12,433 research outputs found

    Impacto das mudanças climáticas no zoneamento de risco climático da mamona no Estado de Pernambuco.

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    A mamona é uma importante matéria-prima alternativa na produção de biodiesel. Entretanto ela pode ser afetada negativamente pelos efeitos das mudanças climáticas, reduzindo sua área de plantio em baixo risco. O objetivo desse trabalho foi quantificar esses impactos na produção da mamona, no Estado de Pernambuco, com base na tecnologia de Zoneamento Agrícola de Riscos Climáticos. Para tanto foram simulados os cenários agrícolas na produção da oleaginosa para os anos de 2010, representando o cenário atual, 2020, 2030 e 2040, utilizando-se as temperaturas obtidas pelo modelo HadRM3 do Hadley Centre. Neste estudo foram adotados os cenários A2 ? o mais pessimista que estima um aumento de temperatura entre 2ºC e 5,4ºC até 2100 e o B2, um pouco mais otimista, que prevê um aumento de temperatura entre 1,4ºC e 3,8ºC até 2100. O estudo mostrou uma redução na área potencial de plantio da mamona em baixo risco devido ao aumento da temperatura, que por consequência aumenta a evapotranspiração, aumentando a demanda hídrica da planta.CBA 2009

    Principal components technique analysis for vegetation and land use discrimination

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    Automatic pre-processing technique called Principal Components (PRINCO) in analyzing LANDSAT digitized data, for land use and vegetation cover, on the Brazilian cerrados was evaluated. The chosen pilot area, 223/67 of MSS/LANDSAT 3, was classified on a GE Image-100 System, through a maximum-likehood algorithm (MAXVER). The same procedure was applied to the PRINCO treated image. PRINCO consists of a linear transformation performed on the original bands, in order to eliminate the information redundancy of the LANDSAT channels. After PRINCO only two channels were used thus reducing computer effort. The original channels and the PRINCO channels grey levels for the five identified classes (grassland, "cerrado", burned areas, anthropic areas, and gallery forest) were obtained through the MAXVER algorithm. This algorithm also presented the average performance for both cases. In order to evaluate the results, the Jeffreys-Matusita distance (JM-distance) between classes was computed. The classification matrix, obtained through MAXVER, after a PRINCO pre-processing, showed approximately the same average performance in the classes separability

    Atmospheric correction analysis on LANDSAT data over the Amazon region

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    The Amazon Region natural resources were studied in two ways and compared. A LANDSAT scene and its attributes were selected, and a maximum likelihood classification was made. The scene was atmospherically corrected, taking into account Amazonic peculiarities revealed by (ground truth) of the same area, and the subsequent classification. Comparison shows that the classification improves with the atmospherically corrected images

    Self-interacting dark matter and Higgs bosons in the SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_N model with right-handed neutrinos

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    We investigate the possibility that dark matter could be made from CP-even and CP- odd Higgs bosons in the SU(3)_C X SU(3)_L X U(1)_N (3-3-1) model with right-handed neutrinos. This self-interacting dark matters are stable without imposing of new symmetry and should be weak-interacting.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, To appear in Europhys. Let

    Balanced urban design process to create resilient and sustainable urban environments

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    Today, urban design plays a key role in the creation of sustainable urban environments in terms of the “triple bottom line,” that encompasses the three dimensions of life–economics; social and environmental sustainability. Even though urban design has a wider scope for achieving sustainability on all its three fronts, the current process of urban design has often become an obstacle to attaining this scope. The current urban design process is top-down and there are serious criticisms of this process as it may not touch the “ground” level community requirements. Accordingly, in order to overcome the drawbacks of the current top-down process, researches have discussed implementing a community oriented bottom-up process. However, it is found that the bottom-up urban design process has its own negative features which can adversely affect the creation of sustainable urban designs. Accordingly, it is illustrated that neither the current top-down process nor the suggested bottom-up process will address the critical issues for achieving the current scope of urban design and, therefore, a “balanced” community embedded urban design process was required to overcome the current research gap. Accordingly, by adopting positive features of both top-down and bottom-up processes derived from literature, this chapter develops a new community embedded balanced urban design process framework

    Deformation quantization of noncommutative quantum mechanics and dissipation

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    We review the main features of the Weyl-Wigner formulation of noncommutative quantum mechanics. In particular, we present a ⋆\star-product and a Moyal bracket suitable for this theory as well as the concept of noncommutative Wigner function. The properties of these quasi-distributions are discussed as well as their relation to the sets of ordinary Wigner functions and positive Liouville probability densities. Based on these notions we propose criteria for assessing whether a commutative regime has emerged in the realm of noncommutative quantum mechanics. To induce this noncommutative-commutative transition, we couple a particle to an external bath of oscillators. The master equation for the Brownian particle is deduced.Comment: 7 pages, Latex file, Based on a talk presented by Joao Prata at D.I.C.E. 2006, Piombino, Ital
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