86 research outputs found

    Occurrence of LINE, gypsy-like, and copia-like retrotransposons in the clonally propagated sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)

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    Retrotransposons are a class of transposable elements that represent a major fraction of the repetitive DNA of most eukaryotes. Their abundance stems from their expansive replication strategies. We screened and isolated sequence fragments of long terminal repeat (LTR), gypsy-like reverse transcriptase (rt) and gypsy-like envelope (env) domains, and two partial sequences of non-LTR retrotransposons, long interspersed element (LINE), in the clonally propagated allohexaploid sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) genome. Using dot-blot hybridization, these elements were found to be present in the ~1597 Mb haploid sweet potato genome with copy numbers ranging from ~50 to ~4100 as observed in the partial LTR (IbLtr-1) and LINE (IbLi-1) sequences, respectively. The continuous clonal propagation of sweet potato may have contributed to such a multitude of copies of some of these genomic elements. Interestingly, the isolated gypsy-like env and gypsy-like rt sequence fragments, IbGy-1 (~2100 copies) and IbGy-2 (~540 copies), respectively, were found to be homologous to the Bagy-2 cDNA sequences of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Although the isolated partial sequences were found to be homologous to other transcriptionally active elements, future studies are required to determine whether they represent elements that are transcriptionally active under normal and (or) stressful conditions

    Discovery of a New Soft Gamma Repeater, SGR 1627-41

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    We report the discovery of a new soft gamma repeater (SGR), SGR 1627-41, and present BATSE observations of the burst emission and BeppoSAX NFI observations of the probable persistent X-ray counterpart to this SGR. All but one burst spectrum are well fit by an optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB) model with kT values between 25 and 35 keV. The spectrum of the X-ray counterpart, SAX J1635.8-4736, is similar to that of other persistent SGR X-ray counterparts. We find weak evidence for a periodic signal at 6.41 s in the light curve for this source. Like other SGRs, this source appears to be associated with a young supernova remnant G337.0-0.1. Based upon the peak luminosities of bursts observed from this SGR, we find a lower limit on the dipole magnetic field of the neutron star B_dipole > 5 * 10^14 Gauss.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Selection of Psyllid-Resistant Forage Varieties from an Inter-Specific Breeding Program of \u3cem\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/em\u3e with \u3cem\u3eL. pallida\u3c/em\u3e

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    Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) pastures for beef cattle production are productive and sustainable; however, susceptibility to the psyllid insect (Heteropsylla cubana) has limited expansion of current commercial cultivars into more humid areas (\u3e 800 mm/yr) (Shelton and Dalzell 2007). Psyllids can also cause intermittent damage in lower rainfall regions during humid periods. The psyllid, which arrived in Australia in 1986, is a leaf-sucking insect specific to the Leucaena genus, feeding on the growing tips of susceptible cultivars (Bray 1994). Psyllid damage can reduce production by as much as 50-70% in humid regions and 20-50% in subhumid environments (Bray 1994; Mullen and Shelton 2003). Work on psyllid resistance in the Leucaena genus through the 1990s showed that several Leucaena species, including the tetraploid L. pallida, had good levels of resistance (Mullen et al. 2003). A breeding program to develop psyllid-resistant varieties began in 2002 at The University of Queensland (UQ) based on the F1 inter-specific hybrids between L. leucocephala and L. pallida (known as ‘KX2’), developed at the University of Hawaii (Brewbaker 2008). Between 2002 and 2005, UQ initiated a program of recurrent selection in an attempt to produce stable outcrossed KX2-derived lines but inbreeding depression for yield and poor forage quality led to a change in the breeding strategy, and a backcrossing program was implemented between 2005 and 2008. Two cycles of backcrossing to elite L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata material were completed followed by 2 cycles of progeny testing and selection for self-compatibility to achieve stability and uniformity (2009 - 2012). Forty elite psyllid-resistant lines were then evaluated to identify the most suitable lines for release to industry. This paper describes the results of these trials

    Selecting hybrid pine clones for deployment - The pointy end of wood quality improvement

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    A clonal forestry research programme on Pinus elliottii Engelm. (slash pine) x P. caribaea Morelet var. hondurensis Barrett & Golfari (Caribbean pine) hybrids commenced in Queensland in 1986. Each cycle of clonal tests covered about 5 calendar years from field planting, and studies of wood quality variation have so far been used in selecting superior clones from the first three series of tests for commercial plantation deployment. Experience from the Series III clonal selection round is used to highlight the difficulties of ranking elite clones given a large number of growth, form, and wood property traits. Three to six ramets were felled from the best 32 clones in the Series III trials at age 6.8 years and a 3-m butt log from each was sawn into 70 × 35-mm structural boards. The clones sawn were ranked for routine deployment using data on growth, form, and wood traits. All recovered boards were assessed for distortion and tested for modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture. Various non-destructive wood evaluation methods were used to estimate modulus of elasticity (wood stiffness) in these trees. Standing tree acoustic velocity assessed with an ST300 tool was slightly less strongly correlated phenotypically with the average modulus of elasticity of the recovered boards (r = 0.88**) than with predictions of modulus of elasticity from resonance vibration test samples and SilviScan estimates (both r = 0.89**). Moderate phenotypic relationships were found for individual tree means between average twist of the sawn boards and the average spiral grain angle of growth rings 2, 3, and 4 (r = 0.70**) assessed using a breast-height 12-mm increment core, and between average bow in the boards and average microfibril angle (r = 0.64**) from SilviScan assessments of core samples

    RXTE Observations of the Anomalous Pulsar 4U 0142+61

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    We observed the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 using the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in March 1996. The pulse frequency was measured as f = 0.11510039(3) Hz with an upper limit of df/dt < 4 * 10^(-13) Hz/s upon the short term change in frequency over the 4.6 day span of the observations. A compilation of all historical measurements showed an overall spin-down trend with slope df/dt = (-3.0 +/- 0.1) * 10^(-14) Hz/s. Searches for orbital modulations in pulse arrival times yielded an upper limit of a_x sin i < 0.26 lt-s (99% confidence) for the period range 70 s to 2.5 days. These limits combined with previous optical limits and evolutionary arguments suggest that 4U 0142+61 is probably not a member of a binary system.Comment: 20 pages (LaTeX) including 7 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Unusual Burst from Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14: Comparisons with Giant Flares and Implications for the Magnetar Model

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    The Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14 entered a remarkable phase of activity during the summer of 1998. This activity peaked on August 27, 1998 when a giant periodic gamma-ray flare resembling the famous March 5, 1979 event from SGR 0526-66 was recorded. Two days later (August 29), a strong, bright burst was detected with RXTE and BATSE. This event reveals several similarities to the giant flares of August 27 and March 5, and shows a number of unique features not previously seen in SGR bursts. Unlike typically short SGR bursts, this event features a 3.5 s burst peak that was preceded by an extended (~ 1 s) complex precursor, and followed by a long (~ 1000 s) periodic tail modulated at the 5.16 s stellar rotation period. Spectral analysis shows a striking distinction between the spectral behavior of the precursor, burst peak and extended tail. While the spectrum during the peak is uniform, a significant spectral evolution is detected in both the precursor and tail emissions. Temporal behavior shows a sharp rise (~ 9.8 ms) at the event onset and a rapid cutoff (~ 17 ms) of the end of the burst peak. The tail pulsations show a simple pulse profile consisting of one 5.16 s peak that did not evolve with time. The spectral and temporal signatures of this event imply that the precursor, main peak, and extended tail are produced by different physical mechanisms. We discuss these features and their implications in the context of the magnetar model. The energetics of the August 29 event, and its close proximity to the August 27 flare, suggest that it is an `aftershock' of the preceding giant flare. "P.S. This is an abbreviated version of the original abstract.

    Initial spacing of teak (Tectona grandis) in northern Lao PDR: Impacts on the growth of teak and companion crops

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    Teak (Tectona grandis) has been planted extensively by smallholder farmers in Luang Prabang province of northern Laos, primarily in small woodlots established at high initial stocking rates with little/no management until the largest trees are harvested selectively, commencing at 15–20 years after planting. This study used a Nelder wheel experiment planted in 2008, and measured annually after the end of the first 10 growing seasons, to evaluate the effects of the initial planting density on the growth of teak. The potential for intercropping established teak was also evaluated using this Nelder wheel, when the trees were 5–6 years of age, to emulate what might be achievable from companion cropping under an agroforestry system with teak. Individual tree diameter was maximised at the lowest initial stocking, but tree height showed optimum development between 637 and 1020 trees ha−1. While standing volume (m3 ha−1) was maximised at the highest initial stocking (2424 trees ha−1), merchantable volume maximised at initial stocking rates between 423 and 637 trees ha−1. Companion cropping demonstrated that modest yields of maize, cassava and pigeon pea are possible under established teak, where the spacing between trees exceeds 8 m. Both maize and cassava achieved yields of over 2 t ha−1 with a spacing of 8 m between trees, while pigeon pea achieved 3 t ha−1 at 10 m spacing between trees. These results demonstrate that the adoption of reduced initial stocking rates for teak (i.e. below 1000 trees ha−1) can significantly increase the growth rates of teak, improving individual tree volumes, and potentially reducing time to commercial harvest. Further, where row spacing is at least 8–10 m, these results suggest that extended periods of companion cropping (2–6 years after planting) may be possible. Finally, given that Lao farmers are reluctant to adopt pre-commercial thinning, serious consideration should be given to the promotion of simple, regimes for teak woodlots using an initial stocking rate of around 600 trees ha−1. Alleys widths of 10 m are recommended for farmers wishing to establish grow teak in an agroforestry system and extend the period for companion cropping. Nevertheless, revision of Government of Lao policy frameworks are required to support the adoption of more appropriate initial spacing in teak woodlots and agroforestry systems by smallholders

    An Unusual Burst from Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14: Comparisons with Giant Flares and Implications for the Magnetar Model

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    The Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14 entered a remarkable phase of activity during the summer of 1998. This activity peaked on August 27, 1998 when a giant periodic gamma-ray flare resembling the famous March 5, 1979 event from SGR 0526-66 was recorded. Two days later (August 29), a strong, bright burst was detected with RXTE and BATSE. This event reveals several similarities to the giant flares of August 27 and March 5, and shows a number of unique features not previously seen in SGR bursts. Unlike typically short SGR bursts, this event features a 3.5 s burst peak that was preceded by an extended (~ 1 s) complex precursor, and followed by a long (~ 1000 s) periodic tail modulated at the 5.16 s stellar rotation period. Spectral analysis shows a striking distinction between the spectral behavior of the precursor, burst peak and extended tail. While the spectrum during the peak is uniform, a significant spectral evolution is detected in both the precursor and tail emissions. Temporal behavior shows a sharp rise (~ 9.8 ms) at the event onset and a rapid cutoff (~ 17 ms) at the end of the burst peak. The tail pulsations show a simple pulse profile consisting of one 5.16 s peak that did not evolve with time. The spectral and temporal signatures of this event imply that the precursor, main peak, and extended tail are produced by different physical mechanisms. We discuss these features and their implications in the context of the magnetar model. The energetics of the August 29 event, and its close proximity to the August 27 flare, suggest that it is an `aftershock' of the preceding giant flare. "P.S. This is an abbreviated version of the original abstract.

    Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding

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    The growing human population and a changing environment have raised significant concern for global food security, with the current improvement rate of several important crops inadequate to meet future demand1. This slow improvement rate is attributed partly to the long generation times of crop plants. Here, we present a method called ‘speed breeding’, which greatly shortens generation time and accelerates breeding and research programmes. Speed breeding can be used to achieve up to 6 generations per year for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), durum wheat (T. durum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and pea (Pisum sativum), and 4 generations for canola (Brassica napus), instead of 2–3 under normal glasshouse conditions. We demonstrate that speed breeding in fully enclosed, controlled-environment growth chambers can accelerate plant development for research purposes, including phenotyping of adult plant traits, mutant studies and transformation. The use of supplemental lighting in a glasshouse environment allows rapid generation cycling through single seed descent (SSD) and potential for adaptation to larger-scale crop improvement programs. Cost saving through light-emitting diode (LED) supplemental lighting is also outlined. We envisage great potential for integrating speed breeding with other modern crop breeding technologies, including high-throughput genotyping, genome editing and genomic selection, accelerating the rate of crop improvement