528 research outputs found

    The Random Bit Complexity of Mobile Robots Scattering

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    We consider the problem of scattering nn robots in a two dimensional continuous space. As this problem is impossible to solve in a deterministic manner, all solutions must be probabilistic. We investigate the amount of randomness (that is, the number of random bits used by the robots) that is required to achieve scattering. We first prove that nlognn \log n random bits are necessary to scatter nn robots in any setting. Also, we give a sufficient condition for a scattering algorithm to be random bit optimal. As it turns out that previous solutions for scattering satisfy our condition, they are hence proved random bit optimal for the scattering problem. Then, we investigate the time complexity of scattering when strong multiplicity detection is not available. We prove that such algorithms cannot converge in constant time in the general case and in o(loglogn)o(\log \log n) rounds for random bits optimal scattering algorithms. However, we present a family of scattering algorithms that converge as fast as needed without using multiplicity detection. Also, we put forward a specific protocol of this family that is random bit optimal (nlognn \log n random bits are used) and time optimal (loglogn\log \log n rounds are used). This improves the time complexity of previous results in the same setting by a logn\log n factor. Aside from characterizing the random bit complexity of mobile robot scattering, our study also closes its time complexity gap with and without strong multiplicity detection (that is, O(1)O(1) time complexity is only achievable when strong multiplicity detection is available, and it is possible to approach it as needed otherwise)

    Deterministic meeting of sniffing agents in the plane

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    Two mobile agents, starting at arbitrary, possibly different times from arbitrary locations in the plane, have to meet. Agents are modeled as discs of diameter 1, and meeting occurs when these discs touch. Agents have different labels which are integers from the set of 0 to L-1. Each agent knows L and knows its own label, but not the label of the other agent. Agents are equipped with compasses and have synchronized clocks. They make a series of moves. Each move specifies the direction and the duration of moving. This includes a null move which consists in staying inert for some time, or forever. In a non-null move agents travel at the same constant speed, normalized to 1. We assume that agents have sensors enabling them to estimate the distance from the other agent (defined as the distance between centers of discs), but not the direction towards it. We consider two models of estimation. In both models an agent reads its sensor at the moment of its appearance in the plane and then at the end of each move. This reading (together with the previous ones) determines the decision concerning the next move. In both models the reading of the sensor tells the agent if the other agent is already present. Moreover, in the monotone model, each agent can find out, for any two readings in moments t1 and t2, whether the distance from the other agent at time t1 was smaller, equal or larger than at time t2. In the weaker binary model, each agent can find out, at any reading, whether it is at distance less than \r{ho} or at distance at least \r{ho} from the other agent, for some real \r{ho} > 1 unknown to them. Such distance estimation mechanism can be implemented, e.g., using chemical sensors. Each agent emits some chemical substance (scent), and the sensor of the other agent detects it, i.e., sniffs. The intensity of the scent decreases with the distance.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proc. 23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2016), LNCS 998

    Some algebraic properties of differential operators

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    First, we study the subskewfield of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K generated in the skewfield of pseudodifferential operators over K by the subalgebra of all differential operators. Second, we show that the Dieudonne' determinant of a matrix pseudodifferential operator with coefficients in a differential subring A of K lies in the integral closure of A in K, and we give an example of a 2x2 matrix differential operator with coefficients in A whose Dieudonne' determiant does not lie in A.Comment: 15 page

    Rational matrix pseudodifferential operators

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    The skewfield K(d) of rational pseudodifferential operators over a differential field K is the skewfield of fractions of the algebra of differential operators K[d]. In our previous paper we showed that any H from K(d) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of K[d], B is non-zero, and any common right divisor of A and B is a non-zero element of K. Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-zero element of K[d]. In the present paper we study the ring M_n(K(d)) of nxn matrices over the skewfield K(d). We show that similarly, any H from M_n(K(d)) has a minimal fractional decomposition H=AB^(-1), where A,B are elements of M_n(K[d]), B is non-degenerate, and any common right divisor of A and B is an invertible element of the ring M_n(K[d]). Moreover, any right fractional decomposition of H is obtained by multiplying A and B on the right by the same non-degenerate element of M_n(K [d]). We give several equivalent definitions of the minimal fractional decomposition. These results are applied to the study of maximal isotropicity property, used in the theory of Dirac structures.Comment: 20 page

    The locally covariant Dirac field

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    We describe the free Dirac field in a four dimensional spacetime as a locally covariant quantum field theory in the sense of Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, using a representation independent construction. The freedom in the geometric constructions involved can be encoded in terms of the cohomology of the category of spin spacetimes. If we restrict ourselves to the observable algebra the cohomological obstructions vanish and the theory is unique. We establish some basic properties of the theory and discuss the class of Hadamard states, filling some technical gaps in the literature. Finally we show that the relative Cauchy evolution yields commutators with the stress-energy-momentum tensor, as in the scalar field case.Comment: 36 pages; v2 minor changes, typos corrected, updated references and acknowledgement

    Measurement of time--varying Multiple--Input Multiple--Output Channels

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    We derive a criterion on the measurability / identifiability of Multiple--Input Multiple--Output (MIMO) channels based on the size of the so-called spreading support of its subchannels. Novel MIMO transmission techniques provide high-capacity communication channels in time-varying environments and exact knowledge of the transmission channel operator is of key importance when trying to transmit information at a rate close to channel capacity

    Polarizations and differential calculus in affine spaces

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    Within the framework of mappings between affine spaces, the notion of nn-th polarization of a function will lead to an intrinsic characterization of polynomial functions. We prove that the characteristic features of derivations, such as linearity, iterability, Leibniz and chain rules, are shared -- at the finite level -- by the polarization operators. We give these results by means of explicit general formulae, which are valid at any order nn, and are based on combinatorial identities. The infinitesimal limits of the nn-th polarizations of a function will yield its nn-th derivatives (without resorting to the usual recursive definition), and the above mentioned properties will be recovered directly in the limit. Polynomial functions will allow us to produce a coordinate free version of Taylor's formula

    Antilinear deformations of Coxeter groups, an application to Calogero models

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    We construct complex root spaces remaining invariant under antilinear involutions related to all Coxeter groups. We provide two alternative constructions: One is based on deformations of factors of the Coxeter element and the other based on the deformation of the longest element of the Coxeter group. Motivated by the fact that non-Hermitian Hamiltonians admitting an antilinear symmetry may be used to define consistent quantum mechanical systems with real discrete energy spectra, we subsequently employ our constructions to formulate deformations of Coxeter models remaining invariant under these extended Coxeter groups. We provide explicit and generic solutions for the Schroedinger equation of these models for the eigenenergies and corresponding wavefunctions. A new feature of these novel models is that when compared with the undeformed case their solutions are usually no longer singular for an exchange of an amount of particles less than the dimension of the representation space of the roots. The simultaneous scattering of all particles in the model leads to anyonic exchange factors for processes which have no analogue in the undeformed case.Comment: 32 page

    Perturbation Theory around Non-Nested Fermi Surfaces I. Keeping the Fermi Surface Fixed

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    The perturbation expansion for a general class of many-fermion systems with a non-nested, non-spherical Fermi surface is renormalized to all orders. In the limit as the infrared cutoff is removed, the counterterms converge to a finite limit which is differentiable in the band structure. The map from the renormalized to the bare band structure is shown to be locally injective. A new classification of graphs as overlapping or non-overlapping is given, and improved power counting bounds are derived from it. They imply that the only subgraphs that can generate rr factorials in the rthr^{\rm th} order of the renormalized perturbation series are indeed the ladder graphs and thus give a precise sense to the statement that `ladders are the most divergent diagrams'. Our results apply directly to the Hubbard model at any filling except for half-filling. The half-filled Hubbard model is treated in another place.Comment: plain TeX with postscript figures in a uuencoded gz-compressed tar file. Put it on a separate directory before unpacking, since it contains about 40 files. If you have problems, requests or comments, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Want to Gather? No Need to Chatter!

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    A team of mobile agents, starting from different nodes of an unknown network, possibly at different times, have to meet at the same node and declare that they have all met. Agents have different labels and move in synchronous rounds along links of the network. The above task is known as gathering and was traditionally considered under the assumption that when some agents are at the same node then they can talk. In this paper we ask the question of whether this ability of talking is needed for gathering. The answer turns out to be no. Our main contribution are two deterministic algorithms that always accomplish gathering in a much weaker model. We only assume that at any time an agent knows how many agents are at the node that it currently occupies but agents do not see the labels of other co-located agents and cannot exchange any information with them. They also do not see other nodes than the current one. Our first algorithm works under the assumption that agents know a priori some upper bound N on the network size, and it works in time polynomial in N and in the length l of the smallest label. Our second algorithm does not assume any a priori knowledge about the network but its complexity is exponential in the network size and in the labels of agents. Its purpose is to show feasibility of gathering under this harsher scenario. As a by-product of our techniques we obtain, in the same weak model, the solution of the fundamental problem of leader election among agents. As an application of our result we also solve, in the same model, the well-known gossiping problem: if each agent has a message at the beginning, we show how to make all messages known to all agents, even without any a priori knowledge about the network. If agents know an upper bound N on the network size then our gossiping algorithm works in time polynomial in N, in l and in the length of the largest message