509 research outputs found

    Resiliensi Millenial Terhadap Ekonomi Kreatif Pada Masa Pademi Covid-19 di Pasuruan

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    Covid-19 juga membawa perubahan besar yang tidak direncanakan pada hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat dunia. Perubahan ini menuntut kita mampu beradaptasi dan bangkit dari kesulitan yang timbul saat pandemi covid-19 ini. Kemampuan beradaptasi dan bangkit ini disebut resiliensi.Millenial kami pilih sebagai target penelitian ini dikarnakan millenial adalah simbol perubahan generasi yang membawa perubahan gaya hidup menjadi serba digital.Penelitian ini menitik beratkan resiliensi ekonomi kreatif millenial karna pada masa ini millenial adalah generasi yang mendominasi pasar kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penilitian lapangan, studi kepustakan, serta pengambilan sample menggunakan teknik purposive sampling di Kota Pasuruan dan Kabupaten Pasurua

    Revisión sistemática y bioestratigrafía del género Alueva Sdzuy, 1961 (Ellipsocephalidae, Trilobita, Cámbrico).

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    Se revisa la sistemática del género Alueva Sdzuy, 1961 y de las tres especies incluidas en él: Alueva undulata Sdzuy, 1961, Alanisia hastata Sdzuy, 1958, y Strenuaeva sampelayoi moratrix Sdzuy, 1958, todas ellas definidas en la localidad zaragozana de Murero. Alueva venulosa Dean, 2005 se considera un sinónimo subjetivo más reciente de Protolenus dimarginatus Geyer, 1990. También se revisan los hallazgos de Alueva hastata en la Sierra de Córdoba, Cordillera Cantábrica y, posiblemente, los de las Montañas del Taurus (Turquía). Con los datos actuales, este género parece ser endémico de la Subprovincia Mediterránea. Alueva presenta una distribución muy breve, desde un punto de vista bioestratigráfico, en niveles entorno al límite Cámbrico inferior medio, en el sentido clásico, concretamente desde el techo del Bilbiliense superior y la mayor parte del Leoniense inferior en la escala cronoestratigráfica establecida para el Cámbrico español. Estos niveles son correlacionables con los que en la actualidad se están estudiando para situar el límite entre las Series 2 y 3 del Cámbrico por la ISCS

    Neural crest stem cells undergo multilineage differentiation in developing peripheral nerves to generate endoneurial fibroblasts in addition to Schwann cells

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    Neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) persist in peripheral nerves throughout late gestation but their function is unknown. Current models of nerve development only consider the generation of Schwann cells from neural crest, but the presence of NCSCs raises the possibility of multilineage differentiation. We performed Cre-recombinase fate mapping to determine which nerve cells are neural crest derived. Endoneurial fibroblasts, in addition to myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells, were neural crest derived, whereas perineurial cells, pericytes and endothelial cells were not. This identified endoneurial fibroblasts as a novel neural crest derivative, and demonstrated that trunk neural crest does give rise to fibroblasts in vivo, consistent with previous studies of trunk NCSCs in culture. The multilineage differentiation of NCSCs into glial and non-glial derivatives in the developing nerve appears to be regulated by neuregulin, notch ligands, and bone morphogenic proteins, as these factors are expressed in the developing nerve, and cause nerve NCSCs to generate Schwann cells and fibroblasts, but not neurons, in culture. Nerve development is thus more complex than was previously thought, involving NCSC self-renewal, lineage commitment and multilineage differentiation

    Systematic and biostratigraphy of the genera Parasolenopleura, Badulesia, and Pardailhania in the Iberian Chains: a useful zonation for the Miaolingian Series (former middle Cambrian) in the Mediterranean region

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    The trilobite species of three genera included in the Family Solenopleuridae: Parasolenopleura, Badulesia and Pardailhania are revised. These genera have a great biostratigraphic interest due to their broad distribution in the Miaolingian Series (former middle Cambrian) of the Mediterranean Subprovince and because they constitute an evolutionary lineage, that facilitates an accurate regional correlation. Two of these genera (Pardailhania and Badulesia) have been used to define middle Cambrian zones in Spain (lower and middle Caesaraugustan, equivalent to the uppermost Wuliuan and the lower Drumian stages). Although, all authors have been using the same species to establish the Mediterranean biozonation of this interval time, the zone concept has been modified since Sdzuy's original idea. A thorough study of three localities from the Iberian Chains (Murero, Jarque and Villafeliche) have allowed us to revise the lower and middle Caesaraugustan zonation in the Iberian Chains and for extension, in the Mediterranean region by comparison with the other localities where those genera are recorded. We propose now a review zonation based on trilobite phylozones, including new stratigraphic and systematic data from the Iberian Chains in order to clarify the intercontinental correlation of this time interval

    First report of Crumillospongia (Demospongea) from the Cambrian of Europe (Murero biota, Spain)

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    The demosponge genus Crumillospongia, originally described from the Burgess Shale (middle Cambrian of Canada), has only been cited from lower and middle Cambrian localities of North America and China. The taxon is now also described from uppermost lower Cambrian rocks of the Murero Lagerstätte (Zaragoza Province, NE Spain). Crumillospongia mureroensis sp. nov. is a small to medium sized sack-shaped to elongate demosponge characterized by the presence of densely packed pores of three sizes, considerably larger than those in any other species of the genus. The Spanish material represents a link in the chronostratigraphical gap between the Chinese and North American material.Peer reviewe

    Studio del processo di macinazione meccanica di un acciaio per lavorazioni a caldo

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    Gli acciai per lavorazioni a caldo sono caratterizzati da buona tenacità ed elevata durezza a caldo.La metallurgia delle polveri, grazie alla produzione di materiali con microstruttura più fine,consente di migliorare entrambe queste caratteristiche. In questo lavoro, una polvere di AISI H13atomizzata in gas è stata macinata meccanicamente in modo da ridurre sia la dimensione delleparticelle che la dimensione della grana cristallina. I risultati mostrano che dopo 1000 minuti dimacinazione in un mulino planetario a sfere la dimensione del grano può essere ridotta in modosignificativo fino a 15nm. L’elevato grado di deformazione introdotto nelle particelle attiva ilprocesso di sinterizzazione e di conseguenza la polvere può essere sinterizzata a temperature e pertempi inferiori. Per produrre campioni ad alta densità e per mantenere la dimensione della granafine (<1?m) la polvere è stata sinterizzata tramite Spark Plasma Sintering. La microstruttura e ladurezza dei campioni prodotti da polvere macinata sono state investigate e confrontate con quelle diun materiale prodotto con polvere atomizzata

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution

    Encuentros científicos: una experiencia paleontológica sin salir del aula

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    El entorno de aprendizaje que proporciona la escuela debe trabajar de manera paralela los aspectos curriculares, como la enseñanza de las ciencias, y la formación de la ciudadanía en valores sociales, como la igualdad de género. En este contexto se realizó el proyecto de centro Encuentros científicos en el CRA La Llitera (Huesca). Durante el mismo se buscó información sobre el papel de la mujer en diversas disciplinas científicas. En este contexto se realizó el proyecto de centro Encuentros científicos en el CRA La Llitera (Huesca). Durante el mismo se buscó información sobre el papel de la mujer en diversas disciplinas científicas. Entre estas investigadoras se dieron a conocer paleontólogas, lo que dio pie a la realización de los siguientes talleres paleontológicos, que, debido a la situación sanitaria derivada de la COVID-19, fueron guiados de manera virtual desde la Universidad de Zaragoza..

    Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination

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    The cellular interactions that drive the formation and maintenance of the insulating myelin sheath around axons are only partially understood. Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated (LGI) proteins play important roles in nervous system development and mutations in their genes have been associated with epilepsy and amyelination. Their function involves interactions with ADAM22 and ADAM23 cell surface receptors, possibly in apposing membranes, thus attenuating cellular interactions. LGI4-ADAM22 interactions are required for axonal sorting and myelination in the developing peripheral nervous system (PNS). Functional analysis revealed that, despite their high homology and affinity for ADAM22, LGI proteins are functionally distinct. To dissect the key residues in LGI proteins required for coordinating axonal sorting and myelination in the developing PNS, we adopted a phylogenetic and computational approach and demonstrate that the mechanism of action of LGI4 depends on a cluster of three amino acids on the outer surface of the LGI4 protein, thus providing a structural basis for the mechanistic differences in LGI protein function in nervous system development and evolution


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    The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association is a non-profit organization established by the consortium of the EU 5th Framework Programme (FP) “ENEN” project in 2003. The ENEN Association started as a network of universities and research centers involved in education and training in nuclear engineering in EU countries and is presently involved in the challenging role of coordinating E&T in the nuclear fields in Europe. The main objective of ENEN is, in fact, the preservation and further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training. Its members are now universities, research centers and industrial bodies established in European Countries; in addition, MoUs have been signed with several institutions and networks beyond the borders of European Union, thus reaching the number of more than 60 members. The objective of this paper is to provide an up to date view of the actions and plans of the Association in pursuing its missions