3,359 research outputs found

    The Death of the Big Deal and Implications for Technical Services

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    In recent years, a growing number of libraries have canceled or unbundled their “Big Deal” journal subscriptions – those subscriptions that include a full package of digital journal titles for one discounted cost. This started as an affordability problem but has slowly morphed into a challenge from libraries demanding a new pricing structure that accommodates and spurs the growing open access movement. The change has caused a variety of challenges for technical services units including the increased need for user data, increasingly complicated workflows as they manage partial subscriptions, new interactions with consortia, and ongoing campus conversations. Whether the library is seeking to simply unbundle due to budget constraints, or push for new models such as “read and publish”, there is a tremendous impact on the work of technical services units. This chapter will explore the rationale and growth of the Big Deal, how it is breaking, four case studies on breaking Big Deals, a brief discussion of new transformative agreements, new challenges for consortia, and implications for technical services units moving forward

    The Academic Library As Meeting Space: Story Time for The Recreational Room of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UdelaR-UY)

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    i. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the Republic implemented a recreational and care room during the month of February for the student’s, teachers’ and library staff’s children, between the ages of 5 to 12. Its purpose was to support parents with the care of the kids during the working day in school recess. The library in this context, participated with Story time. Firstly the children visited the facilities and then enjoyed listening to a story. Amongst the selected stories were “Camaleón ve los colores” by Anita Bijsterbosh and “El papá de Malena” by Helen Velando. Readings were made from the physical book. At the end children were asked what they thought of the story. Reading could be a source to appreciate different opinions. Besides, the act of reading could be considered as a space to exchange with other people. Our main objective was to establish a creative process and a link between the story (in physical format) and the listeners of the story. This experience became a space for dialogue and co presence that led to verbal and nonverbal socialization, without the possibility of pause or repetition and immediate. Therefore, the transformational power of the text can be noted. The participants\u27 motivation search through the reading and narration for the fun of them and inspire the ability or urge to do recreational activities. The text, once read, was transformed into an aesthetic fact. It explored relationships between the library and the participants and between them and the texts themselves. We wanted to create a space for innumerable possibilities of doing, being able and wanting of each participant. It was an enriching experience for the library staff that contributed to get them close with de community of the Faculty from an unusual places in our practices It was also a chance to visualize the library and spread the future collection of recreational literature

    Modelando Sistemas de Membranas en ntcc

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    International audienceThe ntcc calculus has been proposed as a formalism for modeling concurrent systems such as biological systems. In this paper we explore the expresiveness of the ntcc calculus for modeling, simulating and analyzing biological systems. A legitimate question is therefore: Is it possible to model membrane systems with ntcc? In this paper as our main contribution to the solution of this question, we propose a general mechanism for modeling membrane systems in ntcc. The application of that mechanism is illustrated with a model for the LDL cholesterol degradation pathway using membrane systems defined in ntcc

    Ansiedad e insomnio como factores asociado a la fibromialgia

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    Objetivo: Demostrar que la ansiedad e insomnio como factores asociado a fibromialgia en pacientes del Consultorio Externo de Reumatología del Hospital Belén de Trujillo. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico de corte transversal y prospectivo, a doble ciego que evaluó a 241 pacientes nuevos según criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos y distribuidos en dos grupos: con y sin ansiedadinsomnio. Resultados: Se observa que el 61% de los pacientes sufren de fibromialgia y padecen de ansiedad e insomnio, el 22% de los pacientes sufren de fibromialgia y no padecen de ansiedad e insomnio, el 2% de los pacientes no sufren de fibromialgia y padecen de ansiedad e insomnio, en tanto que el 15% de los pacientes no sufren de fibromialgia y no padecen de ansiedad e insomnio. El valor de la prueba Chi Cuadrado es X2 = 49.764 con nivel de significancia menor al 5% (p < 0.05) OR = 15.772, la cual se encuentra entre 6.282 y 39.598 al 95% de confianza. Conclusiones: La ansiedad-insomnio es un factor de riesgo asociado a fibromialgia. El promedio con ansiedad e insomnio en el grupo de pacientes con fibromialgia fue significativamente mayor que los pacientes sin fibromialgia.Objetive: To demostrate if anxiety-insomnia as factors associated with to fibromyalgia in outpatients of external clinic of rheumatology at Trujillo Belén Hospital. Methods: There was conducted an analytical, cross-sectional, prospective, doubleblind study. The study’s population was conformed for 2 4 1 n e w patients, with inclusion and exclusion standards distributed in 2 groups: with or without anxietyinsomnia. Results: It is observed that 61% of patients suffer from fibromyalgia and suffer from anxiety and insomnia, 22% of patients suffer from fibromyalgia and do not suffer from anxiety and insomnia, 2% of patients do not suffer from fibromyalgia and suffer from of anxiety and insomnia, while 15% of patients do not suffer from fibromyalgia and do not suffer from anxiety and insomnia. The value of the Chi square test is X2 = 49.764 with significance level less than 5% (p <0.05) OR = 15,772, which is between 6,282 and 39,598 at 95% confidence. Conclusions: Anxiety-insomnia is a risk factor associated with fibromyalgia. The average with anxiety and insomnia in the group of patients with fibromyalgia was significantly higher than the patients without fibromyalgia.Tesi

    Estrategias Metodológicas utilizadas en la Educación Ambiental Formal en los centros de educación primaria: Escuela El Progreso, Colegio Diocesano San Luis y Escuela Enmanuel Mongalo del municipio de Matagalpa durante el II Semestre del año 2007

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    Para realizar el seminario de graduación se abordó el tema de la educación ambiental formal en los centros de educación primaria del municipio de Matagalpa. La educación Ambiental surge en Estocolmo en 1972 producto de la necesidad de encontrar soluciones a las necesidades del medio ambiente, por esta razón se hace necesario abordarla desde el ámbito formal; en Nicaragua toma mayor relevancia durante la década de los noventas hasta la actualidad; en la nueva transformación curricular se aborda como una asignatura aparte y también se incluye en las otras materias, como lo reflejan los estudios realizado siendo que 5.4% en español,8.85% en matemática, 67.5% en CCNN, 9.55 en EESSS y el 6.1% en moral y cívica creando individuos que amen y respeten la madre naturaleza, para ello se hace necesario dotar al estudiante de los conceptos generales referentes al medio ambiente para que puedan analizarlos y apropiarse de los mismos. Otro aspecto que se abordó fue el marco legal de la educación ambiental en Nicaragua lo que permite darse cuenta que tanto hacen los nicaragüenses por enfrentar los problemas medioambientales presentes y la forma que los maestros dan a conocer a los estudiantes las leyes que están establecidas para aquellas personas que atenten con el bienestar de la naturaleza; en los centros seleccionados se puede decir que los estudiantes conocen poco de éstas leyes ya que no existe todavía un mecanismo que les permita empaparse más de las mismas, alterando de esta manera los fines de la educación ambiental en Nicaragua. El trabajo realizado por el docente se hace con el objetivo principal de desarrollar la conciencia ambiental en los individuos a través de la educación, siendo que el 76.6% brinda charlas ambientales, el 93.6% motiva a los estudiantes a sembrar árboles, el 48.9% promueven la clasificación de la basura partiendo que esta es la base de la formación ciudadana, permitiendo reflexionar y llevar a la práctica los valores, morales, sociales, y religioso

    Urban metabolism of human settlements in small island-protected environments

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    Few studies have succeeded in illustrating the relationships between resources, socio-territorial dynamics, and the environs in protected island environments of Outstanding Value, a quality that positions them as experimental laboratories for the study of human evolution and the planet's ecosystems. The literature reviewed refers to different scientific productions where the analysis of the flow of matter and energy is applied to study urban metabolism. As a methodology, three important phases were established. First, four authors with different approaches to urban metabolism were identified. Second, the study was delimited with a list of seven protected island territories, which meet the following requirements: small scale, possessing human settlements, and having a Cultural/Natural Heritage nomination by UNESCO. Third, the socio-territorial dynamics of the settlement were analyzed with the instrument of five variables: biophysical, demo-geographical, socioeconomic, sociocultural, and regulatory/legislative. A qualitative description of Santa Cruz Island (Galapagos) is made in light of the studies conducted by the authors cited above. The results obtained in this review are the identification of management indicators and positive aspects generated from the transfer of knowledge, based on a qualitative analysis of the measurable relationships that exist between variables-human settlement-territory


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    As a result of an exploratory research, this article offers a brief overview of the major trends in performing training at school, which are identifiable in both private and public schools of Bogotá. The issue of the inclusion of theatre in the school curriculum, as well as the various ways in which this subject is integrated into the study schemes of the schools, allows an analysis on the sense of the artistic education policies defined by the related official institutions, and their actual application or omission in the educational practice. This, in order to continue the study on the source of this research: the theatre teacher at the school, his knowledge and his action. The word knowledge is hence understood as the phase in which the teacher’s training, preparation and experience are incorporated, much in the same manner as the word action is understood as all the pedagogical strategies designed by the teacher from his knowledge and having in mind the practical needs of each educational context. In other words, the methodological implementation of his knowledge in a specific scenario: the school. Como resultado de una investigación exploratoria, el presente artículo entrega un breve panorama sobre las principales tendencias en formación teatral escolar encontradas en los colegios públicos y privados de Bogotá. El estudio sobre la inclusión del teatro en los currículos escolares, y las distintas formas en que se integra dicha área en los planes de estudio de las instituciones, permite establecer un análisis frente al sentido de las políticas en educación artística definidas por los entes públicos pertinentes y su real aplicación u omisión en la práctica educativa. Esto, para seguir entonces con el estudio sobre la fuente primordial de esta investigación: el docente de teatro escolar, su saber y su acción, entendiendo el saber como el aspecto que reúne la formación, preparación y experiencia del profesor, y la acción, como aquellas estrategias pedagógicas que el docente diseña a partir de su saber y de las necesidades reales de los contextos educativos, es decir, la implementación metodológica de su saber en un escenario concreto: la escuela. Como resultado de uma pesquisa exploratória, o presente artigo apresenta uma breve panorâmica das principais tendências em formação teatral escolar encontradas em escolas públicas e privadas em Bogotá. O estudo sobre a inclusão do teatro no currículo escolar e as diversas maneiras como esta disciplina é integrada nos planos de estudo das instituições, permitindo uma análise do sentido das políticas de educação artística definidas pelas entidades públicas relevantes e sua efetiva aplicação ou omissão na prática educativa. O anterior, para continuar com o estudo sobre a fonte originária da presente investigação: o professor de teatro escolar, o seu saber e a sua ação; entendendo o saber, como o aspecto que reúne a formação, a preparação e a experiência do docente, e a ação, como as estratégias pedagógicas que o professor desenha a partir do seu saber e das necessidades reais dos contextos educativos, ou seja, a implementação metodológica do seu saber em um cenário concreto: a escola

    Estimación de fibra dietética en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad particular, Chiclayo 2020

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    La fibra dietética es un componente no digerible de los alimentos, importantísimo en el organismo para prevenir problemas de salud, debiendo ser incluida en la alimentación diaria, sobre todo en edades en que el ser humano va adquiriendo su independencia como son los jóvenes universitarios. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la estimación de fibra dietética de los estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad particular, Chiclayo 2020. El estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, el diseño no experimental, descriptivo, transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 294 estudiantes de la escuela de enfermería, la muestra de 164 estudiantes, seleccionados por muestreo estratificado – aleatorio simple. Como técnicanse utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento el “Cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos” y un “Recordatorio de 24 horas” (R24H). En la investigación se tuvieron en cuenta los criterios de rigor científico y principios éticos de Belmont, y para el procesamiento de datos se utilizó el programa SPSS v 25, obteniéndose como resultado que la media de consumo de fibra dietética de los estudiantes de enfermería fue de 15,37 gr/día; en cuanto a frecuencia de consumo de alimentos según fuente alimentaria, se halló un consumo dentro de lo recomendado, en granos (55,5%), leguminosas (48,8%), carnes (58,5%), grasas y azúcares agregadas (55,5%) , pero bajos en frutas (36,6%), vegetales (37,8), lácteos (33,5%) y agua (44,5%). Concluyéndose que estos resultados son poco óptimos en los estudiantes, porque pueden ocasionar implicancias en su salud, como enfermedades digestivas, cardiovasculares, endocrinas y cáncer de colon rectal