93 research outputs found

    Shallow water marine sediment bacterial community shifts along a natural CO2 gradient in the Mediterranean Sea off Vulcano, Italy.

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    The effects of increasing atmospheric CO(2) on ocean ecosystems are a major environmental concern, as rapid shoaling of the carbonate saturation horizon is exposing vast areas of marine sediments to corrosive waters worldwide. Natural CO(2) gradients off Vulcano, Italy, have revealed profound ecosystem changes along rocky shore habitats as carbonate saturation levels decrease, but no investigations have yet been made of the sedimentary habitat. Here, we sampled the upper 2 cm of volcanic sand in three zones, ambient (median pCO(2) 419 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 3.77), moderately CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 592 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 2.96), and highly CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 1611 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 0.35). We tested the hypothesis that increasing levels of seawater pCO(2) would cause significant shifts in sediment bacterial community composition, as shown recently in epilithic biofilms at the study site. In this study, 454 pyrosequencing of the V1 to V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene revealed a shift in community composition with increasing pCO(2). The relative abundances of most of the dominant genera were unaffected by the pCO(2) gradient, although there were significant differences for some 5 % of the genera present (viz. Georgenia, Lutibacter, Photobacterium, Acinetobacter, and Paenibacillus), and Shannon Diversity was greatest in sediments subject to long-term acidification (>100 years). Overall, this supports the view that globally increased ocean pCO(2) will be associated with changes in sediment bacterial community composition but that most of these organisms are resilient. However, further work is required to assess whether these results apply to other types of coastal sediments and whether the changes in relative abundance of bacterial taxa that we observed can significantly alter the biogeochemical functions of marine sediments

    Responses of marine benthic microalgae to elevated CO<inf>2</inf>

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    Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO2 concentrations in the ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of increasing CO2 levels on the colonisation of artificial substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were examined across a CO2 gradient off the volcanic island of Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO2 concentrations increased. CO2 enrichment caused significant increases in chlorophyll a concentrations and in diatom abundance although we did not detect any changes in cyanobacteria. SEM analysis revealed major shifts in diatom assemblage composition as CO2 levels increased. The responses of benthic microalgae to rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to have significant ecological ramifications for coastal systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    VVVX-Gaia Discovery of a Low Luminosity Globular Cluster in the Milky Way Disk

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    © 2020 ESOMilky Way globular clusters (MW GCs) are difficult to identify at low Galactic latitudes because of high differential extinction and heavy star crowding. The new deep near-IR images and photometry from the VISTA Variables in the Via L\'actea Extended Survey (VVVX) allow us to chart previously unexplored regions. Our long term aim is to complete the census of MW GCs. The immediate goals are to estimate the astrophysical parameters, measuring their reddenings, extinctions, distances, total luminosities, proper motions, sizes, metallicities and ages. We use the near-IR VVVX survey database, in combination with Gaia DR2 optical photometry, and with the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. We report the detection of a heretofore unknown Galactic Globular Cluster at RA = 14:09:00.0; DEC=-65:37:12 (J2000). We calculate a reddening of E(J-K_s)=(0.3 +/- 0.03) mag and an extinction of A_Ks=(0.15 +/- 0.01) mag for this new GC. Its distance modulus and corresponding distance were measured as (m-M)=(15.93 +/- 0.03) mag and D=(15.5 +/- 1.0) kpc, respectively. We estimate the metallicity and age by comparison with known GCs and by fitting PARSEC and Dartmouth isochrones, finding [Fe/H]=(0.70±0.2)[Fe/H]=(-0.70\pm0.2) dex and t=(11.0 +/- 1.0) Gyr. The mean GC PMs from Gaia are mu_alpha^(star)=(-4.68 +/- 0.47) mas yr^(-1) and mu_delta=(-1.34 \pm 0.45) mas yr^(-1). The total luminosity of our cluster is estimated to be M_Ks=(-7.76 +/- 0.5) mag. We have found a new low-luminosity, old and metal-rich globular cluster, situated in the far side of the Galactic disk, at R_G=11.2 kpc from the Galactic centre, and at z=1.0 kpc below the plane. Interestingly, the location, metallicity and age of this globular cluster are coincident with the Monoceros Ring (MRi) structure.Peer reviewe

    Bologna process, higher education and a few considerations about the New University

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    O presente artigo analisa o que se convencionou chamar de Processo de Bolonha, isto é, a produção de uma “política pública de um meta-Estado para um meta-campo universitário”, constituindo-se em uma política educacional supranacional, comum aos estados-membros da União Européia, com vista à construção de um “espaço europeu de educação superior”. O processo político e de reformas institucionais, realizado por cada governo nacional, conduzirá ao estabelecimento efetivo do novo sistema europeu de educação superior até 2010, incluindo atualmente 45 países – todos os da UE e outros 18 países europeus não pertencentes a ela. Nesse sentido, por se tratar de um vastíssimo número de “subsistemas nacionais” e de instituições educativas, atribui-se um grande protagonismo às questões relativas à “garantia de qualidade”. Analisam-se, igualmente, as recentes transformações na educação superior no Brasil, em que o projeto da chamada “Universidade Nova” e o Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI) constituem-se nas manifestações mais claras do reordenamento desse nível de ensino (seguindo os parâmetros de Bolonha), que já experimentara grandes transformações nos governos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) e teve prosseguimento nos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2006; 2007), embora com distintos matizes.This article analyzes what is conventionally known as the Bologna Process, or the making of a “public policy of a meta-State for a University meta-field” that corresponds to a supranational educational policy for all the European Union membership States, with the goal of building a “European higher education space.” The political process and the institutional reforms of each national government intends to establish the new European higher education system until 2010, with 45 countries – the number reflects current developments, including the EU membership States and 18 non-EU countries. Given the high quantity and the myriads of “national subsystems” and educational institutions involved, “quality assurance” becomes a major task in this process. We analyze, in the same way, the recent higher education changes in Brazil, where the so-called “New University” project and the Program of Support for the Restructuring and Expansion of Brazilian Federal Universities (REUNI, in Portuguese) are the clearest expressions of the reshaping of the higher education system (in accordance with the Bologna standards) after the dramatic changes made by Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s government (1995-2002) and continued by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva´s government (2003-2006; 2007), despite some differences between both administrations

    An extensive reef system at the Amazon River mouth

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    Large rivers create major gaps in reef distribution along tropical shelves. The Amazon River represents 20% of the global riverine discharge to the ocean, generating up to a 1.3 x 10(6)-km(2) plume, and extensive muddy bottoms in the equatorial margin of South America. As a result, a wide area of the tropical North Atlantic is heavily affected in terms of salinity, pH, light penetration, and sedimentation. Such unfavorable conditions were thought to imprint a major gap in Western Atlantic reefs. We present an extensive carbonate system off the Amazon mouth, underneath the river plume. Significant carbonate sedimentation occurred during lowstand sea level, and still occurs in the outer shelf, resulting in complex hard-bottom topography. A permanent near-bottom wedge of ocean water, together with the seasonal nature of the plume's eastward retroflection, conditions the existence of this extensive (similar to 9500 km(2)) hard-bottom mosaic. The Amazon reefs transition from accretive to erosional structures and encompass extensive rhodolith beds. Carbonate structures function as a connectivity corridor for wide depth-ranging reef-associated species, being heavily colonized by large sponges and other structure-forming filter feeders that dwell under low light and high levels of particulates. The oxycline between the plume and subplume is associated with chemoautotrophic and anaerobic microbial metabolisms. The system described here provides several insights about the responses of tropical reefs to suboptimal and marginal reef-building conditions, which are accelerating worldwide due to global changes.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERS)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)BrasoilMCTIBrazilian NavyU.S. NSFGordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF)Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro UFRJ, Inst Biol, BR-21941599 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, COPPE, Inst Alberto Luiz Coimbra Posgrad & Pesquisa Engn, Lab Sistemas Avancados Gestao Prod, BR-21941972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilInst Pesquisas Jardim Bot Rio de Janeiro, BR-22460030 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Oceanog, BR-05508120 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Espirito Santo, Dept Oceanog, BR-29199970 Vitoria, ES, BrazilUniv Estadual Norte Fluminense, Lab Ciencias Ambientais, Ctr Biociencias & Biotecnol, BR-28013602 Campos Dos Goytacazes, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Fluminense, Inst Geociencias, BR-24210346 Niteroi, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Fluminense, Inst Biol, BR-24210130 Niteroi, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Museo Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilFed Univ Para, Inst Estudos Costeiros, BR-68600000 Braganca, PA, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Mar, BR-11070100 Santos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco, Dept Oceanog, BR-50670901 Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Georgia, Dept Marine Sci, Athens, GA 30602 USAUniv Fed Paraiba, BR-58297000 Rio Tinto, PB, BrazilUniv Estadual Santa Cruz, Dept Ciencias Biol, BR-45650000 Ilheus, BA, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Mar, BR-11070100 Santos, SP, BrazilU.S. NSF: OCE-0934095GBMF: 2293GBMF: 2928Web of Scienc

    Impact of Aetiological Treatment on Conventional and Multiplex Serology in Chronic Chagas Disease

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    The main criterion for treatment effectiveness in Chagas Disease has been the seronegative conversion of previously reactive serology, generally achieved many years post-treatment. The lack of reliable tests to ensure parasite clearance and to examine the effect of treatment is the main difficulty in evaluating treatment for chronic Chagas disease. Decreases of conventional and non-conventional serological titers can be useful tools to monitor the early impact of treatment. We serially measured changes in antibody levels, including seronegative conversion as well as declines in titers in 53 benznidazole-treated and 89 untreated chronically T. cruzi-infected subjects. Seronegative conversion as well as decreases of titers was significantly higher in treated compared with untreated patients. A strong concordance was found between decreases of titers of conventional and non-conventional serologic tests post-treatment, reaffirming the findings. When seronegative conversion plus decreases of titers were considered altogether, the impact of treatment was higher, in a shorter follow-up period than previously considered. New tools for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of chronic Chagas disease are necessary, and the results showed in this study is a contribution to researchers and physicians who assist patients suffering from this disease