525 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline U1x_{1-x}Pux_{x}O2(+y)_{2(+y)} mixed oxides

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    We report here the first synthesis of mixed oxide U1x_{1-x}Pux_{x}O2(+y)_{2(+y)} nanoparticles. The obtained nanopowders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal ionization mass spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and U M4_{4} edge high-energy-resolution X-ray absorption near edge structure (HR-XANES). The HR-XANES spectra give evidence for the partial oxidation of UIV^{IV} to UV^{V}. This novel route toward the formation of actinide–actinide solid solution opens research opportunities that are not accessible using bulk materials. We give details on the X-ray diffraction study on plutonium oxalate hexahydrate, as a reagent for the synthesis of such nanoparticles

    Towards an operationalization of test-driven development skills: An industrial empirical study

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    Abstract Context: The majority of the empirical studies on Test-driven development (TDD) are concerned with verifying or refuting the effectiveness of the technique over a traditional approach, and they tend to neglect whether the subjects possess the necessary skills to apply TDD, though they argue such skills are necessary. Objective: We evaluate a set of minimal, a priori and in process skills necessary to apply TDD. We determine whether variations in external quality (i.e., number of defects) and productivity (i.e., number of features implemented) can be associated with different clusters of the TDD skills? set. Method: We executed a quasi-experiment involving 30 practitioners from industry. We first grouped the participants according to their TDD skills? set (consisting of a priori experience on programming and testing as well as in-process TDD conformance) into three levels (Low-Medium-High) using k-means clustering. We then applied ANOVA to compare the clusters in terms of external quality and productivity, and conducted post-hoc pairwise analysis. Results: We did not observe a statistically significant difference between the clusters either for external software quality ( F ( 2 , 27 = 1.44 , p = . 260 ), or productivity ( F ( 2 , 27 ) = 3.02 , p = . 065 ). However, the analysis of the effect sizes and their confidence intervals shows that the TDD skills? set is a factor that could account for up to 28% of the external quality, and 38% for productivity. Conclusion: We have reason to conclude that focusing on the improvement of TDD skills? set investigated in this study could benefit software developers in improving their baseline productivity and the external quality of the code they produce. However, replications are needed to overcome the issues related with the statistical power of this study. We suggest practical insights for future work to investigate the phenomenon further.hisresearchispartiallysupportedbytheAcademyofFinlandwithdecisionno.:278354,andbyFinnishDistinguishedProfessor(Fi.Di.Pro.) programme, ESEIL

    Innovative preparation route for uranium carbide using citric acid as a carbon source

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    The preparation of uranium carbide (UC) by carbothermal reduction and its sintering into dense pellets by conventional means require high temperatures for long periods. We have developed a preparation route yielding fine UC powder with significantly increased sinterability. At first, a mixture of nanocrystalline UO2 embedded in amorphous carbon (nano-UO2/C) was obtained by thermal decomposition of a gel containing solubilised uranyl nitrate and citric acid. Later, the nano-UO2/C powder was treated in a conventional furnace or in a modified spark plasma sintering facility at elevated temperatures (≥1200°C) in order to obtain uranium carbide powder. The effects of initial composition, temperature, gas/vacuum atmosphere and the overall reaction kinetics are reported

    Melting behaviour of uranium-americium mixed oxides under different atmospheres

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    In the context of a comprehensive campaign for the characterisation of transmutation fuels for next generation nuclear reactors, the melting behaviour of mixed uranium-americium dioxides has been experimentally studied for the first time by laser heating, for Am concentrations up to 70 mol. % under different types of atmospheres. Extensive post-melting material characterisations were then performed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The melting temperatures observed for the various compositions follow a markedly different trend depending on the experimental atmosphere. Uranium-rich samples melt at temperatures significantly lower (around 2700 K) when they are laser-heated in a strongly oxidizing atmosphere compressed air at (0.300 ± 0.005) MPa, compared to the melting points (beyond 3000 K) registered for the same compositions in an inert environment (pressurised Ar). This behaviour has been interpreted on the basis of the strong oxidation of such samples in air, leading to lower-melting temperatures. Thus, the melting temperature trend observed in air is characterized, in the purely pseudo-binary dioxide plane, by an apparent maximum melting temperature around 2850 K for 0.3 < x(AmO2) < 0.5. The melting points measured under inert atmosphere uniformly decrease with increasing americium content, displaying an approximately ideal solution behaviour if a melting point around 2386 K is assumed for pure AmO2. In reality, it will be shown that the (U, Am)-oxide system can only be rigorously described in the ternary U-Am-O phase diagram, rather than the UO2-AmO2 pseudo-binary, due to the aforementioned over-oxidation effect in air. Indeed, general departures from the oxygen stoichiometry (Oxygen/Metal ratios ≠ 2.0) have been highlighted by the X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). Finally, to help interpret the experimental results, thermodynamic computations based on the CALPHAD method will be presented

    An industry experiment on the effects of test-driven development on external quality and productivity

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    Existing empirical studies on test-driven development (TDD) report different conclusions about its effects on quality and productivity. Very few of those studies are experiments conducted with software professionals in industry. We aim to analyse the effects of TDD on the external quality of the work done and the productivity of developers in an industrial setting. We conducted an experiment with 24 professionals from three different sites of a software organization. We chose a repeated-measures design, and asked subjects to implement TDD and incremental test last development (ITLD) in two simple tasks and a realistic application close to real-life complexity. To analyse our findings, we applied a repeated-measures general linear model procedure and a linear mixed effects procedure. We did not observe a statistical difference between the quality of the work done by subjects in both treatments. We observed that the subjects are more productive when they implement TDD on a simple task compared to ITLD, but the productivity drops significantly when applying TDD to a complex brownfield task. So, the task complexity significantly obscured the effect of TDD. Further evidence is necessary to conclude whether TDD is better or worse than ITLD in terms of external quality and productivity in an industrial setting. We found that experimental factors such as selection of tasks could dominate the findings in TDD studies.This research has been partly funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation projects TIN2011-23216, the Distinguished Professor Program of Tekes, and the Academy of Finland (Grant Decision No. 260871)

    Integration of DFDs into a UML - based model-driven engineering approach

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    The main aim of this article is to discuss how the functional and the object-oriented views can be inter-played to represent the various modeling perspectives of embedded systems.We discuss whether the object-oriented modeling paradigm, the predominant one to develop software at the present time, is also adequate for modeling embedded software and how it can be used with the functional paradigm.More specifically, we present how the main modeling tool of the traditional structured methods, data flow diagrams, can be integrated in an object-oriented development strategy based on the unified modeling language. The rationale behind the approach is that both views are important for modeling purposes in embedded systems environments, and thus a combined and integrated model is not only useful, but also fundamental for developing complex systems. The approach was integrated in amodel-driven engineering process, where tool support for the models used was provided. In addition, model transformations have been specified and implemented to automate the process.We exemplify the approach with an IPv6 router case study.FEDER -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(HH-02-383

    Requirements Engineering

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) aims to ensure that systems meet the needs of their stakeholders including users, sponsors, and customers. Often consid- ered as one of the earliest activities in software engineering, it has developed into a set of activities that touch almost every step of the software development process. In this chapter, we reflect on how the need for RE was first recognised and how its foundational concepts were developed. We present the seminal papers on four main activities of the RE process, namely (i) elicitation, (ii) modelling & analysis, (iii) as- surance, and (iv) management & evolution. We also discuss some current research challenges in the area, including security requirements engineering as well as RE for mobile and ubiquitous computing. Finally, we identify some open challenges and research gaps that require further exploration