31 research outputs found

    Model-based multi-parametric programming strategies towards the integration of design, control and operational optimization

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    This thesis discusses recent advances towards the grand unification of process design, con- trol and operational optimization via multi-parametric programming techniques. First the PARametric Optimization and Control (PAROC) framework is presented together with a prototype implementation for the development of advanced receding horizon policies via multi-parametric programming and their closed-loop implementation. It is shown how state- of-the-art multi-parametric programming algorithms are utilized for the development of explicit optimization policies for a variety of problems (including control, estimation and scheduling) based on high-fidelity models and model approximation steps. Two developments are presented towards the integration of design, control and opera- tional optimization within PAROC; (i) the integration of design and control and (ii) the integration of scheduling and control. For (i) we develop receding horizon optimization for- mulations where the design variables are simultaneously considered, resulting in explicit, design–dependent policies which are then included within a Mixed-Integer Dynamic Opti- mization (MIDO) algorithm minimizing operational and investment costs. For (ii), we de- velop scheduling strategies where the process dynamics and corresponding controller designs are simultaneously considered, resulting in explicit control–dependent scheduling schemes. Surrogate/approximate models are proposed to address the time–scale mismatch between the mid–term schedule and the short–term control optimization problem. Finally, the inte- gration of (i) and (ii) is shown within an overall dynamic optimization problem. The developments are presented via a domestic cogeneration heat and power (CHP) system example and case studies of a tank, a continuously stirred tank reactor and a binary distillation column.Open Acces

    Σχεδιασμός ενεργειακού υβριδικού συστήματος Α.Π.Ε. για την παροχή ισχύος σε μονάδες αφαλάτωσης - εφαρμογή στα άνυδρα νησιά του Αιγαίου

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    139 σ.Η λειψυδρία στα νησιά του Αιγαίου είναι ένα συνεχώς αυξανόμενο πρόβλημα που χρήζει άμεσης λύσης. Μιας λύσης τόσο οικονομικά όσο και περιβαλλοντικά αποδεκτής. Η παρούσα μελέτη επιχειρεί μια πρόταση λύσης του προβλήματος μέσα από το σχεδιασμό και κυρίως την αξιολόγηση υβριδικών και μη συστημάτων ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας για την τροφοδότηση μονάδων αντίστροφης όσμωσης στα νησιά του Αιγαίου Πελάγους. Με χρήση του λογισμικού Homer πραγματοποιείται ο σχεδιασμός συστημάτων ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας (αιολικής ενέργειας με χρήση ανεμογεννητριών και ηλιακής ενέργειας με χρήση φωτοβολταϊκών στοιχείων). Για κάθε εξεταζόμενη περίπτωση μελετώνται πέντε διαφορετικά συστήματα που περιλαμβάνουν τους οικονομικότερους συνδυασμούς παραγωγής ενέργειας για σχετικά ποσοστά συμμετοχής ανεμογεννητριών – φωτοβολταϊκών 100% - 0%, 75% - 25%, 50% - 50%, 25% - 75%, 0% - 100%. Εξετάζεται επίσης, τόσο η διασύνδεση των συστημάτων αυτών στο τοπικό ηλεκτρικό δίκτυο των νησιών όσο και η αυτόνομη λειτουργία τους με υποστήριξη από συμβατικές μορφές ενέργειας. Οι υπολογισμοί έγιναν με χρήση μέσων μηνιαίων τιμών μετεωρολογικών δεδομένων και στο επίπεδο δυναμικότητας των μονάδων αφαλάτωσης. Κριτήριο καταλληλότητας των συστημάτων αποτελεί το κόστος του παραγόμενου αφαλατωμένου νερού καθώς και η περιβαλλοντική επιβάρυνση που αποφέρει η χρήση συμβατικών μορφών ενέργειας υπό τη μορφή υποστήριξης και διασφάλισης της συνεχούς λειτουργίας. Η πολυκριτηριακή ανάλυση σε κάθε νησί ξεχωριστά βοηθά στην κατανόηση της λειτουργίας των συστημάτων και στην επιλογή του καταλληλότερου συστήματος για τη διασφάλιση οικονομικής και περιβαλλοντικά αποδεκτής λύσης. Τα εξεταζόμενα νησιά είναι οι Αρκοί, η Ψέριμος, η Ηρακλειά, η Θηρασιά, η Δονούσα, η Αμοργός, η Σίκινος, οι Λειψοί, η Πάτμος, τα Κουφονήσια, η Μεγίστη, η Χάλκη και η Φολέγανδρος.Water shortage in the islands is a growing problem that needs immediate solution. A solution both economically and environmentally acceptable. This study is a proposal to solve the problem through the design and especially the evaluation of hybrid renewable energy systems to supply power to reverse osmosis units on the islands of the Aegean Sea. The hybrid renewable energy systems were designed using the software Homer (the systems consist mainly of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels). Five different hybrid renewable systems are designed and evaluated for each case. The systems differ on the fraction of installed power of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. The hybrid systems studied are the cheapest systems with a fraction of installed power of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels of 100% WT - 0% PV, 75% WT - 25% PV, 50% WT - 50% PV, 25% WT - 75% PV, 0% WT - 100% PV. Both autonomous and grid connected energy systems are studied. The calculations were made using monthly average values of meteorological data. The cost of the desalinated water and the environmental consequences due to the use of conventional energy systems (for support and assurance purposes) are the criteria of the evaluation process. The multi-criteria analysis in each island helps in understanding the operation of systems and in deciding which system ensures both economic and environmentally acceptable solution. The islands in question are Arki, Pserimos, Folegandros, Thirasia, Donousa, Amorgos, Sikinos, Lipsi, Patmos, Koufonisia, Halki and Folegandros.Νικόλαος Α. Διαγγελάκη

    Decentralized Multiparametric Model Predictive Control for Domestic Combined Heat and Power Systems

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    In an effort to provide affordable and reliable power and heat to the domestic sector, the use of cogeneration methods has been rising in the past decade. We address the issue of optimal operation of a domestic cogeneration plant powered by a natural gas, internal combustion engine via the use of explicit/multiparametric model predictive control. More specifically, we take advantage of the natural division of a combined heat and power (CHP) cogeneration system into two distinct but interoperable subsystems, namely, the power generation subsystem and the heat recovery subsystem, in order to derive a decentralized, two-mode model predictive control scheme that specifically targets the production of either electrical power or usable heat at a given time. We follow our recently developed PAROC framework for the design of the controllers, and we apply it in a decentralized manner. We show how the CHP system can efficiently operate in both modes of operation through closed-loop validation of the control scheme against a high-fidelity CHP process model

    Simultaneous Process Scheduling and Control: A Multiparametric Programming-Based Approach

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    We present a systematic framework to derive model-based simultaneous strategies for the integration of scheduling and control via multiparametric programming. We develop offline maps of optimal scheduling actions accounting for the closed-loop dynamics of the process through a surrogate model formulation that incorporates the inherent behavior of the control scheme. The surrogate model is designed to translate the long-term scheduling decisions to time varying set points and operating modes in the time scale of the controller. The continuous and binary scheduling decisions are explicitly taken into account in the multiparametric model predictive controllers. We showcase the framework on a stand-alone three-product continuous stirred tank reactor, and two reactors operating in parallel

    POP – Parametric Optimization Toolbox

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    In this paper, we describe POP, a MATLAB toolbox for parametric optimization. It features (a) efficient implementations of multiparametric programming problem solvers for multiparametric linear and quadratic programming problems and their mixed-integer counter-parts, (b) a versatile problem generator capable of creating random multiparametric programming problems of arbitrary size, and (c) a comprehensive library of multiparametric programming test problems featuring benchmark test sets for multiparametric linear, quadratic, mixed-integer linear, and mixed-integer quadratic programming problems. In addition, POP is equipped with a graphical user interface which enables the user-friendly use of all functionalities of POP and a link to the solvers of the Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT), as well as the ability to design explicit MPC problems. These features are demonstrated in detailed computational studies providing insights into the versatility and applicability of POP. Additionally, the example of a periodic chromatographic system is used to show the scalability of multiparametric programming in general and POP, in particular