially, the effect of training on job satisfaction partially, the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction partially, the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance partially, to find out whether job satisfaction mediates the effect of training on employee performance, to find out whether job satisfaction mediates the influence of organizational culture on employee performance. The results of this study show that partially there is a positive and significant influence between training on employee performance, partially there is a positive and significant influence between organizational culture on employee performance, partially there is a positive and significant influence between training and job satisfaction, partially there is a positive influence and significant between organizational culture to job satisfaction, partially there is a positive and significant influence between job satisfaction on employee performance. In this study also proved that job satisfaction mediate the effect of training on employee performance, job satisfaction mediate the influence of organizational culture on employee performance in the department of human resources PT. MADUBARU PG / PS MADUKISMO


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    Kebutuhan terhadap sarana telekomunikasi yang multi fungsi kian berkembang, termasuk smartphone. Seiring peningkatan kebutuhan smartphone, aplikasi terhadap ponsel pada umumnya dan juga smartphone khususnya kian berkembang. Software - hardware smartphone juga kian beragam dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau. Fokus riset adalah persepsi konsumen terhadap smartphone dengan pendekatan riset kualitatif - diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi terhadap smartphone lebih dominan sebagai gaya hidup, sedangkan aspek kebutuhan dan keinginan cenderung tidak terlalu penting


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    Pesta demokrasi, baik dalam pemilihan umum dan pemilihan umum kepala daerah harus mengacu transparansi dan akuntabilitas sehingga hasil yang didapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi semua pihak. Salah satu problem utama dari pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi adalah membangun sistem jaringan yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan pemilihan itu sendiri berjalan transparan. Terkait hal ini, perkembangan tekonologi digital dan internet sangat memungkinkan terjadinya pelaksanaan pemilihan tersebut secara transparan dan akuntabilitasnya terjamin. Evoting adalah salah satu konsep riil yang relevan dilakukan bagi pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini juga harus didukung pendataan elektronik melalui format KTP digital yang mereduksi terjadinya pemilih ganda. Kondisi geografis Indonesia juga sangat berkepentingan untuk penerapan e-voting agar penghitungan suara dapat dilakukan real time online. Kajian pustaka tentang e-voting menunjukan tentang urgensi sistem transparansi dan akuntabilitas untuk mendukung legalitas hasil


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    Kebutuhan terhadap sarana telekomunikasi yang multi fungsi kian berkembang, termasuk smartphone. Seiring peningkatan kebutuhan smartphone, aplikasi terhadap ponsel pada umumnya dan juga smartphone khususnya kian berkembang. Software - hardware smartphone juga kian beragam dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau. Fokus riset adalah persepsi konsumen terhadap smartphone dengan pendekatan riset kualitatif - diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi terhadap smartphone lebih dominan sebagai gaya hidup, sedangkan aspek kebutuhan dan keinginan cenderung tidak terlalu penting


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    Pesta demokrasi, baik dalam pemilihan umum dan pemilihan umum kepala daerah harus mengacu transparansi dan akuntabilitas sehingga hasil yang didapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi semua pihak. Salah satu problem utama dari pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi adalah membangun sistem jaringan yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan pemilihan itu sendiri berjalan transparan. Terkait hal ini, perkembangan tekonologi digital dan internet sangat memungkinkan terjadinya pelaksanaan pemilihan tersebut secara transparan dan akuntabilitasnya terjamin. Evoting adalah salah satu konsep riil yang relevan dilakukan bagi pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini juga harus didukung pendataan elektronik melalui format KTP digital yang mereduksi terjadinya pemilih ganda. Kondisi geografis Indonesia juga sangat berkepentingan untuk penerapan e-voting agar penghitungan suara dapat dilakukan real time online. Kajian pustaka tentang e-voting menunjukan tentang urgensi sistem transparansi dan akuntabilitas untuk mendukung legalitas hasil


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    This study titled influence the quality of work life and job satisfaction on employee performance of PT Pertamina Persero RU Cilacap. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on the quality of work life by partial performance, determine the effect of job satisfaction on performance partially, and determine the influence of the quality of work life and job satisfaction simultaneously on employee performance. The independent variable in this study is the quality of work life and job satisfaction, the dependent variable in this study is the performance. The population of this study were 600 permanent employees shift part of PT. Pertamina Persero RU Cilacap. Sampling technique using census sampling methods and techniques Probability Proportionate Random Sampling Strarified totaling 221 employees. Data collection method used was a questionnaire and the data mengalisis using the multiple linear regression analysis.These results indicate that the quality of work life has significant influence but not the performance, job satisfaction has a significant impact on performance, while the quality of work life and job satisfaction has a significant impact on employee performance remains part of PT Pertamina Persero shift RU Cilacap


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    Kebutuhan terhadap sarana telekomunikasi yang multi fungsi kian berkembang, termasuk smartphone. Seiring peningkatan kebutuhan smartphone, aplikasi terhadap ponsel pada umumnya dan juga smartphone khususnya kian berkembang. Software - hardware smartphone juga kian beragam dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau. Fokus riset adalah persepsi konsumen terhadap smartphone dengan pendekatan riset kualitatif - diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi terhadap smartphone lebih dominan sebagai gaya hidup, sedangkan aspek kebutuhan dan keinginan cenderung tidak terlalu penting