436 research outputs found

    Degrees of Coaching: Success Boston's Transition Coaching Model, Highlights Brief

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    SBC coaches engage in providing the general kinds of supports proven helpful in research about beginning college outcomes for students. Connecting students to resources, helping them plan their coursework and identify a major, and developing a positive relationship with coaches have all been identified as mechanisms by which supports may improve outcomes for community college students in particular. Two-thirds of SBC coaches reported that connecting students to resources on and off campus is an important component of transition coaching. Coaches and students communicated with one another through a variety of methods; generally, coaches relied upon the modes students most preferred—text, email and in-person.In 2014-2015 the SBC program, as a whole, was providing support services on those topics aligned with prior research findings about the specific factors linked with college persistence and graduation, including financial aid support, course selection, time management, connecting students to resources, setting goals, and selecting a course of study. Importantly, students concurred that their coaches were most helpful when providing support about these same topics. Coaches described two other central components of their work with students, including helping students learn to advocate for themselves, and developing the confidence to succeed, through encouraging students to meet with professors to discuss course requirements, seek out support services, and identify and apply for internships.Prior research also suggests that the amount of communication and contact coaches have with students may contribute to improved college-related outcomes.ix SBC coaches and students communicate frequently, as evidenced by the nearly 9,000 transition support interactions recorded for the 2014-2015 school year. Yet these same data suggest variability in nonprofit organizations' expectations about how often coaches should engage with students each semester. To ensure that all students receive a consistent threshold of coaching support, perhaps stakeholders could consider whether to establish a minimum number of interactions between coaches and their students or minimum amount of one-on-one coaching each semester.The findings summarized in this brief illustrate how the SBC program has continued to help collegeentering students navigate their first years in college. They also suggest possible connections between aspects of program implementation and later accomplishments—connections to be explored in subsequent reports about key student outcomes. The findings also point to some challenges faced by the nonprofit organizations, especially in terms of managing large and sometimes widely dispersed caseloads of students. Those coaches with caseloads of 60-plus students lamented the lack of adequate time with individual students, and coaches whose caseloads were distributed across multiple campuses faced logistical hurdles in managing multiple college calendars and spending valuable time traveling between campuses. These impediments hindered coaches' capacity to support students effectively. Over the coming years, as SBC triples the number of students to be served, helping coaches and organizations manage these barriers will be even more critical

    Optimering af risteforbrĂŠnding IR-kamera:PSO 6522 - Final report

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    Barn: diabetes mellitus type-1 og sykehus

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    Oppgaven fokuserer pĂ„ tre hovedtema: barn, diabetes mellitus type-1 og medisinsk avdeling pĂ„ sykehus. Tittelen pĂ„ oppgaven ble derfor ”Barn: diabetes mellitus type-1 og sykehus”. FormĂ„let med oppgaven kommer frem av problemstillingen; Hvordan kan barn med diabetes mellitus type-1 pĂ„ somatisk avdeling hjelpes til mestring av sin lidelse? Oppgaven er et litteraturstudie der kjent teori er presentert og deretter drĂžftet i lys av problemstillingen. Benner og Wrubel (2001) sin teori om stress og mestring er lagt til grunn for drĂžftinga. DrĂžftinga viste at sykepleier mĂ„tte ha omfattende kunnskaper for Ă„ kunne hjelpe barn til mestring, da med sĂŠrlig vekt pĂ„ barn, miljĂž, kommunikasjon og foreldre

    Utsira Nord Floating Wind farm – Optimalisation of marine operations related to inter-array cable installation.

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    The offshore wind industry is experiencing significant growth, with wind farms expanding in size, capacity, and moving to more challenging locations. However, cable faults remain a major concern, particularly during the installation of inter-array and export cables. This thesis aims to research and analyse the installation steps of inter-array cables at the Utsira Nord offshore wind farm. It further seeks to enhance the installation process by identifying functional sea states through a combination of previous work and new data. The research focuses on answering key questions related to the installation of inter-array cables. This includes identifying the main steps, defining critical phases, and analysing the typical loads that impact cable installation to determine the parameters affecting the process. Additionally, the thesis seeks to determine the optimal environmental conditions for cable installation. The methodology employed in this thesis includes literature studies, experience from employees at DeepOcean regarding offshore operations, and the use of Orcaflex and Excel. The analysis, primarily conducted using Orcaflex, concentrates on the installation of 1st and 2nd end dynamic section. The floating windmill is treated as a fixed structure in the Orcaflex model, neglecting its movement due to the ongoing development of the foundation concept and limited comprehensive information on weather and environmental factors. The study primarily focuses on tension and curvature acting on the cable during installation, disregarding boat and floating structure considerations that are not directly relevant to the research objectives. From the knowledge gained in the literature review, an analysis was carried out to investigate crucial parameters in the cable laying process and a conclusion for when it is optimal to do inter-array cable installation operations at Utsira Nord was given. The focus was on tension loads, minimum bending radius, and potential clashes with the Moonpool. This was conducted with both Gumbel and Rayleigh analysis with irregular vessel motions. The result of the analysis illustrated the extent of impact the various environmental wave conditions had on the system. Throughout the study, certain wave conditions were found to be more favourable than others. Wave directions ranging from 90-135° and 225-270°, simulated with a current velocity of 0.3 m/s, offered the most optimal conditions for cable installation. In contrast, the analysis showed that sea states with wave directions of 0° and 180°, as well as current at 1.0 m/s, presented a higher risk of cable damage. To enhance the findings of this master's thesis, further analysis of different current velocities is recommended to identify operable sea states under higher currents. Additionally, analysing the system with a moving floating wind turbine, given that sufficient data is available

    Production of Customized Reactors by 3D Printing for Corrosive and Exothermic Reactions

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    This work presents a continuous reactor designed to be produced by 3D printing with the ultimate objective of performing fast, exothermic, and corrosive reactions. The dilution of sulfuric acid with water was used as a model for reactor design. A good mixing inside the reactor will promote the dilution and at the same time increase the heat transfer. Fast heat transfer is important to avoid vaporization of reactants/products and to control corrosion inside the reactor. The reactor was designed using a genetic algorithm to maximize the surface area of a prespecified reactor volume while ensuring a good mixing of the reactants. We have experimentally demonstrated that dilution of sulfuric acid can be done continuously in a Hartridge− Roughton mixer with lattices for enhanced heat transfer. Selected designs with internal and external lattices for enhanced heat exchange were manufactured by 3D printing using the Ti64 alloy. Different printing services were used to compare the quality of reactors that can be achieved by new industrial players that do not possess a 3D printer. One important item that should be considered when 3D printing is used for corrosive reactions is cross-contamination with other metals, since that can significantly affect the life and safety conditions of the reactors.publishedVersio

    Development of concepts for lifeboat evacuation in arctic regions. Dry evacuation from lifeboat to land or sea ice

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    The evacuation of passengers from a ship in distress is an essential measure in marine safety. Safety is only guaranteed when the passengers are evacuated to shore, especially in remote areas like the arctic region. There has been growing awareness with lack of knowledge, standards, routine, and documentation regarding marine search and rescue in the arctic region in recent years. This has been the reason for subsequent objective exercises like the SARex [4], which simulates real-life evacuation procedure from a ship in distress. This report is about finding a solution to evacuating passengers from a lifeboat to shore or stable, solid ice in the arctic region. This became apparent after series of events involving passenger cruise ships and shipping vessels running into technical engine-related problems off the Norwegian coast and in the arctic region. The project is developed with the Svalbard area as a case study due to the increase in marine traffic in the area. The region, mainly remote, is a high-risk area for the evacuation of passengers from a lifeboat to shore or stable, solid ice. This project is apparent as there are no current solutions to transfer people from lifeboats to shore or solid ice without getting wet and cold. This master’s thesis presents concept solutions for the evacuation of passengers from the lifeboat to shore or stable, solid ice in the arctic region. The concept is detailed with supporting calculations and analyses

    Epistemicidad y evidencialidad en la elección del modo en español: el caso de 'tal vez': Un estudio de la importancia de las condiciones temporales, epistémicas y evidenciales, a través de las concordancias y las solidaridades formales en textos de corpus

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    The modal information expressed by a verb can be dependent or independent, depending on whether it needs to be chosen by an inducer or not. The subjunctive mood in Spanish is considered to be a dependent mood because it normally appears in the presence of a grammatical inducer. This thesis focuses on the connection between epistemicity, evidentiality and the selection of mood in statements that contain the adverbial inducer «tal vez». This adverb can select the present indicative, present subjunctive or imperfect subjunctive mood, depending on the level of certainty of the information conveyed in the statement. It is thought hat the certainty is highest when the indicative mood is used and lowest when it is accompanied by the imperfective subjunctive mood. The imperfective mood does however always have to accompany an adverb like «tal vez» if the text it appears in is in the past tense. Therefore, one of the questions that is attempted answered in this thesis is whether it is mostly the fact that a text is in the past tense or the need to express the maximum amount of doubt that influences the choice of mood. Because the choice of the mood and tense is ultimately up to the individual speaker, the thesis also includes an attempt to determine whether these rules are always followed. This is done through analyse of indicators that can tell us something about the amount of evidentiality or epistemicity in a given text, which in turn reflects the amount of certainty conveyed, or that was intended to be conveyed, by the speaker or writer. The texts themselves are taken from a corpus of the Spanish language (i.e. El corpus del Español de Davies). The thesis also contains a section about didactics, as it is written as part of an integrated pedagogical program. The didactic proposal focuses mainly on an observation of a high school class in which the pupils were taught about the subjunctive mood and is meant to show some of the obstacles a teacher could meet in this situation

    Reaching for the Cap and Gown: Progress Toward Success Boston's College Completion Goals for Graduates of the Boston Public Schools

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    A new report, prepared for Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Success Boston college completion initiative, shows a remarkable increase in both the percentage and the number of Boston Public Schools graduates who complete college within six years. The report also examines college completion for students with Success Boston coaches, a major intervention launched by the Boston Foundation and its partners, including the Boston Public Schools, in 2009. Success Boston, a citywide multi-sector college completion initiative, was launched in 2008 in response to a report that found that only 35% of the BPS Class of 2000 graduates who enrolled in college earned a degree within seven years of graduating high school. The initiative is guided by the Boston Public Schools, the Boston Foundation, UMass Boston, Bunker Hill Community College, and the Boston Private Industry Council, along with dozens of colleges, universities, and nonprofit organizations. Among the initiative's ambitious goals was pushing members of the BPS Class of 2009 to a 52%six-year college completion rate. Today's report, "Reaching for the Cap and Gown: Progress Toward Success Boston's College Completion Goals for Graduates of the Boston Public Schools," finds that the six-year college completion rate of first-year college enrollees from the BPS Class of 2009 was 51.3%--within one percentage point of the 52% goal set in 2008. Equally impressive is the gain in the number of BPS graduates completing college within six years of high school graduation--1,314 from the Class of 2009, compared to 735 from the Class of 2000, the equivalent of a 79% increase. The study also finds that college completion, at 54.7%, is even higher than the goal for students who enrolled in the fall immediately after graduating from high school

    Frame factors for primary school teachers : a study from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The purpose of this study is to explore how frame factors can affect teaching. The study is about the primary school teacher in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through locating the frame factors influencing primary education the research question is addressed through three research objectives. The location of the study is Sarajevo and the data collection sites are two primary schools. A qualitative research approach was applied, designed as a case study. The concepts included in the theoretical framework provide the study with tools to analyze the relationship between the micro levels of education; represented by the teachers, with the macro level; represented by a state level framework law. The presented findings are based on the analysis of six in-dept interviews with teachers in one school, further these were analysed in relation with a law on education that was adopted in June 2003 at the state level. The findings from this study indicate that there are a number of regulating factors that influences the character of the frames surrounding primary school teachers in BiH. This study found that teachers own motivation, the school code and the schools’ perceived scope of action to affect the teachers

    Organisasjoner i krise

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    Denne studien baserer seg pÄ litteraturstudie som metode. Den handler om organisasjoner i krise og hvordan de skal mÞte utfordringen knyttet til dette. Oppgaven vil i stÞrst grad sette sÞkelys pÄ kommunikasjon i kriser. Oppgaven baserer seg pÄ kriseteori presentert av Timothy Coombs, Peggy Simcic BrÞnn og Jan Ketil Arnulf. Emner som kriseledelse, krisekommunikasjon og krisehÄndtering presenteres. Problemstillingen besvarer i oppgaven ved Ä benytte forskningsartikler om kriser i organisasjoner og artikler om omdÞmme. De viktigste funnene i studien viser at tidlig kommunikasjon og en effektiv kriseplan vil vÊre nÞkkelen for Ä hÄndtere kriser. Dette for Ä bevare de gode forholdene til interessenter og forbrukere. Videre vil mÄten en kommuniserer pÄ vÊre en faktor for videre suksess. Sosiale medier blir stadig en mer avgjÞrende kommunikasjonskanal og organisasjoner som ikke fÞlger utviklingen, vil falle fra.This study is based on literature study as a method. It is about organizations in crisis and how to meet the challenge associated with this. The thesis will to the greatest extent shed light on communication in crises. The thesis is based on crisis theory presented by Timothy Coombs, Peggy Simcic BrÞnn and Jan Ketil Arnulf. Topics such as crisis management, crisis communication and crisis management are presented. The problem is answered in the thesis by using research articles on crises in organizations and articles on reputation. The most important findings in the study show that early communication and an effective crisis plan will be the key to dealing with crises. This is to maintain the good relations with stakeholders and consumers. Furthermore, the way one communicates will be a factor for further success. Social media is becoming an increasingly crucial communication channel and organizations that do not follow developments will drop out
