21 research outputs found

    Evaluation De La Qualité Des Noix Brutes D’anacarde En Casamance (Sénégal)

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    La qualité des noix brutes de cajou appréciée à travers le out-turn ou KOR (Kernel Output Ratio) est une donnée très déterminante dans le commerce international de la filière anacarde. Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser la qualité des noix produites en Casamance, zone la plus productive du Sénégal mais dont les données sur la qualité des noix sont très peu connues ou disparates. L’étude a été réalisée sur un lot de 231 échantillons de 1,5 kg chacun collectés dans 77 localités sur l’ensemble des trois régions de la Casamance naturelle (Ziguinchor, Sédhiou et Kolda). Sur chaque échantillon, le grainage, le taux de défaut et le KOR ont été calculés. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que le KOR le plus élevé a été enregistré dans la région de Ziguinchor. Elle varie entre 50-51 lbs avec un taux de défaut moyen de 7,9-9 % et un grainage de 204-214 noix/Kg. Dans la région Sédhiou, le KOR varie de 49 à 50 lbs avec un taux de défaut de 7,5-10,5 % et un grainage de 210-215 noix/Kg. La plus faible qualité des noix a été enregistrée à Kolda où le KOR varie entre 46-49 lbs avec un taux de défaut de 9,4-10,6 % et grainage de 214- 232 noix/Kg. Ces données montrent que la qualité des noix de la Casamance, notamment à Ziguinchor et à Sédhiou où les valeurs s’approchent des normes de l’UEMOA (> ou = 50 lbs). Toutefois des efforts doivent être menés dans la récolte, le conditionnement et le stockage des noix notamment dans la région de Kolda où le taux de défaut est relativement élevé. The quality of the raw cashew nuts appreciated through the out-turn or KOR (Kernel Output Ratio) is a very determining factor in the international trade of the cashew nut sector. The objective of this study is to analyse the quality of nuts produced in Casamance, the most productive zone in Senegal, but for which data on nut quality are very little known or disparate. The study was carried out on a batch of 231 samples of 1.5 kg each collected in 77 localities throughout the three regions of natural Casamance (Ziguinchor, Sédhiou and Kolda). On each sample, the grading, defect rate and KOR were calculated. The results of the study showed that the highest KOR was recorded in the Ziguinchor region. It varies between 50-51 Ibs with an average defect rate of 7.9-9% and a kernel of 204-214 nuts/Kg. In the Sédhiou region, the KOR varies from 49 to 50 Ibs with a defect rate of 7.5-10.5% and a kernel weight of 210-215 nuts/Kg. The lowest quality of the nuts was recorded in Kolda where the KOR varies between 46-49 Ibs with a defect rate of 9.4- 10.6% and a kernel weight of 214-232 nuts/Kg. These data show that the quality of Casamance nuts, especially in Ziguinchor and Sédhiou where the values are close to UEMOA standards (> or = 50 Ibs). However, efforts must be made in the harvesting, packaging and storage of nuts, especially in the Kolda region where the defect rate is relatively high

    Caractérisation des Plantations à base d’anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) dans le Balantacounda: cas des communes de Kaour, Goudomp et Djibanar (Casamance/Sénégal)

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    The characterization of cashew plantations was made on the basis of socio-economic surveys. The cashew plantations are mainly of two types namely mixed plantations (associated with annual crops such as groundnuts, millet and cowpea) which represent 24% of the studied plantations and pure plantations and cashew orchards in which ones always have a few woody perennials (Borassus akeassii Parkia biglobosa, Mangifera indica Elaeis guineensis, they represent 76% of plantations. Most (52.9%) of the studied plantations have an area of one (1) hectare and are characterized by a very high density (± 200 feet / ha) with small distances (<5 m). Their yield is low and varies between 444 kg and 786 kg / ha. The Newmans-Keuls test at the 5% threshold used to evaluate the influence of plantation characteristics variables on their production showed that the distances, types of varieties used, the nature of the plantation (mixed or pure) are the parameters the most influential on production. Indeed the weak spacing lead to high competition due to the tangle of roots to overlapping crowns of adult individuals that impact negatively on productivity. In addition the "Costa Rican" variety with an average production of 800 kg / ha is more productive than the local variety (303 average kg / ha). A significant interaction was demonstrated by the analysis of variance between intercropping and production (F = 0.13, 1-p = 0.95, 16%). Yields in mixed plantations are indeed higher than in pure plantations

    Dynamique de la mangrove du marigot de Bignona autour du barrage d’Affiniam (Casamance, Sénégal)

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    La sècheresse des années 1970 a contribué à la dégradation de la mangrove en Casamance. Les activités socio-économiques (pêche, riziculture...) sont devenues de moins en moins rentables. Pour faire face aux conséquences des aléas climatiques, le barrage d’Affiniam fut construit sur le marigot de Bignona. Cependant, à la suite de sa construction, la dégradation de la mangrove a semblé s’accélérer en amont comme en aval du barrage. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude tente de comprendre cette dégradation ainsi que la dynamique de l’écosystème autour du barrage. A cet effet, des cartes d’occupation des sols ont été confectionnées avant et après la construction du barrage. Des relevés de végétation ont été faits le long d’un transect de 12 km passant par le barrage. Les résultats montrent que la mangrove a régressé de 55,58% entre 1986 et 2010 autour de l’ouvrage. Sa densité actuelle est de 3869 individus/ha en aval et de 245 individus/ha en amont. La mangrove de la partie aval est moins touchée par la dégradation. Cependant, la salinité des eaux peut y atteindre 120 g/l en fin de saison sèche, alors que le pH varie entre 6,5 et 7,5. Malgré ce taux de salinité élevé, le pH oscille autour de la neutralité (pH=7).© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Dégradation, régression, amont, aval, CasamanceEnglish AbstractDynamics of the mangrove ecosystem around the Affiniam dam (Casamance, Senegal) on the Bignona backwater. The drought in the 1970s has contributed not only to the mangrove system degradation but also to the decrease of socio-economic profits for rural communities (fishing, rice production...). To accommodate to the adverse weather conditions, the Affiniam dam was built on the backwater of Bignona. However, its construction significantly reduced and degraded the mangrove system affecting the upstream as well as the downstream parts of the dam. To understand the causes of the environmental deterioration and the dynamics of the ecosystem around the dam, maps of the lands used before and after construction of the dam were made and vegetation inventory were conducted along a 12 km transect across it. The results of this study showed that the mangroves decreased by 55.58% between 1986 and 2010 in the area surrounding the dam with a current  density of 3869 individuals/ha downstream and 245 individuals/ha upstream. The downstream portion of the mangroves where the tides are still effective is less affected by the process of environmental deterioration. However, water salinity can reach 120 g/l at the end of the dry season while water pH can vary between 6,5 and 7,5. Despite this high rate of salinity, the pH oscillates around 7 (neutral pH).© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Degradation, regression, upstream, downstream, Casamanc

    Stage de responsables de structures de stockage en vrac : rapport de stage pratique, coopérative agricole du Dunois

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    Ce rapport fait le point sur le stage de formation de responsables de stockage en vrac en zone tropicale organisé par le CEEMAT en collaboration avec le CNEEMA. Les problèmes abordés sont : - l'organisation des silos; - l'organisation de la collecte; - la reception, le sèchage, la manutention, nettoyage, le stockage, la désinsectisation, dératisation et la gestion des silo

    Caractérisation du parc agroforestier à Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. Ex G. Don en Basse Casamance (Sénégal)

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    In Lower Casamance, Parkia biglobosa is one of the woody species integrated into the agricultural production system because of its socio-economic importance. Despite this importance, its population is experiencing serious threats from a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. The purpose of this work is to characterize the woody flora and vegetation of P. biglobosa agroforestry parkland in Lower Casamance. To do this, a systematic inventory of crop fields was carried out in two villages using the Closest Individual (CI) method. This study identified 29 species from 27 genera in 13 botanical families in all two villages, 24 species in Kagnobon and 18 in Mangagoulack. The Shannon-Weaver Index shows low diversity across the two villages. The structural parameters are higher in Mangagoulack except regeneration and mortality of the species. The different structures show a young stand in Mangagoulack unlike in Kagnobon where the species faces a regeneration problem due to vegetation fires and the exploitation of seeds. Efforts could be made to preserve the regeneration of P. biglobosa and thus ensure its maintenance in the crop fields

    Caractéristiques des plantations d’anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) et déterminants économiques des exploitations en Casamance

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    In Senegal, despite the intervention of several projects or programmes to improve the productivity of cashew plantations, the cashew sector still suffers from many difficulties due to low yields and marketing difficulties. This study focuses on the characteristics of cashew tree plantations and the determinants of income according to the organisation of the sector. Thus, socio-economic surveys were carried out among 778 producers in sixty-three (63) villages. The Cobb Douglass production model, which establishes the relationship between the quantity produced and the production factor(s) used, was used to analyse the determinants of income from the sale of nuts by producers. The results obtained showed that the average area of a plantation is on average 2.5 ha (Ziguinchor department), 3.7 ha (Sédhiou) and 2.1 ha (Kolda). The number of cashew trees/ha is estimated at 167 plants/ha in Ziguinchor, 198 plants/ha in Sédhiou and 187 plants/ha in Kolda. The Ziguinchor region is the most productive (385 kg/ha), followed by Sédhiou (280 kg/ha) and Kolda (255 kg/ha). Producers' incomes have improved significantly with good production, with a selling price per kilogram of nuts above 500 Fcfa, but also with better support for producers. On the other hand, factors such as the payment of labour for the collection and maintenance of orchards negatively influence producers' incomes. The cashew nut sector plays an important role in the economy of the agro-ecological zone studied. It contributes significantly to the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the producers. However, a structuring of the marketing link would allow producers to better benefit from the sale of cashew nuts