10 research outputs found

    Evaluación del sector agropecuario-forestal para adaptarse al cambio climático en el sur-sureste de México

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    Climate change will impact negatively the productivity of the agricultural-forestry sector, putting at risk food security. To develop plans for adaptation to climate change in these sectors, it is necessary to count with information on their capacity to adapt. This study aimed to develop a synthetic index of adaptability to climate change (ICA) at municipal level in eight representative basins from south-southeast of Mexico (Balsas-Mezcala, Grijalva-Concordia, Grijalva-Villahermosa, Laguna de Terminos, Nautla, Papaloapan, Tehuantepec, Yucatan). ICA was developed based on five sub-indexes: natural resources (RN), development of human capacities (DH), economic development (DE), infrastructure development (DI); technological development (DT), each sub index was assessed using different variables obtained from the characterization, at municipal level, from natural resources, socio-economic, technological and infrastructural aspects; the information used was obtained from different official sources, that was processed, analyzed and brought together in databases. Finally the ICA obtained for each municipality, was expressed cartographically. In the study area 255 municipalities have a low level of adaptation, 350 average level and only 19 a high level. Most municipalities with low ICA are in the mountains, while municipalities with high ICA contain cities, where high GDP increases DE and therefore ICA. Keywords: cartography; databases; decision making; planning; synthetic indexEl cambio climático impactará en forma negativa la productividad del sector agropecuario-forestal, poniendo en riesgo la seguridad alimentaria. Para elaborar los planes de adaptación al cambio climático de dichos sectores, es necesario contar con información sobre su capacidad de adaptación. El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un índice sintético de capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático (ICA) a escala municipal en ocho cuencas representativas del sur-sureste de México (Balsas-Mezcala, Grijalva-Concordia, Grijalva-Villahermosa, Laguna de Términos, Nautla, Papaloapan, Tehuantepec, Yucatán). El ICA se desarrolló en función de 5 sub índices: recursos naturales (RN), desarrollo de las capacidades humanas (DH), desarrollo económico (DE), desarrollo de infraestructura (DI); desarrollo tecnológico (DT), cada sub índice se evaluó a través de diferentes variables obtenidas a partir de la caracterización, a escala municipal, de los recursos naturales, aspectos socioeconómicos, tecnológicos y de infraestructura; la información utilizada se obtuvo a partir de diversas fuentes oficiales, que se procesó, analizó y conjuntó en bases de datos. Finalmente el ICA obtenido para cada municipio, se expresó cartográficamente. En el área de estudio 255 municipios presentan un nivel de adaptación bajo, 350 un nivel medio y solo 19 un nivel alto. La mayoría de los municipios con nivel bajo de ICA se encuentran en lugares serranos, mientras que los municipios con un ICA alto contienen ciudades, en donde el alto PIB incrementa el DE y por lo tanto el ICA. Palabras clave: bases de datos; cartografía, índice sintético, planeación, toma de decisione

    Sierra Nevada Atmospheric-Pollen Data set (SNOWPOLL)

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    This dataset presents daily / hourly raw data on atmospheric pollen count and identification in Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain) during the period June-September of the years 2016-2019. The sampling was carried out using a Hirst-type suction volumetric collector (model Lanzoni 2000, Lanzoni srl, Bologna, Italy), installed in the University Hostel, Hoya de la Mora (37º, 05'N, 3º 23'W, 2500 m a.s.l.), in Sierra Nevada Natural and National Park, southeastern of the Iberian Peninsula. The sampler works permanently, 24h / day, sucking in a constant volume of air of 10 l / min., and depositing all the particular material they contain on a filter impregnating with diluted silicone. The subsequent optical microscopy analysis of the samples, following the standardized protocol of the Spanish Aerobiology Network (Galán et al., 2007), enables the quali-quantitative identification of the different pollen types at the taxonomic level of family, genus and in some cases, even species. The resulting dataset contains records of the pollen types from the most representative wind-pollinated plants of the natural vegetation of the surroundings: juniper groves, pine groves, oak groves and psychroxerophilic pasture. Data on pollen transported from other nearby or remote locations of a radius of up to 30 km around the sampler are also included, the latter in the frequent episodes of Saharan dust intrusion in the southeast of the peninsula. In order to offer greater practicality to potential users, the data set is provided in both a wide and long format. In both formats 0 values indicate not pollen count for a taxon that was being sampled that year (identified at least once time). Regarding null values, in the long format indicate technical errors, while in the wide format indicate also that no information is available for a taxon over a whole sampling year. Date/time data correspond to CET and CEST time zone. This data set provides valuable information on atmospheric pollen in a recognized plant biodiversity hotspot within the Mediterranean context, which is essential for assessing the status of endemic species highly dependent on stable environmental conditions, and their response to the impact of climate change. In this context, data can help to establish conservation and recovery plans for the species whose survival is most threatened

    Alternativas al fenoxaprop-etil para el control del zacate Johnson (Sorghum halepense) en arroz de riego

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    In January 2013, an experiment was established at the Cotaxtla Experimental Field Station located in the municipality of Medellin, Veracruz, aimed at determining the effectiveness of different herbicide treatments in the control of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), the selectivity to rice and the effect on grain yield. The Milagro Philipino rice variety was planted at a density of 125 kg ha-1. A total of ten treatments were evaluated in an experimental randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were fenoxaprop-ethyl at 45 and 67.5 g ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 22.4 and 30 g ha-1, cyhalofop-butyl at 270 and 360 g ha-1, nicosulfurón at 40 and 60 g ha-1, propanol at 4 320 g ha-1 and an untreated control. At the time of treatment, the population density of 5. halepense was of 875 000 plants ha-1. The control of S. halepense and the toxicity for rice were evaluated at 15, 30, 45 and 60 d and after the day of application (da). After 60 d, control of over 95 % were observed with both nicosulfurón doses and the highest bispyribac-sodium dose. Fenoxaprop-ethyl at both doses caused a light toxicity in rice, which disappeared between the 15 and 30 da, with the lower dose and at the 30 and 45 da with the highest dose. The highest yields of rice were obtained with the highest doses of bispyribac-sodium and nicosulfurón, ranging between 4 509 and 4 630 kg ha-1.En enero de 2013 se estableció un experimento en el Campo Experimental Cotaxtla ubicado en el municipio de Medellin, Veracruz, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de diferentes tratamientos herbicidas en el control del zacate Johnson (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), la selectividad al arroz y el efecto en el rendimiento de grano. Se sembró la variedad Milagro Filipino a densidad de 125 kg ha-1. Se evaluaron 10 tratamientos en un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron fenoxaprop-etil a 45 y 67.5 g ha-1, bispiribac-sodio a 22.4 y 30 g ha-1, cihalofop-butilo a 270 y 360 g ha-1, nicosulfurón a 40 y 60 g ha-1, propanil a 4 320 g ha-1 y un testigo sin aplicación. Al momento de la aplicación, la densidad de población de S. halepense era de 875 000 plantas ha-1. El control de 5. halepense y la toxicidad al arroz se evaluó a los 15, 30, 45 y 60 d después de la aplicación (dda). A los 60 dda se tuvieron controles superiores a 95 % con las dos dosis de nicosulfurón y la más alta de bispiribac-sodio. El fenoxaprop-etil en sus dos dosis ocasionó ligera toxicidad al arroz, la cual desapareció entre los 15 y 30 dda con la dosis baja, y a los 30 y 45 dda con la dosis alta. Los mayores rendimientos de arroz se obtuvieron con las mayores dosis de bispiribac-sodio y nicosulfurón, los cuales oscilaron entre 4 509 y 4 630 kg ha-1

    Estudio técnico-económico para identificar áreas con potencial para producir piña en el trópico húmedo de México

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    In order to identify the productive and economic potential of pineapple cultivation at the hydrological response unit, basin and state level, considering the yield and the cost-benefit ratio (RB/C), a technical-economic study was carried out, in the mainproducing states of the Humid Tropics of Mexico. To this end, the potential yield of total aerial biomass and pineapple fruit was simulated and mapped in ninestates in the south-southeast of Mexico and the areas with the greatest potential for cultivation were identified. Likewise, the establishment, maintenance and income costs of the shade net technology package were estimated and the financial profitability of the crop was evaluated for each identified region. The results show that pineapple cultivation is profitable when more than 45.8 t ha-1is produced. 596 666 ha were identified with the potential to produce pineapple, located in Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatán, being the state of Campeche the one that presented the highest yield (90 t ha-1) anda RB/C of 1.88. It is concluded that pineapple production is profitable in those regions that present ideal agroecological conditions for its productionCon el objetivo de identificar el potencial productivo y económico del cultivo de piña a nivel de unidad de respuesta hidrológica, cuenca y estado, considerando el rendimiento y la relación beneficio costo (R B/C), se realizó un estudio técnico-económico, en los principales estados productores del Trópico Húmedo de México. Para ello se simuló y cartografió el rendimiento potencial de biomasa aérea total y fruta de piña en nueve estados del sur-sureste de México y se identificaron las áreas con mayor potencial para el cultivo. Asimismo, se estimaron los costos de establecimiento, de mantenimiento e ingresos del paquete tecnológico de malla sombra y se evaluó la rentabilidad financiera del cultivo para cada región identificada. Los resultados muestran que el cultivo de piña es rentable cuando se produce más de 45.8 t ha-1. Se identificaron 596 666 ha con potencial para producir piña, ubicadas en Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz y Yucatán, siendo el estado de Campeche el que presentó el mayor rendimiento (90 t ha-1) y una R B/C de 1.88. Se concluye que la producción de piña es rentable en aquellas regiones que presentan condiciones agroecológicas idóneas para su producción

    Productividad y rentabilidad potencial del café ("Coffea arabica" L.) en el trópico mexicano

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    In order to identify the potential of coffee cultivation at hydrologic response unit (HRU) level, basin and state, considering yield and cost-benefit ratio (R B/C), this work was performed in the major producing states from the Tropical Regions of Mexico. To do so it was simulated and mapped the potential yield for cherry coffee bean in 9 states from South-southeast Mexico and identified the areas with the greatest potential for cultivation. Also, establishment costs, production and revenues from the technological package were estimated and the financial profitability of the crop for each region was evaluated. The results show that coffee is profitable when produced more than 4 500 kg of cherries coffee per hectare. Identifying 381 000 has with potential to produce coffee, located in Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas, where the Veracruz region had the highest yield of 9 t ha-1, and R B/C of 1.48. It is concluded that the average yields of coffee and estimated profitability indicators allow locating regions with potential to increase the area, production and current competitiveness of the crop. Keywords: Coffea arabica L.; economic potential; humid tropics; productive potentialCon el objetivo de identificar el potencial del cultivo del café a nivel de unidad de respuesta hidrológica (URH), cuenca y estado, considerando el rendimiento y la relación beneficio costo (R B/C), se realizó este trabajo, en los principales estados productores de las Región Tropical de México. Para ello se simuló y cartografió el rendimiento potencial de grano de café cereza en 9 estados del Sur-sureste de México y se identificaron las áreas con mayor potencial para el cultivo. Asimismo, se estimaron los costos de establecimiento, de producción e ingresos del paquete tecnológico y se evaluó la rentabilidad financiera del cultivo para cada región identificada. Los resultados muestran que el cultivo de café es rentable cuando se produce más de 4 500 kg de café cereza por ha. Se identificaron 381 000 ha con potencial para producir café, ubicadas en Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca y Chiapas, siendo la región de Veracruz la que presentó el mayor rendimiento de 9 t ha-1, y una R B/C de 1.48. Se concluye que los rendimientos medios de café e indicadores de rentabilidad estimados permiten ubicar regiones con potencial para incrementar la superficie, la producción y la competitividad actual de este cultivo. Palabras clave: Coffea arabica L.; potencial productivo; potencial económico; trópico húmed

    A pilot study of the modulation of sirtuins on arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1 and 2 enzymatic activity

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    Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT; E.C. enzymes are responsible for the biotransformation of several arylamine and hydrazine drugs by acetylation. In this process, the acetyl group transferred to the acceptor substrate produces NAT deacetylation and, in consequence, it is susceptible of degradation. Sirtuins are protein deacetylases, dependent on nicotine adenine dinucleotide, which perform post-translational modifications on cytosolic proteins. To explore possible sirtuin participation in the enzymatic activity of arylamine NATs, the expression levels of NAT1, NAT2, SIRT1 and SIRT6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy subjects were examined by flow cytometry and Western blot. The in situ activity of the sirtuins on NAT enzymatic activity was analyzed by HPLC, in the presence or absence of an agonist (resveratrol) and inhibitor (nicotinamide) of sirtuins. We detected a higher percentage of positive cells for NAT2 in comparison with NAT1, and higher numbers of SIRT1+ cells compared to SIRT6 in lymphocytes. In situ NAT2 activity in the presence of NAM inhibitors was higher than in the presence of its substrate, but not in the presence of resveratrol. In contrast, the activity of NAT1 was not affected by sirtuins. These results showed that NAT2 activity might be modified by sirtuins. KEY WORDS: Arylamine N-acetyltransferase, NAT, Sirtuins, Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Nicotinamide, Resveratro