400 research outputs found

    Online Motion Generation for Mirroring Human Arm Motion

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    Motion planning in robotics is a very large field of research. Many different approaches have been developed to create smooth trajectories for robot movement. For example there are optimization algorithms, which optimize kinematic or dynamic properties of a trajectory. Furthermore, nonlinear programming methods like e.g. optimal control, or polynomial based methods are widely used for trajectory generation. Most of these techniques are used to calculate a trajectory in advance, or they are limited to create point-to-point motions, where the robot needs to stop when switching to the next target point, especially, when interpolating in rotational space. In this paper, we combine a low-pass filter and spherical linear interpolation to realize a velocity-limited online trajectory generator for robot orientations in quaternion space. We use the developed motion generator for mirroring a human arm motion with a robot, recorded by a low frequency visual tracking. Using the proposed method, we can replicate the motion of the operator’s arm with very little delay and thereby achieve an easy-to-use interface. Furthermore, as we can strictly limit the velocity of the generated motion, the approach can safely be used in human robot collaboration applications

    Vertical distribution of Baltic sprat larvae: changes in patterns of diel migration?

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    Ontogenetic and diurnal vertical migration patterns of Baltic sprat larvae were investigated for the periods 1989–1990 and 1998–2002. Comparison of the results led to the hypothesis that the diel vertical migration behaviour of sprat larvae >10 mm has changed. In 1989 and 1990, sprat larvae migrated to the surface at night, whereas they stayed 30–50 m deep by day. From 1998 to 2002, sprat larvae showed no signs of diel vertical migration, remaining in warmer, near-surface water by day and night. This behavioural change coincided with a more general change in the Baltic ecosystem, i.e. an increase in near-surface temperature and a general increase in abundance of the major prey organism (Acartia spp.) of Baltic sprat larvae, with more pronounced aggregation in surface waters

    From chiral laser pulses to femto- and attosecond electronic chirality flips in achiral molecules

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    Chirality is an important topic in biology, chemistry and physics. Here we show that ultrashort circularly polarized laser pulses, which are chiral, can be fired on achiral oriented molecules to induce chirality in their electronic densities, with chirality flips within femtoseconds or even attoseconds. Our results, obtained by quantum dynamics simulations, use the fact that laser pulses can break electronic symmetry while conserving nuclear symmetry. Here two laser pulses generate a superposition of three electronic eigenstates. This breaks all symmetry elements of the electronic density, making it chiral except at the periodic rare events of the chirality flips. As possible applications, we propose the combination of the electronic chirality flips with Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity

    Electron Symmetry Breaking during Attosecond Charge Migration Induced by Laser Pulses: Point Group Analyses for Quantum Dynamics

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    Quantum simulations of the electron dynamics of oriented benzene and Mg-porphyrin driven by short (<10 fs) laser pulses yield electron symmetry breaking during attosecond charge migration. Nuclear motions are negligible on this time domain, i.e., the point group symmetries G = D6h and D4h of the nuclear scaffolds are conserved. At the same time, the symmetries of the one-electron densities are broken, however, to specific subgroups of G for the excited superposition states. These subgroups depend on the polarization and on the electric fields of the laser pulses. They can be determined either by inspection of the symmetry elements of the one-electron density which represents charge migration after the laser pulse, or by a new and more efficient group-theoretical approach. The results agree perfectly with each other. They suggest laser control of symmetry breaking. The choice of the target subgroup is restricted, however, by a new theorem, i.e., it must contain the symmetry group of the time-dependent electronic Hamiltonian of the oriented molecule interacting with the laser pulse(s). This theorem can also be applied to confirm or to falsify complementary suggestions of electron symmetry breaking by laser pulses

    CDO1 Promoter Methylation is a Biomarker for Outcome Prediction of Anthracycline Treated, Estrogen Receptor-Positive, Lymph Node-Positive Breast Cancer Patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various biomarkers for prediction of distant metastasis in lymph-node negative breast cancer have been described; however, predictive biomarkers for patients with lymph-node positive (LNP) disease in the context of distinct systemic therapies are still very much needed. DNA methylation is aberrant in breast cancer and is likely to play a major role in disease progression. In this study, the DNA methylation status of 202 candidate loci was screened to identify those loci that may predict outcome in LNP/estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer patients with adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Quantitative bisulfite sequencing was used to analyze DNA methylation biomarker candidates in a retrospective cohort of 162 LNP/ER+ breast cancer patients, who received adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy. First, twelve breast cancer specimens were analyzed for all 202 candidate loci to exclude genes that showed no differential methylation. To identify genes that predict distant metastasis, the remaining loci were analyzed in 84 selected cases, including the 12 initial ones. Significant loci were analyzed in the remaining 78 independent cases. Metastasis-free survival analysis was conducted by using Cox regression, time-dependent ROC analysis, and the Kaplan-Meier method. Pairwise multivariate regression analysis was performed by linear Cox Proportional Hazard models, testing the association between methylation scores and clinical parameters with respect to metastasis-free survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 202 loci analysed, 37 showed some indication of differential DNA methylation among the initial 12 patient samples tested. Of those, 6 loci were associated with outcome in the initial cohort (n = 84, log rank test, p < 0.05).</p> <p>Promoter DNA methylation of cysteine dioxygenase 1 (CDO1) was confirmed in univariate and in pairwise multivariate analysis adjusting for age at surgery, pathological T stage, progesterone receptor status, grade, and endocrine therapy as a strong and independent biomarker for outcome prediction in the independent validation set (log rank test p-value = 0.0010).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CDO1 methylation was shown to be a strong predictor for distant metastasis in retrospective cohorts of LNP/ER+ breast cancer patients, who had received adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy.</p


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    Auch nachdem die globale Finanzkrise und die Eurokrise überstanden sind, sucht die Welt nach neuen Wachstumsimpulsen. Die Liberalisierung des internationalen Handels gehört zu den Erfolg versprechenden Instrumenten. Die Kontroversen über das Transatlantische Handels- und Investitionsabkommen (TTIP) zeigen allerdings: Handelsliberalisierung ist zunehmend komplex. Es geht nicht mehr nur darum, Zölle und andere Handelshemmnisse zu beseitigen, es sind auch vielfältige Wünsche der Bevölkerung hinsichtlich Sicherheits- und Qualitätsstandards der gehandelten Güter und Dienstleistungen zu berücksichtigen. Die Aussicht auf mehr Wirtschaftswachstum allein reicht nicht mehr aus, um die Bevölkerung von den Vorzügen des Freihandels zu überzeugen. Ungeachtet dessen würden die zwei größten Wirtschaftsräume der Welt - zusammen sind die USA und die EU für knapp die Hälfte des Welt-BIP verantwortlich - durch das TTIP-Abkommen noch enger miteinander verbunden. Für die EU könnte das Abkommen langfristig einen Zuwachs in Höhe von bis zu rund 0,5 % des BIP bedeuten, das entspricht rund 120 Mrd. Euro. Während die gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung damit überschaubar bliebe, würden einzelne Branchen und Unternehmen deutlich profitieren. So würde durch das Handelsabkommen die weltweit größte Chemie-Handelszone entstehen. Zusammen erwirtschaften die EU und die USA gut 34 % des globalen Chemieumsatzes (China: 31,4 %). Das Aushandeln von globalen Handelsabkommen wird immer komplexer und schwieriger. So wird es in den nächsten Jahrzehnten handelspolitisch zu einer weiteren Regionalisierung kommen. Multilaterale Liberalisierung im Rahmen der WTO wird also vorerst weiter auf Eis liegen. Entsprechend erwarten wir Reformen innerhalb der WTO, die der handelspolitischen Regionalisierung Rechnung tragen. Viele der heutigen Schwellenländer werden dabei eine zentrale Rolle spielen, insbesondere in Asien. Sie werden ihren Handel am stärksten liberalisieren und ihren Anteil am Welthandel ausbauen. Dabei werden zwischen den Ländern zunehmend Güter gehandelt, die sich nicht mehr in ihrer Produktnatur, sondern vor allem durch unterschiedliche Varianten des gleichen Produkts unterscheiden. Insgesamt wird die weitere Handelsintensivierung in Kombination mit einigen anderen absehbaren Trends die Wirtschaft spürbar verändern. So erwarten wir beschleunigtes Wachstum durch einen rasanten Investitionswettlauf. Dabei dürfte die Mittelschicht in den Industrienationen weiter schrumpfen, und bei der Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung kann es zu weiteren Konzentrationsprozessen kommen. Die global vernetzte Wirtschaft wird durch noch mehr Arbeitsteilung und Spezialisierung zwar effizienter, dafür aber auch krisenanfälliger sein. Schon kleinere Fehlentwicklungen können große wirtschaftliche Folgen haben. Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik sind deshalb aufgefordert, Konzepte für mehr »Fehlerfreundlichkeit« zu entwickeln. Vorerst muss die Wirtschaftspolitik aber darauf vorbereitet sein, dass sie auch künftig im Falle einer Krise als Akteur benötigt wird. Auch dafür müssen finanzpolitische Reserven gebildet werden

    Pathogen invasion-dependent tissue reservoirs and plasmid-encoded antibiotic degradation boost plasmid spread in the gut

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    Many plasmids encode antibiotic resistance genes. Through conjugation, plasmids can be rapidly disseminated. Previous work identified gut luminal donor/recipient blooms and tissue-lodged plasmid-bearing persister cells of the enteric pathogen; Salmonella enterica; serovar Typhimurium (; S; .Tm) that survive antibiotic therapy in host tissues, as factors promoting plasmid dissemination among Enterobacteriaceae. However, the buildup of tissue reservoirs and their contribution to plasmid spread await experimental demonstration. Here, we asked if re-seeding-plasmid acquisition-invasion cycles by; S; .Tm could serve to diversify tissue-lodged plasmid reservoirs, and thereby promote plasmid spread. Starting with intraperitoneal mouse infections, we demonstrate that; S; .Tm cells re-seeding the gut lumen initiate clonal expansion. Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) plasmid-encoded gut luminal antibiotic degradation by donors can foster recipient survival under beta-lactam antibiotic treatment, enhancing transconjugant formation upon re-seeding.; S; .Tm transconjugants can subsequently re-enter host tissues introducing the new plasmid into the tissue-lodged reservoir. Population dynamics analyses pinpoint recipient migration into the gut lumen as rate-limiting for plasmid transfer dynamics in our model. Priority effects may be a limiting factor for reservoir formation in host tissues. Overall, our proof-of-principle data indicates that luminal antibiotic degradation and shuttling between the gut lumen and tissue-resident reservoirs can promote the accumulation and spread of plasmids within a host over time