42 research outputs found

    Study of the Problem of Urban Streams in the Rebolo catchment (Barranquilla, Colombia) and Proposed Solutions

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    The main purpose of this Master's Dissertation is to carry out a detailed diagnosis of the existing problems in the city of Barranquilla-Colombia, with the well-known urban streams, mainly focusing on the Rebolo basin. Barranquilla, named officially as Industrial and Port Special District, is the capital of the department of the Atlantic and is located in the northeastern sector of the department, bordering the western margin of the Magdalena River, approximately 7.5 km from the mouth of the Caribbean Sea. During the last years, the city has presented an accelerated population and structural growth, this generating an increase of the impermeable zones, and consequently an increase of runoffs, in addition will the lack of a sewage system. Therefore, it is intended to perform an analysis and diagnosis of the existing structures in the Rebolo basin in order to determine the feasibility of incorporating them as part of the solution, and to later present solutions that integrate traditional sewer systems with sustainable urban drainage techniques, thus achieving an optimum design under a technical and environmental point of view. The first chapters of the present paper give us an idea of the existing problems in the city of Barranquilla and highlight the main characteristics of the study area, such as: climatology, socioeconomic and demographic aspects, as well as the background of the studied problem. In addition, the collection of baseline data and the hydraulic criteria proposed by the Technical Regulation of the Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation Sector (RAS 2000), current legislation the design, development and maintenance of civil works relating to the drinking water sector and basic sanitation, are detailed. Finally the solutions proposed for the present problems will be shown, complemented by their respective characteristics.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene como objetivo principal realizar un diagnóstico detallado de la problemática existente en la ciudad de Barranquilla-Colombia, con los llamados arroyos urbanos, enfocándose principalmente a la cuenca de Rebolo. Barranquilla, nombrada de forma oficial como Distrito Especial, Industrial y Portuario, es la capital del departamento del Atlántico y está localizada en el sector nororiental del departamento, colindando con la margen occidental del río Magdalena, aproximadamente 7,5 km de la desembocadura en el mar Caribe. En la ciudad a, lo largo de los últimos años se ha presentado un crecimiento poblacional y estructural acelerado, generando este último el aumento de las zonas impermeables, generando mayor flujo de escorrentía de la mano con la falta de un sistema de alcantarillado pluvial se ha dado fruto al fenómeno antes mencionado. Por lo tanto se pretende realizar un análisis y diagnóstico de las estructuras existentes en la cuenca analizada para conocer la viabilidad de su incorporación como parte de la solución, para posteriormente presentar soluciones que integren los sistemas de alcantarillado tradicional con las técnicas de drenaje urbano sostenible, consiguiendo así un diseño óptimo y respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Los primeros capítulos del presente trabajo nos dan a conocer la problemática existente en la ciudad de Barranquilla y resalta desde un enfoque general las características principales de la zona de estudio, tales como: climatología, aspectos socio-económicos y demográficos y además los antecedentes de la problemática actual. Adicionalmente se muestra la recopilación de datos de partida y los criterios hidráulicos propuestos por el Reglamento Técnico del Sector de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico (RAS 2000), normativa vigente para el diseño, desarrollo y mantenimiento de las obras civiles referentes al sector de agua potable y saneamiento básico. Por último se mostrarán las soluciones proyectadas para el presente problema con sus respectivas características.[CA] El present Treball de Fi de Màster té com objectiu principal realitzar un diagnòstic detallat de la problemàtica existent en la ciutat de Barranquilla-Colòmbia, en les nomenades rieres urbanes, enfocant-se principalment a la conca de Rebolo. Barranquilla, nomenada de forma oficial com Distrit Especial, Industrial i Portuari, és la capital del departament de l'Atlàntic i està localitzada en el sector nort-oriental del departament, confrontant en el marge occidental del riu Magdalena, aproximadament 7,5 Km de la gola en el mar Carib. En la ciutat, en els últims anys s'ha presentat un creixement Poblacional i estructural accelerat, generant aquest últim l'aument de les zones impermeables, generant major flux d'escorrentia a mes de la falta d'un sistema de clavegveram pluvial, donant-se pan al fenomen abans mencionat. Per tant es pretén realitzar un anàlisi i diagnòstic de les estructures existents en la conca analitzada per a coneixer la viabilitat de la seua incorporació com part de la solució, per a posteriorment presentar solucions que integren els sistemes de clavegveram tradicionals en les tècniques de drenatge urbà sostenible, a conseguint així un disseny òptim i respetous amb el medi ambient. Els primers capítols del present treball ens donen a coneixer la problemàtica existent en la ciutat de Barranquilla i ressalt-en des d'un enfocament general les característiques principals de la zona d'estudi, tals com: climatologia, aspectes soci-econòmics i demogràfics i a més els antecedents de la problemàtica actual. Allicionalment es mostra la recol•lecció de dades de partida i els criteris hidràulics proposts pel Reglament Tècnic del Sector d'Aigua Potable i Sanejament Bàsic (RAS 2000), normativa vigent per al disseny, desenvolupament i manteniment de les obres civils referents al sector d'aigua potable i sanejament bàsic. Per últim es mostraran les solucions projectades per al present problema en les seues respectives característiques.Van Strahlen Bartel, HD. (2017). Estudio de la problemática de los arroyos urbanos de la cuenca El Rebolo (Barranquilla, Colombia) y propuesta de soluciones. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/90068TFG

    Outcome of Alcohol Septal Ablation in Mildly Symptomatic Patients With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study Based on the Euro-Alcohol Septal Ablation Registry

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    Background The long‐term efficacy and safety of alcohol septal ablation ( ASA ) in patients with highly symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy has been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long‐term outcomes of mildly symptomatic patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy treated with ASA . Methods and Results We retrospectively evaluated consecutive patients enrolled in the Euro‐ ASA registry (1427 patients) and identified 161 patients (53±13 years; 27% women) who were mildly symptomatic (New York Heart Association [ NYHA ] class II ) pre‐ ASA . The median (interquartile range) follow‐up was 4.8 (1.7–8.5) years. The clinical outcome was assessed and compared with the age‐ and sex‐matched general population. The 30‐day mortality after ASA was 0.6% and the annual all‐cause mortality rate was 1.7%, which was similar to the age‐ and sex‐matched general population ( P =0.62). A total of 141 (88%) patients had resting left ventricular outflow tract gradient at the last clinical checkup ≤30 mm Hg. Obstruction was reduced from 63±32 to 15±19 mm Hg ( P &lt;0.01), and the mean NYHA class decreased from 2.0±0 to 1.3±0.1 ( P &lt;0.01); 69%, 29%, and 2% of patients were in NYHA class I, II , and III at the last clinical checkup, respectively. Conclusions Mildly symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy patients treated with ASA had sustained symptomatic and hemodynamic relief with a low risk of developing severe heart failure. Their survival is comparable to the general population. </jats:sec

    miR-132, an experience-dependent microRNA, is essential for visual cortex plasticity

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    Using quantitative analyses, we identified microRNAs (miRNAs) that were abundantly expressed in visual cortex and that responded to dark rearing and/or monocular deprivation. The most substantially altered miRNA, miR-132, was rapidly upregulated after eye opening and was delayed by dark rearing. In vivo inhibition of miR-132 in mice prevented ocular dominance plasticity in identified neurons following monocular deprivation and affected the maturation of dendritic spines, demonstrating its critical role in the plasticity of visual cortex circuits.National Eye Institute (Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellowship 1F32EY020066-01)Simons Foundation (Postdoctoral Fellowship)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (EY017098)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (EY007023

    High-resolution imaging of fast magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostructures

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    By combining magnetic transmission x-ray microscopy with a stroboscopic pump and probe technique using synchrotron radiation we are able to image the magnetization dynamics in micron sized magnetic particles on a sub-100 ps time scale with a lateral spatial resolution down to 21 nm. We report first observations in squared elements indicating locally varying precessional frequencies which are in agreement with micromagnetic simulations. The experiment opens a route towards a high spatiotemporal resolution of spin patterns which is needed to understand the microscopic origin of magnetization reversal of micron sized and nano-sized magnetic particles

    Thermal-electrical impedance spectroscopy for fluid characterization

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    Electrical impedance spectroscopy (dielectric or electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) is a widespread characterization method for solids or fluids in industrial applications. Here we present a novel combination of the electrical impedance spectroscopy with its thermal equivalent, that we thus call “thermal impedance spectroscopy”. With this combination, a deeper insight of the fluid properties, especially at different fluid mixtures, is possible

    Thermisch-Elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie zur Charakterisierung von Fluiden und für die Prozessüberwachung

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    Electrical impedance spectroscopy (dielectric or electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) is a widespread characterization method for solids or fluids in industrial applications. A wider understanding of the compositions of the tested substance can easily be obtained by combining the electrical with a thermal impedance spectroscopy. The thermal analogue of the EIS utilise a heating element in contact with the test substance that is periodically heated, measuring the require temperature amplitude. It is an adaption of the well-known 3-Omega-Method [1]. Additionally to the electrical properties like conductivity, capacity etc. changes of the thermal properties like thermal conductivity, thermal capacity or the density are measurable