91 research outputs found

    Chemoprophylaxis Versus Immunoprophylaxis In Tuberculosis And Leprosy Infection

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    Tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy are mycobacterial diseases that still represent significant public health challenges. Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG), the only available TB and Leprosy vaccine use as Immunoprophylaxis and has already given in infants. However, the evidence of TB and Leprosy infection in Indonesia remain high. In the last 10 years, chemoprophylaxis for both TB and leprosy were extensively done. However the effectiveness between immunoprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis remains unclear

    Hyper-coagulation and The Used of Anticoagulant for Patient with COVID-19

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection has become a global infection with high mortality and morbidity rate. The pathophysiology of COVID-19 has not yet clear but associated with increasing proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines that leads to cytokine storm. Cytokine storm leads to increasing coagulation that defined by increasing D-dimer, Prothrombin Time (PT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). The use of anticoagulant in patient with COVID-19 decrease the mortality rate and become one of the recommended therapy


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    Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies reported in Indonesia, and it takes the fourth position as the most prevalent cancer just after lung carcinoma. Worldwide prevalence of CRC in 2020 is 34.189 cases, contributing to the 8.6% of all cancers reported. The diagnosis of nm is established through advanced examination such as colonoscopy, although other supporting examinations, consisted of occult blood test and histopathology examination are also performed to further evaluate the diagnosis. Pathogenesis of CRC involves the pro-carcinogenic factors (IL-6, IL-1 and TNFα) accompanied by genetic mutation that predominate the anti-carcinogenic factors ; this pathological process underlies the occurrence of CRC.Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the degree of colorectal adenocarcinoma differentiation and infiltration with tissue IL-6 expression.Methods: This study conducted observational analytic method with retrospective study design. The degree of colorectal adenocarcinoma differentiation and infiltration were identified through histopathological examination; the degree of tissue IL-6 expression was measured by the absorption rate of pigment containing anti-IL-6. Correlation test was performed by using Spearman Rank test on SPSS version 25.Results: There was a significant correlation between the degree of adenocarcinoma differentiation with tissue IL-6 expression (p = 0.039; 0.05). Statistical test also showed negative, significant correlation between sex and IL-6 expression, indicating male predominance of IL-6 expression on colorectal adenocarcinoma cases ; this finding is supported with T-test that revealed significant difference of interleukin-6 expression between male and female sex.Discussion: The reported results in this study correspond with the previous studies conducted, except for the correlation between the tumor infiltration and interleukin-6 expression. Tumor infiltration along with its differentiation describe a complex process and influenced by various factors, including hormone, cytokines, and growth factors.Conclusion: Tissue IL-6 expression is correlated with the degree of colorectal adenocarcinoma differentiation, but not with the degree of infiltration


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    Introduction: Candida albicans are normal flora bacteria on the skin and mucous membranesof humans. Candida albicans are said to be one of the causes of vaginal discharge or fluoralbus. Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schlect) and temulawak (Curcumaxanthorrhiza Roxb) are the ingredients of herbal medicines with the potential as anantifungal. Purpose: This study aims to explain the differences in the antifungal effect of the Temukunci (Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schlect) and Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhizaRoxb) extracts and explain how the combination of Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata(Roxb.) Schlect) and Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) extracts has an antifungaleffect on Candida albicans by using the experimental study of post-test control group design. Method: This study uses the Kirby-Baurer method and then measures the inhibitory zone byusing calipers then comparing the inhibition zone of each extract. Results: The research results show no difference in the effectiveness of each extract, and noinhibition zone was found for each extract. Conclusion: This study concludes that the two extracts are not effective against C.albicans

    The Comparison Of Antibacterial Effects On Cinnamomum Burmannii Water Extract With Penicillin Against Staphylococcus Aureus In Vitro

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    Introduction: Along with the development of science, many varieties of microorganisms are resistant to antibiotics. To avoid cases of resistance grew severe, researchers developed alternative medicines as a substitute for antibiotics. One of the ingredients of herbs researched that has antibacterial activity is Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii). Aim: This study aimed to compare antibacterial effects water extract of Cinnamomum burmannii with penicillin against Staphylococcus aureus Methods: This an experimental studies witd non-equivalent control group design. Research using the bacteria S. aureus are divided into two groups, the control group and experimental group. The concentration of Cinnamomum burmannii and penicillin are used that is 80- 150mg/L. Antibacterial test used dilution method and a microplate reader for reading absorbance. This research conducted in the laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya for 2 weeks. Result: Based on visual observations, Cinnamomum burmannii’s MIC is located at concentration 320- 600 mg/L while penicillin’s MIC is located at concentration 160- 300 mg/L. Based on the results of microdilution test, Cinnamomum burmannii’s MIC is located at concentration 160- 300 mg/L while penicillin’s MIC is located at concentration 640- 1200 mg/L. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is giving Cinnamomum burmannii water extract in Staphylococcus aureus has efficacy or inhibitory that is not significantly different with penicillin


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    Hypertension is the most known common cardiovascular disease. Based on the Indonesian Competency Standard of Medical Doctors (StandarKompetensiDokter Indonesia or SKDI), the management of essential hypertension is at 4A or the highest level. Therefore, doctors should be able to establish a complete and independent diagnosis and management. The student passing rate in the cardiovascular system at the undergraduate level of medical education of Faculty of Medicine Widya Mandala Catholic University (FK UKWMS) was around 60-70%. This study is an evaluation to develop learning methods that would improve student learning outcomes. The development of this animation model is aimed to increase the engagement process in Pharmacology learning, especially in the cardiovascular system. 98 active students participated in this study, divided into 74 undergraduate students and 24 clinical internship students. The evaluation was carried out using a pre-test and a post-test related to pharmacological animation video exposure. Using the Wilcoxon different test, there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results, especially in the clinical internship program’s students. This animated model was expected to help students to determine the rational determination of hypertension therapy

    Community Service Program: Training on Rational Supplementation of Midwives for Pregnant Woman and Using Instagram as Education Media

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    Rational drugs use is a must know-knowledge in preventing disability and death due to unnecessary drug use. Giving supplementation during pregnancy aims to reduce infant mortality and disability. Refreshing the rational use of supplementation in pregnancy and sharing knowledge in how to use Instagram as an education and communication media between midwives and pregnant women aims in improving the midwives’ skills as educators and good communicators. The method of this activity was divided into three stages, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In the implementation stage, midwives’ knowledge about supplementation rational and social media use were increasing. the evaluation stage showed that the midwives could use Instagram as education and communication media between midwives and pregnant wome

    Metformin Use in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Tuberculosis Co-infection and the Risk of Lactic Acidosis: A Case Risk-Study

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    Metformin (MET) has possibilities to be utilized as an adjunct of TB therapy in controlling the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). MET enhances the production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and facilitates phagosome-lysosome fusion, those mechanism are important in Mtb elimination. Moreover, MET associated lactic acidosis (MALA) needs to be considered and the incidence of MALA in patients with type 2 DM-TB co-infection remains unknown. This result contributes much to our understanding about the clinical effect of MET use in type 2 DM-TB co-infection. An observational clinical study was done in type 2 DM newly TB co-infection outpatients at Surabaya Paru Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups. First group was MET group, whom was given MET accompanying insulin and TB treatment regimens, the golden standard therapy of DM-TB co-infection. MET therapy was given for at least 2 months. Second group was non MET group, were given insulin and TB treatment regimens. The lactate levels in both group were measured after 2 months. From 42 participants, there was no case of lactic acidosis during this study period. Data was normal distribution, thus we continued analysis the difference using paired t-test with 95% confidence. There was no difference in lactate levels (p=0.396) after MET therapy compared to non MET group. In this study, there is no evidence that MET therapy is induced lactic acidosis event nor increased of lactate blood level. Thus we concluded that MET use in type 2 DM-TB co-infection not induced lactic acidosis


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    Introduction: In the human body, microplastics are considered toxic agents. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) has very high chemical resistance, making it very difficult to be degraded by microorganisms. LDPE plastic would be degraded to a smaller size and could not be completely degraded by microorganisms. Plastic packaging made from LDPE is the most commonly found plastic waste. Microplastics may cause cell injury, especially cells in the liver, the primary organ for detoxification. Microplastic induces reactive oxygen species, which leads to oxidative stress. Prolonged exposure to microplastics leads cells unable to cope with the toxic effects. Furthermore, this process triggers fatty degeneration and necrosis. This study aims to explain the correlation between microplastic oral intake with fatty degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes in animal models. Methods: Forty-two Wistar rats were involved and assigned to one control and five experimental groups. The experimental groups were given microplastic exposure starting from 0.0375 mg/day to 0.6 mg daily for 90 days. Results: Fatty degeneration and necrosis were observed using a light microscope with hematoxylin-eosin staining. There was a significant correlation between microplastic oral intake and hepatocyte necrosis (p<0.05). The higher the exposure dose, the more hepatocyte necrosis. In contrast, there was no correlation between microplastic exposure and fatty degeneration. Ingestion of microplastics leads to hepatocyte necrosis. Conclusion: Oral intake of LDPE microplastics with <20 µm in size for 90 days in Wistar rats leads to hepatocellular injury. Based on histopathological images, hepatocyte necrosis was more prominent than hepatocyte fatty degeneration


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    terhadap kesehatan, antara lain keganasan, autoimun, dan gangguan hormonal. Masih banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami dampak buruk tersebut karena gejala gangguan kesehatan yang ditimbulkan tidak langsung tampak atau terasa, dan umumnya baru disadari beberapa bulan atau tahun kemudian. Hal yang menjadi masalah adalah masyarakat saat ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dari gadget dan berbagai piranti yang menggunakan listrik karena kemajuan teknologi makin canggih. Plastik pun makin banyak digunakan karena sifatnya yang ringan, praktis dan tahan lama. Upaya yang harus dilakukan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang dampak buruk radiasi elektromagnet dan mikroplastik terhadap kesehatan, yaitu dengan meminimalkan pararan radiasielektromagnet dan mikroplasti sekaligus mengupayakan kemampuan tubuh untuk memulihkan diri secara berkesinambungan. Pengetahuan dan kesadaran tentang fenomena gunung es dan empat tahap sakit perlu disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat agar memahami pentingnya upaya preventif dan promotif. Rencana kegiatan berupa sharing knowledge, lomba poster dan lomba memasak sehat kaya antioksidan, serta praktek olahraga qigong agar peserta lebih memahami dan mampu menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Upaya ini sejalan dengan program Kementrian Kesehatan dan Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (Germas) untuk mengatasi dampak buruk radiasi electromagnet dan mikroplastik terhadap kesehatan
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