14 research outputs found

    Le cluster pro-fibrotique miR-143/145 favorise la plasticité phénotypique associée à la résistance des mélanomes aux thérapies ciblées

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    Because of its intrinsic plasticity and resistance to treatment, melanoma is one of the most aggressive cancers. Due to the MAPK pathway hyperactivation, targeted therapies counteracting this signaling cascade are efficient in most patients harboring BRAFV600E metastatic melanoma. However, innate and acquired resistances constitute major therapeutic challenges. Acquired resistance to MAPK-targeted therapies arises from de novo genetic lesions and non-genetic events such as transcriptional reprogramming and epigenetic changes. Upon MAPK inhibitors exposure, melanoma cells assume functionally different phenotypic states defined by master transcription factors differential activity and fixed by epigenetic events. Among them, the emergence of a poorly differentiated cell state is strongly associated with resistance acquisition and tumor recurrence. Our team has previously shown that melanoma cells switching to a dedifferentiated phenotype in response to MAPK-targeted therapies display features of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) like extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and markers observed in fibrotic diseases, allowing them to generate a drug tolerant microenvironment.This fibrotic state is characterized in vitro and in vivo by increased deposition and altered ECM organization associated with a mechanophenotype regulated by the mechanotransducers YAP and MRTFA. However, post-transcriptional signaling networks that underpin this mesenchymal-like phenotype are still unknown and effective therapeutic treatments to overcome MAPK-targeted therapy resistance are missing. Given the tumorigenic role of ECM in cancer progression and resistance, therapies aimed at “normalizing” the tumorigenic ECM represent promising strategies to overcome non-genetic resistance to MAPK inhibitors. Based on the role of miRNAs in post-transcriptional regulation, I focused on the characterization of a pool of miRNAs, defined as “FibromiRs,” which have been shown to participate in the onset and progression of fibrotic diseases. Their crucial role in the fibrogenic process and the possibility to therapeutically manipulate them make them promising druggable targets to prevent the onset of resistance to MAPK-targeted therapies in melanoma. Starting from a screening designed to compare the expression of “FibromiRs” in MAPK inhibitors resistant mesenchymal melanoma cells compared to therapy-naive parental cells, we have identified the profibrotic miR-143/145 cluster as overexpressed in mesenchymal resistant cells. We then explored the profibrotic function of miR-143/145 cluster in the mesenchymal-like resistant cell state and melanoma phenotypic plasticity. First, we analysed the regulation of miR-143 and miR-145 in melanoma, identifying a negative regulation of the MAPK pathway on its expression and the involvement of signaling pathways typical of the mesenchymal resistant state, such as TGFÎČ and PDGF signaling, in the activation of their expression. Next, we investigated the function of the cluster in the context of adaptive and acquired resistance, showing its contribution in ECM reprogramming, activation of mechanotransduction pathways, and in driving the switch from a differentiated proliferative phenotype to a dedifferentiated invasive one with decreased sensitivity to MAPK inhibition. We characterized its mechanism of action, identifying FSCN1 as a key target gene of both mature miR-143 and miR-145 in the acquisition of the mesenchymal invasive phenotype. Finally, we tested the cluster as a potential therapeutic target in vitro and in vivo through antisense oligonucleotide-mediated inhibition of its expression or pharmacological modulation combined with MAPK inhibitors administration. Overall, this work highlights the importance of a FibromiR cluster in the acquisition of a dedifferentiated phenotype resistant to MAPK-targeted therapies and proposes new therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of FibromiRs to overcome such resistance mechanism.Le mĂ©lanome est le cancer de la peau le plus agressif de par sa grande plasticitĂ© phĂ©notypique, son potentiel mĂ©tastatique et sa rĂ©sistance aux traitements. MalgrĂ© la percĂ©e des thĂ©rapies ciblant la voie oncogĂ©nique MAP kinase, la rĂ©sistance du mĂ©lanome a ces traitements demeure un obstacle majeur qui limite le bĂ©nĂ©fice pour les patients porteurs de la mutation BRAFV600E. Les cellules de mĂ©lanome peuvent transiter vers un Ă©tat de type mĂ©senchymateux dĂ©diffĂ©rencie en fonction des pressions du microenvironnement et des traitements. Cette plasticitĂ© cellulaire phĂ©notypique adaptative a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite comme un facteur essentiel de rĂ©sistance aux thĂ©rapies ciblĂ©es. Mon Ă©quipe de recherche travaille sur ce type de rĂ©sistance non-gĂ©nĂ©tique dĂ©finie comme â‰Ș mĂ©senchymateuse ≫, dans lequel les cellules tumorales prĂ©sentent un comportement invasif et acquiĂšrent des caractĂ©ristiques observĂ©es typiquement dans les fibroses telles que la capacitĂ© Ă  accumuler et Ă  remodeler la matrice extracellulaire et activer les voies de mĂ©canotransduction. Dans ce contexte, mon projet a consiste Ă  caractĂ©riser un cluster compose de deux â‰Ș FibromiRs ≫, microARN impliques dans les mĂ©canismes de fibrogĂšnes et qui sont fortement exprimes dans les mĂ©lanomes rĂ©sistants. Mes rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  l’aide d’approches in vitro et in vivo dĂ©montrent le rĂŽle du locus miR-143/-145 dans la rĂ©gulation de la rĂ©sistance non-gĂ©nĂ©tique en raison de sa capacite Ă  remodeler la matrice et façonner une niche de protection et de tolĂ©rance pour la tumeur face aux inhibiteurs de la voie MAP kinase. MiR-143 et miR-145 contribuent Ă©galement au passage d’un phĂ©notype cellulaire diffĂ©rentiĂ© prolifĂ©ratif a un phĂ©notype mĂ©senchymal plus invasif et rĂ©sistant. Au niveau molĂ©culaire, j’ai identifiĂ© parmi les nombreuses cibles potentielles du cluster, la FSCN1 comme un gĂšne clĂ© cible de miR-143 et -145. Ces travaux ont permis de dĂ©voiler le rĂŽle du cluster miR143/-145 dans le comportement agressif des cellules de mĂ©lanome dĂ©diffĂ©renciĂ©es rĂ©sistantes et de proposer miR-143 et miR-145 comme nouvelles cibles thĂ©rapeutiques pour vaincre la rĂ©sistance mĂ©senchymateuse et mieux combattre la maladie mĂ©tastatique rĂ©fractaire

    The pro-fibrotic miR-143/145 cluster promotes mesenchymal phenotypic plasticity associated with resistance to targeted therapies in melanoma

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    Le mĂ©lanome est le cancer de la peau le plus agressif de par sa grande plasticitĂ© phĂ©notypique, son potentiel mĂ©tastatique et sa rĂ©sistance aux traitements. MalgrĂ© la percĂ©e des thĂ©rapies ciblant la voie oncogĂ©nique MAP kinase, la rĂ©sistance du mĂ©lanome a ces traitements demeure un obstacle majeur qui limite le bĂ©nĂ©fice pour les patients porteurs de la mutation BRAFV600E. Les cellules de mĂ©lanome peuvent transiter vers un Ă©tat de type mĂ©senchymateux dĂ©diffĂ©rencie en fonction des pressions du microenvironnement et des traitements. Cette plasticitĂ© cellulaire phĂ©notypique adaptative a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite comme un facteur essentiel de rĂ©sistance aux thĂ©rapies ciblĂ©es. Mon Ă©quipe de recherche travaille sur ce type de rĂ©sistance non-gĂ©nĂ©tique dĂ©finie comme â‰Ș mĂ©senchymateuse ≫, dans lequel les cellules tumorales prĂ©sentent un comportement invasif et acquiĂšrent des caractĂ©ristiques observĂ©es typiquement dans les fibroses telles que la capacitĂ© Ă  accumuler et Ă  remodeler la matrice extracellulaire et activer les voies de mĂ©canotransduction. Dans ce contexte, mon projet a consiste Ă  caractĂ©riser un cluster compose de deux â‰Ș FibromiRs ≫, microARN impliques dans les mĂ©canismes de fibrogĂšnes et qui sont fortement exprimes dans les mĂ©lanomes rĂ©sistants. Mes rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  l’aide d’approches in vitro et in vivo dĂ©montrent le rĂŽle du locus miR-143/-145 dans la rĂ©gulation de la rĂ©sistance non-gĂ©nĂ©tique en raison de sa capacite Ă  remodeler la matrice et façonner une niche de protection et de tolĂ©rance pour la tumeur face aux inhibiteurs de la voie MAP kinase. MiR-143 et miR-145 contribuent Ă©galement au passage d’un phĂ©notype cellulaire diffĂ©rentiĂ© prolifĂ©ratif a un phĂ©notype mĂ©senchymal plus invasif et rĂ©sistant. Au niveau molĂ©culaire, j’ai identifiĂ© parmi les nombreuses cibles potentielles du cluster, la FSCN1 comme un gĂšne clĂ© cible de miR-143 et -145. Ces travaux ont permis de dĂ©voiler le rĂŽle du cluster miR143/-145 dans le comportement agressif des cellules de mĂ©lanome dĂ©diffĂ©renciĂ©es rĂ©sistantes et de proposer miR-143 et miR-145 comme nouvelles cibles thĂ©rapeutiques pour vaincre la rĂ©sistance mĂ©senchymateuse et mieux combattre la maladie mĂ©tastatique rĂ©fractaire.Because of its intrinsic plasticity and resistance to treatment, melanoma is one of the most aggressive cancers. Due to the MAPK pathway hyperactivation, targeted therapies counteracting this signaling cascade are efficient in most patients harboring BRAFV600E metastatic melanoma. However, innate and acquired resistances constitute major therapeutic challenges. Acquired resistance to MAPK-targeted therapies arises from de novo genetic lesions and non-genetic events such as transcriptional reprogramming and epigenetic changes. Upon MAPK inhibitors exposure, melanoma cells assume functionally different phenotypic states defined by master transcription factors differential activity and fixed by epigenetic events. Among them, the emergence of a poorly differentiated cell state is strongly associated with resistance acquisition and tumor recurrence. Our team has previously shown that melanoma cells switching to a dedifferentiated phenotype in response to MAPK-targeted therapies display features of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) like extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and markers observed in fibrotic diseases, allowing them to generate a drug tolerant microenvironment.This fibrotic state is characterized in vitro and in vivo by increased deposition and altered ECM organization associated with a mechanophenotype regulated by the mechanotransducers YAP and MRTFA. However, post-transcriptional signaling networks that underpin this mesenchymal-like phenotype are still unknown and effective therapeutic treatments to overcome MAPK-targeted therapy resistance are missing. Given the tumorigenic role of ECM in cancer progression and resistance, therapies aimed at “normalizing” the tumorigenic ECM represent promising strategies to overcome non-genetic resistance to MAPK inhibitors. Based on the role of miRNAs in post-transcriptional regulation, I focused on the characterization of a pool of miRNAs, defined as “FibromiRs,” which have been shown to participate in the onset and progression of fibrotic diseases. Their crucial role in the fibrogenic process and the possibility to therapeutically manipulate them make them promising druggable targets to prevent the onset of resistance to MAPK-targeted therapies in melanoma. Starting from a screening designed to compare the expression of “FibromiRs” in MAPK inhibitors resistant mesenchymal melanoma cells compared to therapy-naive parental cells, we have identified the profibrotic miR-143/145 cluster as overexpressed in mesenchymal resistant cells. We then explored the profibrotic function of miR-143/145 cluster in the mesenchymal-like resistant cell state and melanoma phenotypic plasticity. First, we analysed the regulation of miR-143 and miR-145 in melanoma, identifying a negative regulation of the MAPK pathway on its expression and the involvement of signaling pathways typical of the mesenchymal resistant state, such as TGFÎČ and PDGF signaling, in the activation of their expression. Next, we investigated the function of the cluster in the context of adaptive and acquired resistance, showing its contribution in ECM reprogramming, activation of mechanotransduction pathways, and in driving the switch from a differentiated proliferative phenotype to a dedifferentiated invasive one with decreased sensitivity to MAPK inhibition. We characterized its mechanism of action, identifying FSCN1 as a key target gene of both mature miR-143 and miR-145 in the acquisition of the mesenchymal invasive phenotype. Finally, we tested the cluster as a potential therapeutic target in vitro and in vivo through antisense oligonucleotide-mediated inhibition of its expression or pharmacological modulation combined with MAPK inhibitors administration. Overall, this work highlights the importance of a FibromiR cluster in the acquisition of a dedifferentiated phenotype resistant to MAPK-targeted therapies and proposes new therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of FibromiRs to overcome such resistance mechanism

    Nonepithelial cancer dissemination: specificities and challenges

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    International audienceEpithelial cancers have served as a paradigm to study tumor dissemination but recent data have highlighted significant differences with nonepithelial cancers. Here, we review the current knowledge on nonepithelial tumor dissemination, drawing examples from the latest developments in melanoma, glioma, and sarcoma research. We underscore the importance of the reactivation of developmental processes during cancer progression and describe the nongenetic mechanisms driving nonepithelial tumor spread. We also outline therapeutic opportunities and ongoing clinical approaches to fight disseminating cancers. Finally, we discuss remaining challenges and emerging questions in the field. Defining the core principles underlying nonepithelial cancer dissemination may uncover actionable vulnerabilities of metastatic tumors and help improve the prognosis of patients with cance

    Bad Neighborhood: Fibrotic Stroma as a New Player in Melanoma Resistance to Targeted Therapies

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    International audienceCurrent treatments for metastatic cutaneous melanoma include immunotherapies and drugs targeting key molecules of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, which is often activated by BRAF driver mutations. Overall responses from patients with metastatic BRAF mutant melanoma are better with therapies combining BRAF and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitors. However, most patients that initially respond to therapies develop drug resistance within months. Acquired resistance to targeted therapies can be due to additional genetic alterations in melanoma cells and to non-genetic events frequently associated with transcriptional reprogramming and a dedifferentiated cell state. In this second scenario, it is possible to identify pro-fibrotic responses induced by targeted therapies that contribute to the alteration of the melanoma tumor microenvironment. A close interrelationship between chronic fibrosis and cancer has been established for several malignancies including breast and pancreatic cancers. In this context, the contribution of fibrosis to drug adaptation and therapy resistance in melanoma is rapidly emerging. In this review, we summarize recent evidence underlining the hallmarks of fibrotic diseases in drug-exposed and resistant melanoma, including increased remodeling of the extracellular matrix, enhanced actin cytoskeleton plasticity, high sensitivity to mechanical cues, and the establishment of an inflammatory microenvironment. We also discuss several potential therapeutic options for manipulating this fibrotic-like response to combat drug-resistant and invasive melanoma

    Invasive dedifferentiated melanoma cells inhibit JAK1-STAT3-driven actomyosin contractility of human fibroblastic reticular cells of the lymph node

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    Abstract Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) are immunologically specialized fibroblasts controlling the size and microarchitecture of the lymph node (LN), partly through their contractile properties. Swelling is a hallmark of tumor-draining LN in lymphophilic cancers such as cutaneous melanoma, a very aggressive and heterogeneous tumor with high risk of early metastasis. Melanoma cells can dynamically switch between melanocytic proliferative and dedifferentiated mesenchymal-like invasive phenotypes, which are characterized by distinct transcriptional signatures. Melanoma secreted cues, such as extracellular vesicles, growth factors or proinflammatory cytokines, promote LN stroma remodeling and metastatic spreading. But how FRC integrate these pro-metastatic signals and modulate their contractile functions remains poorly characterized. Here, we show that factors secreted by dedifferentiated melanoma cells, but not by melanocytic cells, strongly inhibit FRC actomyosin-dependent contractile forces by decreasing the activity of the RHOA-ROCK pathway and the mechano-responsive transcriptional co-activator YAP, leading to a decrease in F-actin stress fibers and cell elongation. Transcriptional profiling and biochemical analyses indicate that FRC actomyosin cytoskeleton relaxation is driven by inhibition of JAK1 and its downstream transcription factor STAT3, and is associated with increased FRC proliferation and activation. Interestingly, dedifferentiated melanoma cells reduce FRC contractility in vitro independently of extracellular vesicle secretion. These data show that FRC are specifically modulated by proteins secreted by invasive dedifferentiated melanoma cells and suggest that melanoma-derived cues could modulate the biomechanical properties of distant LN before metastatic invasion. They also highlight that JAK1-STAT3 and YAP signaling pathways contribute to the maintenance of the spontaneous contractility of resting human FRC

    Extracellular matrix stiffness determines the phenotypic behavior of dedifferentiated melanoma cells through a DDR1/2-dependent YAP mechanotransduction pathway

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    Abstract Extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffening, resulting from increased collagen deposition and cross-linking, is a key biophysical factor of the tumor microenvironment. Cutaneous melanoma is a deadly metastatic cancer. Its aggressiveness stems from high intratumoral heterogeneity, resulting from the plasticity of melanoma cells, which transit from a melanocytic state to dedifferentiated therapy-resistant and invasive phenotypes, characterized by mesenchymal and/or neural crest stem cell-like features. Phenotypic plasticity is regulated by stroma-derived soluble factors, but the functional impact of ECM stiffening on melanoma cell phenotypes remains ill defined. Here, we found that melanoma cell subpopulations display difference in mechanical responsiveness. Compared to melanocytic cells, mesenchymal dedifferentiated cells showed increased proliferation, migration and resistance to MAP kinase-targeted therapy when seeded on stiff collagen. By contrast, a soft ECM impaired their proliferation and migration and sensitized them to targeted therapy. In addition, extracellular mechanical signals are required to sustain melanoma cell identity and dedifferentiation features. Further analyses indicated that the mechanosensitivity nature of dedifferentiated cells relies on the expression and activation of collagen receptors DDR1 and DDR2 that control actomyosin cytoskeleton reorganization and YAP mechanotransduction pathway. Inhibiting both DDR in dedifferentiated melanoma cells abrogated their mechano-induced behavior and drug-resistant phenotype, while forcing their expression in melanocytic cells induced mechanical responsiveness and a less differentiated phenotype. Our results reveal that phenotypic reprogramming endows dedifferentiated melanoma cells with increased sensitivity and addiction to ECM stiffness. We propose that mechano-addiction mediated by DDR collagen receptors may represent a novel vulnerability for aggressive dedifferentiated cancer cells that can be exploited for therapeutic benefits

    Targeting DDR1 and DDR2 overcomes matrix-mediated melanoma cell adaptation to BRAF-targeted therapy

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    Resistance to BRAF and MEK inhibitors in BRAF V600E mutant melanomas remains a major obstacle that limits patient benefit. Microenvironment components including the extracellular matrix (ECM) can support tumor cell adaptation and tolerance to targeted therapies, however the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the process of matrix-mediated drug resistance (MM-DR) in response to BRAF inhibition in melanoma. We demonstrate that physical and structural cues from fibroblast-derived ECM abrogate anti-proliferative responses to BRAF/MEK inhibition. MM-DR is mediated by the drug-induced clustering of DDR1 and DDR2, two tyrosine kinase collagen receptors. Genetic depletion and pharmacological inhibition of DDR1 and DDR2 overcome ECM-mediated resistance to BRAF inhibition. In melanoma xenografts, targeting DDRs by Imatinib enhances BRAF inhibitor efficacy, counteracts drug-induced collagen remodeling and delays tumor relapse. Mechanistically, DDR-mediated MM-DR fosters a targetable pro-survival NIK/IKKα/NF-ÎșB2 pathway. Our study reveals a novel role of collagen-rich matrix and DDRs in tumor cell adaptation and therapy resistance, thus providing important insights into environment-mediated drug resistance and a pre-clinical rationale for targeting DDR1/2 signaling in combination with BRAF-targeted therapy in melanoma

    Secretion of IL1 by Dedifferentiated Melanoma Cells Inhibits JAK1-STAT3-Driven Actomyosin Contractility of Lymph Node Fibroblastic Reticular Cells

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    International audienceFibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) are immunologically specialized myofibroblasts that control the elasticity of the lymph node, in part through their contractile properties. Swelling of tumor-draining lymph nodes is a hallmark of lymphophilic cancers such as cutaneous melanoma. Melanoma displays high intratumoral heterogeneity with the coexistence of melanoma cells with variable differentiation phenotypes from melanocytic to dedifferentiated states. Factors secreted by melanoma cells promote premetastatic lymph node reprograming and tumor spreading. Elucidating the impact of the melanoma secretome on FRC could help identify approaches to prevent metastasis. Here we show that melanocytic and dedifferentiated melanoma cells differentially impact the FRC contractile phenotype. Factors secreted by dedifferentiated cells, but not by melanocytic cells, strongly inhibited actomyosin-dependent contractile forces of FRC by decreasing the activity of the RHOA-RHO-kinase (ROCK) pathway and the mechano-responsive transcriptional coactivator Yes1 associated transcriptional regulator (YAP). Transcriptional profiling and biochemical analyses indicated that actomyosin cytoskeleton relaxation in FRC is driven by inhibition of the JAK1-STAT3 pathway. This FRC relaxation was associated with increased FRC proliferation and activation and with elevated tumor invasion in vitro. The secretome of dedifferentiated melanoma cells also modulated the biomechanical properties of distant lymph node in premetastatic mouse models. Finally, IL1 produced by dedifferentiated cells was involved in the inhibition of FRC contractility. These data highlight the role of the JAK1-STAT3 and YAP pathways in spontaneous contractility of resting FRC. They also suggest that dedifferentiated melanoma cells specifically target FRC biomechanical properties to favor tumor spreading in the premetastatic lymph node niche. Targeting this remote communication could be an effective strategy to prevent metastatic spread of the disease.Significance: Communication between dedifferentiated melanoma cells and lymph node fibroblasts reprograms the biomechanical properties of the premetastatic lymph node niche to promote tumor invasion. See related commentary by Lund, p. 1692

    Targeting Discoidin Domain Receptors DDR1 and DDR2 overcomes matrix‐mediated tumor cell adaptation and tolerance to BRAF‐targeted therapy in melanoma

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    International audienceResistance to BRAF/MEK inhibitor therapy in BRAFV600 -mutated advanced melanoma remains a major obstacle that limits patient benefit. Microenvironment components including the extracellular matrix (ECM) can support tumor cell adaptation and tolerance to targeted therapy; however, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the process of matrix-mediated drug resistance (MMDR) in response to BRAFV600 pathway inhibition in melanoma. We demonstrate that physical and structural cues from fibroblast-derived ECM abrogate anti-proliferative responses to BRAF/MEK inhibition. MMDR is mediated by drug-induced linear clustering of phosphorylated DDR1 and DDR2, two tyrosine kinase collagen receptors. Depletion and pharmacological targeting of DDR1 and DDR2 overcome ECM-mediated resistance to BRAF-targeted therapy. In xenografts, targeting DDR with imatinib enhances BRAF inhibitor efficacy, counteracts drug-induced collagen remodeling, and delays tumor relapse. Mechanistically, DDR-dependent MMDR fosters a targetable pro-survival NIK/IKKα/NF-ÎșB2 pathway. These findings reveal a novel role for a collagen-rich matrix and DDR in tumor cell adaptation and resistance. They also provide important insights into environment-mediated drug resistance and a preclinical rationale for targeting DDR signaling in combination with targeted therapy in melanoma