119 research outputs found

    Integrating economic costs and biological traits into global conservation priorities for carnivores

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    Background: Prioritization schemes usually highlight species-rich areas, where many species are at imminent risk of extinction. To be ecologically relevant these schemes should also include species biological traits into area-setting methods. Furthermore, in a world of limited funds for conservation, conservation action is constrained by land acquisition costs. Hence, including economic costs into conservation priorities can substantially improve their conservation cost-effectiveness. Methodology/Principal Findings: We examined four global conservation scenarios for carnivores based on the joint mapping of economic costs and species biological traits. These scenarios identify the most cost effective priority sets of ecoregions, indicating best investment opportunities for safeguarding every carnivore species, and also establish priority sets that can maximize species representation in areas harboring highly vulnerable species. We compared these results with a scenario that minimizes the total number of ecoregions required for conserving all species, irrespective of other factors. We found that cost-effective conservation investments should focus on 41 ecoregions highlighted in the scenario that consider simultaneously both ecoregion vulnerability and economic costs of land acquisition. Ecoregions included in priority sets under these criteria should yield best returns of investments since they harbor species with high extinction risk and have lower mean land cost. Conclusions/Significance: Our study highlights ecoregions of particular importance for the conservation of the world’s carnivores defining global conservation priorities in analyses that encompass socioeconomic and life-history factors. We consider the identification of a comprehensive priority-set of areas as a first step towards an in-situ biodiversity maintenance strategy

    Fluxos assistenciais de pacientes renais crônicos em terapia hemodialítica nas regiões de saúde do estado de Minas Gerais

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    ABSTRACT   Objective: To analyze the care flow of patients undergoing hemodialysis based on the geographic distribution established in the Master Plan for Regionalization of the state of Minas Gerais. Method: Descriptive mapping study of patient care flows on hemodialysis in the state of Minas Gerais. Results: The Northeast and Jequitinhonha macro-regions that have the greatest travel needs to the clinic with 60.67 km and 50.29 km, respectively. Regarding the flow of patients between the macroregions for hemodialysis, Jequitinhonha and Nordeste had the highest percentage of escape with 4.43% and 3.35%, respectively. Conclusion: Ensuring access to therapy close to home is of fundamental importance to minimize the psychosocial, physical and economic impacts and also improve aspects related to quality of life, as it will allow for less time spent exclusively on treatment. Keywords: Renal Dialysis; Chronic Renal Failure: Regionalization Health Planning; Geographic Mapping.RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar el flujo de atención de pacientes en hemodiálisis a partir de la distribución geográfica establecida en el Plan Director de Regionalización del Estado de Minas Gerais. Método: Estudio de mapeo descriptivo de los flujos de atención de pacientes en hemodiálisis en el estado de Minas Gerais. Resultados: Las macrorregiones Nordeste y Jequitinhonha que tienen las mayores necesidades de desplazamiento a la clínica con 60,67 km y 50,29 km, respectivamente. En cuanto al flujo de pacientes entre las macrorregiones para hemodiálisis, Jequitinhonha y Nordeste presentaron el mayor porcentaje de fuga con 4,43% y 3,35%, respectivamente. Conclusión: Asegurar el acceso a la terapia cerca del hogar es de fundamental importancia para minimizar los impactos psicosociales, físicos y económicos y también mejorar aspectos relacionados con la calidad de vida, ya que permitirá dedicar menos tiempo exclusivamente al tratamiento. Palabras llave: Diálisis Renal; insuficiencia renal crónica; Regionalización de la Salud; Mapeo Geográfico.Introdução: O crescente número de pacientes que necessitam de terapia renal substitutiva impacta o Sistema Único de Saúde. A complexidade do tratamento hemodialítico requer cuidados especializados. Objetivo: Analisar o fluxo assistencial de pacientes em terapia hemodialítica a partir da distribuição geográfica estabelecida no Plano Diretor de Regionalização do estado de Minas Gerais. Método: Estudo descritivo de mapeamento dos fluxos assistenciais de paciente em terapia hemodialitíca no estado de Minas Gerais. Resultados: As macrorregiões Nordeste e Jequitinhonha possuem as maiores necessidades de deslocamento médio até as clínicas dialíticas com 60,67 km e 50,29 km, respectivamente. Em relação ao fluxo de pacientes entre as macrorregiões para realização de hemodiálise, Jequitinhonha e Nordeste obtiveram maior percentual de escape com 4,43% e 3,35%, respectivamente. Conclusão: Garantir o acesso a terapia próximo à residência é de fundamental importância para minimizar os impactos psicossociais, físicos e econômicos e ainda melhorar aspectos relacionados à qualidade de vida, pois possibilitará menor tempo gasto exclusivamente com tratamento

    Terapia oral como primeira escolha para tratamento de necrose retiniana aguda: um relato de caso/ Oral therapy as the first choice for treating acute retinal necrosis: a case report

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    A necrose retiniana aguda (NRA) é uma doença inflamatória ocular rara, de etiologia, principalmente viral, que tem como desfecho, em sua maioria dos casos, a cegueira. Esta patologia é tradicionalmente tratada com aciclovir intravenoso seguido de aciclovir oral por um extenso periodo. Porém, o aciclovir oral não atinge concentrações vítreas capazes de inibir a ação dos principais causadores virais da doença. Contudo, antivirais mais recentes, como o valaciclovir e o famciclovir, tem demonstrado boa biodisponibilidade oral, permitindo mudança em direção ao tratamento ambulatorial e diminuindo tratamento hospitalar de alto custo e exposição do paciente a novos patógenos hospitalares

    Comparative study on optical performance and visual outcomes between two diffractive multifocal lenses: AMO Tecnis® ZMB00 and AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® Multifocal IOL SN6AD1

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the optical performance and visual outcomes between two diffractive multifocal lenses: AMO Tecnis® ZMB00 and AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1. Methods: This prospective, non-randomized comparative study included the assessment of 74 eyes in 37 patients referred for cataract surgery and candidates for multifocal intraocular lens implants. Exclusion criteria included existence of any other eye disease, previous eye surgery, high axial myopia, preoperative corneal astigmatism of >1.00 cylindrical diopter (D), and intraoperative or postoperative complications. Ophthalmological evaluation included the measurement of uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA), and distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA), with analysis of contrast sensitivity (CS), wavefront, and visual defocus curve. Results: Postoperative UDVA was 0.09 and 0.08 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.868); postoperative CDVA was 0.04 and 0.02 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.68); DCIVA was 0.17 and 0.54 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.000); and DCNVA was 0.04 and 0.09 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.001). In both cases, there was an improvement in the spherical equivalent and UDVA (p<0.05). Under photopic conditions, the SN6AD1 group had better CS at low frequencies without glare (p=0.04); however, the ZMB00 group achieved better sensitivity at high frequencies with glare (p=0.003). The SN6AD1 and ZMB00 lenses exhibited similar behavior for intermediate vision, according to the defocus curve; however, the ZMB00 group showed a shorter reading distance than the SN6AD1 group. There were no significant differences regarding aberrometry between the two groups. Conclusion: Both lenses promoted better quality of vision for both long and short distances and exhibited a similar behavior for intermediate vision. The SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups showed better results for CS under photopic conditions at low and high spatial frequencies, respectively

    ESTIMATIVA DA PRODUÇÃO DE SEDIMENTOS DA PILHA DE DISPOSIÇÃO DE ESTÉRIL (PDE) CONVAP, COMPLEXO MINERADOR DE ITABIRA (MG): Estimate of sediment production from the sterile pile (PDE) Convap, Itabira Mining Complex (MG)

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    Improper management in the construction and/or operation of a sterile pile (PDE) can result in negative environmental impacts mainly related to the production of sediment. Since these structures are necessary for the mining activity, this article sought to evaluate the sediment production estimate of the PDE Convap, located in the Minerador Complex of Itabira (MG) through the application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Considering the data from the Cauê rainfall station obtained between 1987 and 2020, an average annual rainfall of 1,627.98 mm was observed, resulting in an annual erosivity of 12,896.34 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1. As for the topographic factor, the values obtained ranged between 0 and 26.4, with the smallest being verified in the region of the CEMIG I reservoir. Data from drilling holes in a PDE neighboring Convap indicate an average erodibility of 0.02679 t.MJ-1.h.mm-1. The mainland uses in the analyzed area correspond to degraded pasture (12.2%), water bodies (12.9%), eucalyptus and forests (27.0%) and exposed soil (42.6%). It was noted that the erosion rate of the PDE Convap corresponds to 273,871.5 t.year-1, with an average of 1,267.9 t.ha-1.year-1, being compatible with the Dredging Plan for the CEMIG I Dam, located downstream of this structure.A gestão inadequada na construção e/ou operação de uma pilha de disposição de estéril (PDE) pode resultar em impactos ambientais negativos relacionados, principalmente, à produção de sedimentos. Uma vez que essas estruturas são necessárias à atividade minerária, este artigo buscou avaliar a estimativa de produção de sedimentos da PDE Convap, localizada no Complexo Minerador de Itabira (MG) por meio da aplicação da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos. Considerando os dados da estação pluviométrica Cauê obtidos entre os anos de 1987 e 2020, observou-se uma pluviometria média anual de 1.627,98 mm, resultando em uma erosividade anual de 12.896,34 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1. Quanto ao fator topográfico, os valores obtidos variaram entre 0 e 26,4, com os menores sendo verificados na região do reservatório de CEMIG I. Dados provenientes de furos de sondagem em uma PDE vizinha à Convap indicam uma erodibilidade média de 0,02679 t.MJ-1.h.mm-1. Os principais usos do solo na área analisada correspondem a pastagem degradada (12,2%), corpos hídricos (12,9%), eucaliptos e matas (27,0%) e solo exposto (42,6%). Notou-se que a taxa de erosão da PDE Convap corresponde a 273.871,5 t.ano-1, com média de 1.267,9 t.ha-1.ano-1, sendo compatível com o Plano de Dragagem da Barragem CEMIG I, localizada a jusante desta estrutura

    Carcinoma basocelular: métodos diagnósticos e condutas terapêuticas

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    O carcinoma basocelular (CBC) consiste na neoplasia de pele mais comum, representando cerca de 80% dos cânceres de pele não melanoma, sendo mais incidente em homens caucasianos acima dos 50 anos. Sua patogênese envolve uma complexa interação entre a exposição aos fatores de risco e os fatores genéticos e imunes do hospedeiro. Todavia, sabe-se que consiste em um tumor de células basalóides, dispostas em massas, com característica paliçada na periferia, sendo localizados, mais frequentemente, em regiões expostas ao sol (raios ultravioletas), como face, orelhas, pescoço, couro cabeludo, ombros e costas. Há diversos subtipos descritos e não há uma classificação universalmente definida. Contudo, sabe-se que o mais comum é o CBC nodular. As manifestações clínicas decorrentes do CBC são muito amplas e variam de paciente para paciente, conforme a apresentação e gravidade da doença. Além disso, cada subtipo possui sua lesão característica. No que tange ao diagnóstico, este, é clínico, baseado na história de evolução e características clínicas das lesões (dermatoscopia), além da realização de biópsia para análise histopatológica da lesão. O manejo terapêutico é imprescindível, a fim de evitar evolução do quadro. Em caso de doença localizada, a excisão padrão com margem de segurança é o tratamento mais comum para todos os tipos de CBCs. Sendo que, ultimamente, a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs mostrou-se uma abordagem cirúrgica especializada que remove menos pele sadia adjacente ao tumor, podendo ser considerada uma técnica mais refinada e precisa. Em lesões com critérios de baixo risco, pode ser tentado tratamentos conservadores. Contudo, a excisão consiste na técnica mais segura, sendo associada a altos índices de cura. Vale ressaltar que a exposição solar controlada e o uso de protetor solar devem ser indicados em associação a qualquer modalidade terapêutica

    Violence, trafficking and drug use in public schools in Belém -Pará - Brazil

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    The research shows how violence, trafficking and drug use has been recurrent within schools, causing directions that are difficult to contour by Brazilian government officials. The research had a qualitative and quantitative character. The method used was interviews with teachers and the use of questionnaires with a group of one hundred and seventy students and sixteen teachers. Among all the problems, misery; the use of drugs; the arrival of adolescence; the insertion of the researched group in risk areas belonging to Perverse Territorialization; the lack of definition of a full and adequate curriculum for our social problems; the lack of adequate punishment; the influence of family habitus has contributed to the spread of violence, stimulating parallel activities with the predominance of drug trafficking and organized crime where it presents a growing approximation with the local community in need of all types of services and improvements not provided by the State, causing the increase in all crime rates, the increase in drug trafficking as well as the increase in cases of psychological disorders. Among these reasons, violence in the school environment has increased. The actions necessary to reduce school violence are pointed out in this article, knowing that for its consolidation, the support of the school community and the creation of internal codes of conduct essential to living in the school environment are necessary

    Historical Evolution of the Use of Digital Technology in Teaching Mathematics in Brazilian Classrooms

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    Digital technologies are important tools to adapt the teaching of mathematics to students, but even with a wide use there are few studies historically detailing this mode of teaching, so this work aims to historically demonstrate the evolution of the technologies used. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic review was carried out in the SCIELO, SBEM, SBM and PROFMAT databases, obtaining as a result 15 articles that use some resources of digital technology as a tool for teaching mathematics, thus managing to have a timeline that includes the computer, diskette, CD/DVD, webcam, digitizing tablet, video projector, digital whiteboard, and some mathematical software, concluding that teachers already use digital technology in the classroom as a means of improving the teaching-learning process
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