17 research outputs found


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    Bulllying adalah  tindakan mengintimidasi dan memaksa seorang individu atau kelompok yang lebih lemah untuk melakukan sesuatu di luar kehendak mereka, dengan maksud untuk membahayakan fisik, mental atau emosional  melalui pelecehan dan penyerangan.  Perilaku bullying sulit dibedakan antara pelaku dan korban bullying. Penelitian ini bertujuan  menyusun skala yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi  korban dan pelaku bullying. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MIN dan SMA sebanyak 213  siswa. Hasil pengembangan alat ukur menunjukkan bahwa skala korban bullying sesuai dengan teori terdapat 4 faktor dan sesuai dengan parameter model fit, sedangkan skala perilaku bullying belum memenuhi 4 faktor hanya terbentuk 2 faktor dan sesuai dengan parameter. &nbsp

    Latar belakang psikologis kecemasan ibu hamil usia 35 tahun ke atas

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    Pregnancy is one of the expectations for husband and wife. The pregnant women who is above 35 years old usually is not the first pregnant for her and sometimes is not planned too. Even women at that age has ready to become a mother, there is a question, Is the pregnant still causes the anxiety for them. The purpose of this research is what is the psychological factor which causes of anxiety inpregnant women who is above 35 years old. Methods this research used a qualitative descriptive method, where data collection using interviews, observation and psychological tests. Methods this research used a qualitative descriptive method, where data collection using interviews, observation and psychological tests. Subjects were two pregnant women whose age is above 35 years. The result of this research shows that the psychological factor which causes of anxiety in pregnant women who is above 35 years old are : 1) mother's imagine of the born, 2) the imagine about abortus, the disables baby, premature and twins, 3) mother's health, 4) the decision to have a baby ones again, 5) the experience of the last pregnant

    Psychoeducation of preventive action against bullying behavior in MIN 1 Blitar

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    Bullying in schools is one or a factor that becomes a problem / obstacle in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so that campaigns and enlightenment to the public about the various impacts and efforts to overcome bullying must be encouraged. In this regard, this article aims to describe the preventive action psychoeducation service activities against bullying behavior at MIN 1 Blitar. Community service participants are Teachers and Parents of Students of MIN 1 Blitar. The target of this community service is that teachers and parents at MIN 1 Blitar are able to understand the condition of students or their children so that they are not prone to becoming victims of bullying or becoming perpetrators of bullying, creating a Peaceful school. The method used is to provide a scale of Bullying, psychoeducation and focus group discussion (FGD) to teachers and parents of students of MIN 1 Blitar. Based on the post-test results of the fifth-grade students of MIN 1 Blitar, it is known that 6.5% were identified as bullying perpetrators while 15% were identified as victims of bullying. This service activity is carried out in several forms, namely psychoeducation, FGD and self-help groups, which are preventive measures of psychoeducation against bullying behavior

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Memperkenalkan Diri Anak Borderline Melalui Modelling

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui apakah Modelling dapat meningkatkan keterampilan memperkenalkan diri anak Borderline. Modelling dalam penelitian ini menggunakan video dan instruksi yang berulang-ulang. Penelitian menggunakan Eksplanasi eksperimen dengan rancangan desain One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dengan jumlah 5 orang siswa kelas 5 SDLB Ruhui Rahayu Samarinda dengan usia deviasi 10-15 tahun dan memiliki nilai intelegensi quotient (IQ) 69 – 79. Metode pengumpulan data dokumentasi, observasi, wawancara dan skala memperkenalkan diri. Metode analisa data menggunakan perbandingan nilai pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada perubahan nilai memperkenalkan diri sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan berupa modeling. Hal ini dilihat dari perbedaan nilai pretest dan posttest dengan rata-rata nilai pretest 18.07 meningkat menjadi 30.80 pada saat posttest dengan perbandingan (p = 0.486) dan tidak ada perbedaan penilaian yang dilakukan oleh guru dan peneliti (p = 0,000)

    Kesepian pemilik hewan peliharaan yang tinggal terpisah dari keluarga

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    Loneliness is a phenomenon often occurs in humans. It has negative effects on welfare. Students in the early stages of adult development are to build close relationships (intimate) and build affiliations that make susceptible to loneliness if they cannot able to complete the task of development. The susceptibility increases by being apart of family during adult development. Many researchs showed that public interest in raising pet inclined. This research was aimed to describe loneliness feature of students who raising pet and living apart from their family. This was qualitative and descriptive research and used Revised University of California, Los AngelesLoneliness Scale(R-UCLALoneliness Scale). It involved 50 students who raising pet and living apart from their family. Here we showed that 36 students experienced low categoric loneliness while 14 students had high category


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    In the past few years, suicide cases are increasing in Indonesia. There is a probability that self-injury may be done before someone commits a suicide. An ideation is formed before someone does self-injury, which is used as a way to solve problems. There are few reasons as to why someone thinks about doing self-injury, internally or externally, and one of those reasons is loneliness. The main purpose of this study is to define the relationship between loneliness and deliberate self-injury ideation –the thoughts teenagers have regarding self-injury. Using accidental non-random sampling technique, 316 participants from both gender are taken from a senior high school in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Instruments used in this study are ESLI (Emotional-Social Loneliness Inventory) and NSSI Ideation Questionnaire. Result shows a very significant correlation between both variables (sig = 0.000) with correlation r = 0.274

    Kecenderungan Gaming Disorder dan Perilaku Konsumtif Pembelian Virtual Goods pada Pemain Online Game

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    Berkembangnya teknologi dan berbagai jenis game membuat seseorang tertarik terlibat penuh dan semakin intens hingga memiliki rasa ketergantungan, adiksi bahkan disorder. Segelintir individu melakukan berbagai upaya untuk dapat mengakses sumber kesenangannya selama bermain online game dengan turut serta membeli game item yang melekat pada game-game yang sering dimainkan meski dengan segala keterbatasan ekonomi yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecenderungan gaming disorder terhadap perilaku konsumtif pembelian virtual goods pada pemain online game. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 200 orang yang diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria usia 14-28 tahun, sering bermain online game, pernah membeli item dalam game secara tunai maupun real trade money. Alat ukur dalam penelitian ini adalah Internet Gaming Disorder Scale dan skala perilaku konsumtif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh melalui teknik analisis regresi linear sederhana menunjukkan gaming disorder berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumtif pembelian virtual goods pada pemain online game (p < 0,000, R2 = 0,134). Artinya, individu yang cenderung mengalami internet gaming disorder semakin intens untuk membeli berbagai perangkat game yang digemari, begitu juga sebaliknya