713 research outputs found

    Lactation transcriptomics in the Australian marsupial, Macropus eugenii: transcript sequencing and quantification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lactation is an important aspect of mammalian biology and, amongst mammals, marsupials show one of the most complex lactation cycles. Marsupials, such as the tammar wallaby (<it>Macropus eugenii</it>) give birth to a relatively immature newborn and progressive changes in milk composition and milk production regulate early stage development of the young.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to investigate gene expression in the marsupial mammary gland during lactation, a comprehensive set of cDNA libraries was derived from lactating tissues throughout the lactation cycle of the tammar wallaby. A total of 14,837 express sequence tags were produced by cDNA sequencing. Sequence analysis and sequence assembly were used to construct a comprehensive catalogue of mammary transcripts.</p> <p>Sequence data from pregnant and early or late lactating specific cDNA libraries and, data from early or late lactation massively parallel sequencing strategies were combined to analyse the variation of milk protein gene expression during the lactation cycle.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results show a steady increase in expression of genes coding for secreted protein during the lactation cycle that is associated with high proportion of transcripts coding for milk proteins. In addition, genes involved in immune function, translation and energy or anabolic metabolism are expressed across the lactation cycle. A number of potential new milk proteins or mammary gland remodelling markers, including noncoding RNAs have been identified.</p

    SSSPM J1444-2019: an extremely high proper motion, ultracool subdwarf

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    We present the discovery of a new extreme high proper motion object (3.5 arcsec/year) which we classify as an ultracool subdwarf with [M/H] = -0.5. It has a formal spectral type of sdM9 but also shows L-type features: while the VO bands are completely absent, it exhibits extremely strong TiO absorption in its optical spectrum. With a radial velocity of about -160 km/s and a rough distance estimate of 16--24 pc, it is likely one of the nearest halo members crossing the Solar neighbourhood with a heliocentric space velocity of (U,V,W)=(-244,-256,-100)+/-(32,77,6) km/s.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (Fig.1a-d available as jpg files), accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    Pressure dependence of the sound velocity in a 2D lattice of Hertz-Mindlin balls: a mean field description

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    We study the dependence on the external pressure PP of the velocities vL,Tv_{L,T} of long wavelength sound waves in a confined 2D h.c.p. lattice of 3D elastic frictional balls interacting via one-sided Hertz-Mindlin contact forces, whose diameters exhibit mild dispersion. The presence of an underlying long range order enables us to build an effective medium description which incorporates the radial fluctuations of the contact forces acting on a single site. Due to the non linearity of Hertz elasticity, self-consistency results in a highly non-linear differential equation for the "equation of state" linking the effective stiffness of the array with the applied pressure, from which sound velocities are then obtained. The results are in excellent agreement with existing experimental results and simulations in the high and intermediate pressure regimes. It emerges from the analysis that the departure of vL(P)v_{L}(P) from the ideal P1/6P^{1/6} Hertz behavior must be attributed primarily to the fluctuations of the stress field, rather than to the pressure dependence of the number of contacts

    Granular Packings: Nonlinear elasticity, sound propagation and collective relaxation dynamics

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    Experiments on isotropic compression of a granular assembly of spheres show that the shear and bulk moduli vary with the confining pressure faster than the 1/3 power law predicted by Hertz-Mindlin effective medium theories (EMT) of contact elasticity. Moreover, the ratio between the moduli is found to be larger than the prediction of the elastic theory by a constant value. The understanding of these discrepancies has been a longstanding question in the field of granular matter. Here we perform a test of the applicability of elasticity theory to granular materials. We perform sound propagation experiments, numerical simulations and theoretical studies to understand the elastic response of a deforming granular assembly of soft spheres under isotropic loading. Our results for the behavior of the elastic moduli of the system agree very well with experiments. We show that the elasticity partially describes the experimental and numerical results for a system under compressional loads. However, it drastically fails for systems under shear perturbations, particularly for packings without tangential forces and friction. Our work indicates that a correct treatment should include not only the purely elastic response but also collective relaxation mechanisms related to structural disorder and nonaffine motion of grains.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Biomarkers of browning of white adipose tissue and their regulation during exercise- and diet-induced weight loss

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    Background: A hypothesis exists whereby an exercise- or dietary-induced negative energy balance reduces human subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT) mass through the formation of brown-like adipocyte (brite) cells. However, the validity of biomarkers of brite formation has not been robustly evaluated in humans, and clinical data that link brite formation and weight loss are sparse. Objectives: We used rosiglitazone and primary adipocytes to stringently evaluate a set of biomarkers for brite formation and determined whether the expression of biomarker genes in scWAT could explain the change in body composition in response to exercise training combined with calorie restriction in obese and overweight women (n = 79). Design: Gene expression was derived from exon DNA microarrays and preadipocytes from obesity-resistant and -sensitive mice treated with rosiglitazone to generate candidate brite biomarkers from a microarray. These biomarkers were evaluated against data derived from scWAT RNA from obese and overweight women before and after supervised exercise 5 d/wk for 16 wk combined with modest calorie restriction (∼0.84 MJ/d). Results: Forty percent of commonly used brite gene biomarkers exhibited an exon or strain-specific regulation. No biomarkers were positively related to weight loss in human scWAT. Greater weight loss was significantly associated with less uncoupling protein 1 expression (P = 0.006, R(2) = 0.09). In a follow-up global analysis, there were 161 genes that covaried with weight loss that were linked to greater CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α activity (z = 2.0, P = 6.6 × 10(−7)), liver X receptor α/β agonism (z = 2.1, P = 2.8 × 10(−7)), and inhibition of leptin-like signaling (z = −2.6, P = 3.9 × 10(−5)). Conclusion: We identify a subset of robust RNA biomarkers for brite formation and show that calorie-restriction–mediated weight loss in women dynamically remodels scWAT to take on a more-white rather than a more-brown adipocyte phenotype

    Potential of a cyclone prototype spacer to improve in vitro dry powder delivery

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    Copyright The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are creditedPurpose: Low inspiratory force in patients with lung disease is associated with poor deagglomeration and high throat deposition when using dry powder inhalers (DPIs). The potential of two reverse flow cyclone prototypes as spacers for commercial carrierbased DPIs was investigated. Methods: Cyclohaler®, Accuhaler® and Easyhaler® were tested with and without the spacers between 30-60 Lmin-1. Deposition of particles in the next generation impactor and within the devices was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Results: Reduced induction port deposition of the emitted particles from the cyclones was observed due to the high retention of the drug within the spacers (e.g. salbutamol sulphate (SS): 67.89 ± 6.51 % at 30 Lmin-1 in Cheng 1). Fine particle fractions of aerosol as emitted from the cyclones were substantially higher than the DPIs alone. Moreover, the aerodynamic diameters of particles emitted from the cyclones were halved compared to the DPIs alone (e.g. SS from the Cyclohaler® at 4 kPa: 1.08 ± 0.05 μm vs. 3.00 ± 0.12 μm, with and without Cheng 2, respectively) and unaltered with increased flow rates. Conclusion: This work has shown the potential of employing a cyclone spacer for commercial carrier-based DPIs to improve inhaled drug delivery.Peer reviewe

    TBI lesion segmentation in head CT: impact of preprocessing and data augmentation

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    Automatic segmentation of lesions in head CT provides keyinformation for patient management, prognosis and disease monitoring.Despite its clinical importance, method development has mostly focusedon multi-parametric MRI. Analysis of the brain in CT is challengingdue to limited soft tissue contrast and its mono-modal nature. We studythe under-explored problem of fine-grained CT segmentation of multiplelesion types (core, blood, oedema) in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Weobserve that preprocessing and data augmentation choices greatly impactthe segmentation accuracy of a neural network, yet these factors arerarely thoroughly assessed in prior work. We design an empirical studythat extensively evaluates the impact of different data preprocessing andaugmentation methods. We show that these choices can have an impactof up to 18% DSC. We conclude that resampling to isotropic resolutionyields improved performance, skull-stripping can be replaced by using theright intensity window, and affine-to-atlas registration is not necessaryif we use sufficient spatial augmentation. Since both skull-stripping andaffine-to-atlas registration are susceptible to failure, we recommend theiralternatives to be used in practice. We believe this is the first work toreport results for fine-grained multi-class segmentation of TBI in CT. Ourfindings may inform further research in this under-explored yet clinicallyimportant task of automatic head CT lesion segmentation

    Reproductive failure, possible maternal infanticide, and cannibalism in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax

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    Maternal infanticide in wild non-human primates has only been reported twice. In this paper, we report a possible new case of infanticide and cannibalism within a series of four successive reproductive failures in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. Necropsy and genetic analyses of the corpses enabled us to rule out any pathology, and to determine paternity. The mother was seen biting and then eating the head of its own infant during a period when another female was pregnant and gave birth just 1 month later. Before that, the perpetrator had given birth to twins three times successfully when four to five adult and subadult males were present in the group. Although we do not know for certain that the infant was alive when the mother started biting it, our field observations preceding the event suggest it probably was. The possible infanticide case and the two cases of births and early death of the infants occurred while only two to three adult males were present in the group. This could be the second case of maternal infanticide reported in the genus Saguinus and the similar circumstances suggest a common pattern. We discuss these events in the light of the different functional explanations of infanticide and conclude that parental manipulation was the most likely: the mother could have terminated the investment in offspring that had low chances of survival in a group with low availability of helpers