2,789 research outputs found

    Study of the Acidification of Sherry Musts With Gypsum and Tartaric Acid

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    Must acidification is a necessary operation in hot regions due to the low natural acid content of the grapes grown there. Tartaric acid is what is most usually used for this purpose. Using gypsum (CaSO 4 • 2H20 ) allows the amount of tartaric acid needed to reach a given pH to be reduced. This paper is a study of the acidification of musts produced in Sherry area (Southern Spain) to a pH of 3.25 with tartaric acid alone and tartaric acid acting together with 2 g/L of gypsum. Using gypsum causes a reduction in must pH of approximately 0.2 units and allows the tartaric acid dosage to be cut down by 1.5 to 2.5 g/L. The concentration of sulfates in the fermented wine lies below 2.5 g/L (the maximum authorized by the European Community), and the calcium concentration is 130 mg/L. Both levels are compatible with a correct winemaking. The acid buffering power of the wine and the alkalinity of the ash are reduced by the use of gypsum, which makes later acidification easier. Other wine component levels are not affected

    For a social cartography of enconunters

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    This article results from the encounter and experience with the Social Cartography Methodology by Brazilian and Argentinean research groups, composed of architects, urban planners, and geographers in the Dunas neighborhood, within the periphery of Pelotas, in the Southernmost Brazil state of Rio Grande do Sul. The methodology of Social Cartography followed the weaving of the city, the interrelationships of the particular case of the Dunas neighborhood, line-by-line, in the sewing of the daily life, desires, problems, solutions, and public authorities' actions. The text seeks to raise issues related to the Social Cartography method, such as organization, analysis, and forms of applications. It also points to emancipatory and communitarian aspects involved in this process. We propose that Social Cartography can help to weave the city, undoing the dichotomy between center and periphery while new social spaces are produced from intervention research.Fil: Rocha, Eduardo. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; BrasilFil: Diez Tetamanti, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mesquita Clasen, Carolina. Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Brasi

    Undocumented Migration to the United States A New Perspective

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    The history of economic development has demonstrated eloquently that developed countries, after a certain stage, begin to encounter manpower problems. The scarcity of manpower to work in occupations at the base of the labor pyramid deprives such countries of flexibility in their growth process. In every case, upon reaching this point--which for Germany and Switzerland, for example, was during the decade of the 70\u27s--countries have resorted to the importation of labor either through formal programs, as in the case of the European countries, or simply by allowing in one way or another the influx of illegal workers, as in the United States. From a purely economic point of view, immigration to a country leads to a per capita income increase across the board rather than simply an increase for the owners of capital, landowners, and groups that do not compete for manpower

    Mapeos del mando y la obediencia: ¿Geografías de la omisión o de la negación?

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    En el invierno de 2013, en el marco del Programa de Capacitación de Vecinalistas que se desarrolló desde la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Ssn Juan Bosco, se planificó llevar adelante un ejercicio de mapeo socializado con diecinueve vecinalistas y referentes políticos de la ciudad de Comodoro Rivadavia. Dicho ejercicio fue simple: cada uno de los participantes debía cartografiar en una hoja en blanco. Los cartógrafos tenían que diseñar cuáles eran los lugares / objeto del pensar, del hacer, del obedecer y del mandar. La cartografía resultante estaba planteada libremente, no tenía límites mayores ni menores de escala. El ejercicio de la libertad estaba abierto al juego, para pensar y mapear desde el minúsculo átomo, hasta el planeta todo, con epicentro en Comodoro Rivadavia.Fil: Diez Tetamanti, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Acción del Estado: Vinculaciones con procesos de despoblamiento y cambios socio-económicos locales en el sudeste bonaerense

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    A partir de un trabajo mayor, denominado “Servicios públicos, políticas socia-les y despoblamiento en poblaciones menores a 2000 habitantes del Sudeste Bonaerense”, se desarrolló un área de estudio inicial en dos pequeñas localidades que comprende entre 500 y 1100 habitantes. Las mismas son: San Agustín y Mechongué. El tema es desdoblado en el marco del Doctorado en Geografía de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Ar-gentina). Para realizar el trabajo se han realizado encuestas, entrevistas e indagado diferentes organismos de acción relacionados con la construcción del territorio. El Estado, agrupa una diversidad importante de entes, organizaciones, instituciones políticas y normas que inciden en la transformación territorial. En el presente trabajo se analizan normas, planes y políticas de Estado comprendidas entre 1960 y la actualidad, relacionadas con el despoblamiento rural y cambios socio-económicos locales.PalabrasA partir de um trabalho maior, denominado “Serviços públicos, políticas sociais e despovoamento em populações menores a 2000 habitantes do Sudeste Bonaerense”, desenvolveu-se uma área de estudo inicial em duas pequenas localidades que compreende entre 500 e 1100 habitantes. As mesmas são: San Agustín e Mechongué. O tema é desdobrado no marco do Doutorado em Geografia da Universidade Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca. Argentina). Para realizar o trabalho se realizaram enquetes, entrevistas e indagados diferentes organismos de ação relacionados com a construção do território. O Estado concentra uma diversidade importante de entes, organizações, instituições políticas e normas que incidem na transformação territorial. No presente trabalho se analisam normas, planos e políticas de Estado compreendidas entre o ano 1960 e a atualidade, relacionadas com o despovoamento rural e mudanças socioeconômicos locais.Fil: Diez Tetamanti, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Schwarzschild black holes can wear scalar wigs

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    We study the evolution of a massive scalar field surrounding a Schwarzschild black hole and find configurations that can survive for arbitrarily long times, provided the black hole or the scalar field mass is small enough. In particular, both ultra-light scalar field dark matter around supermassive black holes and axion-like scalar fields around primordial black holes can survive for cosmological times. Moreover, these results are quite generic, in the sense that fairly arbitrary initial data evolves, at late times, as a combination of those long-lived configurations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    An efficient and general approach for implementing thermodynamic phase equilibria information in geophysical and geodynamic studies

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    We present a flexible, general, and efficient approach for implementing thermodynamic phase equilibria information (in the form of sets of physical parameters) into geophysical and geodynamic studies. The approach is based on Tensor Rank Decomposition methods, which transform the original multidimensional discrete information into a separated representation that contains significantly fewer terms, thus drastically reducing the amount of information to be stored in memory during a numerical simulation or geophysical inversion. Accordingly, the amount and resolution of the thermodynamic information that can be used in a simulation or inversion increases substantially. In addition, the method is independent of the actual software used to obtain the primary thermodynamic information, and therefore, it can be used in conjunction with any thermodynamic modeling program and/or database. Also, the errors associated with the decomposition procedure are readily controlled by the user, depending on her/his actual needs (e.g., preliminary runs versus full resolution runs). We illustrate the benefits, generality, and applicability of our approach with several examples of practical interest for both geodynamic modeling and geophysical inversion/modeling. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method is a competitive and attractive candidate for implementing thermodynamic constraints into a broad range of geophysical and geodynamic studies. MATLAB implementations of the method and examples are provided as supporting information and can be downloaded from the journal's website

    The connection between the depopulation of localiti es and passenger rail services in the Province of Buen os Aires in Argentina between 1960 and 2009

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    Indizada en: WorldCat; CrossRef; JournalSeek; Electronic Journals Library (EJL); Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB);EZB; Researchbib; Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB); Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)---------- Between 1960 and 2001 there were two processes that drew the interest of some social researchers in Argentina. On the one hand there was a process of rural depopulation from localities in the province of Buenos Aires (similar to the process of urbanization across Latin America). On the other hand, there was the break up of the railways that led to the cessation of passenger services to hundreds of localities inside the province of Buenos Aires. This study compares the two variables -localities in the interior of the province of Buenos Aires that lost population and railway lines which recorded decrease in the provision of passenger transport services. Census data and rail traffic between 1960 and 2009 are used. This crosses a quantitative methodology with concepts that the geographer Milton Santos has proposed. Maps are generated to look for any correspondence between these variables. Finally the concept of lag is applied to observe possible temporal relationships between variables. The results represent a first approach to a subject that has never been addressed with this methodology and analysis tool, verifying that it is necessary to incorporate more data to facilitate further analysis.Fil: Diez Tetamanti, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Sede Comodoro. Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas de la Patagonia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pontrelli Albisetti, Melisa. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia. Grupo de Estudios de Ordenacion del Territorio; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin