114 research outputs found

    Antioxidants and Beta-Carotene: A General Overview, A Research History, and Modern Scholarship

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    This paper seeks to provide a cursory overview of oxidative stress and the accompanying biomolecules which are used to combat it. From there, the paper will provide a somewhat comprehensive list of major historical discoveries regarding antioxidant molecules, in particular beta-carotene. After this, an overview of more modern scholarship on the issue of these molecule’s antioxidant properties specific (from the 1970s onward) will be discussed up to modern times. The paper will conclude with an in depth look at the modern scholarship on beta-carotene that was performed here at Taylor University

    A class of spaces containing all generalized absolutely closed (almost compact) spaces

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    [EN] The class of θ-compact spaces is introduced which properly contains the class of almost compact (generalized absolutely closed) spaces and is strictly contained in the class of quasicompact spaces. In the realm of almost regular spaces, the class of θ-compact spaces coincides with the class of nearly compact spaces. Moreover, an almost regular θ-compact space is mildly normal (= K-normal). A θ-closed, θ-embedded subset of a θ-compact space is θ-compact and the product of two θ-compact space is θ-compact if one of them is compact. A (strongly) θ-continuous image of a θ-compact space is θ-compact (compact). A space is compact if and only if it is θ-compact and θ-point paracompact.Kohli, J.; Das, A. (2006). A class of spaces containing all generalized absolutely closed (almost compact) spaces. Applied General Topology. 7(2):233-244. doi:10.4995/agt.2006.1926.SWORD2332447

    Initial Impacts of Texas Senate Bill 8 on Abortions in Texas and at Out-of-State Facilities

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    This research brief from TxPEP describes changes in the number of abortions provided in Texas during the first 30 days that SB8 was in effect. It also reports wait times until the next available appointment at out-of-state facilities in September 2021. Wait times serve as a measure of facility capacity to meet patient demand and are an important indicator of access for time-sensitive health care, such as abortion.

    Radio Astronomy in LSST Era

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    A community meeting on the topic of "Radio Astronomy in the LSST Era" was hosted by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, VA (2013 May 6--8). The focus of the workshop was on time domain radio astronomy and sky surveys. For the time domain, the extent to which radio and visible wavelength observations are required to understand several classes of transients was stressed, but there are also classes of radio transients for which no visible wavelength counterpart is yet known, providing an opportunity for discovery. From the LSST perspective, the LSST is expected to generate as many as 1 million alerts nightly, which will require even more selective specification and identification of the classes and characteristics of transients that can warrant follow up, at radio or any wavelength. The LSST will also conduct a deep survey of the sky, producing a catalog expected to contain over 38 billion objects in it. Deep radio wavelength sky surveys will also be conducted on a comparable time scale, and radio and visible wavelength observations are part of the multi-wavelength approach needed to classify and understand these objects. Radio wavelengths are valuable because they are unaffected by dust obscuration and, for galaxies, contain contributions both from star formation and from active galactic nuclei. The workshop touched on several other topics, on which there was consensus including the placement of other LSST "Deep Drilling Fields," inter-operability of software tools, and the challenge of filtering and exploiting the LSST data stream. There were also topics for which there was insufficient time for full discussion or for which no consensus was reached, which included the procedures for following up on LSST observations and the nature for future support of researchers desiring to use LSST data products.Comment: Conference summary, 29 pages, 1 figure; to be published in the Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific; full science program and presentations available at http://science.nrao.edu/science/event/RALSST201

    A protocol for the review of examples of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors to inform climate mitigation and adaptation interventions

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    This article describes the approach for an evidence review that combines two different evidence gap maps into one learning exercise on transformational change. The review assesses the evidence in two sectors where there has been demonstrable progress in terms of scale, depth and permanence of change: in energy and in behavioural change in public health. The review uses causal evidence to assess how lessons about transformational change in these two sectors may inform climate change mitigation and adaptation investments in low- and middle-income countries. The evidence gap maps will inform the scope of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

    Identifying ambassador species for conservation marketing

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    Conservation relies heavily on external funding, much of it from a supportive public. Therefore it is important to know which species are most likely to catalyse such funding. Whilst previous work has looked at the physical attributes that contribute to a species’ appeal, no previous studies have tried to examine the extent to which a species’ sympatriots might contribute to it’s potential as flagship for wider conservation. Therefore, here we estimate ‘flexibility’ and ‘appeal’ scores for all terrestrial mammals (n=4320) and identify which of these might serve as ambassadors (defined as both highly appealing and flexible). Relatively few mammals (between 240 and 331) emerged as ambassadors, with carnivores featuring heavily in this group (representing 5% of terrestrial mammals but 39% of ambassadors). ‘Top ambassadors’ were defined as those with both flexibility and appeal scores greater than 1 standard deviation above the mean. Less than a quarter of the 20 most endangered and evolutionary distinct species in this study were classed as ambassadors, highlighting the need for surrogate species to catalyse conservation effort in areas with such priority species. This is the first global analysis bringing together flexibility and appeal for all terrestrial mammals, and demonstrates an approach for determining how best to market species in order to achieve maximal conservation gain in a world with urgent conservation need but limited resources

    New record of strawberry leopard ( Panthera pardus ) in Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

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    Strawberry or red leopards are a rare colour morph of leopard (Panthera pardus) characterised by spot markings that are red or brown instead of black, thought to be a result of a mutation in the tyrosinase‐related protein (TYRP1) gene. We report the first record of this phenotype on the African continent outside of South Africa, from Selous Game Reserve in southern Tanzania. One female leopard with strawberry colouration was documented out of 373 individual leopards (0.3%) identified through camera trap surveys conducted from 2020 to 2022 over a combined area of more than 4600 km2 in the Nyerere‐Selous landscape

    La investigación artística en el contexto universitario: estudio de caso en el perfil danza contemporánea

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    Los referentes epistemológicos de la investigación artística en los procesos de creación, desarrollados en las prácticas artísticas, del perfil Danza Contemporánea en la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba, se fundamentan a partir del estudio de la configuración de la noción investigación artística (I.A.) en el contexto universitario. El estudio se fundamenta desde los referentes teóricos que avalan el estado del arte de la cuestión y el estudio de caso, como metodología cualitativa. Su reconstrucción se realiza desde la perspectiva cultural de la investigación. Esta posibilita la comprensión de la I.A. inmersa en un entramado de relaciones establecidas por un grupo humano acerca de la investigación tanto científica como artística. Asimismo, devela al ser humano no solo como sujeto que participa en esta dinámica, sino que construye sus formas de llevarla a cabo a partir de la cosmovisión que del asunto tiene, de la configuración de la matriz epistémica que posee acerca de qué es investigación y cómo se investiga. Los referentes epistemológicos de la investigación artística en los procesos de creación, desarrollados en las prácticas artísticas, del perfil Danza Contemporánea en la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba, se fundamentan a partir del estudio de la configuración de la noción investigación artística (I.A.) en el contexto universitario. El estudio se fundamenta desde los referentes teóricos que avalan el estado del arte de la cuestión y el estudio de caso, como metodología cualitativa. Su reconstrucción se realiza desde la perspectiva cultural de la investigación. Esta posibilita la comprensión de la I.A. inmersa en un entramado de relaciones establecidas por un grupo humano acerca de la investigación tanto científica como artística. Asimismo, devela al ser humano no solo como sujeto que participa en esta dinámica, sino que construye sus formas de llevarla a cabo a partir de la cosmovisión que del asunto tiene, de la configuración de la matriz epistémica que posee acerca de qué es investigación y cómo se investiga.The epistemological references of the artistic research in the creation processes, developed in the artistic practices, of the profile Contemporary Dance in the University of the Arts of Cuba, are based on the study of the configuration of the notion artistic research (AR) in the university context. The study is based on the theoretical references that support the state of the art of the question and the case study, as a qualitative methodology. Its reconstruction is carried out from the cultural perspective of the investigation. This makes it possible to understand the AR. Immersed in a framework of relationships established by a human group about both scientific and artistic research. It also reveals the human being not only as a subject that participates in this dynamic, but also builds his ways of carrying it out from the cosmovision of the subject, from the configuration of the epistemic matrix that it possesses about what is research and how it is investigated.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Leída el 3 de febrero de 201