14 research outputs found

    Distribution des ligneux sur le tracé de la grande muraille verte : cas de batha et de wadi-fira Ouest au Tchad

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    Les déficits pluviométriques combinés à l’action anthropique ont entrainé une dégradation des ressources naturelles à partir desquelles les paysans tchadiens tirent leurs moyens de subsistance. Cette étude avait pour objectif de déterminer la composition floristique, la circonférence et la hauteur des peuplements ligneux dans deux sites de la Grande Muraille Verte du Tchad (Batha et Wadi-Fira Ouest). Pour cela, nous avons utilisé la méthode des relevés floristiques et des mesures dendrométriques pour caractériser lavégétation. Cette méthode nous a permis d’inventorier 15 espèces réparties en 11 genres et 6 familles. Les espèces les plus dominantes sont Balanites aegyptiaca (Delile), Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan et Capparis decidua Edgew (Forssk.). La répartition des individus selon la grosseur et la hauteur permettent d’établir la structure du peuplement ligneux. Ainsi, dans le Batha, le peuplement ligneux ainsi que les espèces dominantes (Balanites aegyptiaca, Acacia raddiana et Capparis decidua) est constitué de cinquante-deux virgule seize pour cent (52,16%) d’individus qui ont une circonférence comprise entre 10 et 50 cm. Au niveau de Wadi-Fira Ouest, le peuplement est dominé par des individus de circonférence comprise entre 20 et 60 cm. Le peuplement du Batha renferme des individus qui ont une hauteur comprise entre 1 et 14 m. Quatre-vingt-six virgule soixante-sept pour cent (86,67%) des espèces ont une hauteur inférieure ou égale à 7 m. Tandis que dans le Wadi-Fira Ouest, la hauteur des individus du peuplement varie de 0,9 à 12 m et quatrevingt-dix pour cent (90%) des individus ont une hauteur comprise entre 0,9 et 7 m. La strate ligneuse estdominée par des arbustes en grande partie. L’étude a permis de mettre en évidence que les facteurs d’ordre climatique et anthropique ont un impact sur l’environnement des sites.Mots clés : Ligneux, Circonférence, Hauteur, Batha, Wadi-Fira Ouest, Tcha

    Caractérisation des peuplements ligneux sur le tracé de la Grande Muraille Verte au Tchad

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    La connaissance des caractéristiques du peuplement ligneux du tracé de la Grande Muraille Verte (GMV) du Tchad permet de comprendre leur structure et fonctionnement afin de proposer des stratégies de gestion durable. C’est dans ce cadre que ce travail vise à caractériser la flore et la végétation ligneuses sur le tracé de la GMV du Tchad. La méthodologie utilisée consiste à déterminer la composition floristique et la structure du peuplement ligneux dans les trois sites retenus (Lac, Kanem et Bahr El Ghazal). Les inventaires floristiques ont permis de recenser 18 espèces réparties en 15 genres et 9 familles. La flore ligneuse est dominée par la famille des Mimosaseae. La densité des ligneux (34,67 ind.ha-1) et le recouvrement (1604,30 m².ha-1) sont plus importants au Lac et faible au Bahr El Ghazal (densité de 21,39 ind.ha-1 et recouvrement de 465,66 m².ha-1), quant à la surface terrière, elle est plus élevée au Kanem (3,39 m².ha-1). La distribution par classes de hauteur et de circonférence des ligneux révèle une prédominance des individus de la strate arbustive dans les trois sites. L’étude de la régénération naturelle montre que Acacia raddiana et Balanites aegyptiaca présentent le potentiel de régénération le plus élevé dans les trois sites. Globalement, les résultats obtenus montrent que les espèces les plus adaptées aux conditions écologiques de la GMV au Tchad sont Acacia raddiana et Balanites aegyptiaca et par conséquent, doivent être choisies pour la restauration de ces écosystèmes.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Tchad, GMV, végétation, peuplement, structure, régénérationEnglish Title:  Characterization of the ligneous populatings on the route of the Great Green Wall in ChadEnglish AbstractThe knowledge of ligneous populating characteristics of the route of the Great Green Wall (GGW) of Chad helps to understand their structure and function in order to propose strategies for sustainable management. This study was carried out to characterize the flora and the tree vegetation present on the Chad  Great Green Wall (GGW) line. The methodology consisted in determining the floristic composition and the structure of the tree population in three sites: Lac, Kanem, and Bahr El Ghazal. The floristic inventories have identified 18 species distributed into 15 genera and 9 families. Trees are dominated by the Mimosaseae family. Their density (34.67 individuals ha-1) and their recovery (1604.3 m2 ha-1) are more important at Lac and lower at Bahr El Ghazal with 21.39 individuals ha -1 and 465.66 m2 ha-1, respectively. However, the basal area of the vegetation was more important at Kanem with 3.39 m2 ha-1. The distribution by classes of height and circumference of the trees indicates a predominance of the shrub layer in all the three sites. The study of the natural regeneration reveals that Acacia raddiana and Balanites aegyptiaca present the highest regeneration potential in the three sites. Globally, the results obtained in this study show that the most adapted species to the ecological conditions of the Chad’s GGW are Acacia raddiana and Balanites aegyptiaca. Consequently, these species must be considered during the restoration of the given ecosystems.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Chad, GGW, vegetation, population, structure, regeneratio

    Détermination De La Dose Optimale D'engrais Minéral 15-15-15 Sur Cinq (05) Variétés De Maïs Doux (Zea Mays L. ssp. saccharata) Au Sénégal

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    The objective of this study is to assess the response of five varieties of sweet maize namely, Prime plus (V1), Shy 1036 (V2), Colombus (V3), GSS (V4), and JKMH-45 (V5) to three different doses of NPK (15-15-15) fertilizer: F1 (normal dose), F2 (75% of the normal dose) and F3 (125% of the normal dose). An experimental design in Fisher blocs with 15 treatments was established at the ISRA/CRA experimental station in Saint Louis (Senegal). The results have shown that 30 days after sowing (DAS), the varieties Colombus, GSS and JKMH-45 have had the highest heights with 32.75 cm, 31.85 cm and 31.46 cm, respectively with the F2 dose. The variety JKMH-45 has a greater height of the upper ear (89.39 cm) at 60 DAS and valorizes better the F2 dose (75% of the normal dose). The F3 dose increases less the plant’s height. A non-significant difference was observed among the 5 varieties used regarding the precocity. The variety V2 or Shy 1036 developed ears at first, but is not precocious compared to the variety V1 that not only shows earlier anthesis but also an appearance of darker hairs. The variety JKMH-45, although presenting darker hairs after the variety Prime plus, is the latest variety, earing at 57 DAS and with male and female anthesis appearing at 59 DAS and 63 DAS. This study can constitute a basic criterion in differentiating the sweet maize varieties in Senegal. It would also allow more financial saving on inputs and contribute to the maximization ofproduction if the choice of the variety is well done

    Biological effects of native and exotic plant residues on plant growth, microbial biomass and N availability under controlled conditions

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    The leaf litter of six tropical tree species (Acacia holosericea, Acacia tortilis, Azadirachta indica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Cordyla pinnata and Faidherbia albida) frequently used in agroforestry plantations in Sahelian and Soudano-Sahelian areas were tested for their influence on soil nitrogen content, microbial biomass and plant growth under controlled greenhouse conditions. Half of the soil was planted with onion (Allium cepa L.) seedlings and the other half was not. Two herbaceous species, Andropogon gayanus and Eragrostis tremula, were also studied. Co-inertia analysis (CIA) and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis showed that C. pinnata and F albida leaf powder amendment induced the highest plant growth, whereas leaf powder of E. tremula is associated to higher microbial biomass and NH4+ content. Higher onion seedlings growth is associated with higher concentration of nitrogen and lignin in leaf powders. Conversely, lower plant growth is associated to higher rates of cellulose, hemicellulose and phenols in leaves. Higher rates of cellulose and hemicellulose are associated with higher microbial biomass and NH4+, whereas phenols are associated to lower microbial biomass. The results showed that amendment of A. holoseric a leaf powder (high concentrations of phenol) to the soil resulted in a lower microbial biomass and lower onion seedlings growth. Data showed that the plant residue quality index (PRQI) could be a useful tool to predict the effects of litter materials on root growth in glasshouse conditions. The highest values on soil and plant parameters were recorded with C. pinnata litter. While powdered leaf material increased the accessibility of substrates to microbes, more research with C. pinnata leaf litter (under a wider range of ecological conditions) is needed. It could add deeper on its agronomic impact in the tropics

    Effet des litières de quelques espèces végétales de la Grande Muraille Verte du Ferlo (Sénégal) sur la croissance de l’oignon [Allium cepa (L.)] en conditions semi-contrôlées

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    The objective of this research was to make a comparative study of dose and type of litter of some woody species from the great green wall of the Ferlo on the growth of onion. Litters of Acacia senegal (L.) Wild, Acacia tortilis var. raddiana (Savi) Brenan, Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del, Boscia senegalensis (pers.) Lam. ex Poir. and Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst were crushed and mixed with 1.5 kg of soil in pots at three doses of 1%, 3% and 5%, watered for 10 days before planting of the onion variety yellow Texas Grano. The results showed that the growth parameters of onions vary depending on the quality or the dose of used litter. Thus, litters of S. birrea and A. tortilis stimulated all growth parameters of onions for all applied litter rates. Indeed, for the treatment S. birrea, 1% dose better stimulated root biomass. On the other hand, 3% of A. tortilis dose gave better growth of root biomass and collar diameter. The other parameters of these two litters were better boosted by the high dose (5%). Furthermore, the dose of 1% of B. aegyptiaca, A. senegal and B. senegalensis litters positively stimulates all growth parameters contrary to the strong dose (3%) which tended to inhibit them