364 research outputs found

    Dicksein macht krank : Zahl der FettsĂŒchtigen nimmt weltweit zu

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    Die Fettleibigkeit nimmt in Europa in alarmierender Weise zu und ist deshalb von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als eine weltweite Epidemie eingestuft worden. FĂŒr die europĂ€ische Vereinigung zur Untersuchung der Obesitas (European Association for the Study of Obesity, EASO), in der Grundlagenforscher, Kliniker und Epidemiologen zusammenarbeiten, gilt die Fettsucht als "wichtigste Barriere zur PrĂ€vention chronischer, nicht-ĂŒbertragbarer Krankheiten". In vielen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern ist mehr als die HĂ€lfte der Bevölkerung ĂŒbergewichtig und bis zu 30 Prozent der Bevölkerung sind fettleibig. Die PrĂ€valenz bei Kindern ist deutlich ansteigend, so dass in einigen Regionen nahezu jedes vierte Kind betroffen ist

    Eutopiagraphies: Narratives of Preferred Future Selves with Implications for Developmental Coaching

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    Eutopiagraphy is a narrative of a preferred future self that extends the research tradition of biography and autobiography. Taking place at the intersection of adult development, futures studies, and the practice of developmental coaching, this research asked the question, “what can eutopiagraphy reveal about a client’s meaning-making that may inform a coaching relationship, goals, and outcomes?” Using an adapted form of the subject-object interview, and subsequent thematic analysis, the eutopiagraphies of eight participants were collected and studied. Structures of constructive-developmental theory (values, view of others, range of perspective, control, and responsibility) were identified and constructive-developmental stages were estimated. This work extends the traditional subject-object protocol by using a narrative of a “to-be-lived” experience, rather than a “lived” experience, as the stimulus for revealing stages of meaning-making. Participants – estimated by the researcher to be at different developmental stages – identified differences in the potential use of a coach. Those at earlier stages, for instance, envisioned the need for a more prescriptive approach, while those at later stages anticipated less direction and more collaboration, in the nature of a trusted advisor. This work responds to the call for more research regarding familiar coaching practices (such as a discussion of a preferred future) and the application of adult developmental theory to the field of coaching. The potential application of adult developmental theory within the larger context of futures studies is addressed, shedding light on the different contributions to futures studies that may be made by individuals at different stages of development. Substantial connections were made to the mounting adaptive challenges of our complex world, the need for transformational leadership, and the possible use of developmental coaching as one way to address those challenges. The electronic version of this dissertation is at the OhioLINK ETD center https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    Eutopiagraphies: Narratives of Preferred Future Selves with Implications for Developmental Coaching

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    Eutopiagraphy is a narrative of a preferred future self that extends the research tradition of biography and autobiography. Taking place at the intersection of adult development, futures studies, and the practice of developmental coaching, this research asked the question, “what can eutopiagraphy reveal about a client’s meaning-making that may inform a coaching relationship, goals, and outcomes?” Using an adapted form of the subject-object interview, and subsequent thematic analysis, the eutopiagraphies of eight participants were collected and studied. Structures of constructive-developmental theory (values, view of others, range of perspective, control, and responsibility) were identified and constructive-developmental stages were estimated. This work extends the traditional subject-object protocol by using a narrative of a “to-be-lived” experience, rather than a “lived” experience, as the stimulus for revealing stages of meaning-making. Participants – estimated by the researcher to be at different developmental stages – identified differences in the potential use of a coach. Those at earlier stages, for instance, envisioned the need for a more prescriptive approach, while those at later stages anticipated less direction and more collaboration, in the nature of a trusted advisor. This work responds to the call for more research regarding familiar coaching practices (such as a discussion of a preferred future) and the application of adult developmental theory to the field of coaching. The potential application of adult developmental theory within the larger context of futures studies is addressed, shedding light on the different contributions to futures studies that may be made by individuals at different stages of development. Substantial connections were made to the mounting adaptive challenges of our complex world, the need for transformational leadership, and the possible use of developmental coaching as one way to address those challenges. The electronic version of this dissertation is at the OhioLINK ETD center https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    An improved ontological representation of dendritic cells as a paradigm for all cell types

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    The Cell Ontology (CL) is designed to provide a standardized representation of cell types for data annotation. Currently, the CL employs multiple is_a relations, defining cell types in terms of histological, functional, and lineage properties, and the majority of definitions are written with sufficient generality to hold across multiple species. This approach limits the CL’s utility for cross-species data integration. To address this problem, we developed a method for the ontological representation of cells and applied this method to develop a dendritic cell ontology (DC-CL). DC-CL subtypes are delineated on the basis of surface protein expression, systematically including both species-general and species-specific types and optimizing DC-CL for the analysis of flow cytometry data. This approach brings benefits in the form of increased accuracy, support for reasoning, and interoperability with other ontology resources. 104. Barry Smith, “Toward a Realistic Science of Environments”, Ecological Psychology, 2009, 21 (2), April-June, 121-130. Abstract: The perceptual psychologist J. J. Gibson embraces a radically externalistic view of mind and action. We have, for Gibson, not a Cartesian mind or soul, with its interior theater of contents and the consequent problem of explaining how this mind or soul and its psychological environment can succeed in grasping physical objects external to itself. Rather, we have a perceiving, acting organism, whose perceptions and actions are always already tuned to the parts and moments, the things and surfaces, of its external environment. We describe how on this basis Gibson sought to develop a realist science of environments which will be ‘consistent with physics, mechanics, optics, acoustics, and chemistry’

    Supervised Disulfiram in Relapse Prevention in Alcohol-Dependent Patients Suffering From Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder—A Case Series

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    Aims: Disulfiram is widely used to prevent alcoholic relapse. However, due to the intended adverse reaction with ethanol, some believe that its use is dangerous for patients with personality disorders or psychiatric comorbidities because of their increased risk of impulsivity or suicidal behaviour. We examined the safety and efficacy in relapse prevention of a series of alcoholics with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Methods: Case history study of patients diagnosed with BPD, prescribed disulfiram in a dose of 1.5-2.5 g/week, supervised by a physician in up to three brief contacts per week. Results: Two out of eight patients remained completely abstinent during the supervised disulfiram therapy over a mean period of 9.25 months. Adherence to treatment was 18.44 ± 21.78 months. The first relapse occurred after 1.38 ± 1.41 months. The cumulated time of abstinence was 16.88 ± 20.48 months. The overall tolerability was considered to be high; dizziness and fatigue appeared in all patients at the beginning of the therapy but did not persist. No serious adverse events or ethanol-disulfiram interactions were observed. No suicidal behaviour was reported. Conclusions: Although case observations should be interpreted with caution, supervised disulfiram seems to deserve further investigation in patients with comorbid BPD, for whom it appears to help prevent alcoholic relaps

    Consumer Bankruptcy Panel Strip Off in Chapter 7: The Limits of Dewsnup

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    Consumer Bankruptcy Panel Strip Off in Chapter 7: The Limits of Dewsnu

    Fast identification of folded human protein domains expressed in E. coli suitable for structural analysis

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    BACKGROUND: High-throughput protein structure analysis of individual protein domains requires analysis of large numbers of expression clones to identify suitable constructs for structure determination. For this purpose, methods need to be implemented for fast and reliable screening of the expressed proteins as early as possible in the overall process from cloning to structure determination. RESULTS: 88 different E. coli expression constructs for 17 human protein domains were analysed using high-throughput cloning, purification and folding analysis to obtain candidates suitable for structural analysis. After 96 deep-well microplate expression and automated protein purification, protein domains were directly analysed using 1D (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. In addition, analytical hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) was used to detect natively folded protein. With these two analytical methods, six constructs (representing two domains) were quickly identified as being well folded and suitable for structural analysis. CONCLUSION: The described approach facilitates high-throughput structural analysis. Clones expressing natively folded proteins suitable for NMR structure determination were quickly identified upon small scale expression screening using 1D (1)H-NMR and/or analytical HIC. This procedure is especially effective as a fast and inexpensive screen for the 'low hanging fruits' in structural genomics

    TapA acts as specific chaperone in TasA filament formation by strand complementation

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    Studying mechanisms of bacterial biofilm generation is of vital importance to understanding bacterial cell–cell communication, multicellular cohabitation principles, and the higher resilience of microorganisms in a biofilm against antibiotics. Biofilms of the nonpathogenic, gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis serve as a model system with biotechnological potential toward plant protection. Its major extracellular matrix protein components are TasA and TapA. The nature of TasA filaments has been of debate, and several forms, amyloidic and non-Thioflavin T-stainable have been observed. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of TapA and uncover the mechanism of TapA-supported growth of nonamyloidic TasA filaments. By analytical ultracentrifugation and NMR, we demonstrate TapA-dependent acceleration of filament formation from solutions of folded TasA. Solid-state NMR revealed intercalation of the N-terminal TasA peptide segment into subsequent protomers to form a filament composed of ÎČ-sandwich subunits. The secondary structure around the intercalated N-terminal strand ÎČ0 is conserved between filamentous TasA and the Fim and Pap proteins, which form bacterial type I pili, demonstrating such construction principles in a gram-positive organism. Analogous to the chaperones of the chaperone-usher pathway, the role of TapA is in donating its N terminus to serve for TasA folding into an Ig domain-similar filament structure by donor-strand complementation. According to NMR and since the V-set Ig fold of TapA is already complete, its participation within a filament beyond initiation is unlikely. Intriguingly, the most conserved residues in TasA-like proteins (camelysines) of Bacillaceae are located within the protomer interface
