13 research outputs found

    Thyroid function tests in patients taking thyroid medication in Germany: Results from the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies from iodine-sufficient areas have shown that a high proportion of patients taking medication for thyroid diseases have thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels outside the reference range. Next to patient compliance, inadequate dosing adjustment resulting in under- and over-treatment of thyroid disease is a major cause of poor therapy outcomes. Using thyroid function tests, we aim to measure the proportions of subjects, who are under- or over-treated with thyroid medication in a previously iodine-deficient area.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Data from 266 subjects participating in the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) were analysed. All subjects were taking thyroid medication. Serum TSH levels were measured using immunochemiluminescent procedures. TSH levels of < 0.27 or > 2.15 mIU/L in subjects younger than 50 years and < 0.19 or > 2.09 mIU/L in subjects 50 years and older, were defined as decreased or elevated, according to the established reference range for the specific study area. Our analysis revealed that 56 of 190 (29.5%) subjects treated with thyroxine had TSH levels outside the reference range (10.0% elevated, 19.5% decreased). Of the 31 subjects taking antithyroid drugs, 12 (38.7%) had TSH levels outside the reference range (9.7% elevated, 29.0% decreased). These proportions were lower in the 45 subjects receiving iodine supplementation (2.2% elevated, 8.9% decreased). Among the 3,974 SHIP participants not taking thyroid medication, TSH levels outside the reference range (2.8% elevated, 5.9% decreased) were less frequent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In concordance with previous studies in iodine-sufficient areas, our results indicate that a considerable number of patients taking thyroid medication are either under- or over-treated. Improved monitoring of these patients' TSH levels, compared to the local reference range, is recommended.</p

    Laboranalytisches Screening gefährlichen Alkoholkonsums in der Allgemeinbevölkerung unter Verwendung von Daten der "Study of Health in Pomerania" (SHIP)

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    Hintergrund: Die vielfach schädigende Wirkung des übermäßigen Konsums von Alkohol ist seit vielen Jahren bekannt und in zahlreichen Studien belegt. Individuumsbezogene Ansätze als auch auf einzelne Personen abzielende Anteile eines systemischen Ansatzes benötigen ein je nach Einsatzbereich entsprechend gut funktionierendes Instrumentarium zum Screening und zur Messung des gesundheitsriskanten Alkoholkonsums. In verschiedenen Situationen ist es wünschenswert, einen biochemischen Marker für erhöhten Alkoholkonsum zu haben, der nicht nur den kurzfristigen Konsum misst, sondern den kumulativen Konsum über mehrere Wochen und Monate angibt. Methoden: Anhand einer epidemiologischen Querschnittsstudie (Study of Health in Pomerania – SHIP) wurde untersucht, wie der Zusammenhang zwischen dem selbstberichteten Alkoholkonsum und den biochemischen Markern Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT), Mittleres Volumen des einzelnen Erythrozyten (MCV) und Carbohydrat-defizientes Transferrin (CDT) unter Berücksichtigung weiterer konfundierender Variablen wie Alter, Geschlecht, Rauchen und Adipositas beschrieben werden kann. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob die Effektivität der genannten Marker als Screeningwerkzeug für gefährlichen Alkoholkonsum ausreicht, um den Einsatz in einer unselektierten Stichprobe aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung zu rechtfertigen. Ergebnisse: Es zeigte sich, dass die Verteilungen der Laborparameter bei Probanden, die Alkohol tranken und solchen die keinen Alkohol tranken, stark überlappten. Effekte der konfundierenden Variablen konnten festgestellt werden. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Alkoholkonsum und Labormarkern war vorhanden. Die Screeningeffektivität der Labormarker erwies sich als gering. Positiv prädiktive Werte lagen unter 50%. Die Labormarker unterschieden sich u.a. insofern, dass CDT schlechtere Ergebnisse erzielte als GGT. Auch eine Einschränkung der Analysen auf Subgruppen mit erhöhter Prävalenz des gefährlichen Alkoholkonsums ergab keine Steigerung des positiv prädiktiven Wertes über 50%. Fazit: Nach Einsicht in den Forschungsstand und nach Analyse der Daten aus SHIP muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Effektivität der Labormarker CDT, GGT und MCV nicht ausreicht, um sie für das Screening gefährlichen Alkoholkonsums in der Allgemeinbevölkerung einzusetzen.Background: Assessment of high-risk drinking in the general population can be problematic: questionnaire-based instruments may carry the problem of random or systematic recall bias, and the effectiveness of screening of single biomarkers has been shown to be insufficient. In this article, we analyze the alcohol intake/biomarker relationship of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), and erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Specific aims were (1) screening effectiveness comparison of GGT, CDT, and MCVin terms of sensitivity, specificity, and positive (PPVs) and negative predictive values (NPVs) and the effect of covariates on these measures; (2) the comparison of summary measures for the effectiveness of screening: the receiver characteristic curve (ROC) and the area under the ROC; and (3) to answer the question of which covariates effect which biomarkers and whether accounting for relevant covariates increases the prognostic value of biomarkers to levels that allow for application in the general population. Methods: In a representative cross-sectional health survey in northeast Germany with data collection from 1997 to 2001, 4310 men and women were asked for their recent alcohol consumption and smoking. Biomarkers were analyzed from blood samples. The effectiveness of screening of CDT, GGT, and MCV for high-risk drinking (men: 60 g/day, women: 40 g/day) was analyzed with PPV and ROC curve analysis. Results: For all three biomarkers, PPVs for high-risk drinking are very low ( 50%). There are some effects of covariates on screening effectiveness and on PPV, and knowledge of these covariates increases screening effectiveness, but no subgroup that had a combination of covariate levels and prevalence of high-risk drinking that led to a PPV 50% could be found. Conclusions: Accounting for covariates in the screening procedure does not lead to a sufficient increase in PPV. Screening effectiveness of laboratory markers CDT, GGT, and MCV is insufficient for their application as screening tools for high-risk alcohol drinking in the general population. This was found using self-reported alcohol consumption as an imperfect gold standard, which is a limitation of the study, although self-reports are the standard instrument in comparable epidemiologic studies

    Sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic and opioid medicament use and its co-occurrence with tobacco smoking and alcohol risk drinking in a community sample

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    Abstract Background Sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic and opioid medicament (SO) use and its relation to tobacco smoking and alcohol risk drinking is largely unknown. Prevalence data for SO intake and its co-occurrence with tobacco smoking and alcohol risk drinking considering age are presented. Methods Random general population sample of individuals aged 20–79 drawn from a mixed rural and urban area in Germany (Study of Health in Pomerania, SHIP). All medicament intake during the past 7 days prior to the interview was assessed according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification as part of an interview conducted in a health examination center. Results Among men, 3.0%, and among women 5.0% took SO. The proportion of SO users was higher (odds ratio 1.9; 95% confidence interval 1.1–3.4) whereas the proportions of current cigarette smokers and alcohol risk drinkers without SO use were lower among individuals aged 60–79 compared to those aged 20–39. The proportion of individuals with smoking, alcohol risk drinking or SO use was also lower among those aged 60–79 compared to the 20–39 year olds. Conclusion Although proportions of SO users in older adult age are higher than in younger adult age there are less subjects with any of the 3 substance use behaviors at older adult age compared to age 20–39.</p

    Menopausal hormone therapy in Germany: results of three national surveys from 1997 to 2003

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    Objective: To determine regional variations in the prevalence and applied therapy regimes of current menopausal hormone therapy (HT) in Germany. Methods: Three population-based surveys, analysing data of 45-74 years old women, were compared: The Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP; 1123 participants; northeast Germany, October 1997-May 2001), Cooperative Health Research in the Augsburg Region Survey 2000 (KORA; 1253 participants; south Germany, October 1999-April 2001) and Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study (HNR; 2257 participants; west Germany, December 2000-August 2003). A standardized interview technique provided data on current medication. Results: rhe age-standardized prevalence of HT was 17.0% (95% confidence interval (Cl): 14.9-19.1) in SHIP, 25.9% (95% CI: 23.6-28.3) in KORA and 24.7% (95% CI: 22.9-26.4) in HNR. Mean average time of intake of HT was 5.1 (SHIP), 7.5 (KORA) and 10.1 years (HNR). The use of estrogen plus progestogen combinations was equally common in all three surveys with proportions of about 15%, the use of unopposed estrogen in KORA and HNR was twice as high as in SHIP. In all three surveys oral estradiol was taken most often. Transdermal estradiol was preferred by KORA women whereas conjugated estrogens were taken most frequently by HNR women. Conclusions: Compared to northeast Germany HT was more often applied in the south and west of Germany. HT as long-term therapy was more common in West than in East Germany. In each study region there was a specific pattern of used HT components

    Sylloge nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland : Münzsammlung der Universität Tübingen /

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    Includes bibliographical references.1. Hispania-Sikelia. Nr. 1-7303. Akarnanien-Bithynien Nr. 1543-21732. Taurische Chersones-Korkyra. Nr. 731-15424. Mysien-Ionien. Nr. 2174-33065. Karien und Lydien. Nr. 3307-388