37 research outputs found

    Double-curved panels produced in a flexible mould with self-compacting fibre-reinforced concrete

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    The number of applications with thin flat, curved or double-curved elements often produced as architectural elements for façades is rising fast. If the repetition factor of the elements is limited, which is often the case in free-form architecture, the high number of unique moulds makes this type of architecture economically less viable. Furthermore, a large volume of waste is produced through milling as a consequence of the production of unique elements. The reinforcement of thin panels poses specific demands on the material selection and production process, which directly affects their structural performance. This paper discusses a flexible mould technique, which has been developed in order to produce thin double-curved elements with concrete. Fibres are added to provide strength and ductility, the degree to what was determined by flexural testing of prisms and point loading of thin plates

    GEOCON BRIDGE: Geopolymer Concrete Mixture for Structural Applications

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    The sustainability of infrastructure projects is becoming increasingly important issue in engineering practice. This means that in the future the construction materials will be selected on the basis of the contribution they can make to reach sustainability requirements. Geopolymers are materials based on by-products from industries. By using geopolymer concrete technology it is possible to reduce our waste and to produce concrete in the environmental-friendly way. An 80% or greater reduction of greenhouse gases compared with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) can be achieved through geopolymer technology. However, there are limited practical applications and experience. For a broad and large scale industrial application of geopolymer concrete, challenges still exist in the technological and engineering aspects. The main goal of GeoCon Bridge project was to develop a geopolymer concrete mixture and to upscale it to structural application. The outputs of projects provide input for development of recommendations for structural design of geopolymer based reinforced concrete elements. Through a combination of laboratory experiments on material and structural elements, structural design and finite element simulations, and based on previous experience with OPC concrete, knowledge generated in this project provides an important step towards a “cement free” construction. The project was performed jointly by three team members: Microlab and Group of Concrete Structures from Technical University of Delft and Technical University of Eindhoven

    Incidenteeel gevonden bros gedrag van stekeinden : onderzoek naar oorzaak en gevolg

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    In 1999 werd TNO Bouw benaderd met de vraag onderzoek te verrichten naar de oorzaak en de mogelijke consequenties van een in de praktijk incidenteel gevonden bros gedrag van stekeinden. Met het doel de opgedane kennis en ervaring in een breder verband beschikbaar te stellen, worden op verzoek van de opdrachtgever, de resultaten van het onderzoek in het onderhavige artikel gepresenteerd. In het onderzoek is gevonden dat het op een onjuiste wijze uitvoeren van het stuikproces voor de betreffende stekeinden een belangrijke parameter is geweest voor het al dan niet optreden van het brosse gedrag. Gevonden is ook dat het vermoeiingsgedrag van stekeinden en de vervormingscapaciteit van de verbinding waarin ze worden toegepast, negatief worden beïnvloed door het brosse gedrag. Nadrukkelijk wordt opgemerkt dat er verschillende wijzen van stuiken zijn en dat de gepresenteerde resultaten alleen betrekking hebben op het stuikproces zoals dat voor de onderzochte stekeinden was toegepast

    The influence of temperature on RC beams strengthened with externally bonded CFRP reinforcement

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    Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures with externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) reinforcement has become increasingly popular in the construction industry last two decades. Failure of the FRP strengthening is generally initiated by debonding of the FRP reinforcement from the concrete surface. It is expected that temperature will affect this debonding behaviour due to the significant difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between concrete and FRP and due to the change of the material properties at elevated temperatures, especially of the adhesive. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into the effect of temperature on the strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) reinforcement. Four different beam configurations have been investigated, each at 20°C, 50°C and 70°C. Test results have shown that, compared to room temperature, the type of failure and the failure load of the beams tested at 50°C were not significantly affected. At 70°C, the type of failure changed for one of the beams from failure in the concrete adjacent to the concrete-adhesive interface to failure exactly in the concrete-adhesive interface. The failure loads of the beams tested at 70°C were not significantly affected compared to room temperature, except for the beam with a relatively short laminate length. For this beam, the load capacity is expected to be mainly related to the capacity of the end anchorage zone, which was negatively affected by the effects of the elevated temperature

    Invloed opruwmethode op schuifsterkte in aansluitvakken bij ZVB

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    Zelfverdichtend beton is inmiddels gemeengoed geworden in de prefab industrie in Nederland. In eerder uitgevoerd onderzoek [1,2] is gevonden dat het verschil van ZVB met traditioneel ‘trilbeton’ hoofdzakelijk zit in de verwerkbaarheid en dat de mechanische eigenschappen, naast een enigszins lagere E-modulus bij dezelfde druksterkte, niet erg veel verschillen. Een punt dat nog wel nadere aandacht verdient, betreft de afschuifsterkte in aansluitvlakken. In het kader van hun afstudeerwerk is door D. Janmaat en M.J.P. Welzen [3] hiernaar een verkennend onderzoek verricht in het ‘Pieter van Musschenbroeklaboratorium van de TU-Eindhoven. Dat onderzoek is begeleid door de auteurs van dit artikel en de resultaten ervan worden navolgend besproken