325 research outputs found


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    Budidaya ikan memiliki peranan stratejik dalam perekonomian Indonesia, karena kontribusinya dalam ketahanan pangan, penyerapan tenaga kerja dan pengentasan kemiskinan, termasuk usaha budidaya lele. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk optimalisasi usaha budidaya ikan lele. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model maksimisasi keuntungan usaha budidaya ikan lele. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pertumbuhan ikan polinomial. Maksimisasi keuntungan dilakukan dengan melakukan penurunan pertama persamaan keuntungan terhadap waktu budidaya dengan hasil turunan pertama sama dengan nol. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa model penelitian dapat diaplikasikan pada usaha budidaya ikan lele. Pada kasus penelitian ini, budidaya ikan lele mencapai keuntungan maksimal pada waktu budidaya 345 hari dengan keuntungan Rp. 5.411.512/siklus). Aquaculture has a strategic role in the economic of Indonesia, including catfish culture. Aquaculture has contribute to food resilience, employment supply and poverty reduction. So, optimalization of catfish culture is important. The aims of research was to develop a model of profit maximization that can be applied to catfish culture. This research used polynomial growth of fish. Profit maximization used the first derivative of profit equation to culture time equal to zero. This research proved that that model of research could be applied in the catfish culture. In this research, optimal culture time of 345 days produce the maximal profit (IDR 5 411 512 per cycle)

    Using Kahoot! Improving seventh-graders' reading comprehension skills of SMPN 2 Tegalrejo

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    This research was conducted to describe how the implementation of Kahoot! in the reading comprehension of seventh graders in SMPN 2 Tegalrejo. This research aims to: (1) to describe how the implementation of Kahoot! in the reading comprehension of seventh graders in SMPN 2 Tegalrejo, (2) describe the result of the use of Kahoot! to improve the reading comprehension of seventh graders in SMPN 2 Tegalrejo. The research was conducted by applying clasroom action research. There are four steps in conducting this research, namely: planning, action, observing, and reflection. It implemented two cycles which are cycle 1 and cycle 2. The data were collected by observation, interview, document analysis, and tests. Process of data analysis involved four activities; those are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Descriptive qualitative analysis was used to present the result of the study in the form of descriptive explanation. Kahoot! implemented to improve the students’ reading comprehension skill. The findings indicate that students were better at developing in identifying main idea and implicit information. Most of them could determine specific information. They also could determine the reference. Besides there is improvement in undersatnding vocabulary context. The average of students’ scores also improved as indicated by their average writing score of the Preliminary Test, Cycle 1, and Cycle 2 tests that were 58.04, 66.52, and 78.69, respectively. The last average score was higher than the minimum achievement criteria of 75.00


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    Abstract Education is conscious effort and plan to create an atmosphere of learning and the process of learning so that learners are actively developing potential for her to have a religious, spiritual power of self-control, personality, intelligence, morals, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society and nation. By learning use the model of cooperative type TGT expected to increase the motivation of learning. This research aimed at described the application of a model of learning cooperative type tgt against motivation learn a student X SMAN 1 Panggul Kabupaten Trenggalek in learning bolavoli. This is the kind of research Quasi Experimental Design. Method of collecting data uses the method poll and observation. The population of research is all the students class X SMAN 1 Panggul Kabupaten Trenggalek the academic year 2012 / 2013. Based on the learning to use uji-t one party can be inferred that the average study result of the students experiment higher class than a student control. Response most students against a model of learning cooperative type tgt show category agree. Keywords : Cooperative Learning Model Type TGT, student learning Motivation, Volleyball Game

    Ketidakadilan Dalam Informasi Kriminal (Wacana Pembandingan Aktor Berita Kriminal Di Headline Surat Kabar Koran Merapi)

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    Headline, the main news in the front of page of a newspaper, is a strategic place to convey information. Of course, headline in yellow journalism ought to be attractive with bombastic content’s characteristic and sometimes it shows off sensuality. Koran Merapi is one of newspaper which has the positioning as a law and criminal newspaper. In other side, Criminal reality always shows some characters such as: suspect, police and victim. Based on constructivism ideas, mass media will always construct reality to be published in media. It means that reality in media will re-construct those characters. The research question is formulated as follows: how is the criminal actor constructed by Koran Merapi? Using critical approach through discourse analysis, the research will investigate the basic idea of occurring construction. Van Leeuwen’s models for the text analysis and Norman Fairclough’s for the context are used to explore actor and marginalization in criminal news. The police are depicted as somebody who is admirable and acts as the superhero. The suspects are depicted as a strong person before the victim but weak before the police. The victims are the characters who are always threatened by crimes, are not able to overcome it without any help from the hero

    Perjanjian Jual Beli Bahan Bakar Minyak Jenis High Speed Diesel Antara PT. Prayasa Indomitra Sarana Dengan PT. Buma Niaga Perkasa

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    In general, the oil trading agreement has met the requirements of agreement validity, but to have its legal capacity, the parties involved must have legal authority. The validity of trading agreement also depends on the agreement between the goods and its price, commencing from the delay of goods price agreement to the fulfillment of the event agreed, and it does not mean that the agreement is delayed besides the delay of the power of legal engagement in the agreement. The contractual responsibility of the parties involved is based on contractual bound and the norms of trading agreement as good agreement. Contractual responsibility commences from failing to meet what agreed in the agreement that is realized in the forms of paying the expenditures, compensation and expected profit. The responsibility of the parties involved commences because the business permit of the seller is revoked, not due to legal committment in the agreement but based on onrechtmatigedaad.. In relation to the equilibrium principle, values of equiblirium balance are seen through the principal achievement of trading agreement, but if an unbalanced norms of agreement appears afterwards, the norms in proportional balance will take over the role to consider whether or not the unbalanced values occur or there are proportional equilibrium values instead. Keywords: Trading Agreement, Fuel of Oil, Contractual Responsibility, In-Agreement Balance PrincipleABSTRACT In general, the oil trading agreement has met the requirements of agreement validity, but to have its legal capacity, the parties involved must have legal authority. The validity of trading agreement also depends on the agreement between the goods and its price, commencing from the delay of goods price agreement to the fulfillment of the event agreed, and it does not mean that the agreement is delayed besides the delay of the power of legal engagement in the agreement. The contractual responsibility of the parties involved is based on contractual bound and the norms of trading agreement as good agreement. Contractual responsibility commences from failing to meet what agreed in the agreement that is realized in the forms of paying the expenditures, compensation and expected profit. The responsibility of the parties involved commences because the business permit of the seller is revoked, not due to legal committment in the agreement but based on onrechtmatigedaad.. In relation to the equilibrium principle, values of equiblirium balance are seen through the principal achievement of trading agreement, but if an unbalanced norms of agreement appears afterwards, the norms in proportional balance will take over the role to consider whether or not the unbalanced values occur or there are proportional equilibrium values instead


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    Problems decline in the number of new customers who save the cooperative is the main problem of KSU Sumber Dana. This is because the operating company, a cooperative collecting funds from the public and also distribute to the provision of credit. If there is a decrease of the number of new customers who will save the KSU Source, then this will affect our operations and performance of the overall Funding KSU. Problem decrease in the number of new customers is thought to be caused from factors savings product, location, promotion, image of cooperatives and savings interest. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of savings products, location, promotion, image of cooperatives and savings interest on saving decisions in KSU Sumber Dana. This research is quantitative research. The sample used in this study were 100 members of the KSU Sumber Dana using accidental sampling technique. The data used is primary data by questionnaire. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the research results it can be seen that the savings product, promotion, image and interest savings cooperatives positive effect on saving decisions in KSU Sumber Dana. While the location does not affect the decision to save at KSU Sumber Dana

    Learning of empathy among first-year medical students

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    Empathy is one of the core competencies that doctors must possess. Teaching empathy is carried out since students are in undergraduate medical education. One of the learning activities that can be used to improve empathy skills is reflection. Many studies have reported on the empathic abilities of medical students. In addition, there have also been many scientific articles discussing the factors that affect the ability of empathy. However, how medical students learn empathy is still unclear, especially for first-year students who have just been exposed to medical science after graduating from high school. This study aimed to understand how first-year medical students learn empathy. A qualitative study with a phenomenological approach was carried out. We selected randomly, a total of 30 medical student reflection journals were analyzed using content analysis techniques. There are three themes, namely stimulus, process, and effect. Medical students learn empathy driven by internal and external stimuli so that a thinking process occurs through several learning activities. The existence of this stimulus and process influences both the self and the patient/client. The whole process of empathy learning can show how early-year students learn and the factors that influence student empathy learning. This study supports other research that discusses the learning process and factors that affect medical students' empathy. This result can encourage curriculum planners to design appropriate empathy learning for students

    Menyingkap Religiositas Hikayat Hang Tuah Melalui Penggunaan Kosakata Islamiah: Kajian Manuskrip Sastra Pendidikan pada Era Merdeka Belajar

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    Hikayat Hang Tuah is actually written in Arabic-Malay script. In addition, the vocabulary used in it is not a little that comes from Arabic. The romance of Islamic Malay culture also seems thick in every story. Thus, it is interesting to conduct a study whose purpose is to describe the form of Islamic Malay/Islamic Malay cultured vocabulary in terms of lexical and grammatical meanings and to describe the religiosity of the vocabulary in the Hikayat Hang Tuah. This research uses qualitative research with philological research approach. The data from this study are the results of the researchers' notes, in the form of vocabulary and entries that form the background of the vocabulary in the saga. While the source of data in this study is the Hikayat Hang Tuah I in 2010 published by the Language Center of the Ministry of National Education. The instrument used in this research is a vocabulary classification guide as well as a rubric for collecting and analyzing data. The results of the study revealed that there were at least 77 data found based on lexical and grammatical meanings. This meaning then shows the existence of Islamic religiosity in the form of Islamic faith which is still influenced by the existence of gods, honorifics of the king which states that the king is a descendant of gods and "representatives of God" in the world and litotes on figures who have lower degrees, work related to religion. Islam, the authority of the king, the equation, and the typical expression of the hikayat.Hikayat Hang Tuah sejatinya ditulis dengan aksara Arab-Melayu. Selain itu, kosakata yang digunakan didalamnya tidak sedikit yang berasal dari bahasa Arab. Romansa kultur Melayu Islam pun nampak kental dalam setiap ceritanya. Dengan demikian, menarik dilakukan penelitian yang tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan wujud kosakata islamiah/berkultur Melayu Islam yang dipandang dari makna leksikal dan gramatikal serta mendeskripsikan religiositas kosa kata tersebut dalam hikayat Hang Tuah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian filologi. Data dari penelitian ini adalah hasil pencatatan peneliti, berupa kosakata maupun lema yang melatarbelakangi kosakata dalam hikayat. Sedangkan sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa Hikayat Hang Tuah I tahun 2010 yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Bahasa Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa panduan klasifikasi kosakata serta rubrik pengumpul dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian  mengungkap setidaknya terdapat sebanyak 77 data yang ditemukan berdasarkan makna leksikal dan gramatikal. Makna tersebut kemudian menunjukkan adanya religiositas Islam berupa keimanan Islam yang masih terpengaruh dengan keberadaan dewa-dewa, honorifik raja yang menyatakan bahwa raja adalah keturunan dewa dan “wakil Allah” di dunia serta litotes pada tokoh yang memiliki derajat lebih rendah, pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan agama Islam, wewenang raja, penyamaan, dan ungkapan khas hikayat

    Sistem Monitoring dan Logging pada Oxygen Concentrator Berbasis Node-RED dengan Protokol MQTT

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    Covid-19 is a spreading disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a type of coronavirus. Covid-19 first case was reported from Wuhan, China on 31 December 2019. The virus spread rapidly to the other countries all over the world. The virus spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough or sneezing. Oxygen supply in Indonesia is rare because everybody’s panick to buy their own oxygen tank and refill the supply. With PSA technology, Oxygen Concentrator that is going to be made will have an Oxygen Concentration output more than 90%. This sistem is using VPS that has its own public IP that can be accessed by internet. Monitoring and Logging system is made using flow on Node-RED that will monitor data from PLC, Oxygen Concentration and Flow. PLC Data that is read-able by Node-RED LocalHost will be published to broker using MQTT. The othe Node-RED VPS will subscribed to the broker with a specific topic and get that data. Based on the tests that is done, the monitoring and logging system is working, it shows the data on a gauge widget, chart, and level. The data that is sent through broker will be stored in a database. The data will be called by query if the user wanted to see the logger data based on the date. The maximum value of the measured Oxygen Concentration is 96.18%

    Analisis Efisiensi Relatif Perbankan Campuran (Joint Venture Banks) di Indonesia Tahun 2007 -2010 dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea)

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    Banks play an important role in economic development not only in Indonesia, in many industrialized countries, banking is needed for the economic development it is also a financial intermediary. But the banking business also can not be separated from a variety of risks in running its operations. To minimize the risk, the banks need to act rationally in the sense of attention to efficiency issues. If viewed from the general banking performance indicators in Indonesia, Joint Venture Banks is the most inefficient. Therefore in this study will analyze the efficiency of Joint Venture banks in Indonesia with a methods Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), and the sampled put 15 Joint Venture banks in Indonesia in 2007-2010. The variables used were four input variable (Labor Expenses, Fixed Assets, Total Deposits, and General and Administrative Expenses) and four output variables (Total Credit, Cash, Other Operating Income, and Money Instruments). The study results of the 15 joint venture banks in 2007 there were three banks that are inefficient (not yet reached 100%), in 2008 there were six banks that are inefficient, in 2009 and 2010 there were two banks that are not efficient. The cause of inefficiency, especially by the using of input resources that not proportionate
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