123 research outputs found

    Chemically fuelled self-regulating gel-to-gel transition

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    Artificial self‐regulating materials can be prepared by exploiting fuel‐driven pathways. Dynamic covalent bonds are formed and broken reversibly under mild reaction conditions. Herein, we utilise this concept to programme a system that can undergo a fuel‐driven self‐regulated gel‐to‐gel transition. The reaction between the gelator and the fuel resulted in a change in chemical structure of the gelator that initially causes a transition from a solution to gel state by co‐assembly. With time, the intermediate complex collapses, re‐forming the gelator structure. However, the gel does not collapse. This method allows us to prepare gels with improved mechanical strength. Unlike conventional gel‐to‐gel transitions, exploitation of dynamic covalent chemistry provides an opportunity to access materials that cannot be prepared directly under similar final conditions

    Programming properties of transient hydrogels by an enzymatic reaction

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    Supramolecular gels are usually stable in time as they are formed under thermodynamic equilibrium or at least in a deep well of a kinetically trapped state. However, artificial construction of kinetically controlled transient supramolecular gels is an interesting challenge. In these systems, usually a kinetically trapped transient aggregate is formed by active building blocks that leads to gelation; the gel then typically returns to the solution state. In this work, we show that such transient aggregation can occur by successive formation of two distinctly different kinetically controlled metastable states. Control over the first metastable state allows us to achieve significant control over the stability and properties of the second metastable state

    Using small-angle scattering and contrast matching to understand molecular packing in low molecular weight gels

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    It is difficult to determine exactly the molecular packing in the aggregates in low molecular weight gels. Attempts to understand the packing have been made using X-ray diffraction, but there are complications with drying and questions as to whether the crystal structures represent the packing in the gel phase. Here, we exploit contrast matching in small-angle neutron scattering experiments. By preparing selectively deuterated analogs of the same molecule, the scattering from that section of the molecule decreases compared with the hydrogenated molecule. We examine packing in the pre-gelled solutions at high pH and in the gels at low pH. The data from the final gels show a lack of specific order in the aggregates that form the gel matrix. The packing in these systems is not well ordered in the gel state and so implies that it is likely that current models and cartoons are not correct

    Transparent-to-dark photo- and electrochromic gels

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    Smart windows in which the transmittance can be controlled on demand are a promising solution for the reduction of energy use in buildings. Windows are often the most energy inefficient part of a building, and so controlling the transmittance has the potential to significantly improve heating costs. Whilst numerous approaches exist, many suitable materials are costly to manufacture and process and so new materials could have a significant impact. Here we describe a gel-based device which is both photo- and electrochromic. The gel matrix is formed by the self-assembly of a naphthalene diimide. The radical anion of the naphthalene diimide can be formed photo or electrochemically, and leads to a desirable transition from transparent to black. The speed of response, low potential needed to generate the radical anion, cyclability of the system, temperature stability and low cost mean these devices may be suitable for applications in smart windows

    Crystal field analysis of Pm3+^{3+} (4f4)andSm^{f4}) and Sm^{3+}(4 (4^{f5}) and lattice location studies of 147^{147}Nd and 147^{147}Pm in w-AlN

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    We report a detailed crystal field analysis of Pm3+ and Sm3+ as well as lattice location studies of 147Pm and 147Nd in 2H-aluminum nitride (w-AlN). The isotopes of mass 147 were produced by nuclear fission and implanted at an energy of 60 keV. The decay chain of interest in this work is 147Nd→147Pm→147Sm (stable). Lattice location studies applying the emission channeling technique were carried out using the ÎČ− particles and conversion electrons emitted in the radioactive decay of 147Nd→147Pm. The samples were investigated as implanted, and also they were investigated after annealing to temperatures of 873 K as well as 1373 K. The main fraction of about 60% of both 147Pm as well as 147Nd atoms was located on substitutional Al sites in the AlN lattice; the remainder of the ions were located randomly within the AlN lattice. Following radioactive decay of 147Nd, the cathodoluminescence spectra of Pm3+ and Sm3+ were obtained between 500 nm and 1050 nm at sample temperatures between 12 K and 300 K. High-resolution emission spectra, representing intra-4f electron transitions, were analyzed to establish the crystal-field splitting of the energy levels of Sm3+ (4f5) and Pm3+ (4f4) in cationic sites having C3v symmetry in the AlN lattice. Using crystal-field splitting models, we obtained a rms deviation of 6 cm−1 between 31 calculated-to-experimental energy (Stark) levels for Sm3+ in AlN. The results are similar to those reported for Sm3+ implanted into GaN. Using a set of crystal-field splitting parameters Bnm, for Pm3+ derived from the present Sm3+ analysis, we calculated the splitting for the 5F1, 5I4, and 5I5 multiplet manifolds in Pm3+ and obtained good agreement between the calculated and the experimental Stark levels. Temperature-dependent lifetime measurements are also reported for the emitting levels 4F5∕2 (Sm3+) and 5F1 (Pm3+)

    Programming gels over a wide pH range using multicomponent systems

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    Multicomponent hydrogels offer a tremendous opportunity to prepare useful and exciting materials that cannot be accessed using a single component. Here, we describe an unusual multi‐component low molecular weight gelling system that exhibits pH‐responsive behavior involving cooperative hydrogen bonding between the components, allowing it to maintain a gel phase across a wide pH range. Unlike traditional acid‐triggered gels, our system undergoes a change in the underlying molecular packing and maintains the ÎČ‐sheet structure both at acidic and basic pH. We further establish that autonomous programming between these two gel states is possible by an enzymatic reaction which allows us to prepare gels with improved mechanical properties

    Atomic structures of naphthalene dipeptide micelles unravel mechanisms of assembly and gelation

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    Peptide-based biopolymers have gained increasing attention due to their versatile applications. A naphthalene dipeptide (2NapFF) can form chirality-dependent tubular micelles, leading to supramolecular gels. The precise molecular arrangement within these micelles and the mechanism governing gelation have remained enigmatic. We determined, at near-atomic resolution, cryoelectron microscopy structures of the 2NapFF micelles LL-tube and LD-tube, generated by the stereoisomers (ʟ,ʟ)-2NapFF and (ʟ,ᮅ)-2NapFF, respectively. The structures reveal that the fundamental packing of dipeptides is driven by the systematic π-π stacking of aromatic rings and that same-charge repulsion between the carbonyl groups is responsible for the stiffness of both tubes. The structural analysis elucidates how a single residue’s altered chirality gives rise to markedly distinct tubular structures and sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the pH-dependent gelation of LL- and LD-tubes. The understanding of dipeptide packing and gelation mechanisms provides insights for the rational design of 2NapFF derivatives, enabling the modulation of micellar dimensions

    Drying affects the fiber network in low molecular weight hydrogels

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    Low molecular weight gels are formed by the self-assembly of a suitable small molecule gelator into a three-dimensional network of fibrous structures. The gel properties are determined by the fiber structures, the number and type of cross-links and the distribution of the fibers and cross-links in space. Probing these structures and cross-links is difficult. Many reports rely on microscopy of dried gels (xerogels), where the solvent is removed prior to imaging. The assumption is made that this has little effect on the structures, but it is not clear that this assumption is always (or ever) valid. Here, we use small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to probe low molecular weight hydrogels formed by the self-assembly of dipeptides. We compare scattering data for wet and dried gels, as well as following the drying process. We show that the assumption that drying does not affect the network is not always correct

    Exploiting and controlling gel-to-crystal transitions in multicomponent supramolecular gels

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    Multicomponent supramolecular gels provide opportunities to form materials that are not accessible when using the single components alone. Different scenarios are possible when mixing multiple components, from complete co-assembly (mixing of the components within the self-assembled structures formed) to complete self-sorting such that each structure contains only one of the components. Most examples of multicomponent gels that currently exist form stable gels. Here, we show that this can be used to control the mechanical properties of the gels, but what is probably most exciting is that we show that we can use a magnetic field to control the shape of the crystals. The gelling component aligns in a magnetic field and so results in anisotropic crystals being formed

    Λc+\Lambda^+_c- and Λb\Lambda_b-hypernuclei

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    Λc+\Lambda^+_c- and Λb\Lambda_b-hypernuclei are studied in the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model. Comparisons are made with the results for Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei studied in the same model previously. Although the scalar and vector potentials felt by the Λ\Lambda, Λc+\Lambda_c^+ and Λb\Lambda_b in the corresponding hypernuclei multiplet which has the same baryon numbers are quite similar, the wave functions obtained, e.g., for 1s1/21s_{1/2} state, are very different. The Λc+\Lambda^+_c baryon density distribution in Λc+209^{209}_{\Lambda^+_c}Pb is much more pushed away from the center than that for the Λ\Lambda in Λ209^{209}_\LambdaPb due to the Coulomb force. On the contrary, the Λb\Lambda_b baryon density distributions in Λb\Lambda_b-hypernuclei are much larger near the origin than those for the Λ\Lambda in the corresponding Λ\Lambda-hypernuclei due to its heavy mass. It is also found that level spacing for the Λb\Lambda_b single-particle energies is much smaller than that for the Λ\Lambda and Λc+\Lambda^+_c.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 4 figures, text was extended, version to appear in Phys. Rev.
