16 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento de Boyacá

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    En el presente documento se encuentra plasmado el desarrollo de las actividades planteadas en distintos niveles de violencia por la guerra en Colombia. Se trabajo el caso de Ana Ligia Higinio López, sustraído del libro voces “Relatos de violencia y esperanza en Colombia”, Banco mundial (2009), surge así de la experiencia y enseña cómo resistir y fortalecer el cambio que se manifiestan en la cotidianidad de la vida, esforzándose por afrontar las adversidades de forma positiva; por ende se establecieron unas preguntas que propicien un acercamiento de carácter reflexivo, circular y estratégico, que ayuden a visibilizar un análisis pertinente, coherente, con ideas claras y conocimiento psicológico, con el que se permite identificar y saber específicamente temas relevantes en el aprendizaje fundamental de estos casos de violencia. Seguido del análisis del suceso “Peñas Coloradas”, se halla de forma reflexiva un apoyo de empoderamiento por medio de un proceso de estrategias que fomenten su progreso, y así, puedan encontrar las herramientas necesarias para su transformación, resiliencia, reconciliación y solución efectiva a sus necesidades básicas. Finalmente se sitúa la actividad de foto voz realizada de acuerdo a los contextos que conllevan a las experiencias visualizadas en escenarios del departamento de Boyacá como Tunja, Cómbita, Sogamoso, Duitama, Chiquinquirá y Ciudad Bolívar – Bogotá D.C., imágenes narrativas que se encontraran en el sitio web de la plataforma Wix, con enlace adjunto.This document shows the development of the activities proposed at different levels of violence due to the war in Colombia. The case of Ana Ligia Higinio López, taken from the book "Stories of violence and hope in Colombia", World Bank (2009). It arises from the experience and teaches how to resist and strengthen the change manifested in the daily life, making an effort to face adversities in a positive way; therefore, some questions were established to promote a reflective, circular and strategic approach, which help to visualize a relevant, coherent analysis, with clear ideas and psychological knowledge, with which it is possible to identify and know specifically relevant issues in the fundamental learning of these cases of violence. Following the analysis of the "Peñas Coloradas" event, a reflexive support for empowerment is found through a process of strategies that promote their progress, and thus, they can find the necessary tools for their transformation, resilience, reconciliation and effective solution to their basic needs. Finally, the photo-voice activity is placed according to the contexts that lead to the visualized experiences in scenarios of the department of Boyacá such as Tunja, Cómbita, Sogamoso, Duitama, Chiquinquirá and Ciudad Bolívar - Bogotá D.C., narrative images that will be found on the website of the Wix platform, with an attached link

    Using the WHO international classification of patient safety framework to identify incident characteristics and contributing factors for medical or surgical complication deaths

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    This study aimed to operationalise and use the World Health Organisation's International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS) to identify incident characteristics and contributing factors of deaths involving complications of medical or surgical care in Australia. A sample of 500 coronial findings related to patient deaths following complications of surgical or medical care in Australia were reviewed using a modified-ICPS (mICPS). Over two-thirds (69.0%) of incidents occurred during treatment and 27.4% occurred in the operating theatre. Clinical process and procedures (55.9%), medication/IV fluids (11.2%) and healthcare-associated infection/complications (10.4%) were the most common incident types. Coroners made recommendations in 44.0% of deaths and organisations undertook preventive actions in 40.0% of deaths. This study demonstrated that the ICPS was able to be modified for practical use as a human factors taxonomy to identify sequences of incident types and contributing factors for patient deaths. Further testing of the mICPS is warranted

    Diseño estratégico de vanguardia

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    La integración del diseño con la vanguardia se observa natural, esto es, el diseño es una disciplina abductiva y la vanguardia persigue fines prospectivos, es decir, en ambos casos se trata de objetivos de posibilidad futura. De tal suerte, este libro, emanado de una parte de las ponencias rigurosamente arbitradas del Coloquio Internacional de Diseño 2016, está dividido en tres secciones o capítulos, a saber, el capítulo uno relacionado con la teoría y metodología para proyectos de diseño de vanguardia, el segundo sobre la tecnología, la innovación y la sostenibilidad de vanguardia de dichos proyectos, y finalmente el último capítulo, vinculado con la gestión estratégica de proyectos de vanguardia.La historia se forja de hechos e interpretaciones, de pasados construidos y de presentes en procesos constantes, estudiados en forma estricta por las ciencias. Por su parte, el futuro ostenta la posibilidad de ser indefinidamente planeado con base en las variopintas aproximaciones teóricas y empíricas que dan fundamento a este tipo de ciencia; éstas son denominadas prospectivas y sus bases vanguardias. Resulta importante señalar, que estas posibilidades sólo permiten tener una idea hipotética de lo que será la realidad y el mundo de vida de los seres vivos y su contexto, no obstante, se trata de la única manera racional que tiene el ser humano de prever ese futuro posible. Las distintas ciencias y disciplinas nos permiten construir históricamente estas posibilidades partiendo de datos, hechos, significados y un sinfín de informaciones que le dan cuerpo y sentido a tales posibilidades. En este sentido, la vanguardia, como base del conocimiento prospectivo, observa la necesidad de ser escrita, leída y discutida en los términos más estrictos con el fin de volver las predicciones más precisas. El diseño por su parte, es definido de manera sucinta como la disciplina proyectual estratégica y sistémica de la posibilidad, dirigida a procesos de significación utilitaria y simbólica para la comprensión –o interpretación– y modificación –o proyectación– de niveles de realidad (referentes y sujetos) desde diversos aparatos teóricos y empíricos –perspectivas disciplinarias–

    Epidemiology of Injuries in Ultimate (Frisbee): A Systematic Review

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    Ultimate is a high-intensity, non-contact team sport played with a flying disc (e.g., frisbee). Despite the growing popularity of ultimate worldwide, there is limited information about the epidemiology of injury in the sport. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview and synthesis of the literature on the epidemiology of injury in ultimate. A comprehensive search of the literature was conducted in five electronic databases (i.e., MEDLINE, Embase, AMED, SPORTDiscus, and AusportMed). All databases were searched from inception to 1 July 2020. A total of eleven studies were included and qualitatively synthesized. Injury incidence rate estimates ranged from 0.4 to 84.9 injuries per 1000 athlete-exposures. The lifetime prevalence of any injury and concussion were 100% and 26%, respectively. The most commonly injured body region was the lower limb, with the knee and thigh being the most frequently injured anatomical locations. The most frequent injury types were muscle injuries and superficial contusions. The most common injury situation was direct contact with another player. There is a substantial risk of injury in ultimate, in particular muscle strains and joint sprains to the knee and shoulder areas. Development and implementation of effective, sport-specific injury prevention initiatives, including improved injury risk management and sport safety culture, should be a priority to reduce the burden of injury in ultimate

    3. Intervención en las Condiciones de Salud y Seguridad de los Trapiches Afiliados a la Asociación de Productores de Panela de Nocaima Cundinamarca

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    Tener un conocimiento global de los riesgos que se puedan presentar en determinada labor a realizar, permiten que se tomen decisiones que contribuyan al mejoramiento de las condiciones y a la disminuciones de los mismos. El desarrollo del proyecto en ASOPRPANOC, en su primera fase se aplicó una encuesta que permitió, realizar un estudio socio-demográfico que permitiría conocer las características de la población objeto y conocer que tanto saben los productores y sus empleados sobre los riesgos y enfermedades a los cuales están expuestos por desarrollar esta labor. En la segunda fase se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones de salud y seguridad de los trabajadores en los procesos relacionados con la producción de la panela y sus derivados en los trapiches asociados, esto se desarrolla por medio del Panorama de Factorde Riesgos en el cual se identifica cada uno de procesos de la panela y cuáles son los riesgos que se presentan en cada uno, valorándonos en diferentes escalas según el nivel de exposición. Finalmente se desarrolló un plan de acción que ayude a mitigar los riesgos encontrados en el desarrollo de todo el proyecto a fin de dar herramientas que contribuyan al mejoramiento de las condiciones de los trabajadores, productores y por ende a una comunidad en general.Universidad LibreFacultad de IngenieríaIngeniería Industria

    Groundhog Day in the emergency department: A systematic review of 20 years of news coverage in Australia.

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    This study examined how the Australian news media have portrayed public hospital Emergency Departments (EDs) over the last two decades. A systematic review and media frame analysis, searching Factiva and Australia and New Zealand News Stream for digital and print news articles published between January 2000 and January 2020. Eligibility criteria were (1) discussed EDs in public hospitals; (2) the primary focus of the article was the ED; (3) focused on the Australian context; (4) were published by one of the Australian state-based news outlets (e.g., The Sydney Morning Herald, Herald Sun). A pair of reviewers independently screened 242 articles for inclusion according to the pre-established criteria. Discrepancies were resolved via discussion. 126 articles met the inclusion criteria. Pairs of independent reviewers identified frames in 20% of the articles using an inductive approach to develop a framework for coding the remaining articles. News media rely heavily on reporting problems within and with the ED, while also proposing a cause. Praise for EDs was minimal. Opinions were primarily from government spokespeople, professional associations, and doctors. ED performance was often reported as fact, with no reference to the source of the information. Rhetorical framing devices, such as hyperbole and imagery, were used to emphasise dominant themes. The negative bias inherent in news media reporting of EDs could potentially damage public awareness of ED functioning, with implications for the likelihood of the public's accessing ED services. Like in the film Groundhog Day, news media reporting is stuck in a loop reporting the same narrative over and over again

    People with early-onset colorectal cancer describe primary care barriers to timely diagnosis: a mixed-methods study of web-based patient reports in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand

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    Abstract Background People with early-onset colorectal cancer, under the age of 50, are more likely to experience diagnostic delay and to be diagnosed at later stages of the disease than older people. Advanced stage diagnosis potentially requires invasive therapeutic management at a time of life when these patients are establishing intimate relationships, raising families, building careers and laying foundations for financial stability. Barriers to timely diagnosis at primary care level have been identified but the patient perspective has not been investigated. Methods Personal accounts of cancer care are increasingly accessed as rich sources of patient experience data. This study uses mixed methods, incorporating quantitative content analysis and qualitative thematic analysis, to investigate patients’ accounts of early-onset colorectal cancer diagnosis published on prominent bowel cancer support websites in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Results Patients’ perceptions (n = 273) of diagnostic barriers at primary care level were thematically similar across the three countries. Patients perceived that GPs’ low suspicion of cancer due to age under 50 contributed to delays. Patients reported that their GPs seemed unaware of early-onset colorectal cancer and that they were not offered screening for colorectal cancer even when ‘red flag’ symptoms were present. Patients described experiences of inadequate information continuity within GP practices and across primary, specialist and tertiary levels of care, which they perceived contributed to diagnostic delay. Patients also reported tensions with GPs over the patient-centredness of care, describing discord related to symptom seriousness and lack of shared decision-making. Conclusions Wider dissemination of information about early-onset colorectal cancer at primary care level is imperative given the increasing incidence of the disease, the frequency of diagnostic delay, the rates of late-stage diagnosis and the dissatisfaction with patient experience reported by patients whose diagnosis is delayed. Patient education about diagnostic protocols may help to pre-empt or resolve tensions between GPs’ enactment of value-based care and patients’ concerns about cancer. The challenges of diagnosing early-onset colorectal cancer are significant and will become more pressing for GPs, who will usually be the first point of access to a health system for this growing patient population

    Using the WHO international classification of patient safety framework to identify incident characteristics and contributing factors for medical or surgical complication deaths

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    This study aimed to operationalise and use the World Health Organisation's International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS) to identify incident characteristics and contributing factors of deaths involving complications of medical or surgical care in Australia. A sample of 500 coronial findings related to patient deaths following complications of surgical or medical care in Australia were reviewed using a modified-ICPS (mICPS). Over two-thirds (69.0%) of incidents occurred during treatment and 27.4% occurred in the operating theatre. Clinical process and procedures (55.9%), medication/IV fluids (11.2%) and healthcare-associated infection/complications (10.4%) were the most common incident types. Coroners made recommendations in 44.0% of deaths and organisations undertook preventive actions in 40.0% of deaths. This study demonstrated that the ICPS was able to be modified for practical use as a human factors taxonomy to identify sequences of incident types and contributing factors for patient deaths. Further testing of the mICPS is warranted

    Feasibility of Monitoring Health and Well-being in Emerging Adults : Pilot Longitudinal Cohort Study

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    Background: Emerging adulthood is a distinct segment of an individual’s life course. The defining features of this transitional period include identity exploration, instability, future possibilities, self-focus, and feeling in-between, all of which are thought to affect quality of life, health, and well-being. A longitudinal cohort study with a comprehensive set of measures would be a valuable resource for improving the understanding of the multifaceted elements and unique challenges that contribute to the health and well-being of emerging adults. Objective: The main aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of recruiting university graduates to establish a longitudinal cohort study to inform the understanding of emerging adulthood. Methods: This pilot study was conducted among graduates at a large university. It involved collecting web-based survey data at baseline (ie, graduation) and 12 months post baseline, and linking survey responses to health records from administrative data collections. The feasibility outcome measures of interest included the recruitment rate, response rate, retention rate, data linkage opt-out rate, and availability of linked health records. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the representativeness of the sample, completeness of the survey responses, and data linkage characteristics. Results: Only 2.8% of invited graduates (238/8532) agreed to participate in this pilot cohort study, of whom 59.7% (142/238) responded to the baseline survey. The retention rate between the baseline and follow-up surveys was 69.7% (99/142). The completeness of the surveys was excellent, with the proportion of answered questions in each survey domain ranging from 87.3% to 100% in both the baseline and follow-up surveys. The data linkage opt-out rate was 32.4% (77/238). Conclusions: The overall recruitment rate was poor, while the completeness of survey responses among respondents ranged from good to excellent. There was reasonable acceptability for conducting data linkage of health records from administrative data collections and survey responses. This pilot study offers insights and recommendations for future research aiming to establish a longitudinal cohort study to investigate health and well-being in emerging adults.</p

    Monitoring health and well-being in emerging adults: protocol for a pilot longitudinal cohort study

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    Emerging adulthood is a unique segment of an individual's life course. The defining features of this transitional period include identity exploration, instability, future possibilities, self-focus, and feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood, all of which are thought to affect quality of life, health, and well-being. A longitudinal cohort study with a comprehensive set of measures would be a unique and valuable resource for improving the understanding of the multi-faceted elements and unique challenges that contribute to the health and well-being of emerging adults.The main aim of this pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of recruiting university graduates to establish a longitudinal cohort study to inform our understanding of emerging adulthood.This is a pilot longitudinal cohort study of Australian university graduates. It will involve collecting information via online surveys (baseline and 12-month follow-up) and data linkage with health records. Recruitment, response, and retention rates will be calculated. Descriptive analysis of the representativeness of recruited participants and completeness of survey responses will be conducted.Participant recruitment was completed in October 2018, and data collection for the baseline and follow-up surveys was completed in November 2019. As of April 2020, the process of acquiring health records from administrative data collections has commenced.The findings from this pilot study will identify areas for improvement and inform the development of a future longitudinal cohort study of emerging adults.Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12618001364268; https://tinyurl.com/teec8wh.DERR1-10.2196/16108