366 research outputs found

    As faces do adufe

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    O Adufe é um bimembranofone quadrado de aro baixo. Nos dias de hoje pertence à herança cultural portuguesa e espanhola, embora seja conhecido também por outros nomes no Norte de África em países como Marrocos (duff), Argélia (duff na região de Ghardaia) e Arábia Saudita (‘ulba – a caixa) (Poché, 2001). Porquê e como é que este instrumento se tornou uma tradição cultural arcaica nos países do Sudoeste Europeu? A análise será feita baseando-se no facto de ser um objecto cultural, e por isso, resultante de uma rede de áreas de estudo como a História, Arqueologia musical, Arqueologia, Iconografia e Etnologia, Geografia e Linguística. O presente artigo baseia-se numa parte da dissertação de Mestrado, ainda em curso, orientada pelo Prof. Cláudio Torres na universidade do Algarve e Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

    Successful isolation and cultivation of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii strains isolated from finished drinking water samples

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    This work presents the successful establishment of Cylindrospermosis raciborskii cultures isolated from water samples collected at the exit point of Water Treatment Plant (WTP). An intense bloom dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon spp., Planktothrix spp., Cylindrospermosis raciborskii, Anabaena spp.) occurred in the summer of 2015 in Roxo reservoir (south Portugal). Several cyanotoxins (microcystins, saxitoxins, cylindrospermopsin) were detected in raw and treated water, although at levels below the corresponding regulatory and/or guideline values. Nevertheless, this bloom caused intense unpleasant odour and taste in the water supplied to the populations and cyanobacterial cells (up to 1000 cells.mL-1) were detected in finished water samples collected at the exit point of WTP. Treated water samples collected at the WTP and at the city water deposit were inoculated in Z8 culture medium and cyanobacterial growth was followed by optical microscopy. After 30 days, cyanobacterial growth was observed showing resistance to the treatment processes and maintenance of reprodution capacity. Interestingly, morphometric and molecular analysis revealed the presence of C. raciborskii. Three isolates of this species were obtained and none were cylindrospermopsin- or microcystins-producers, as confirmed by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) and by amplification of genes (PS, PKS, mcyA-cd, mcyAB, mcyB) involved in those cyanotoxin synthesis. However, the ELISA for saxitoxins was positive for the 3 isolates and confirmation of this toxin production is in progress. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the establishment of successful cultures of C. raciborskii that survived to conventional water treatment processes.N/

    Treatment of water for human consumption: a case of cyanobacterial survival

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    No verão de 2015 ocorreu um episódio de mau odor/sabor na água de abastecimento proveniente da albufeira do Roxo. Este episódio foi atribuído à presença de um bloom cianobacteriano que incluía espécies produtoras de compostos voláteis (geosmina, MIB). De facto, foi detetada a presença de cianobactérias na água tratada, à saída da ETA, ainda que em densidades relativamente baixas. No entanto, desconhecia-se se estes organismos mantinham a viabilidade celular e a capacidade de se desenvolver na rede de distribuição, a jusante da ETA e, desta forma, contaminar a água para consumo humano. Assim, amostras de água colhidas à saída da ETA e no Reservatório de abastecimento público foram inoculadas em meio de cultura e o crescimento celular foi seguido por microscopia ótica. Após 30 dias, verificou-se o crescimento algal, o que demostra que algumas espécies resistiram ao tratamento na ETA e mantiveram a capacidade de se reproduzir. Curiosamente, uma dessas espécies foi o Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, considerada até há pouco tempo uma espécie tropical. Irá proceder-se à caracterização molecular e toxigénica desta espécie. Atualmente está a decorrer um protocolo de colaboração entre o Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge e a AgdA, com o objetivo de se estudar a distribuição de cianobactérias, cianotoxinas e compostos voláteis na albufeira do Roxo.In the summer of 2015 an unpleasant odour/taste occurred in the water for human consumption supplied from Roxo Reservoir. This episode was attributed to the presence of a cyanobacterial bloom composed by species producing volatile compounds (geosmin, MIB). In fact, cyanobacteria were detected in treated water, at the exit of Water Treatment Plant (WTP), although at relatively low densities. However, it was unknown if these organisms maintained their viability and the growth capacity in the distribution network and, as such, to contaminate the drinking water. Thus, treated water samples collected at the WTP and at the water deposit were inoculated in culture medium and cell growth was followed by optical microscopy. Algal growth was observed 30 days after culturing, which shows that some species resisted the treatment in the WTP and maintained the capacity to reproduce. Interestingly, one of those species was Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, considered until recently a tropical species. Molecular and toxigenic characterization of this species will be carried out. A collaboration protocol between INSA I.P. and AgdA, is currently being carried out with the aim of studying the distribution of cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins and volatile compounds in the Roxo reservoir.Elsa Dias, bolsa da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/77981/2011)info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Kidney Vero-E6 Cell Line: A Suitable Model to Study the Toxicity of Microcystins

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    Microcystins (MCs) are toxins produced by cyanobacteria from water environments that can induce acute and chronic effects on humans and animals, after ingestion/contact with contaminated water. This group of cyclic heptapeptides comprises approximately 80 variants, being microcystin-LR (MCLR) the most frequent and toxic variant. The studies of MCs effects on cell lines often lead to contradictory results, given the fact that distinct MC toxicity endpoints (mainly cytotoxicity and genotoxicity) have been studied in diverse cell lines (and cell clones) under distinct exposure conditions (different doses-ranges, time of exposure, MCs variants, etc). In our work with Vero-E6 cells we tested MCLR (both pure toxin and from cyanobacterial extracts of M. aeruginosa) within a wide range of concentrations (1 nM- 200 μM), using several endpoints and methodologies (cytotoxicity, morphology, genotoxicity, protein expression). In this chapter we will summarize our results and discuss the utility of Vero-E6 cell line to evaluate the toxicological properties of MCLR

    Risk levels of toxic cyanobacteria in portuguese recreational freshwaters

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    Portuguese surface freshwaters are widely used as a source of drinking water as well as bathing water. Cyanobacterial blooming in these water resources are common and are often associated with cyanotoxin production. The Portuguese legislation for drinking water (Decreto-Lei nº306/2007) establishes the regulatory level of 1 μg/L for total microcystins in treated water. This parameter is determined when eutrophication of water is suspected and when the number of potentially toxic cyanobacteria exceeds 2000 cells/mL. Conversely, the Portuguese legislation concerning the quality of bathing water (Decreto-Lei nº 135/2009), that was transposed form the European Directive nº2006/7/CE, do not include any guideline for cyanobacterial cells nor microcystins concentrations. It only recommends that when the bathing water profile indicates a potential for cyanobacterial proliferation, appropriate monitoring shall be carried out to enable timely identification of health risks. When cyanobacterial proliferation is detected visually, it is the responsibility of the local health delegate to evaluate the associated risk. If any risk has been identified or presumed, health and environmental authorities should implement the adequate management measures to prevent exposure, including information to the public. According to national specificities, some European countries complemented the European Directive nº2006/7/CE and implemented their own guidance or regulations, based on cyanobacterial cell numbers, biovolumes, pigments and/or cyanotoxin concentrations (Ibelings et al., 2015; Chorus, 2012). Prior to establishing regulatory or guideline values, it will be fundamental to characterize Portuguese inland bathing waters concerning the frequency, density, specie composition and toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms. These data are available but not systematized at a national scale. In this work we present the results of the monitoring of cyanobacteria and microcystins in 8 freshwater reservoirs located in the centre of Portugal largely used for bathing and recreational activities. These results will contribute to identify the cyanobacterial blooms profile and to assess the risk level of toxic cyanobacteria in Portuguese recreational freshwaters.N/

    Diagnóstico de necessidades de formação em contexto organizacional

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    Os efeitos conjugados das mudanças tecnológicas, das teorias de gestão flexível das empresas e da globalização dos mercados e da informação forçosamente resultaram em alterações profundas na esfera do trabalho humano. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever o atual plano de formação da Sines Tecnopolo, identificando, de forma clara, o plano e, com a ajuda da análise do diagnóstico de necessidades de formação, propor um ajuste no plano de formação, para que a academia supere as fragilidades e lacunas nele encontradas, (no plano atual.) Assim, de modo a atingir os objetivos delineados, foi utilizado, no presente relatório, como princípio organizador, o método de investigação-ação, projetado em três etapas: conhecer, investigar e identificar; Diagnosis of training needs assessment in an organizational context ABSTRACT: About the combined effects of the technological changes, the theories of flexible management of enterprises and the globalization of the markets, and the information led to big changes in the human word field. This study aims to describe the actual plan of building Sines Tecnopolo, identifying clearly the plan and, with the help of the analysing of building necessities diagnosis supporting an agreement about the building plan, such that the academy overcomes its weaknesses and gaps (in the actual plan). Like that, to achieve the planned objectives, A method of investigation-action (was used in this report as a main organizer) which was done in three steps: understanding, investigating and identifying

    Climate change impact in the Ria de Aveiro lagoon ecosystem: a case study

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    Climate change and global sea-level rise are major issues of the 21st century. The main goal of this study is to assess the physical and biogeochemical status of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon (Portugal) under future climate scenarios, using a coupled physical/ eutrophication model. The impact on the lagoon ecosystem status of the mean sea level rise (MSLR), the amplitude rise of the M2 tidal constituent (M2R), the changes in the river discharge, and the rising of the air temperature was investigated. Under MSLR and M2R, the results point to an overall salinity increase and water temperature decrease, revealing ocean water dominance. The main lagoon areas presented salinity values close to those of the ocean waters (~34 PSU), while a high range of salinity was presented for the river and the far end areas (20–34 PSU). The water temperature showed a decrease of approximately 0.5–1.5 C. The responses of the biogeochemical variables reflect the increase of the oceanic inflow (transparent and nutrient-poor water) or the reduction of the river flows (nutrient-rich waters). The results evidenced, under the scenarios, an overall decreasing of the inorganic nitrogen concentration and the carbon phytoplankton concentrations. A warm climate, although increasing the water temperature, does not seem to a ect the lagoon’s main status, at least in the frame of the model used in the study.publishe

    Isolation and characterization of cylindrospermopsis raciborskii strains from finished drinking water

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    In the summer of 2015, an intense cyanobacterial bloom producing geosmin/2- methylisoborneol (MIB) occurred in the Roxo freshwater reservoir in Alentejo, Portugal. The drinking water supplied from the Roxo water treatment plant (WTP) exhibited an unpleasant odor/taste and a significant cyanobacteria density was detected in the finished water at the exit of the WTP. Cyanobacteria were not evaluated downstream of the WTP, namely, at the city reservoir. The aim of this work was to isolate and characterize viable cyanobacteria present in finished water (exit of the WTP and city reservoir) that withstand conventional water treatment. Treated water samples collected at both sites were inoculated in Z8 culture medium to provide the conditions for putative cyanobacterial growth. After 30 days, filamentous cyanobacteria were observed in cultures inoculated with samples from the exit point of the WTP. Viable trichomes were isolated and identified as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii by morphometric and molecular analysis. None of the isolates were cylindrospermopsin/microcystin producers, as confirmed by ELISA and amplification of corresponding genes (PS/PKS and mcyA-cd/mcyAB/mcyB). ELISA results were positive for saxitoxin, but saxitoxin and derivatives were not detected by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FLD), nor were their related genes (sxtA/sxtA4/sxtB/sxtM/sxtPer/sxtI). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the establishment of cultures of C. raciborskii that resisted water treatment processes.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the grant SFRH/BPD/77981/2011 attributed to E.D. This work was partially supported by FCT/MCTES through national funds for the research project “Exploring the Aquatic Resistome” (PTDC/BIA-BMA/31451/2017) and the project UIDB/00211/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blogues escolares no ensino básico: análise do tipo de mensagens e das linguagens utilizadas

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)As ferramentas da Web 2.0 tornaram-se instrumentos potencialmente motivadores na promoção das aprendizagens e usadas em contexto educativo podem desenvolver nos alunos competências essenciais, como o pensamento crítico, a comunicação, a compreensão, a resolução de problemas, o trabalho colaborativo e a partilha de conhecimentos. Educar para uma sociedade tecnológica e científica, assente nos novos media e nas diferentes formas de linguagem com o objectivo de atingir uma educação mais significativa, colaborativa e construtivista, é a fonte inspiradora deste trabalho. Esta investigação analisou dezasseis blogues escolares de quatro áreas disciplinares distintas, nomeadamente os Multidisciplinares, Língua Portuguesa, Ciências da Natureza e Matemática. Para o efeito criou-se uma grelha de análise que permitiu, entre outros aspectos, identificar e caracterizar o blogue escolar e descrevê-lo relativamente ao tipo de mensagem, à linguagem utilizada e à finalidade educativa subjacente. Numa segunda fase foi desenvolvido um guião de entrevista para se inquirir quais as principais expectativas e motivações dos autores dos blogues na concretização deste projecto. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que os tipos de mensagens mais utilizados foram a divulgação da actividade e evento (267) com a finalidade de reportar a actividade, seguindose a de conteúdos (164) para expor o conteúdo, avisos e notícias (119) para divulgar informações e tarefas a realizar (113). Ao nível da linguagem verificou-se que a mais frequente é a combinação do texto e imagem (571). A área disciplinar que apresenta uma maior dinâmica comunicacional quer ao nível das mensagens publicadas (553), quer ao nível das linguagens (10), é a Multidisciplinar. A análise das onze entrevistas realizadas aos autores dos blogues permite-nos concluir que as principais motivações e expectativas foram essencialmente divulgar e partilhar trabalhos, implementar as novas tecnologias de informação, motivar e interagir com os alunos e desenvolver competências essenciais e específicas. Em geral, os blogues escolares foram considerados ferramentas promotoras de interacção, comunicação e construção conjunta de conhecimento, que fomentam a aprendizagem significativa e construtivista do ensino.The Web 2.0 tools are potentially motivating tools in promoting learning and used to develop in students essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, understanding, problem solving, collaborative work and knowledge sharing. Educating for a scientific and technological society, based on new media and on different forms of language with the aim of achieving a more meaningful, collaborative and constructivist education, is the inspiration of this work. This research analysed sixteen school blogs of four distinct subject areas: Multidisciplinary, Portuguese, Natural Sciences and Mathematics. For this purpose it was created an analysis grid which allowed to identify and characterize the school blogs, and to describe it in terms of the type of post, the underlying educational purpose, and the language used. In a second phase, an interview script was developed to inquire the main expectations and motivations of the authors of the blogs in achieving this project. The results revealed that the more frequent types of posts were the dissemination of activities and events (267) for the purpose of reporting activity, followed by content (164) to expose the content, notices and news (119) to disclose information and the tasks to be performed (113) to propose tasks. In terms of language it was found out that the most frequent is the combination of text and image (571). And the subject area that presented a more dynamic communication both in terms of posts (553), and in terms of languages (10), is Multidisciplinary. The analysis of the eleven interviews carried out to the authors of blogs allowed us to conclude that the main motivations and expectations were essentially disseminate and share the work, implement new information technologies, motivate and interact with students and develop core and specific skills. In general, blogs were considered educational tools that promote interaction, communication and joint construction of knowledge that foster meaningful learning and constructivist teaching