523 research outputs found

    A gaze to rural education according to scientific discourses during the last decade

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    He largest proportion of illiteracy and lack of access to education in the world is concentrated in rural areas; therefore it is important to ensure there is access to quality education in these spots. This challenge is assumed by different branches of social research and it is reflected within the publication of articles in scientific journals. In the present document the scientific discourse surrounding the theme of rural education during the last decade was analyzed. To do this, the paper focuses on three aspects: the countries that set the agenda, the geographical areas that represent most of the attention and the prevalent themes within continents. It was observed that USA was the most productive country in terms of scientific writings with 30%; that Asia is really interested in health issues associated to rural education; that in Europe gender issues are on the table and that the African and Asian continents, as well as Latin America, are interested only on their own issues, as 100% of the times they only wrote about themselves

    Simultaneous adsorption of Pb(Ii)-Cd(Ii), Pb(Ii)-phenol, and Cd(Ii)-phenol by activated carbon cloth in aqueous solution

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    "The aim of the present work was to determine the effect of the simultaneous adsorption of lead(II)-cadmium(II), lead(II)-phenol, and cadmium(II)-phenol by activated carbon cloths (ACCs). Three commercial ACCs were characterized and tested for individual metal adsorption, and competitive adsorption experiments were carried out with the best ACC (AW1104). The specific surface areas of all ACCs were >1000 m2/g, yet only AW1104 presented a high content of acidic sites (1.0 meq/g). Competitive adsorption experiments indicate that cadmium uptake is strongly affected by the presence of lead. This can be attributed either to a more favorable hydroxyl complexation of Pb(II) (that adsorbs strongly),or to the smallest hydrated radius of the Pb(II) molecule (that more easily diffuses). On the contrary, lead uptake was not considerably decreased in the presence of an equimolar cadmium concentration, indicating that AW1104 is more selective for Pb(II) than for Cd(II). Also, the presence of phenol causes a decrease in the heavy metal adsorption capacity, especially for cadmium (40 %). The former might be due to adsorbed phenol, which creates steric hindrance for cations to adsorb on specific oxygenated groups on the ACC. On the other hand, when heavy metals adsorb on the ACC surface, they stabilize the repulsive forces on the surface of the ACC for phenol adsorption, resulting in an increase of the adsorption capacity.

    A Guide for Deconstructing Social Reproduction: Pedagogical <em>Conocimientos</em> within the Context of Teacher Education

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    As the mosaic of student demographics continue to change into the 21st century, teacher credential training programs must necessarily prepare educators to be culturally affirming and responsive to the equitable schooling of students. Through pedagogical conocimientos, educators-in-training may rely on self-reflexive methodologies, which facilitates the engagement of self and others in interaction, as they collectively retrieve family legacies, focusing on gathering histories on their family’s origins, language, religion, work, education, and migration. This prepares future teachers to unearth and examine internalized prejudices, traumas, and stereotypes, to thus counter and contest deficit thinking and distorted views of student populations, beginning with them. This chapter introduces pedagogical conocimientos, illustrating the praxis as it problematizes social reproduction in the context of schooling

    Appendiceal mucinous cystadenoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    Appendicular mucocele is a low incidence neoplasm with a frequency of 2 cases per 10,000 laparotomies. It is found in 0.2 to 0.3% of all appendectomies, with a higher incidence in women after the fifth or sixth decade of life. It is considered a benign lesion, although in some occasions, approximately 20% of cases it is associated with neoplasms of other intra-abdominal organs. Authors present the case of a 88-year-old patient with clinical findings consistent with acute appendicitis resolved with a simple appendicectomy based on the macroscopic findings during surgery

    The Fornax dwarf galaxy as a remnant of recent dwarf-dwarf merging in the Local Group

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    We present results from the first numerical analysis to support the hypothesis, first proposed in Coleman et al. (2004), that the Fornax dwarf galaxy was formed from the minor merging of two dwarfs about 2 Gyr ago. Using orbits for the Fornax dwarf that are consistent with the latest proper motion measurements, our dynamical evolution models show that the observed asymmetric shell-like substructures can be formed from the remnant of a smaller dwarf during minor merging. These models also predict the formation of diffuse stellar streams. We discuss how these stellar substructures depend on model parameters of dwarf-dwarf merging, and how the intermediate-age subpopulations found in the vicinity of these substructures may be formed from gas accretion in the past merger events. We also suggest that one of Fornax's GCs originates from a merged dwarf companion, and demonstrate where as yet undetected tidal streams or HI gas formed from the dwarf merging may be found in the outer halo of the Galaxy.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Chitosan selectivity for removing cadmium (II), copper (II), and lead (II) from aqueous phase: pH and organic matter effect

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    "The aim of this study was to investigate the selectivity of chitosan for cadmium, copper and lead in the presence and absence of natural organic matter (NOM) in different pH solutions. Adsorption isotherms of one and three adsorbates at initial concentration of 5–100 mg/L were carried out in batch reactors at pH 4, 5, or 7 and 25 °C in reactive and clarified water. The chitosan employed had a MW of 107.8 × 103 g/mol and degree of acetylation (DA) of 33.7%. The chitosan adsorption capacity at pH 4 in reactive water was 0.036, 0.016, 0.010 mmol/g for Pb2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+, respectively, and it decreased for Pb2+ and Cd2+ in clarified water. Conversely, experiments carried out in clarified water showed that the cadmium adsorption capacity of chitosan was enhanced about three times by the presence of NOM at pH 7: an adsorption mechanism was proposed. Furthermore, it was found that the biosorbent selectivity, in both reactive and clarified water at pH 4, was as follows Cu2+ > Cd2+ > Pb2+. Finally, the preliminary desorption experiments of Cd2+ conducted at pH 2 and 3 reported 68 and 44.8% of metal desorbed, which indicated that the adsorption mechanism occurred by electrostatic interactions and covalent bonds.

    Factores que intervienen en la adopción del e-commerce por parte de los consumidores de ropa casual femenina en tiendas por departamento de Lima Metropolitana

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que intervienen en la adopción del e-commerce por parte de los consumidores de ropa casual femenina en tiendas por departamento de Lima Metropolitana. En consecuencia, la presente investigación analiza el e-commerce de las tiendas por departamento que comercializan ropa casual femenina. Estos se caracterizan por desarrollarse en un contexto competitivo con variada oferta nacional y una demanda creciente sostenible. Frente a ello, surge la necesidad de tener un conocimiento más profundo del consumidor de ropa casual femenina que sólo se puede lograr a través del estudio de su comportamiento y, en el caso específico de e-commerce, del entendimiento de los factores que llevaron a los consumidores a adoptar o rechazar este tipo de tecnología. Por ello, se lleva a cabo una amplia revisión de literatura en relación a investigaciones que planteen un modelo que prediga la conducta de compra. Adicionalmente, se ha revisado modelos que poseen como fundamento teórico a la adopción de tecnología, de las cuales se escogió el modelo propuesto por Agudo (2014). La metodología de la investigación tiene un enfoque mixto con mayor preponderancia al análisis cuantitativo y un alcance descriptivo - correlacional. Respecto al análisis cuantitativo, se realizaron 280 encuestas, los que se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y el Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM). Luego de ello, respecto al análisis cualitativo, se realizaron dos focus group compuesto por cuatro personas cada uno. Esto con la finalidad de poder profundizar más en los factores del modelo seleccionado

    Efecto de las condiciones de almacenamiento sobre el color, contenido de polifenoles y capacidad antioxidante de una bebida de Borojoa patinoi Cuatrecasas

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    En Latinoamérica, la tradición popular en algunas poblaciones le han atribuído al fruto del borojó propiedades, que lo hacen fuente potencial para el diseño y desarrollo de productos de carácter funcional; sin embargo es poca la literatura científica aún, que referencia alguna actividad biológica de este fruto. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los cambios de color, el contenido de polifenoles y la capacidad antioxidante de una bebida de pulpa de borojó (Borojoa patinoi Cuatrecasas.) sin conservantes químicos, ésta fue almacenada a 4o C, 17o C, y 37o C durante 17 días. En color la coordenada a* se ajustó a una cinética de orden cero; el contenido de polifenoles totales (PT) y la capacidad antioxidante (CA) presentaron ajustes a una cinética de primer orden, sugiriendo una correlación lineal entre las velocidades de degradación. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el almacenamiento de la bebida a 4° C permitió una mejor retención en los cambios de color, polifenoles y compuestos de carácter antioxidante, en comparación con las demás temperaturas de almacenamiento

    Rural Economy: A Geographical Distribution of Scientific Discourse

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    In the political system and in public perception, the well-functioning of economy is frequently equalled to the output of the national economy?that is, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, during the last decades, this narrow conception of economic prosperity started to erode. This paper describes the scientific discussion surrounding the topic of ?economy? in rural places, with the objective of exploring who is setting the agenda and which themes are prevalent. We examine 102 journal papers published during the last decade and design a methodological frame based on Nvivo10 software which combines quantitative analysis of geographical attributes (geographical location; journal?s precedence; author?s institution) and qualitative content analysis of the selected articles. Our results put forward that ?rural economy? is conceptually linked to different societal spheres in areas such as development and progress, society and community, resources and sustainability. However, it is authors coming from developed countries the ones that mainly treat this issue and base their studies mainly on developing countries. Therefore it can be concluded that scientific discourse around rural economy deals with issues of interest to developed countries, but that it has, however, started to get linked to social and environmental aspects, and it is through achieving a balance between them that rural prosperity will be achieved
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