137 research outputs found

    Automation and urban transport planning: Policy recommendations and best practices

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    Although Automation is expected to play a crucial role in the future development of transport, currently it lacks strong relations with urban mobility planning. Most types of plans such as SUMPs do not include operative references to Automation, overlooking strategic guidelines or useful measures to integrate this theme into the future vision of mobility. Such a lack represents a missed opportunity, since Automation could stimulate a more collective-oriented mobility paradigm and reduce most of the negative externalities generated by transport. The aim of this contribution is to highlight the importance for transport planning to start dealing with this process in a more rigorous way. For this purpose, the potential effects that Automation may have on transport and land use are summarized in three main types of scenarios. Then, a series of goals are identified, policy recommendations are provided, and exemplificative best practices as well as virtuous urban mobility plans are described

    Perkembangan alat bukti dalam pembuktian tindak pidana pada kuhap dan undang-undang khusus di indonesia

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    Sekar Dianing P.S., 2008. PERKEMBANGAN ALAT BUKTI DALAM PEMBUKTIAN TINDAK PIDANA PADA PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN DI INDONESIA. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi) ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji mengenai perkembangan alat bukti pada pembuktian tindak pidana dalam ketentuan KUHAP dan perundang-undangan khusus di Indonesia serta implikasi yuridis perkembangan alat bukti tersebut. Penulisan Hukum (Skripsi) ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum doktrinal/normatif dengan pendekatan normatif/juridis berupa pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan komparatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah data sekunder, baik yang berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah studi kepustakaan atau studi dokumen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah teknik analisis non statistik yang dilakukan dengan kualitatif, berupa analisa isi terhadap data-data yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian dan menjabarkannya secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan penulisan hukum ini diperoleh hasil bahwa alat bukti pada pembuktian tindak pidana telah mengalami perkembangan dengan dipengaruhi berbagai faktor. Limitasi dari KUHAP dalam pengaturan mengenai alat bukti pada Pasal 184 membatasi perkembangan alat bukti, sehingga perkembangan alat bukti terikat pada pasal tersebut. Sedangkan pengaturan perkembangan alat bukti pada perundangan-undangan khusus bersifat Lex Specialis derogat lex generali terhadap KUHAP maka hanya dapat digunakan pada undang-undang khusus yang mengaturnya. Implikasi yuridis penelitian ini adalah pengaturan pada perundang- undangan khusus hanya mengikat pembuktian tindak pidana bagi tindak pidana khusus yang diaturnya saja. Kemudian pengaturan mengenai alat bukti yang masih belum jelas diatur pada KUHAP, pelaksanannya hanya didasarkan pada kebiasaan praktek persidangan dan yurisprudensi

    Automatic portable surgical communication equipment with R1T1 robot - APSCERR

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    Orientador: Ilka de Fátima Santana Ferreira BoinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Introdução: Em 2016 o Brasil foi o segundo país do mundo em número absoluto de transplantes, ainda assim a lista de espera para os mesmos tem crescido a cada ano. Não há na literatura um bom método de avaliação de imagem para aumentar a utilização de enxertos hepáticos captados, de forma a permitir a atuação proativa frente ao planejamento e execução do procedimento, visando o aumento da efetivação destas doações. Procurou-se desenvolver um sistema de comunicação cirúrgico portátil automático que permita transmitir as imagens obtidas pelo equipamento de forma segura e efetiva em tempo real através da internet. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a invenção de um equipamento de comunicação portátil que fosse capaz de se comunicar com um robô R1T1 e comparar este equipamento com um aparelho celular. Método: Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no Núcleo de Medicina e Cirurgia Experimental ¿ Unicamp. O equipamento cirúrgico portátil de comunicação automática com o robô R1T1 ¿ APSCERR, foi criado para fornecer uma imagem clara, brilhante e verdadeira durante as diversas variações de luminosidade, sendo que a câmera de comunicação cirúrgica portátil automática foi desenvolvida utilizando a nova geração de chipset, sensor 28nm CMOS de baixo consumo de energia, CPU integrado ARM Cortex-A9 e tecnologia de codificação h.264 HP 5.1, possuindo também seis camadas de lente ótica F/2.0, de grande abertura, permitindo que textos e imagens que não podem ser vistos claramente pelos olhos humanos, possam ser claramente reconhecidos pelo equipamento. Uma análise qualitativa foi realizada durante experimentos em ratos Wistar, observando-se o fígado destes animais com o equipamento APSCERR em comparação com o aparelho celular Microsoft 950XL. As variáveis estudadas como comparação entre a efetividade da utilização do aparelho celular e pelo equipamento APSCERR foram: nitidez da imagem, recurso de auto focus, controle de luminosidade, capacidade de transmissão de dados, autonomia da bateria, número de LEDs presentes, capacidade de armazenamento, criptografia de dados, capacidade para múltiplas conexões, compressão de dados, revestimento antibactericida e capacidade de controle remoto: sonoro, da imagem, e do sistema de conexão. Resultado: Como resultado desta pesquisa temos o desenvolvimento do equipamento APSCERR, sendo também desenvolvido o software de comunicação entre o equipamento e o robô R1T1. Foi registrado uma patente de invenção referente ao desenvolvimento do APSCERR, sendo o texto descritivo que delineia o procedimento de criação do mesmo transcrito e registrado junto ao Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual ¿ INPI sob o número BR 10 2017 008807 3. Quando comparado o equipamento APSCERR com o aparelho celular pôde-se observar que a autonomia da bateria do APSCERR foi cinco vezes maior, a capacidade de armazenamento foi cerca de 17 vezes maior e a quantidade de LEDs foi 11 vezes maior. A facilidade de manuseio do controle de autofoco e de controle de luminosidade foram automáticos no APSCERR e manual no aparelho celular. As características tecnológicas de criptografia de dados, capacidade de múltiplas conexões, compressão de dados, controle remoto de imagem, controle sonoro remoto, controle remoto do sistema e revestimento antibactericida estiveram presentes no APSCERR e ausentes no aparelho celular. Conclusão: Conseguimos construir e patentear o equipamento para a área médica que de uma maneira geral apresentou maior eficiência e melhores parâmetros para sua utilização no campo cirúrgico quando comparado com um aparelho celularAbstract: Introduction: In 2016, Brazil was the second country in the world in absolute number of transplants, yet the waiting list for the same has grown every year. There is no good image evaluation method to increase the use of captured hepatic grafts to allow a proactive performance concerning the planning and execution of the procedure in order to increase the effective number of donations. It was required to develop an automatic portable surgical communication system to transmit the images obtained by the equipment safely and effectively in real time on the Internet. Objective: The aim of this work was to invent a portable communication equipment that is able to communicate with the R1T1 robot and compare this equipment with a cellular handset. Method: This work was developed at the Nucleus of Medicine and Experimental Surgery ¿ Unicamp. The automatic portable surgical communication equipment with the R1T1 robot ¿ APSCERR, was created to provide a true, clear and bright picture during the various brightness variations. The automatic portable surgical communication camera was developed using the new generation of chipset, 28nm CMOS sensor of low power consumption, integrated CPU ARM Cortex-A9 and H.264 HP 5.1 encoding technology, also possessing six layers of F/2.0 optical lens, large aperture, allowing texts and images that could not be seen clearly by the human eye, could now be clearly recognized by the equipment. A qualitative analysis was carried out during experiments on Wistar rats, observing the liver of these animals with the APSCERR equipment compared to the cellular device Microsoft 950XL. The variables studied as a comparison with the effectiveness of the use of the cellular apparatus and the APSCERR equipment were: image sharpening, auto focus feature, brightness control, data transmission capability, battery autonomy, number of LEDs present, storage capacity, data encryption, multiple connections capability, data compression, antibacterial coating, and remote-control capability of: audio, image, and the connection system. Result: As a result of this research we have the development of the APSCERR equipment, and the communication software between the equipment and the R1T1 robot. A patent of invention was registered for the development of the APSCERR, being the descriptive text that delineates the creation procedure of the same transcript and registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property ¿ INPI under the number BR 10 2017 008807 3. When compared to the APSCERR equipment with the cellular handset it was observed that the battery autonomy of the APSCERR was five times larger, the storage capacity was about 17 times superior and a number of LEDs were 11 times greater. The ease of handling of autofocus control and luminosity control were automatic in the APSCERR and manual on the cellular handset. The technological characteristics of data encryption, the capacity of multiple connections, data compression, image remote control, remote sound control, system remote control and antibacterial coating were present in the APSCERR and absent in the cellular handset. Conclusion: We managed to build and patent the equipment for the medical area that generally showed greater efficiency and better parameters for the use in the surgical field when compared with a cellular handsetMestradoFisiopatologia CirúrgicaMestre em Ciência

    Automation of Rural Collective Transport: Conceptualising three Alternative Use Cases based on Underexplored Rural Transport Specificities

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    Whereas the introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is widely explored in urban contexts, their usage in rural transport services is still understudied. The few works in this field focus on four main use-case typologies, which are only selectively tested. These typologies are mostly concentred on: (a) the type of route and schedules collective AVs could supply (fixed or demand-responsive); and (b) the type of connection AVs are supposed to provide (chain-with-transfers or door-to-door). However, they often neglect a series of rural specificities that the design of AV use cases should comprise, such as the substantial temporal variability of rural collective transport demand or the tendency towards activity chaining of commuters living in rural areas. Based on these underexplored specificities, this study conceptualises three alternative use cases that combine the four reference typologies to complement them. Additionally, the study defines the main characteristics of each use case by referring to a set of shared assets relevant for any application of AVs, such as the schedule, vehicle type, service period, or pricing scheme. Future works may take these conceptual use cases as a starting point to design concrete solutions in specific study areas, quantify their costs for the transport provider and benefits for rural dwellers, and thus enlarge the knowledge on the interplay between AVs and rural collective transport

    Engineering robust polar chiral clathrate crystals

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.The R-(+)-enantiomeric form of Dianin's compound and the S-(+)-enantiomeric form of its direct thiachroman analogue both obtained chromatographically employing a cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) column, are shown to undergo supramolecular assembly to form a polar clathrate lattice which is stable even in the absence of a consolidating guest component

    A GRASP+VND algorithm for a class of job scheduling problem in parallel machines

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    Petróleo Brasileiro S/A (Petrobras) is the biggest Brazilian company in energy business. It acts in exploration, production, refinement, commercialization and transport of petroleum by products in Brazil and other countries. Most of the petroleum production is concentrated in the Campos basin, where the company port (port of Imbetiba – Macaé/RJ) is located. All the oil rigs supply is done using this port. Researches made at the port of Imbetiba show the need of optimizing, among others, the problem of towboat scheduling. In this problem, the order of towboat attendance must be decided and, according to the material that each one carry, the following restrictions must be respected: each towboat has a subset of piers where it can be attended; each one has a attendance priority; and each one has a minimal time where it can be attended, that is, before this time it cannot be attended. This paper proposes a GRASP algorithm for the problem of towboat scheduling, which utilizes the technique VND as local search. Three neighborhood structures are used: Exchange, Interchange and Relocation. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient when compared with traditional GRASP algorithms

    Um modelo de programação linear inteira mista para a alocação de funcionários de uma empresa de software

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    O objetivo é desenvolver um modelo de programação linear inteira mista para alocação de funcionários a visitas de clientes da empresa Alterdata (filial Macaé/RJ), o qual foi solucionado utilizando o Solver LINGO. Para validação do modelo proposto, foram preparados cinco cenários, os quais possuem perfis inferiores, similares e superiores à realidade diária da empresa. Os experimentos computacionais realizados mostraram um desempenho satisfatório da solução proposta, atendendo, em média 73,7% (mínimo de 56% e máximo de 84%) dos clientes disponíveis – pelo método manual atualmente empregado pela Alterdata, esta alocação costuma ficar abaixo de 60% –. Não foram encontrados trabalhos equivalentes na literatura científica. Desta forma, o modelo matemático proposto é original e inovador para a área. A solução proposta gera uma redução de custo no deslocamento dos funcionários, e possibilita o atendimento de uma quantidade maior de clientes em um determinado período. Além disso, tem-se o ganho de qualidade de vida do funcionário, pois ao consumir um menor tempo em seu deslocamento residência-empresa-residência, há mais tempo para se dedicar a sua vida pessoal. O modelo, desenvolvido para a filial de Macaé, pode ser facilmente adaptado para as outras filiais da Alterdata e para outras empresas que apresentam necessidades semelhantes

    An Agonist of the CXCR4 Receptor Strongly Promotes Regeneration of Degenerated Motor Axon Terminals

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    The activation of the G-protein coupled receptor CXCR4 by its ligand CXCL12\u3b1 is involved in a large variety of physiological and pathological processes, including the growth of B cells precursors and of motor axons, autoimmune diseases, stem cell migration, inflammation, and several neurodegenerative conditions. Recently, we demonstrated that CXCL12\u3b1 potently stimulates the functional recovery of damaged neuromuscular junctions via interaction with CXCR4. This result prompted us to test the neuroregeneration activity of small molecules acting as CXCR4 agonists, endowed with better pharmacokinetics with respect to the natural ligand. We focused on NUCC-390, recently shown to activate CXCR4 in a cellular system. We designed a novel and convenient chemical synthesis of NUCC-390, which is reported here. NUCC-390 was tested for its capability to induce the regeneration of motor axon terminals completely degenerated by the presynaptic neurotoxin \u3b1-Latrotoxin. NUCC-390 was found to strongly promote the functional recovery of the neuromuscular junction, as assayed by electrophysiology and imaging. This action is CXCR4 dependent, as it is completely prevented by AMD3100, a well-characterized CXCR4 antagonist. These data make NUCC-390 a strong candidate to be tested in human therapy to promote nerve recovery of function after different forms of neurodegeneratio

    Prognostic value of anemia in terms of disability and mortality in hospitalized geriatric patients: results from the CRIME study

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    Anemia, a common concern in geriatric population, is associated with several negative outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate the independent prognostic value of anemia in the year after hospital discharge, analyzing its association with disability and mortality in a sample of older hospitalized patients. We evaluated 896 in-hospital older patients enrolled in the CRiteria to Assess Appropriate Medication Use among Elderly Complex Patients (CRIME) study, with assessment of hemoglobin levels at hospital admission and with follow-up data. We analyzed the risk of developing disability (in patients without pre-existing disability in activities of the daily living) and the likelihood of death (in the entire sample) in the 12 months after discharge according to presence and degree of anemia (defined by sex-specific World Health Organization criteria). Mean age of study participants was 81.2±7.4 years, 57.8% had prevalent anemia. In unadjusted analysis, anemia was strongly associated with functional status and survival. Nevertheless, the increased risk of disability and death was influenced by the coexistence of several clinical conditions associated with anemia. Indeed, using multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for potential confounders, the association with disability was strongly attenuated [severe anemia odds ratio (OR) 1.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.96-3.58, mild-moderate anemia OR 1.05, 95% CI: 0.62-1.80] and the relationship with mortality was no longer significant [severe anemia hazard ratio (HR) 1.13, 95% CI: 0.73-1.75, mild-moderate anemia HR 1.14, 95% CI: 0.78-1.67]. In older hospitalized patients, anemia, despite not influencing mortality, might have a significant disabling effect. Anemia should not be considered as an inevitable epiphenomenon of aging but a condition able to worsen the quality of life
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