293 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSebahagian besar kota di negara-negara berkembang menghadapi masalah serius dalam penanganan sampah perkotaan. Metode pengelolaan sampah perkotaan konvensional yang umum dilakukan menyebabkan dampak lingkungan, khususnya terkait dengan emisi gas rumah kaca (Green House Gas, GHG) dan lindi dari Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Di sisi lain, pemenuhan kebutuhan energi tidak sebanding dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan ekonomi karena kekurangan sumber daya alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi potensi pemanfaatan sampah perkotaan sebagai sumber bahan bakar terbaharui. Bahan bakar terbaharui dari sampah perkotaan biasa disebut sebagai Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) diproduksi dengan menvariasikan kandungan sampah organik antara 0-80%, dan ukuran partikel 4, 6, 8 dan 12 mesh. Selanjutnya karakteristik RDF ditentukan berdasarkan proksimat dan ultimat analisis, serta uji nilai bakar untuk menentukan nilai kalor rendah (Low Heating Value, LHV). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa LHV tertinggi 7.016 kkal/kg diperoleh pada RDF dengan kandungan sampah organik sebesar 0% dan ukuran partikel sebesar 6 mesh. Dari data juga menunjukkan bahwa RDF dapat digunakan untuk mensubtitusi sebagian batubara dalam proses pembakaran utama dan kalsinasi industri semen dengan kandungan sampah organik masing-masing 60% dan 80%, dengan LHV sekitar 5.137 dan 4.542 kkal/kg.Kata kunci: sampah perkotaan, emisi gas rumah kaca, bahan bakar terbaharui, refuse derived fuel, negara-negara berkembang, Indonesia

    Do Political Factors affect Government Health Spending? Empirical Evidence from Sub-Sahara African Countries

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), access to essential health care services remains problematic. The financing of health care is mainly provided by private sources, mainly out-of-pocket payments which represent respectively 53.12% and 36.73% of total health expenditure in 2016. As for public health expenditure, essential for ensuring universal health coverage, it represents only about 35% of health expenditure. Thus, the increase in public spending on health from domestically sources proves to be a major challenge for the countries of the region in the prospect of reaching the SDG relating to health by 2030. This paper aims to analyse the determinants of domestic government health spending in SSA by focusing on political factors. We use data from 39 SSA countries covering the period 2010-2016 and panel-corrected standard errors method for empirical investigation. The results show that democracy favours an increase in government health spending. Furthermore, a political competitive environment, the guarantee and the protection of civil liberties and political right, accountability, government effectiveness and political stability are decisive for increasing government health spending. The results also showed that political participation does not affect public health spending. These results indicate that improving political factors is essential to increase public spending in SSA


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Bina Wisata Lembang. Permasalahan yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah belum optimalnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran produktif Administrasi Perkantoran, hal ini dibuktikan dengan masih terdapat siswa yang belum memenuhi Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Peran guru sebagai motivator merupakan faktor yang diduga memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh peran guru sebagai motivator (x) terhadap hasil belajar siswa (y). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Responden adalah siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Bina Wisata Lembang sebanyak 90 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) peran guru sebagai motivator pada mata pelajaran produktif Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Bina Wisata Lembang berada pada kategori tinggi, (2) hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran produktif Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Bina Wisata Lembang berada pada kategori rendah, (3) hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa peran guru sebagai motivator berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa. ; This research was held in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang. The problems to be studied in this research was an ineffective study results in productive Office Administration subject, this is proved because some student still not reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The role of teachers as motivator is one of the factors that maybe have an influence towards the result of students learning. Therefore, this research examines how big the role of teachers as motivator (x) for the result of student learning (y). This research uses survey method with technique of collecting data questionnaires. The respondent is the student from grade X of Offce Administration class SMK Bina Wisata Lembang for 90 people. The technique of data analysis using regression analysis. The result of the research indicate that: (1) the role of teachers as motivator in productive Office Administration subject in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang was in a high category, (2) the result of the student learning in productive Office Administration subject in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang was in a low category, (3) the result of regression analysis indicate that the act of teachers role as motivator has a positive and significant influence towards the result of students learning

    Predicting field performance of five irrigated tree species using seedling quality assessment in Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    Five exotic tree species (Acacia angustissima (Mil.) Kuntze, Acacia mangium Wild, Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Alp., Leucaena hybrid (LxL), and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) were investigated to determine whether parameters of nursery seedling stock quality could be used to predict their field performance in a plantation irrigated with treated waste-water to produce fodder and wood. Plants were grown in the nursery in two contrasting rooting substrates (ordinary nursery soil and sand), predicted to have different effects on resource allocation. Three categories of morphological indicators were measured, i.e. plant dimensions (height, diameter, root length), plant weights (shoot, root and whole plant weights) and indices (sturdiness quotient ‘SQ’, shoot:root dry weight ratio ‘SRR’ and Dickson’s quality index ‘DQI’). In the nursery, all species performed better in the ordinary nursery soil for all growth parameters except root length. Thus ordinary nursery substrate appeared superior to sand in terms of plant quality. However, a follow up at plantation phase revealed that only some morphological attributes or ratios were suitable to predict field performance for the five tested species in irrigated plantation. In addition, the effect of the substrate observed at the nursery stage had disappeared 12 months after out planting due to the availability of water and nutrients provided by the treated waste water used for the irrigation. The results showed that root collar diameter and DQI appeared to be the most appropriate indicators to predict the outplanting performance of the five tested species in a short-rotation irrigated plantation in semi-arid Burkina Faso. The former measure is simpler and non-destructive

    Fattori di influenza per il dimensionamento di sistemi solari termici: analisi comparata delle procedure di determinazione della frazione solare e definizione di una scala di rendimenti

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    Questa tesi di laurea nasce in un contesto di grande sensibilizzazione verso i temi riguardanti l’ambiente, il risparmio energetico e l’utilizzo di fonti rinnovabili. Stante questo “humus” culturale, si ingenera naturalmente un’attenzione particolare verso tutti quei fattori in grado di influenzare la concezione progettuale di queste fonti energetiche. Obiettivo della presente tesi di laurea è indagare su quanta parte abbia nella determinazione della resa dei sistemi solari la procedura di calcolo adottata e su quanto le raccomandazioni sull’inclinazione delle superfici di captazione solare siano da essa influenzati. Le diverse procedure di calcolo, il cui numero è evidentemente molto elevato, sono state applicate ad un caso pratico di un edificio adibito ad uso uffici di cui si sono analizzati nel dettaglio tutti i dati sensibili, dal punto di vista energetico, dei vari componenti. Ad una prima applicazione limitata alla produzione di ACS (acqua calda sanitaria) segue una seconda per la produzione combinata di ACS e integrazione del riscaldamento. Gli obiettivi di preminente interesse, che ci si è posti a principio dell’indagine, sono due. Il primo è quello di definire qualitativamente e quantitativamente, ove possibile, quale ruolo rivesta la scelta del modello di calcolo nella determinazione della percentuale di copertura del fabbisogno, (frazione solare f), che può essere garantita da un’installazione di pannelli solari, stante la presenza in letteratura di diverse procedure di determinazione della radiazione solare incidente su una superficie. Il secondo obiettivo è quello di stabilire una scala di rendimenti delle diverse tipologie di collettori prese in considerazione e parimenti di individuare, se vi siano e in che misura, difetti procedurali nella determinazione medesima

    Effects of the Quality of Governance on Domestic Government Health Spending in West Africa Economic and Monetary Union Countries

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    Government health spending is an important source of sustainable health funding in order to attain the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In low and middle-income countries, domestic government per capita spending on health needed to ensure universal coverage with the most essential health services is estimated at 112accordingtoStenbergetal.(2017).In2015,inWestAfricaEconomicandMonetaryUnion(WAEMU),averagedomesticgovernmentspendingonhealthpercapitawas112 according to Stenberg et al. (2017). In 2015, in West Africa Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), average domestic government spending on health per capita was 26 (about one quarter of all health spending), far short of the $112 target. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinants of domestic government health spending with emphasis on the quality of governance. We used panel data from the eight WAEMU member states covering the period 2000-2015 and the generalized least squares method for empirical investigation. The results show that an improvement in the quality of governance increases domestic government health spending. The study suggests the policy-makers of the WAEMU member state to improve the quality of governance in order to increase domestic government health spending and allow people to access essential health services and enjoy a better state of health

    Application of Machine Learning in Healthcare and Medicine: A Review

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    This extensive literature review investigates the integration of Machine Learning (ML) into the healthcare sector, uncovering its potential, challenges, and strategic resolutions. The main objective is to comprehensively explore how ML is incorporated into medical practices, demonstrate its impact, and provide relevant solutions. The research motivation stems from the necessity to comprehend the convergence of ML and healthcare services, given its intricate implications. Through meticulous analysis of existing research, this method elucidates the broad spectrum of ML applications in disease prediction and personalized treatment. The research's precision lies in dissecting methodologies, scrutinizing studies, and extrapolating critical insights. The article establishes that ML has succeeded in various aspects of medical care. In certain studies, ML algorithms, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved high accuracy in diagnosing diseases such as lung cancer, colorectal cancer, brain tumors, and breast tumors. Apart from CNNs, other algorithms like SVM, RF, k-NN, and DT have also proven effective. Evaluations based on accuracy and F1-score indicate satisfactory results, with some studies exceeding 90% accuracy. This principal finding underscores the impressive accuracy of ML algorithms in diagnosing diverse medical conditions. This outcome signifies the transformative potential of ML in reshaping conventional diagnostic techniques. Discussions revolve around challenges like data quality, security risks, potential misinterpretations, and obstacles in integrating ML into clinical realms. To mitigate these, multifaceted solutions are proposed, encompassing standardized data formats, robust encryption, model interpretation, clinician training, and stakeholder collaboration


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    Dianda Novrian (2017) : Peran dan Fungsi Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Dalam Pengawasan dan Penindakan Penyelundupan Pakaian Bekas Lintas Negara (Studi di Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean C Tembilahan) Latar belakang permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Peraturan Menteri Nomor 51/M-DAG/PER/7/2015 dengan jelas mengatur tentang larangan impor pakaian bekas, namun dalam kenyataannya, pasar pakaian bekas masih beredar di Kota Tembilahan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa peran Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean C Tembilahan dalam pengawasan dan penindakan penyelundupan pakaian bekas lintas negara, dalam menjalankan fungsinya apa saja yang menjadi kendala Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean C Tembilahan dalam pengawasan dan penindakan penyelundupan pakaian bekas lintas negara, serta bagaimana upaya Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean C Tembilahan dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini penelititan hukum sosiologis, penelitian hukum sosiologis tidak dikonsepkan sebagai suatu gejala normatif yang otonom, tetapi sebagai pranata sosial yang selalu terkait dengan variabel-variabel sosial lainnya. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Sumber data penelitian ini data primer dan data sekunder. Adapun data primer yaitu 1 orang Kasi Penindakan dan Penyidikan Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tembilahan. Sedangkan data sekundernya terdiri dari pedagang pakaian bekas dan masyarakat konsumen pakaian bekas, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling, adapun sampelnya yakni 10 orang pedangang pakaian bekas dan 10 orang masyarakat konsumen pakaian bekas. Selain itu data sekunder lainnya terdiri dari bahan bacaan berupa buku yang ada kaitannya dengan penelitian, pendapat para ahli, skripsi terdahulu, serta artikel. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, meskipun Bea Cukai Tembilahan telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, dengan memperketat pengawasan, tetap saja masih ada upaya yang dilakukan penyelundup guna mencari celah menyelundupkan pakaian bekas ke wilayah Tembilahan. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya dibidang pengawasan dan penidakan penyelundupan pakaian bekas lintas negara, Bea cukai Tembilahan juga mempunyai kendala-kendala, yaitu: Kondisi sosial Masyarakat yang menjadikan pakaian bekas sebagai sumber mata pencaharian; Tingkat konsumsi yang tinggi masyarakat Tembilahan terhadap pakaian bekas; Adanya perlawanan fisik dari penyelundup; Kurangnya personel yang melakukan tugas pengawasan. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean C Tembilahan dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut, yaitu: Melakukan pendekatan kepada orang-orang yang menjadikan pakaian bekas sebagai sumber penghidupan, dengan memberikan pengertian kepada mereka bahwa kegiatan yang mereka lakukan ii adalah ilegal, sambil mengarahkan mereka mencari sumber penghidupan yang lain. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan personel dalam menjalankan tugas pengawasan Bea Cukai Tembilahan mengupayakan dengan memaksimalkan jumlah personel yang ada

    Effects of Corruption on Tertiary School Enrolment in Africa

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    This paper empirically analyses the effects of control of corruption on tertiary school enrolment in a panel of 44 African countries over the period 1996-2016. Using system Generalized method of moments and controlling for a large number of other determinants of tertiary school enrolment, it nds that, over the sample period, control of corruption has a substantial positive effect. This is probably because control of corruption increases public spending level and effectiveness on tertiary education, increases the return on tertiary education, and ultimately fosters the access to tertiary education specially the poorer strata in the African economies. In the light of this result, an intensification of control of corruption in Africa is imperative to improve the tertiary school enrolment. Keywords: Control of corruption, tertiary school enrolment, System GMM, Africa DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-29-06 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Tax Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does political Legitimacy Matters?

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    The mobilization of substantial domestic resources is required to finance human and physical capital in order to achieve the sustainable development goals. In developing countries like those of Sub-Saharan Africa, the mobilization of tax revenues remains a great challenge. In this context, identifying the determinants of fiscal capacity remains crucial to guide the adoption of appropriate fiscal reforms. Therefore, as part of the wave of literature on the institutional and political determinants of fiscal capacity, this article explores the effect of political legitimacy on tax revenues in a sample of 41 SSA countries over the period 1996-2017. The system GMM in two steps estimator is used for empirical investigation. The result shows that tax revenue increases with political legitimacy. This result suggests that political legitimization in SSA remains crucial to mobilize more resources in order to adequately finance the development
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