4,418 research outputs found

    On how to achieve reference to covert social constructions

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    What does it mean to say that some features, such as gender, race and sexual orientation, are socially constructed? Many scholars claim that social constructionism about a kind is a version of realism about that kind, according to which the corresponding kind is a social construction, that it, it is constituted by social factors and practices. Social constructionism, then, is a version of realism about a kind that asserts that the kind is real, and puts forward a particular view about the nature of the kind, namely, that it is constituted by social factors and practices. Social constructivists about human kinds such as gender, race and sexual orientation often make an additional claim, namely, that these kinds are social constructions but they are typically believed to be biological kinds (that is, people are typically wrong about the nature of these kinds). Ron Mallon (2017) calls social constructions that are (falsely) taken to be biological kinds covert social constructions. This paper is about how we could have terms in our natural language that come to refer to covert social constructions

    Topological signature for periodic motion recognition

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm that computes the topological signature for a given periodic motion sequence. Such signature consists of a vector obtained by persistent homology which captures the topological and geometric changes of the object that models the motion. Two topological signatures are compared simply by the angle between the corresponding vectors. With respect to gait recognition, we have tested our method using only the lowest fourth part of the body's silhouette. In this way, the impact of variations in the upper part of the body, which are very frequent in real scenarios, decreases considerably. We have also tested our method using other periodic motions such as running or jumping. Finally, we formally prove that our method is robust to small perturbations in the input data and does not depend on the number of periods contained in the periodic motion sequence.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1707.0698

    Spectral-infinite element method approach for computing asymptotically flat initial data sets in general relativity

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    In this work, we introduce a spectral-infinite element method for solving Einstein's constraint equations in hyperbolic form. As an application of this, we use this method for computing asymptotically flat perturbations of a Kerr black hole with small angular momentum. Our numerical infrastructure is based on the use of a spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform combined with an infinite element method for solving partial differential equations in unbounded domains

    A Multi-Criteria Non-Linear Optimization Model for the Control and Management of a Tropical Fishery

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    One of the principal problems when dealing with fishery resource management is to estimate strategies that satisfy biological, economic and social objectives simultaneously. As a contribution to solving this problem in the Yucatan Shelf Octopus (Octopus may a) fishery, a multi-criteria non-linear optimization procedure was applied to a dynamic bioeconomic model of the fishery. The procedure coped simultaneously with non linearities and system stochasticity. The min-max optimization, iteratively minimized the difference between the manager's objectives and model output values for the bioeconomic variables in a Pareto-optimal way. Results showed that it was possible to achieve explicit managerial objectives under different scenarios, such as those that simulate the normal 1988 fishing season, the impact of natural phenomena (hurricane Gilbert) and the reaction to such phenomena. Implications of the results are discussed.fishery management, management objectives, multi-criteria nonlinear optimization, tropical fishery, octopus, yucatan, optimal control, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Mansion: Inner Cosmologies, Thresholds, and Contacts

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    This dissertation is in two parts. The first is the dissertation essay, which features an analysis of the work Mansion, and the second is the score to the Mansion Cycle, written for the International Contemporary Ensemble between 2009 and 2011. The score is included as an appendix, and consists of five works, which may be performed individually or as a complete cycle. In order of appearance, the works are Prism Path, Altar of Two Serpents, Mansion, Luciform, and Portals Before Dawn. The essay is an investigation of poetic and aesthetic concerns in my compositional practice, as well as an analysis of my composition Mansion, for two alto flutes, percussion, and pre-recorded electronics. Broadly describing the work as an "inner journey", I discuss the relationship of mythological themes to my music and titles, citing examples such as the labyrinth and the trope of the "central structure." I then relate these concepts to my use of form, citing other works in the cycle as points of comparison, and identifying ways in which recurring ideas are elaborated in my body of work. The historical context of my work in "mixed music" is briefly considered, alongside my aesthetic interest in the medium and my choice of musical tools. I then present a concise analysis of the discourse in Mansion, and describe how its language of "thresholds and contrasts" operates on a moment to moment level

    Treneres observasjoner av symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser blant idrettsutøvere i Norge

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    Bakgrunn: Spiseforstyrrelser kan ha alvorlige konsekvenser og påvirke helse og prestasjon. Forekomsten av spiseforstyrrelser øker (Taquet et al., 2021). Idrettsutøvere er mer utsatt for spiseforstyrrelser enn ikke-utøvere. Trenere spiller en viktig rolle i utøveres liv og er sammen med andre støttepersoner ansvarlige for utøveres fysiske og psykiske trivsel og velvære. Likevel rapporterer trenere om manglende kunnskap til å identifisere symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser, eller de gir ikke tilstrekkelig betydning og oppmerksomhet til det økende problemet. Formål: Studien hadde flere formål: Det første formålet var å oversette Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionaire (AEPOQ) til norsk og teste det for å utforske hvilke symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser og forstyrret spiseadferd trenere i Norge observerer blant sine utøvere, og i hvilken grad disse blir observert. Et annet mål med studien var å undersøke om det er en sammenheng mellom observerte symptomer og trenererfaring og til slutt om det er en forskjell i symptomobservasjon hos trenere innen lean og non-lean idretter. Metode: Totalt ble 311 trenere fra Norge inkludert i studien, hvorav 163 var menn og 148 var kvinner. En kvantitativ metode med et tverrsnittsdesign ble brukt, ved hjelp av Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionnaire (AEPOQ). Resultater: Exploratory factor analysis avdekket en fire faktorløsning (Spisefrykt, Negativ påvirkning, Kostholdsregime, Tvangsmessig trening) med 16 elementer. Trenere observerer symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser i varierende grad. I gjennomsnitt observerte 39% av trenerne symptomer knyttet til negativ påvirkning som er relatert til tretthet, dårlig konsentrasjon, mangel på velvære og motivasjon. Det er påvist signifikant forskjell i observerte symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser og forstyrret spiseadferd hos trenere med mer erfaring. Trenere innen lean idretter observerte flere symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser enn trenere innen non-lean idretter. Konklusjon: Trenere spiller en viktig rolle til å oppdage symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser og forstyrret spiseadferd hos idrettsutøvere. Denne forskningen viser at noen trenere oppdager symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser i varierende grad. Flere trenere har ikke observert symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser enn de som har gjort det. Mer målrettet forskning er nødvendig for å finne ut årsaken til den lave observasjonsraten.Background: Eating disorders (ED) can have serious consequences and affect health and performance. The prevalence of ED is rising (Taquet et al., 2021). Athletes are more likely to suffer from ED than non-athletes. Coaches play an important role in an athlete’s life and are, together with other support people, responsible for athletes’ physical and psychological safety and well-being. Nevertheless, coaches report lacking knowledge in identifying symptoms of ED or do not give significant importance and attention to this rising problem. Purpose: The study had several purposes: The first purpose was to translate the Athlete Eating Psychopathology Observation Questionnaire (AEPOQ) to Norwegian and to test it in a Norwegian setting, in order to explore which symptoms of ED and disordered eating (DE) coaches in Norway observe among their athletes and to what extent these observations occur. Secondly, whether there is a correlation between observed symptoms and coaching experience. Finally, if there is a difference in symptom observation among coaches of lean sports and non-lean sports. Method: A total of 311 coaches from Norway were included in the study, of which 163 were male and 148 were female. A quantitative method with a cross-sectional design was employed by using the Norwegian- translated AEPOQ. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 16- item, four factor solution (Fear of Eating, Negative Affect, Dieting Practices and Compulsive Exercise). Coaches observed symptoms of ED to varying degrees. On average 39% of coaches observed symptoms, referring to Negative Affect and relating to fatigue, poor concentration, lack of well-being and motivation. A greater number of coaches did not observe symptoms of DE and ED than those who did. A significant difference has been detected in coaches with more coaching experience in observation of symptoms of ED and DE. Coaches of lean sports observed more symptoms of ED than coaches of non-lean sports. Conclusion: Coaches are important in detecting symptoms of ED and DE in athletes. The performed research shows that coaches detect symptoms of ED to varying degrees. Fewer coaches have observed symptoms of ED than those who have not. More targeted research is needed to determine the reason for lower rate of observation

    Alternativa Territorial Sustentable: Planta De Valorización De Residuos Industriales, En Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado De México

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    El intenso proceso de urbanización de las sociedades deja en evidencia la necesidad de reorientar las ciudades para que sus espacios y sectores ofrezcan una mejor calidad de vida, lo cual incluye condiciones sustentables. Esta necesidad se intensifica en las grandes metrópolis que ya registran graves problemas ambientales. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de gestión de residuos industriales en el municipio de Cuautitlán Izcalli. La metodología se desarrolla a través de la teoría de localización en tres dimensiones, la primera, se elabora un proceso cognoscitivo-contextual, la segunda, refiere al avance de investigación, analizando los diversos efectos ambientales y posibles soluciones, y en la tercera, se presenta una conclusión crítica acompañada de recomendaciones del tema

    Community analysis in social networks

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    We present an empirical study of different social networks obtained from digital repositories. Our analysis reveals the community structure and provides a useful visualising technique. We investigate the scaling properties of the community size distribution, and that find all the networks exhibit power law scaling in the community size distributions with exponent either -0.5 or -1. Finally we find that the networks' community structure is topologically self-similar using the Horton-Strahler index.Comment: Submitted to European Physics Journal