822 research outputs found

    Augmenting Endogenous Levels of Retinal Annexin A1 Suppresses Uveitis in Mice

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the expression of the anti-inflammatory protein Annexin A1 (AnxA1) in mice and human retinae during uveitis and to determine whether local administration of human recombinant AnxA1 (hrAnxA1) can suppress uveitis in mice. METHODS: Retinal sections from mice (healthy normal and uveitis) and postmortem human (no history of eye disease (n = 5) and uveitis (n = 7)) were stained for AnxA1 expression and imaged by immunofluorescence microscopy. AnxA1 cellular expression was determined by colabeling with CD45, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and Iba-1 cells, with additional staining of AnxA1 receptors formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) and FPRL1/FPR2. Mice with acute endotoxin-induced uveitis and chronic experimental autoimmune uveitis were treated locally by intravitreal injection with hrAnxA1, and disease was assessed by clinical scoring and quantification of leukocyte infiltrate via flow cytometry. RESULTS: Constitutive expression of AnxA1 was observed in both healthy mouse and human retinae, and its expression increased during uveitis compared to healthy controls. AnxA1 colocalizes predominantly with CD45(+) cells, GFAP(+) macroglia, and to a lesser extent, Iba-1(+) myeloid cells. We also demonstrate that local treatment with hrAnxA1 attenuates the severity of uveitis in mice. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that locally expressed AnxA1 is elevated in the retina during intraocular inflammation. We demonstrate that local administration of hrAnxA1 to augment levels results in suppression of uveitis in mice. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE: Our data suggest that elevated expression of retinal AnxA1 in human uveitis may be immunoregulatory and that local supplementation with hrAnxA1 may provide a potential novel treatment for inflammatory eye diseases such as noninfectious uveitis

    Interleukin-33 regulates tissue remodelling and inhibits angiogenesis in the eye

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of central vision loss worldwide. Loss of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a major pathological hallmark in AMD with or without pathological neovascularization. Although activation of the immune system is implicated in disease progression, pathological pathways remain diverse and unclear. Here, we report an unexpected protective role of a pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-33 (IL-33) in ocular angiogenesis. IL-33 and its receptor (ST2) are expressed constitutively in human and murine retina and choroid. When RPE was activated, IL-33 expression was markedly elevated in vitro. We found that IL-33 regulated tissue remodelling by attenuating wound-healing responses, including reduction in migration of choroidal fibroblasts and retinal microvascular endothelial cells, and inhibition of collagen gel contraction. In vivo, local administration of recombinant IL-33 inhibited murine choroidal neovascularization (CNV) formation, a surrogate of human neovascular AMD, and this effect was ST2-dependent. Collectively, these data demonstrate IL-33 as a potential immunotherapy and distinguishes pathways for subverting AMD pathology

    The Relationship Between Ambient Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter (PM₂.₅) and Glaucoma in a Large Community Cohort

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    PURPOSE: Glaucoma is more common in urban populations than in others. Ninety percent of the world's population are exposed to air pollution above World Health Organization (WHO) recommended limits. Few studies have examined the association between air pollution and glaucoma. Questionnaire data, ophthalmic measures, and ambient residential area air quality data for 111,370 UK Biobank participants were analyzed. Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm (PM₂.₅) was selected as the air quality exposure of interest. Eye measures included self-reported glaucoma, intraocular pressure (IOP), and average thickness of macular ganglion cell–inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) across nine Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) retinal subfields as obtained from spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. We examined the associations of PM₂.₅ concentration with self-reported glaucoma, IOP, and GCIPL. RESULTS: Participants resident in areas with higher PM₂.₅ concentration were more likely to report a diagnosis of glaucoma (odds ratio = 1.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.01–1.12, per interquartile range [IQR] increase P = 0.02). Higher PM₂.₅ concentration was also associated with thinner GCIPL (β = −0.56 μm, 95% CI = −0.63 to −0.49, per IQR increase, P = 1.2 × 10^{-53}). A dose–response relationship was observed between higher levels of PM₂.₅ and thinner GCIPL (P < 0.001). There was no clinically relevant relationship between PM₂.₅ concentration and IOP. CONCLUSIONS: Greater exposure to PM₂.₅ is associated with both self-reported glaucoma and adverse structural characteristics of the disease. The absence of an association between PM₂.₅ and IOP suggests the relationship may occur through a non–pressure-dependent mechanism, possibly neurotoxic and/or vascular effects

    Multimodal analysis of ocular inflammation using the endotoxin-induced uveitis mouse model

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    Endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in rodents is a model of acute Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated organ inflammation, and has been used to model human anterior uveitis, examine leukocyte trafficking and test novel anti-inflammatory therapeutics. Wider adoption has been limited by the requirement for manual, non-specific, cell-count scoring of histological sections from each eye as a measure of disease severity. Here, we describe a comprehensive and efficient technique that uses ocular dissection and multimodal tissue analysis. This allows matched disease scoring by multicolour flow cytometric analysis of the inflammatory infiltrate, protein analysis on ocular supernatants and qPCR on remnant tissues of the same eye. Dynamic changes in cell populations could be identified and mapped to chemokine and cytokine changes over the course of the model. To validate the technique, dose-responsive suppression of leukocyte infiltration by recombinant interleukin-10 was demonstrated, as well as selective suppression of the monocyte (CD11b+Ly6C+) infiltrate, in mice deficient for eitherCcl2orCcr2 Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used for the first time in this model to allowin vivoimaging of infiltrating vitreous cells, and correlated with CD11b+Ly6G+ counts to provide another unique measure of cell populations in the ocular tissue. Multimodal tissue analysis of EIU is proposed as a new standard to improve and broaden the application of this model

    Direct and indirect costs of tuberculosis among immigrant patients in the Netherlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In low tuberculosis (TB) incidence countries TB affects mostly immigrants in the productive age group. Little empirical information is available about direct and indirect TB-related costs that patients face in these high-income countries. We assessed the direct and indirect costs of immigrants with TB in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey at 14 municipal health services and 2 specialized TB hospitals was conducted. Interviews were administered to first or second generation immigrants, 18 years or older, with pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB, who were on treatment for 1–6 months. Out of pocket expenditures and time loss, related to TB, was assessed for different phases of the current TB illness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total 60 patients were interviewed. Average direct costs spent by households with a TB patient amounted €353. Most costs were spent when being hospitalized. Time loss (mean 81 days) was mainly due to hospitalization (19 days) and additional work days lost (60 days), and corresponded with a cost estimation of €2603.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Even in a country with a good health insurance system that covers medication and consultation costs, patients do have substantial extra expenditures. Furthermore, our patients lost on average 2.7 months of productive days. TB patients are economically vulnerable.</p

    Hypoxia inducible factors are dispensable for myeloid cell migration into the inflamed mouse eye

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    Hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs) are ubiquitously expressed transcription factors important for cell homeostasis during dynamic oxygen levels. Myeloid specific HIFs are crucial for aspects of myeloid cell function, including their ability to migrate into inflamed tissues during autoimmune disease. This contrasts with the concept that accumulation of myeloid cells at ischemic and hypoxic sites results from a lack of chemotactic responsiveness. Here we seek to address the role of HIFs in myeloid trafficking during inflammation in a mouse model of human uveitis. We show using mice with myeloid-specific Cre-deletion of HIFs that myeloid HIFs are dispensable for leukocyte migration into the inflamed eye. Myeloid-specific deletion of Hif1a, Epas1, or both together, had no impact on the number of myeloid cells migrating into the eye. Additionally, stabilization of HIF pathways via deletion of Vhl in myeloid cells had no impact on myeloid trafficking into the inflamed eye. Finally, we chemically induce hypoxemia via hemolytic anemia resulting in HIF stabilization within circulating leukocytes to demonstrate the dispensable role of HIFs in myeloid cell migration into the inflamed eye. These data suggest, contrary to previous reports, that HIF pathways in myeloid cells during inflammation and hypoxia are dispensable for myeloid cell tissue trafficking

    Evaluation of clinical outcomes following implantation of a sub-2-mm hydrophilic acrylic MICS intraocular lens

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate clinical outcomes following sub-2-mm microincision cataract surgery (MICS) and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. SETTING: Five EU clinical sites. DESIGN: Prospective, multicenter, open-label, single-arm, non-randomized. METHODS: Preoperative assessment involved visual acuity (VA), intraocular pressure and biometry measurements. 1.4-mm wound-assisted or 1.8-mm MICS was performed. Follow-up visits were made 1 day, 1-2 weeks, 1-2 and 4-6 months after surgery. The incision size, corrected distance VA (CDVA), uncorrected distance VA, manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE), refraction predictability/stability and IOL decentration were assessed. At 12-, 18-, and 24-month, long-term centration, posterior capsular opacification (PCO) and Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates were investigated. RESULTS: A total of 103 eyes were implanted with the study IOL (INCISE, Bausch &amp; Lomb), 96 of which were included in visual outcome analysis. A mean 6-month CDVA of - 0.02 logMAR (20/20 + 1) was observed and 75 eyes (79.8%) and 93 eyes (98.3%) achieved a visual acuity of at least 20/20 or 20/40. Mean MRSE was - 0.20 ± 0.60 D. Mean absolute predictive error was 0.44 ± 0.36 D, with 90.4% within 1.00 D of target. Mean total decentration was 0.35 ± 0.36 mm at 6 months and 0.32 ± 0.14 mm at 24 months (p &gt; 0.05). 24-month evaluation of posterior capsular opacification score was 0.03 for the central area. A Nd:YAG rate of 3.4% was observed at 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: The new MICS IOL provided excellent visual outcomes and was safe and effective for the sub-2-mm procedure. The MICS IOL demonstrated long-term centration, stability and a low rate of PCO development

    Ecological impacts of time-variable exposure regimes to the fungicide azoxystrobin on freshwater communities in outdoor microcosms

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    This paper evaluates the effects of different time-varying exposure patterns of the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin on freshwater microsocosm communities. These exposure patterns included two treatments with a similar peak but different time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations, and two treatments with similar TWA but different peak concentrations. The experiment was carried out in outdoor microcosms under four different exposure regimes; (1) a continuous application treatment of 10 μg/L (CAT10) for 42 days (2), a continuous application treatment of 33 μg/L (CAT33) for 42 days (3), a single application treatment of 33 μg/L (SAT33) and (4) a four application treatment of 16 μg/L (FAT16), with a time interval of 10 days. Mean measured 42-d TWA concentrations in the different treatments were 9.4 μg/L (CAT10), 32.8 μg/L (CAT33), 14.9 μg/L (SAT33) and 14.7 μg/L (FAT16). Multivariate analyses demonstrated significant changes in zooplankton community structure in all but the CAT10 treated microcosms relative to that of controls. The largest adverse effects were reported for zooplankton taxa belonging to Copepoda and Cladocera. By the end of the experimental period (day 42 after treatment), community effects were of similar magnitude for the pulsed treatment regimes, although the magnitude of the initial effect was larger in the SAT33 treatment. This indicates that for long-term effects the TWA is more important for most zooplankton species in the test system than the peak concentration. Azoxystrobin only slightly affected some species of the macroinvertebrate, phytoplankton and macrophyte assemblages. The overall no observed ecologically adverse effect concentrations (NOEAEC) in this study was 10 µg/L

    The skeletal phenotype of chondroadherin deficient mice

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    Chondroadherin, a leucine rich repeat extracellular matrix protein with functions in cell to matrix interactions, binds cells via their a2b1 integrin as well as via cell surface proteoglycans, providing for different sets of signals to the cell. Additionally, the protein acts as an anchor to the matrix by binding tightly to collagens type I and II as well as type VI. We generated mice with inactivated chondroadherin gene to provide integrated studies of the role of the protein. The null mice presented distinct phenotypes with affected cartilage as well as bone. At 3–6 weeks of age the epiphyseal growth plate was widened most pronounced in the proliferative zone. The proteome of the femoral head articular cartilage at 4 months of age showed some distinct differences, with increased deposition of cartilage intermediate layer protein 1 and fibronectin in the chondroadherin deficient mice, more pronounced in the female. Other proteins show decreased levels in the deficient mice, particularly pronounced for matrilin-1, thrombospondin-1 and notably the members of the a1-antitrypsin family of proteinase inhibitors as well as for a member of the bone morphogenetic protein growth factor family. Thus, cartilage homeostasis is distinctly altered. The bone phenotype was expressed in several ways. The number of bone sialoprotein mRNA expressing cells in the proximal tibial metaphysic was decreased and the osteoid surface was increased possibly indicating a change in mineral metabolism. Micro-CT revealed lower cortical thickness and increased structure model index, i.e. the amount of plates and rods composing the bone trabeculas. The structural changes were paralleled by loss of function, where the null mice showed lower femoral neck failure load and tibial strength during mechanical testing at 4 months of age. The skeletal phenotype points at a role for chondroadherin in both bone and cartilage homeostasis, however, without leading to altered longitudinal growth

    Deletion of the gabra2 gene results in hypersensitivity to the acute effects of ethanol but does not alter ethanol self administration

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    Human genetic studies have suggested that polymorphisms of the GABRA2 gene encoding the GABA(A) α2-subunit are associated with ethanol dependence. Variations in this gene also convey sensitivity to the subjective effects of ethanol, indicating a role in mediating ethanol-related behaviours. We therefore investigated the consequences of deleting the α2-subunit on the ataxic and rewarding properties of ethanol in mice. Ataxic and sedative effects of ethanol were explored in GABA(A) α2-subunit wildtype (WT) and knockout (KO) mice using a Rotarod apparatus, wire hang and the duration of loss of righting reflex. Following training, KO mice showed shorter latencies to fall than WT littermates under ethanol (2 g/kg i.p.) in both Rotarod and wire hang tests. After administration of ethanol (3.5 g/kg i.p.), KO mice took longer to regain the righting reflex than WT mice. To ensure the acute effects are not due to the gabra2 deletion affecting pharmacokinetics, blood ethanol concentrations were measured at 20 minute intervals after acute administration (2 g/kg i.p.), and did not differ between genotypes. To investigate ethanol's rewarding properties, WT and KO mice were trained to lever press to receive increasing concentrations of ethanol on an FR4 schedule of reinforcement. Both WT and KO mice self-administered ethanol at similar rates, with no differences in the numbers of reinforcers earned. These data indicate a protective role for α2-subunits, against the acute sedative and ataxic effects of ethanol. However, no change was observed in ethanol self administration, suggesting the rewarding effects of ethanol remain unchange