1,424 research outputs found

    On the Feasibility of a Stop NLSP in Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios

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    We analyze the possibility that the lighter stop {\tilde t_1} could be the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) in models where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). We do not find any possibility for a stop NLSP in the constrained MSSM with universal input soft supersymmetry-breaking masses at the GUT scale (CMSSM), but do find small allowed regions in models with non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM). We discuss the cosmological evolution of stop hadrons. Most {\tilde t_1}qq `sbaryons' and the corresponding `antisbaryons' annihilate with conventional antibaryons and baryons into {\tilde t_1}{\bar q} `mesinos' and the corresponding `antimesinos', respectively, shortly after the quark-hadron transition in the early Universe, and most mesinos and antimesinos subsequently annihilate. As a result, insufficient metastable charged stop hadrons survive to alter Big Bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    El impacto del estrés en la productividad en el área de Créditos Mi Banco semestre 2017 – I y una propuesta de mejora

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    La siguiente investigación se debe a que en la actualidad el deporte se ha convertido en una de las actividades más gratificantes para resolver algunos problemas como el estrés y todas aquellas enfermedades que la añejan al hombre; puesto que lleva al cuerpo a un estado de tranquilidad, relajación y sobre todo a mejorar la salud. Tal es el caso de la agencia Mi Banco – Chiclayo, pues al no contar con un sistema de ayuda para contrarrestar los problemas que genera el estrés laboral; por lo consiguiente esto llega a generar un bajo desempeño en las actividades dentro de la empresa: el objetivo principal es proponer un programa de entrenamiento funcional que ayude en el grado de estrés y por ende en su mejora de productividad. Así mismo, el tipo de investigación es de carácter cualitativo: el diseño de investigación es no experimental transaccional descriptivo simple. Para ello se elaboró para determinar el impacto del estrés en la productividad en el área de créditos Mi banco. Se propuso la elaboración de una encuesta conformado por 20 asesores de negocios de créditos en la Agencia cercado Mi Banco ubicado en Calle Lora y cordero 475 Distrito de Chiclayo, Provincia de Chiclayo; se describió las 7 dimensiones propuestas en la encuesta propuesta tales como clima organizacional, estructura organizacional. Territorio organizacional, tecnología, influencia del líder, falta de cohesión y respaldo de grupo. Para luego determinar el nivel de estrés de los asesores. Finalmente se propuso un programa de entrenamiento funcional basado en técnicas de relajación para poder disminuir el nivel de estrés y mejorar el desempeño de productividad en el área de créditos, por lo cual hará que los asesores sean más productivos y la agencia genere mayores utilidades

    Designing a Better Day: Annotated Bibliography of Adult Day Care Literature, 1990-1998

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    This monograph contains 56 annotated bibliographies of literature published since 1990 on Adult Day Care facilities. The annotations are organized into five components - organization, staff, family, client, and physical setting - all of which form the dimensions of place for Adult Day Care. A matrix of the annotated bibliographies gives an overview of categories addressed in each publication.https://dc.uwm.edu/caupr_mono/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Neighborhood Integration and Connectivity Predict Cognitive Performance and Decline

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    Objective: Neighborhood characteristics may be important for promoting walking, but little research has focused on older adults, especially those with cognitive impairment. We evaluated the role of neighborhood characteristics on cognitive function and decline over a 2-year period adjusting for measures of walking. Method: In a study of 64 older adults with and without mild Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we evaluated neighborhood integration and connectivity using geographical information systems data and space syntax analysis. In multiple regression analyses, we used these characteristics to predict 2-year declines in factor analytically derived cognitive scores (attention, verbal memory, mental status) adjusting for age, sex, education, and self-reported walking. Results: Neighborhood integration and connectivity predicted cognitive performance at baseline, and changes in cognitive performance over 2 years. The relationships between neighborhood characteristics and cognitive performance were not fully explained by self-reported walking. Discussion: Clearer definitions of specific neighborhood characteristics associated with walkability are needed to better understand the mechanisms by which neighborhoods may impact cognitive outcomes. These results have implications for measuring neighborhood characteristics, design and maintenance of living spaces, and interventions to increase walking among older adults. We offer suggestions for future research measuring neighborhood characteristics and cognitive function

    Bienestar psicológico y estrés en docentes de dos instituciones educativas públicas - Lima, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre el bienestar psicológico y el estrés en docentes de dos instituciones educativas publicas de Lima, 2021. La investigación realizada fue de tipo básica con un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental con corte trasversal y de nivel correlacional. Participaron 70 docentes de dos instituciones educativas seleccionados mediante el muestreo no probabilístico intencional por conveniencia, las pruebas utilizadas fueron la escala de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (Carol Ryff, 1995) y el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS) (Maslach et ál., 1996). Para la contrastación de hipótesis se aplicó el estadístico Rho de Spearman. Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que existe una relación inversa y significativa entre las variables de bienestar psicológico y estrés (p < .05, r = -,466). En conclusión, cuanto mejor es el bienestar psicológico, menor es el nivel del estrés en los docentes

    Unmasking masked hypertension: prevalence, clinical implications, diagnosis, correlates and future directions

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    ‘Masked hypertension’ is defined as having non-elevated clinic blood pressure (BP) with elevated out-of-clinic average BP, typically determined by ambulatory BP monitoring. Approximately 15–30% of adults with non-elevated clinic BP have masked hypertension. Masked hypertension is associated with increased risks of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality compared with sustained normotension (non-elevated clinic and ambulatory BP), which is similar to or approaching the risk associated with sustained hypertension (elevated clinic and ambulatory BP). The confluence of increased cardiovascular risk and a failure to be diagnosed by the conventional approach of clinic BP measurement makes masked hypertension a significant public health concern. However, many important questions remain. First, the definition of masked hypertension varies across studies. Further, the best approach in the clinical setting to exclude masked hypertension also remains unknown. It is unclear whether home BP monitoring is an adequate substitute for ambulatory BP monitoring in identifying masked hypertension. Few studies have examined the mechanistic pathways that may explain masked hypertension. Finally, scarce data are available on the best approach to treating individuals with masked hypertension. Herein, we review the current literature on masked hypertension including definition, prevalence, clinical implications, special patient populations, correlates, issues related to diagnosis, treatment and areas for future research
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