17,194 research outputs found

    Company Taxation in the European Union

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    This paper investigates different measures of corporate tax burden ranging from the most basic ones such as the statutory tax rate to the effective tax rates. Each of these measures has advantages and disadvantages and they may lead to different rankings of countries. One of the reasons lies the fact that they measure different things. The comparison of the statutory tax rates to the effective ones for the EU-27 during the period of 1998-2009 sometimes reveals very significant differences between these indicators. Taking this into consideration, the paper suggests that corporate tax burden analysis should not be limited to the most basic and readily available measure in the form of the statutory tax rate. Different measures are tailored to answer different research questions. Moreover, the article presents changes of company taxation for the EU-27 within 1998-2009.W artykule dokonano przeglądu miar obciążenia podatkowego przedsiębiorstw. Rozpoczynając od wielkości najprostszych, jak stopa nominalna, a kończąc na miarach efektywnych. Każdy ze wskaźników ma wady i zalety, a jego wykorzystanie może prowadzić do różnego uszeregowania państw ze względu na poziom opodatkowania. Jedną z przyczyn jest fakt, iż wielkości te mierzą inne rzeczy. Porównanie stóp nominalnych i efektywnych w krajach UE-27, w latach 1998-2009, wskazuje na istnienie niekiedy bardzo istotnych różnic pomiędzy analizowanymi wskaźnikami. W związku z tym artykuł sugeruje, iż nie należy ograniczać analiz opodatkowania przedsiębiorstw, do najprostszego i najłatwiej dostępnego wskaźnika w postaci ustawowej stopy podatkowej a rozszerzyć je o miary efektywne. Wielkości te, stanowiące lepszy instrument do porównań międzynarodowych, umożliwiają przeprowadzenie wszechstronnych badań

    The opposites task: Using general rules to test cognitive flexibility in preschoolers

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    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. Executive functions play an important role in cognitive development, and during the preschool years especially, children's performance is limited in tasks that demand flexibility in their behavior. We asked whether preschoolers would exhibit limitations when they are required to apply a general rule in the context of novel stimuli on every trial (the "opposites" task). Two types of inhibitory processing were measured: response interference (resistance to interference from a competing response) and proactive interference (resistance to interference from a previously relevant rule). Group data show 3-year-olds have difficulty inhibiting prepotent tendencies under these conditions, whereas 5-year-olds' accuracy is near ceiling in the task. (Contains 4 footnotes and 1 table.

    The Most Detailed Picture Yet of an Embedded High-mass YSO

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    High-mass star formation is not well understood chiefly because examples are deeply embedded, relatively distant, and crowded with sources of emission. Using VLA and VLBA observations of water and SiO maser emission, we have mapped in detail the structure and proper motion of material 20-500 AU from the closest high-mass YSO, radio source-I in the Orion KL region. We observe streams of material driven in a rotating, wide angle, bipolar wind from the surface of an edge-on accretion disk. The example of source-I provides strong evidence that high-mass star formation proceeds via accretionComment: typo corrected and word added to abstract 6 pages including 4 B&W figures. To appear in the Proceeding of IAU Symposium 221, Star Formation at High Angular Resolution, Editors M. Burton, R. Jayawardhana & T. Bourke, Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    Collateral and Debt Maturity Choice. A Signaling Model

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    This paper derives optimal loan policies under asymmetric information where banks offer loan contracts of long and short duration, backed or unbacked with collateral. The main novelty of the paper is that it analyzes a setting in which high quality firms use collateral as a complementary device along with debt maturity to signal their superiority. The least-cost signaling equilibrium depends on the relative costs of the signaling devices, the difference in firm quality and the proportion of good firms in the market. Model simulations suggest a non-monotonic relationship between firm quality and debt maturity, in which high quality firms have both long-term secured debt and short-term secured or non-secured debt.

    Microstructure of the Local Interstellar Cloud and the Identification of the Hyades Cloud

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    We analyze high-resolution UV spectra of the Mg II h and k lines for 18 members of the Hyades Cluster to study inhomogeneity along these proximate lines of sight. The observations were taken by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three distinct velocity components are observed. All 18 lines of sight show absorption by the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), ten stars show absorption by an additional cloud, which we name the Hyades Cloud, and one star exhibits a third absorption component. The LIC absorption is observed at a lower radial velocity than predicted by the LIC velocity vector derived by Lallement & Bertin (1992) and Lallement et al. (1995), (v(predicted LIC) - v(observed LIC) = 2.9 +/- 0.7 km/s), which may indicate a compression or deceleration at the leading edge of the LIC. We propose an extention of the Hyades Cloud boundary based on previous HST observations of other stars in the general vicinity of the Hyades, as well as ground-based Ca II observations. We present our fits of the interstellar parameters for each absorption component. The availability of 18 similar lines of sight provides an excellent opportunity to study the inhomogeneity of the warm, partially ionized local interstellar medium (LISM). We find that these structures are roughly homogeneous. The measured Mg II column densities do not vary by more than a factor of 2 for angular separations of < 8 degrees, which at the outer edge of the LIC correspond to physical separations of < 0.6 pc.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, AASTEX v.5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by Ap

    On the mechanism for breaks in the cosmic ray spectrum

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    The proof of cosmic ray (CR) origin in supernova remnants (SNR) must hinge on full consistency of the CR acceleration theory with the observations; direct proof is impossible because of the orbit stochasticity of CR particles. Recent observations of a number of galactic SNR strongly support the SNR-CR connection in general and the Fermi mechanism of CR acceleration, in particular. However, many SNR expand into weakly ionized dense gases, and so a significant revision of the mechanism is required to fit the data. We argue that strong ion-neutral collisions in the remnant surrounding lead to the steepening of the energy spectrum of accelerated particles by \emph{exactly one power}. The spectral break is caused by a partial evanescence of Alfven waves that confine particles to the accelerator. The gamma-ray spectrum generated in collisions of the accelerated protons with the ambient gas is also calculated. Using the recent Fermi spacecraft observation of the SNR W44 as an example, we demonstrate that the parent proton spectrum is a classical test particle power law E2\propto E^{-2}, steepening to E3E^{-3} at Ebr7GeVE_{br}\approx7GeV.Comment: APS talk to appear in PoP, 4 figure

    Mathematical Model of Easter Island Society Collapse

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    In this paper we consider a mathematical model for the evolution and collapse of the Easter Island society, starting from the fifth century until the last period of the society collapse (fifteen century). Based on historical reports, the available primary sources consisted almost exclusively on the trees. We describe the inhabitants and the resources as an isolated system and both considered as dynamic variables. A mathematical analysis about why the structure of the Easter Island community collapse is performed. In particular, we analyze the critical values of the fundamental parameters driving the interaction humans-environment and consequently leading to the collapse. The technological parameter, quantifying the exploitation of the resources, is calculated and applied to the case of other extinguished civilization (Cop\'an Maya) confirming, with a sufficiently precise estimation, the consistency of the adopted model.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, final version published on EuroPhysics Letter

    The population of SNe/SNRs in the starburst galaxy Arp 220. A self-consistent analysis of 20 years of VLBI monitoring

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    The nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220 is an excellent laboratory for studies of extreme astrophysical environments. For 20 years, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) has been used to monitor a population of compact sources thought to be supernovae (SNe), supernova remnants (SNRs) and possibly active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Using new and archival VLBI data spanning 20 years, we obtain 23 high-resolution radio images of Arp 220 at wavelengths from 18 cm to 2 cm. From model-fitting to the images we obtain estimates of flux densities and sizes of all detected sources. We detect radio continuum emission from 97 compact sources and present flux densities and sizes for all analysed observation epochs. We find evidence for a LD-relation within Arp 220, with larger sources being less luminous. We find a compact source LF n(L)Lβn(L)\propto L^\beta with β=2.19±0.15\beta=-2.19\pm0.15, similar to SNRs in normal galaxies. Based on simulations we argue that there are many relatively large and weak sources below our detection threshold. The observations can be explained by a mixed population of SNe and SNRs, where the former expand in a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) and the latter interact with the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). Nine sources are likely luminous, type IIn SNe. This number of luminous SNe correspond to few percent of the total number of SNe in Arp 220 which is consistent with a total SN-rate of 4 yr1^{-1} as inferred from the total radio emission given a normal stellar initial mass function (IMF). Based on the fitted luminosity function, we argue that emission from all compact sources, also below our detection threshold, make up at most 20\% of the total radio emission at GHz frequencies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Redline Starburst: Co(2-1) Observations of an Eddington-Limited Galaxy Reveal Star Formation at its Most Extreme

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    We report observations of the CO(2-1) emission of SDSSJ1506+54, a compact (r_e~135pc) starburst galaxy at z=0.6. SDSSJ1506+54 appears to be forming stars close to the limit allowed by stellar radiation pressure feedback models: the measured L_IR/L\u27_CO 1500 is one of the highest measured for any galaxy. With its compact optical morphology but extended low surface brightness envelope, post-starburst spectral features, high infrared luminosity (L_IR\u3e10^12.5 L_Sun), low gas fraction (M_H2/M_stars~15%), and short gas depletion time (tens of Myr), we speculate that this is a feedback- limited central starburst episode at the conclusion of a major merger. Taken as such, SDSSJ1504+54 epitomizes the brief closing stage of a classic model of galaxy growth: we are witnessing a key component of spheroid formation during what we term a \u27redline\u27 starburst